Chapter 14

Le took a long time, and interview with the skeptic will Eziosorero head of the Thieves Guild had been uncomfortable, but Ezio finished using the skills he had learned from Paola to cut bags with the best of them and steal everything possible to wealthy bourgeois allies Emilio Venice. A few months later, in the company of thieves, as they had withdischarge and an honorary member of the guild, "brought together the two thousand ducati Antonio needed to relaunch its operationstion against Emilio. But all this had a cost. Not all members of the guild managed to elude capture and arrest by the guard Barbarigo. So, despite having savingsra funding, the thieves had decreased in number.

But Emilio Barbarigo erred fruit of his spewence. As an example, publicly exhibited catch thievestwo narrow iron cage placed in various parts of the area he controlled. If it has remained locked in their cells palazzo, or God andNo person had gotten sacarlos from there, but Emily chose to exhibit, deprived of food and water, prodded with sticks by his guards always falling asleep, with the intention of letting them die of hunger in the eyes of the world.

"They will not last even six days without water, let alone without food," said Ugo Ezio.

- What do you think Antonio?

"That's up to you to devise a plan for their rescue. "How much more evidence of my loyalty need this manber? "Ezio thought, before realizing that it enjoyed the confidence of Antonio, as the Prince of Thieves hasBia commissioned a mission as crucial as this. But not availableNIA long.

With caution, and he noted e UgoNo secret comings and goings sentries. Apparently, there was a group of guards who carriedZaban a continuous journey from cage to cage. Although the cages were constantly surrounded by a few onlookers, including spies could have perfectly Barbarigo, Ezio and Ugo decided to risk it. During the night shift, moment in which the public was not so large, they headed to the first cage, which the guard was about to leave to go to the second. As the guard left, and studentsvo out of sight, they got power locks, encouragestwo unconnected by cheers from a handful of spectators, to whomtions given enough care who won as they had come out show, and some of which were followed until the second cage, and even the third. The men and women freetwo, a total of twenty-seven, were already, after two and a half days in harsh conditions, but at least had not Wifesado, and Ezio could well lead them to the wells that were in the middle of virtually all the squares, so that your first and most importantsupporting need-thirst, be fulfilled.

After the mission, which took them from the nightfall hasta the cock crowing, Ugo and his colleagues looked at Ezio released with great respect.

"Rescuing my brothers and sisters has been more than a simple act of charity, Ezio" said Ugo. These ... colleagues representedtaran a vital role in the coming weeks. Y. .. "His tone is volsolemnly watched ... our guild has you an eternal debt of gratitude.

The group had already arrived at the headquarters of the guild. Ezio Antonio embraced, but he was serious.

- How is Rose? Ezio asked.

"Better, but the injury was more serious than we thought and she wants to run before jump-start.

"She is.

"Yeah, like her. "Antonio made a pause. See you.

"I feel flattered.

- Why? You are the hero of the day!

A few days later, Ezio was summoned to the office of Antonio, where he found poring over a model of the PaLazzo Seta. Small wooden dummies have been desfolded back by his surroundings and on the table next to the model, there was a mountain of papers filled with calculations and notestions.

- Ah! Ezio!


"I just returned from a short trip into enemy territory. We managed to release three weapons charges destinadas the small palazzo of our beloved Emily. It occurred to us that we could organize a masquerade visTiendona with uniforms Barbarigo archers.

"Brilliant. That we introduce into the fortress without problem. When do we start?

Antonio raised his hand.

"Not so fast, my dear. There is a problem, and I likewould ask your advice.

"I am honored by it.

"No, just I value your opinion. The fact is that I know for a fact that Emily may have been bribing people to become spies. He paused. We can not attack until you have solved the matter of traitors. Look, I know I can trust you, and your face is not well known in the trade. If repudiationra give some clues to the whereabouts of these traitors, do you think you could take care of them? Ugo could take with you as support, and any task that you needed.

-Messer Antonio, Emilio drop is so important for me as for you. Let us join forces.

Antonio smiled.

- It's the answer I expected from you! "He motioned to Ezio who approached the table of maps that were installed near the window. This is a map of the city. Men who have deserted meet, as I have my faithful spies, in a taBerne's here. Vec II is calledSpecchio chio. That's whereestablish contacts with agents of Emilio, exchange informationtion and receive their orders.

- How many?


- What do you do with them? Antonio looked at him. "Kill them, my friend.

At dawn the next day, Ezio group of men metmen who had personally chosen for the mission. We set out its plan. Clothed in the uniforms of Barbarigo from vessels that Antonio was arrested. Antonio knew that Emilio believed the stolen material was lost at sea, so that his people would not suspect anything. Together with Ugo and four other men, Ezio Specchio Vecchio II entered shortly after nightfall. Barbarigo was a lair, but at that hour hasBia only a few clients, apart from the turncoats and men Barbarigo. Just looked up as the group of uniformed guards entered the tavern, only to be surrounded paid attention to the newcomers. Ugo pulled back the hood,giving the open in the darkness of the tavern. The plottedres tried to get up, surprise and fear reflected in their caras. Ezio dropped a hand firmly on the shoulder closest to him traitor, and then casually and easily, hunCodex gave the knife between the eyes of his victim. Ugo and those ofmore followed suit and ended with his brothers traitors.

During that time, Rosa had continued its impacient recovery. He got up and moved from one place to another, evenIt depended to a cane and leg wound was wrappedta in bandages. Ezio, unintentionally and apologizing all the time mentally and Calfucci Cristina, spend the most TIMEtime as possible in the company of Rosa.

-Salute,Rosa, "he said one morning. How is everything? I see your leg better. Rose shrugged.

"This is lasting an eternity, but getting better. And you? How about our little town?

"It's a great city. But how aguantáis the smell of cations?

"We're used to. We do not like the polvo and the filth of Florence. He paused. What brings you here this time?

Ezio smiled.

"What I think and also what no think. He hesitated a moment. Hoping you could teach me to climb as you do.

She patted his leg.

"In time," he said. But if you hurry, my friend Franco know it almost as good as me. He raised his voice. Franco!

Almost instantly appeared in the doorway a graceful chidark-haired co Ezio, embarrassed, she felt a pang of jealousy big enough to realize Rosa. The girl smiled.

"Do not worry, darling, is so little fond of womenres as San Sebastian. But on the other hand, is tough as old boots. Franco! I want to teach him to Ezio our tricks. He looked out the window. Opposite was a vacant building caMuffle bamboo scaffolding leather strapped. Pointed in that direction. Upload up there to begin with.

Ezio spent the remainder of the morning, three hours, behind Franco and under the shrill voice of Rosa. In the end, was finally able to climb to a dizzying height nearly the same speed and skill than his mentor. He then learns to jump up from a handle to the next, although he doubted that one day doesra achieve the ability to Rosa.

"Eat something light," said Rosa, saving any elogio. We have not yet finished for today.

In the afternoon, during nap time, took him to the street of the great church of the Frari. They watched together the monumental building.

"Get in there," Rosa said. To top. And I want you back here before I count three hundred.

Ezio sweated and struggled, turning the head the effort.

Four hundred and thirty-nine, "said Ezio Rosa when reached at his side. Get back!

At the end of the fifth attempt, exhausted and sweaty, all he wanted was to give a slap Ezio Rosa, but the desire was gone when she smiled and said:

"Two hundred ninety-three. You just get it.

The small crowd that had gathered at the scene applaudedgave his achievement.
