274. ¿Puede decirse She was disgusted when the shop assistant ignored her?
No, esta frase no es correcta. El verbo disgust expresa una emoción extrema, tan intensa que provoca malestar o indignación auténticos, por lo que solo se aplica a hechos, conductas o situaciones realmente aborrecibles, no a los altibajos habituales de la vida cotidiana:
I was absolutely disgusted by what the terrorists did, beheading innocent aid workers.
When I served on the jury, the judge warned us that some of the forensic details might disgust us, but that we had to try to be objective about the evidence.
El verbo español disgustar define un tipo de emoción diferente, que se expresa de la siguiente manera:
I’m not at all happy about having to speak to him about this matter.
I really don’t like having to speak to him about this matter.
It makes me feel awkward having to speak to him about this matter.
(Me disgusta tener que hablarle de este asunto).
They were terribly upset that their grandchildren would be spending Christmas abroad.
They were very disappointed that their grandchildren would be spending Christmas abroad.
They were extremely put out that their grandchildren would be spending Christmas abroad.
(Les disgustó que sus nietos pasaran las Navidades en el extranjero).
También hay que tener cuidado de no asociar el verbo español degustar con el inglés disgust. Degustar se traduce como sigue:
Taste / try / sample our cheese before purchasing it (deguste nuestro queso antes de comprarlo).
Taster menú (menú de degustación).