272. ¿Se pueden usar, indistintamente, He exposed the argument very clearly y He explained the argument very clearly?
La respuesta correcta es He explained the argument very clearly.
El verbo expose significa ‘descubrir o revelar algo que estaba oculto’ o ‘introducir a alguien a un tema o área de conocimiento’:
The dry weather exposed the ruins of an ancient church which had been submerged when the reservoir was originally filled with water.
The students at my school were exposed to a wide variety of teaching styles, some more effective than others.
En ocasiones, se usa con una connotación negativa, por ejemplo, con el significado de ‘revelar la dura realidad’ o ‘difundir algo embarazoso o perjudicial’:
The inquiry exposed high levels of corruption within the governing party.
The MP was exposed as a liar and a cheat.
Cuando expose se usa como verbo reflexivo significa ‘exhibir los genitales de forma obscena’:
The man was prosecuted for exposing himself to a group of children in the park.
El sustantivo exposé (pronunciando la -é final, como en francés) describe un informe público sobre algo escandaloso que hasta ahora se había guardado en secreto:
The TV news last night featured a detailed exposé of conditions in our mental hospitals.
El adjetivo exposed significa ‘indefenso’ o ‘desprotegido’, en sentido literal y metafórico:
This part of the coastline is very exposed – the prevailing winds sweep right in.
I felt very exposed in the meeting when I was expected to answer questions about issues outside my remit.