Chapter 17
Ezio! Long! -Leonardo received him as a brotherhand lost.
The Venice workshop had adopted the same look as your taFlorentine Miller, but the object was a prominent real-size version of a bat-like machine whose raison d'être, saEzio Bia well had to be taken seriously. But first things first, and had to deal with Leonardo.
"Listen, Ezio, sent me through a very grateful manUgo possible call another page of the codex, but did not do any tracking. So busy have you been?
"I've been liadísimo" said Ezio, recalling Entonces the page that was found among the personal effects of Emilio Barbarigo.
"Well here it is. -Leonardo sought in the apparent chaos of the room and quickly came up with the perfectly coiled page of Codex, the sealing recovered. In this design does not show any weapon, but by the looks of the symbols and writingture manuscript, which I think is Aramaic or Babylonian, tiene to be an important page in that puzzle laberíntico you are joining. It has seemed to recognize traces of a map. He raised a hand. But do not tell me anything! To me the only thing that interests me are the inventions revealed by these PáPages that I bring. I do not want to know more. A man like me is just immune to the danger as it can be useful, if discoveredbrier know too ... "And, very expressive, with a finger movement, Leonardo pretended to cut his cuement. And there's nothing more to say on my part, "continued" At this point, Ezio, I know enough to know that your views are not merely a social intention. Drink a glass of this horrific Veneto (for me there is nothing like Chianti) and somewhere there must be some fish cakes, if you're hungry.
- Have you finished your assignment?
"The conte is a patient man. Salute!-Leonardo Levantó his glass.
-Leo ... that machine of yours ... Does it work really? -QuestionsEzio tó.
- Do you mean if you fly?
Leonardo scratched his chin.
"Well, it is still preliminary. I mean that is far less about ... but I think, modestly, that ... Yes! Of course it will work. God knows andl I have devoted timeed!It is an idea that I'm not flush!
-Leo ..., "I can try?
Leonardo was surprised.
- Of course not! Are you crazy? It's too dangerous. To begin, we would have to upload it to the top of a tower to throw ...
The next day, before dawn, but just when the firstmere hints of pink-gray beginning to illuminate the horizonhorizon in the east, Leonardo and his assistants, after desthe flying machine mounted to transport, assemble finished higher again in the flat roof of Ca 'Pexaro, the family mansion pattern Leonardo gullible. Ezio was with them. At the foot of the city slept. Not even on the roof of PaDucale Lazzo had guards posted, it was the Time of the Wolf, where vampires and ghosts were deployed with greater splendordor. Only fools and scientists would venture out at that hour.
"It's all about," Leonardo said. And thank God, there is the coast clear. If anyone saw this thing could not believe his eyes ... and also if they found out that it is an invention of mine, issecretariats ended up in this city.
"I'll be fast," said Ezio.
"Try not to break," said Leonardo.
"It's a test flight," said Ezio. I'll go quiet. And now back to explain how this bambino.
- Have you ever noticed how to fly birds?Leonardo asked. It is not lighter than air, it is a matter of elegance and balance. Simply tietions to use the weight of your body to control the elevation and direction, and the wings will carry you alone. "Leonardo was a formerserious pressure. He gave a Ezio squeezing in the arm. Buona fortuna, my friend. You are, I hope, about to make history.
Leonardo aides carefully tied her for Ezioto below the machine. The bat wings stretched above him now. Held him facing forward with a tense slumbertea made from leather straps, freeing her legs and arms. For theLante had a crossbar horizontal timber, attached to the frame mainportantly also wood, which held the wings.
- Remember what I said! To one side to the other control the rudder. Forward and backward control the angle of the wings, anxious Leonardo explained.
"Thanks," said Ezio, breathing deeply.
I knew not to work the invention, in seconds would be taking the last jump of his life.
"Go with God," said Leonardo.
Good-bye, "said Ezio with a confidence that was not really.
Balanced the contraption above it, was installed and began to cobarrier to the edge of the roof.
The first feeling was that they felt the stomach, but then came a wonderful feeling of joy. Venice reeled beneath him while spinning and tumbling, but then the machine began to shake and fall from the sky. It was only by keeping the cold and recalledLeonard ndo instructionsdo about using the joystick, how Ezio got right the ship and guide it back, at the right time, to the roof of the Palazzo Pexaro. He managed to land running around with the bizarre craft, using all his strength and agility to keep it stable.
