261. ¿Pueden emplearse estas tres frases indistintamente?: I proved the sauce. / I tried the sauce. / I checked the sauce.
La primera opción es incorrecta. Los otras dos sí son adecuadas, pero existen ligeras diferencias de significado:
proved the
tried the
checked the
Cuando se prove algo, se demuestra o confirma su existencia presentando pruebas:
He proved his commitment to the cause by attending all the political rallies.
I was home alone, so I can’t actually prove where I was on Friday.
Galileo proved the planets moved in ellipses.
El verbo try puede usarse en estos contextos:
I tried the sauce. / Try these olives – they’re absolutely scrumptious! (probar catando o comiendo).
I tried to open the door but the lock was jammed (lo intenté).
I’ve always wanted to try my hand at pottery, so I’m looking forward to the course (intentarlo por primera vez para comprobar si se me da bien).
Our sweets are made by tried and tested methods (de alta fiabilidad).
Con check se examina algo para determinar su exactitud, calidad o condición:
You should check the facts before you make accusations of that kind (comprobar los hechos).
I checked the sauce (le eché un vistazo para ver cómo iba).
They singled us out and checked all our luggage when we arrived in Chicago (registraron).