251. ¿Qué oración es la correcta: I noticed the mistake o I realized the mistake?
Ambas respuestas son válidas, aunque se refieren a procesos ligeramente diferentes. Si alguien notices algo, se da cuenta de ello porque lo percibe a través de uno o más de sus sentidos:
I noticed the mistake in the accounts as soon as I glanced at the chart.
We couldn’t help noticing the stale smell in their house.
Did you notice her lovely speaking voice – low and gentle?
I’m the one who switches on the heating – my husband just doesn’t notice the cold!
I noticed the weird taste at once and immediately spat the food out.
Have you ever noticed how the atmosphere changes whenever Dennis comes into the office?
El verbo realize se usa, en cambio, para expresar que nos hemos dado cuenta de un hecho o una situación de repente o por fin:
It was only when the check-in clerk asked for my passport that I realized I’d left it at home (no me dí cuenta hasta ese momento).
I realized that someone had been fiddling the books once I’d read the balance sheet (me quedó claro).
Realize también se puede utilizar para explicar los siguientes significados:
■ Conseguir o realizar algo:
“Everyone should realize their full potential” (Barack Obama).
■ Confirmarse una suposición:
Their worst fears were realized when their son’s name was released in connection with the massacre.
■ Generar o vender por una suma de dinero:
The sale of their assets should realize £250,000.