- For God's sake, has worked! Leonardo shouted, forgettinggiving a caution any time, triggering a machine Ezio and embracing passionately. You're a wonderful guy! You flown!
"Yes, by God I did," said Ezio, almost breathlessly. But I have not gone as far as needed.
His eyes moved to the palace of the Doge and the court which was his goal. And think of the little time I had to stop the killing of Mocenigo.
Then again in Leonardo's workshop, Ezio and the artist ininventor made him a detailed set-up to the machine. Leonardo all the sketches were prepared on a large trestle table.
"Let me look at my shots well. You might find somena thing, a way to prolong the duration of the flight.
I interrupted the hurried arrival of Antonio.
- Ezio! Sorry to bother you but it is important! My spies tell me that Silvio just got the poison has needed and that it has delivered to Grimaldi.
But just then Leonardo shouted in despair:
- No way! I tried itor again and again and not workna! I do not know how prolongedgar flight time.Damn! -Rabiso, threw down all the papers they had on the table. AlUNPACKING flew up the chimney close and reached for the shot when burned. Leonardo stood watching, his face flattenedCandoso, until a smile erased the anger of his face. My God! He cried. Eureka! Of course! I'm a genius!
He took fire as he could the papers had not yet ardido and stomped to douse the flames.
- Never give in to a fit of rage! -Advised. Pueto be terribly counterproductive.
- What has been what has been fixed yours? Asked Anthony.
- Look! "Leonardo said. Do you not see how to ascend the ashes? High heat things up! Many times I've seen eagles flying through the air without even flapping wings, and yet, maintenanceniéndose on top! The principle is very simple! This is soregret applying!
He took a map of Venice and spread it on the table. Is inclin on it with a pencil, said the distance from the PaLazzo Pexaro the Palazzo Ducale and marked with crosses clearly pointssee between the two buildings.
- Antonio! Cried-. Could you make your people prepare bonfires everywhere I checked and that ignited a row?
Antonio studied the map.
"I think we could fix it, but why?
- Do not you see? It is the journey that has to follow the flight of Ezio! The fires swept my flying machine and it until your goal! Heat rises!
- What about the guards? Ezio said.
Antonio looked.
"You'll be flying in that thing. For once, let us guards us. In any case, he added, some of them are busy elsewhere. My spies tell me that just returned from a Far Eastern country called China a strange cargametes white powder inside the small tubes. God knows what it is, but it must be valuable to see how we watch.
-Fireworks, "Leonardo said almost to himself.
- What?
- Nothing!
Antonio's men prepared the fires that Leonardo had requested and were ready in the evening. Also cleared around guards or passers-by who might alert authorities to what was being plotted. Meanwhile, Leonardo's assistants were transported back to the flying machine and Ezio Pexaro roof, armed with his hidden blade and muñequera protective, had settled there. Antonio was with him.
"Better you than me," he said.
"It's the only way to enter the palace. You said it yourself.
"I never dreamed this could happen. I still find it almost impossible to believe. If God had wanted volásemos ...
- Are you ready to signal your men? Asked Leonard.
"Of course.
"Then do it now and launch through the air Ezio.
Antonio went to the edge of the roof and looked down. Then pulled out a red handkerchief and waved it. And then watched as first one, then two, three, four and five co bonfiresBrabant life.
"Excellent, Antonio. Congratulations. -Leonardo turned Ezio. And now, remember what I said. You fly Hoguera at stake. When you pass over them, the heat should stay in the air to reach the Ducal Palace.
And look carefully, "Antonio said. There are archers on purposetwo on the rooftops and shoot as soon as you see. Think you're a demon from hell.
"I would like to find a way to use the sword while flying with this thing.
"You're free foot Leonardo said thoughtfully. If,still sailing close enough archers to prevent their flechas, you could probably kick them out to the rooftops.
"I'll remember.
"Now you have to go. Good luck!
