Chapter 21
Ezio could not believe it was already summer solstice day of the year of Christ 1487. Twenty-eight was her birthday. He was alone in the Bridge of Fists, leaning over the balustrade andtuning sadly the canal water unhealthy. Saw pasar a rat swimming, pushing a hole opened in the negro brick bank a load of cabbage leaves had just swipe the barge's greengrocer.
- You're here, Ezio! "Said a lively voice, and smelled the aroma toRosa mizcleño even before turned to greet her-. Howto time! Almost starting to think I avoided!
"I've been ... busy.
"Of course. What would Venice be without you?
Ezio shook his head from side to side in sadness, while Rosa was leaning comfortably on the railing beside him.
- Why are you so seriousor beautiful?She asked.
Ezio looked at him blankly and shrugged.
-Felicítame for my birthday.
- Is it your birthday? "Are you serious? Wow! Rallegramenti! It's wonderful!
-I not say much, "said Ezio, sighing-. Ten years ago I witnessed the death of my father and my brothers. And I spent ten years pursuing the perpetrators, the men on the list of my father and those who have been adding to it since his death. And I know I'm near the end ... but I'm not at all close to understanding for what has actually been all that.
"Ezio, you have devoted your life to a good cause. Te has bein a way a lonely person, isolated, but in a sense has been your vocation. And although the instrument you used to promove your cause is death, have never been unfair. Venice is a much better place now than ever, thanks to you. So cheer up. Anyway, and since it's your birthday, I bring a gift. By chance has come at the right time! "And he gave a newspaper official-looking navigation.
"Thank you, Rosa. Not exactly what I thought you could give me for a birthday. What is it?
"Just something that happens ... I have collected. Shipping manifest is the Arsenal. It appears the date on your black hat sailed to Cyprus last year ...
- Really? -Ezio reached out to pick up the book peror Rosa joked to give no-. Give it to me, Rosa. This is not a joke.
"Everything has its price ... She whispered.
"If you say so ...
He hugged her for a long time. She was cast him and Ezio quickly became the book.
- Hey! This is not fair! She said laughing. Well, it does not matter, but to save you the suspense I will tell you this gallery of yours is scheduled to return to Venice ... Tomorrow!
"I wonder what will carry on board.
- And you do not believe that someone who is not exactly a million miles away eventually find out? Ezio smiled.
- Let's go first to celebrate!
But at that momentor a familiar figure appeared.
- Leonardo! Ezio said, extremely surprised. I believe in Milan!
"I just got back," said Leonardo. They told me where incontrarte. Hello, Rosa. Sorry Ezio, but we must discuss.
- Now? "At this very moment?
Rosa laughed.
- Go, boys, merryI will reserve!
Leonardo took with him a reluctant Ezio.
"Better than what you have to tell me is good-murMuró Ezio.
"Oh, it is, it is reassuring," said Leonardo.
Ezio guided through the narrow alleys until they came to his shop. Leonardo began to spin around the room, took a bottle of mulled wine, some stale pastries and lots of documentationcough that dropped on the large trestle table that occupied the central part of his study.
"As I promised, I give the pages of your Codice in Monteriggioni, but I could not resist the temptation to examineNarla before some more. I copied here my findings. I do not know why he had not established before the connection, but when joined, I realized that the marks, symbols and alphabets anTiguan can decoded. And I think we've struck gold ... Because all these pages are contiguous! He made a pausa-. This wine is hot! The truth is that I usuallydo at St. Columba and the Gonet seems to piss me of mosquitoescompared to.
"Go forward," said Ezio.
"Listen to this. -Leonardo took a pair of glasses and cocrazy over his nose. He flipped through the papers and read-: "The Prophet ... appear ... when the Second Fragment Flo comes to townimportant ...».
Ezio held her breath to hear those words.
-Prophet? Repeated-. "Only the Prophet can open ...». "Two Fragments of Eden ...».
-Ezio-Leonardo looked perplexed, removing the gafas-. What happens? Have you heard of something this?
Ezio stared. It seemed like he had just taken a decision.
"We've known for some time, Leonardo. If I can not trust you, I can not trust anyone ...Listen! My uncle MaRio talked about it long ago. Has cracked and the other PáCodex pages, as did also my father, Giovanni. Escona prophecy, uttered on an ancient secret vault that contains something ... something very powerful!