Ezio was launched from the roof into the night sky, heading to the first fire. He was losing altitude as it approached her, but when he was almost over, he noticed that the machine volway to ascend. Leonardo's theory worked! Continued volando. He saw that the thieves who took care of the fires upban cheered the sight and cheering. But the thieves were not the only ones they had seen. Ezio peek into the Barbarigo archers stationed on the roof of the cathedral and the buildings cercanos the Doge's palace. He managed to maneuver the flying machinera and dodge most flexiblechas, but a couple of them imthey agreed on the structure of wood. Swoop also got enough to knock a couple of archers. But as he neared the palace building, the Doge guard began to shoot fire arrows. One of them struck the starboard wing of the machine, which immediately caught fire. Ezio yougirl who continue to maintain the course, but began to lose theture at full speed. He saw a beautiful noble looking upwardsbath and shouting that the devil was coming for her, but soon lost sight of. He released the controls and then started fighting with Ibulbs harness that held him. At the last moment, managed to free himself and jumped forward to land perfectly into cuclillas on the roof of a courtyard, beyond the fence that protected the palace of anything except of APsbirds. When he looked up, saw the flying machine stampedDose from the bell tower of San Marcos and his remains fall into the plaza, causing panic and chaos among those present. The scene distracted even the ducal archers, and took advantage of the circumstances Eziostances to descend quickly and hide. And in its descent to the Doge Mocenigo was looking out a window on the second floor.
-Ma che cazzo?"Said the Doge. What was that?
Carlo Grimaldi appeared afterwards.
"Probably some young people with fireworks. Come terminalnad your wine.
At this, Ezio ran through roofs and walls and prohealing remain outside the field of view of the archers, stood right next to the open window. Observed inside and saw the Doge rushing a drink. He jumped onto the sill and entered the room, shouting:
- Stop, Altezza!.Do not drink ...!
The Doge was amazed at him and Ezio realized that he had come too late. Grimaldi smiled weakly.
- I do not think you got so damn punctual as usual, Young Murderer! Messer Mocenigo abandoned usnara shortly. The collapse has drunk poison to a bull.
Mocenigo angrily turned against him.
- What? What have you done?
Grimaldi made a gesture of repentance.
"You should have listened.
The Doge staggered and would have fallen had not co EzioDerrida on hold to accompany him to a chair, which flopped.
"I feel tired ... "Said the Doge. All is dark ...
"I'm sorry, Altezza Ezio said helplessly.
"It was time to taste the failure snapped Grimaldi Ezio, before opening the bedroom door and shout: "Guards! Guards! The Duke has been poisoned! I have the murderer!
Ezio ran across the room and Grimaldi grabbed by the neck, forcing him to come back, closing the door shut and locked the door. Seconds later he heard the guards running and club. He turned to Grimaldi.
"So failure, eh? So better do something to resolve it. He opened his hidden blade.
Grimaldi smiled.
"Kill me if you want," he said. But never defeat the Templars.
Ezio plunged the dagger into the heart of Grimaldi.
"Peace be with you," he said coldly.
"Well," said a faint voice behind him. Ezio turned and saw the Doge, even when white as death, was still alive.
"I'll get help ..., a doctor said.
"No ... it is too late. But I will die happier seeing my murderer has preceded me in the dark. Thanks. "Mocenigo was trying to breathe. Had long suspected he was a Templar, but I was too weak, too trusting ... Watch your bag. Grab the documents you have there. I am sure thatagainst something between them that will be useful to your cause, and avenge my death.
Mocenigo spoke smiling. But Ezio saw the smile withwas frozen on his lips, his eyes became glassy and his caBeza fell to one side. Ezio put his hand to his neck of the Doge to make sure he was dead, that there was no pulse. Ezio closed his eyes to the deceased, whispered a few words of blessing and quickly grabbed it and opened the bag of Grimaldi. And among a smallDo not fold documents, found a new page of the Codex.
The guards were beating the door, which was beginning to subside. Ezio ran to the window and looked down. The patio was packed with guards. Should even try for the roof. Sarolled out the window and began to climb the wall while the arrows whistled brushing his head slammed into the masonry on both sides of his body. When he reached the roof had to be facedmented by more archers, but caught off guard and took the element of surprise for shipping. But then ran into another difficulty. The fence that had come before him had prevented ahora trapped inside! The scale and quickly realized that was made just so that nobody could enter: the spikes were curved outwards and downwards. If he could climb to the top, could skip. And heard the footsteps of the guardsdays up in droves the stairs to the roof. Gathering all the forces that gave him his desperation, he took a running start and climbed to the top of the fence. And the next moment he was safely across, with the officers trapped inside. They were too armed to climb the fence with ease and Ezio also knew that in no case could surpass him in AgiliDad. He ran to the end of the roof, looked down, has jumpedence the scaffold mounted on the wall of the cathedral and he slid to the floor. Speeding crossed the Piazza San Marco and disappeared into the crowd.