- Really? It's amazing! "But then you came to mind something-. Look, Ezio, if we have learned all this from the Codex, how much should know about the
Barbarigo and all the others against whom we have met? Maybe you also know the existence of the vault that you dices. And if so, is not good news.
- Wait!Ezio said, your brain running at full speedDad. And if that's why they sent the galley to Cyprus? Why incounterrevolutionary this "Piece of Eden" and then bring it to Venice?
- "When the Second Fragment float reaches the City...». you Naturally!
- Now I remember! "The Prophet appears ...». "... Only the Prophet can open the vault !»... My God, Leo, when my uncle told me about the Codex, I was too young, too foolish to imagine that this was something more than the fantasy of ancyan. But now I see it! The killing of Giovanni Mocenigo, the murder of my family, the attempt on the life of The Dukerenzo and the terrible death of his brother ... It was part of its ... plan, find the vault ... The first name of my List] The Unitedco to which I have yet to throw a hand on ... The Spanish!
Leonardo took a deep breath. He knew who he was referring Ezio.
"Rodrigo Borgia," he said in a whisper.
- Exactly! -Ezio paused. The galley comes mañana from Cyprus. I plan to be there to greet her.
Leonardo embraced him.
"Good luck, dear friend," he said.
The next day, Ezio, weapons and banditry Codexra charged with throwing knives, was under the shadow of a colonnade near the docks, watching closely how a group of men dressed in uniform simplemonth to avoid attracting attention but quietly displaying the coat of arms of Cardinal Rodrigo Borgia, was unloading a crate of small size and normal appearance of a black hat herebaba arriving from Cyprus. Handled the glove boxsilk tees, and one of them, protected by guards, took upon his shoulders and prepared to leave with her. Ezio but then realized that there were more guards charged with similar cases, five in total. "It would contain each of those csome kind of pre AJASappliance prices, the second part, or would simply lures? And all the guards looked the same, at least from the distance from which Ezio was required to observe the scene.
Just when Ezio was leaving it exposed toattain them noticed the presence of another man who also watched what was happening from a vantage point similar to yours. Suppressed an involuntary cry to recognize the man as his uncle, Mario Auditore, but there was no time to call and say helloI, for one of the soldiers who bore the Borgia had begun to move cases followed by his bodyguards. Ezio followed at all times keeping a safe distance. But one question constantly spinning in his head: would it really his uncle, the man he had seen? And if so, how had he arrived in Venice and why precisely at that moment?
But had to shelve that idea as he followed Borgia guards to fully concentrate on not losing sight of the man who carried the first box, if it was that whatever it contained something out. "One of the" Fragments of Eden '?
The guards came to a square that left five streets. Each of the guards loaded with boxes, along with his bodyguard, took a different direction. Ezio climbed the wall of a building from the roof to follow the path of individual guardays. Following them closely, saw that one of them left his escort to enter the courtyard of a solid brick building asrespect, deposited his box down and opened it. Quickly joined by a sergeant Borgia. Ezio leaned over the roof to hear what they said.
"The Master is waiting," said the sergeant. Back to package it with care. Right now!
Ezio saw an object passing the guard carefullystraw returned in original box with another box of teak that had just brought a servant. Ezio thought quickly. Master! As sabia, when the acolytes Templars po mentioned that title onlydian refer to a man, Rodrigo Borgia! It was evident that emwell the device package because they wanted to multiply the security measures. Ezio guard knew and what was his goal.
Fell back to street level and cornered the soldier who carried the teakwood box. The sergeant had returned with the cardinal's guard, who waited in the courtyard. In one mynute, Ezio cut his throat, the soldier pulled the body of the street and put on the outside of his uniform coat and cap.
I was about to load the box on his shoulder when he saw hisoutweighed by the temptation to take a quick look inside and opened the lid. But just at that moment, the sergeant came back into the patio door.
- Wise up!
- Yes, sir! Ezio said.
-Increasing pace. This is probably the most important thingyou are going to do in your fucking life. Do you understand?
"Yes, sir.
Ezio took his place in the center of the guard and the gang launched.
Undertook the journey to the north of the city from the Molo to the Campo dei Santi Giovanni e Paolo, where the newlyyou gigantic statue of condottiero Colleone, work Messer Verrocchio, overlooking the square. Following the Fondamenta dei Mendicanti northbound arriveswere at last to a house of aspectsto bland located on a terrace above the channel. The sergeant called with the handle of the sword at the door, which opened inmediate. The group of guards ushered Ezio first and what followed. The door closed behind them, secured with heavy bolts.
They were in a lodge with walls decorated with ivory, where sat a hook-nosed man of fifty-somethings, dressed in dusty robes of velvet arrearsdo. The men greeted him. Ezio followed suit trying not to eye contact with those icy cobalt eyes he knew so well. The Spanish!
Rodrigo Borgia went to the sergeant:
- Are you really here? Do not you have followed?
"No, Altezza. Everything went perfectly ...
- Continued!
The sergeant coughed to clear his throat a bit.
"We are your orders exactly as we arespecifiable. The mission in Cyprus was more difficult than you thinkwe were. There ... complications from the beginning. Some followedres of the Cause ... had to be abandoned to complete the task successfully. But we are back with the engine. And here we have transported with due care as His AlTezza instructed. And as agreed, Altezza, now expect to be handsomely rewarded.
Ezio knew he could not allow teak box and its contentnest fell into the hands of the cardinal. He took the opportunity at that time, when the unpleasant but necessary issue of payment for services rendered surfaced and As usual, the supplier was forced to whip up the client to obtain the money owed by the special work he had done. Corno is often the case with the rich, the Cardinal could be tremendously tapipe when releasing their money. Triggering the poison that had been hidden blade on his right forearm and double-edged dagger left, Ezio stabbed the sergeant, a single stab wound to the cuement for the lethal poison got into his blood. Ezio quickly becamemately to the five guards escort her double-edged dagger in one hand and the poison sheet in his right wrist, givedo turns on itself like a dervish, using motioncough to implement rapid and aseptic manslaughter. Des momentslater, all the guards lay dead at his feet.
Rodrigo Borgia stared and breathed deeply.
-Ezio Auditore. Well, well. Long ago. The Cardinal seemed unfazed.
"Cardinale. -Ezio it bowed ironically.
-Give it to me, "Rodrigo said, pointing to the box.
-ContADME first where it is.
- Where is who?
- Your Prophet! -Ezio looked around-. I get the impression that no one has come. He paused. Continued more serious now-: How many people died for this? For what's in this box? And now look! It turns out that there are no anyone!
Rodrigo chuckled. A sound that resembled a tracheostomyteo bones.
"You say not a believer," he said. But here you are. Do you not see the Prophet? Is here! The Prophet's me!
Ezio his gray eyes opened wide. The man was a maniac! But what madness was it curious that seemed momentousder the cursor rational, natural life? But unfortunately, the reEzio bends left him unprepared for a moment. The Spanish pulled from his robes a Schiavone, a light but lethal sword aspect to a cat's head as a EmpuNadur, and jumped out of the lodge, pointing to the throat fine swordEzio ta.
"Deliver the Fruit of Eden" he growled.
- Is that what's in the box? Any apple? It must be a very special apple Ezio said, while echoing in his head the voice of his uncle: "A Piece of Eden" -. Come and chemicalTamela!
Rodrigo Ezio attacked with his sword, tear youtance and blood causing the first pass.
- Are you alone, Ezio? Where are now your friends Murderers?
- I need your help to take care of you!
Ezio used their daggers to attack and forearm protectionzo left to dodge the blows of Rodrigo. But despite that failed to hit upon any sharp blow with the dagger, poison, his double-edged dagger crossed the velvet robes of the cardinal, who immediately spotted with blood.
"Piece of shit," shouted Rodrigo, a victim of pain. I see that I need help to stop you! Guards! Guards!
Suddenly burst into the courtyard where they were Ezio and Cardinal, a dozen men overboard Borgia coat of armsdo on his uniform. Ezio knew that in the hilt of the dagger-wielding right hand was a tiny amount of your cruisemessy poison. He jumped back, the best way to defendDerse against Rodrigo reinforcements, and at that time one of the guards crouched newcomers to take over the teak box and give it to his Master.
- Thanks, c uomooraggioso!
Ezio was being seriously over, but fighting continueddo with a coolness born of their strategic desire to re irrefutablecuperar the box and its contents. Codex holstered weapons, grabbed the strap of throwing knives and threw one of them with deadly accuracy, finishing first with Coraggio uomo and then, with a second knife, snatched the cash from the hands of garRodrigo fio.
Spanish is bent to pick it up again and iniCIAR retirementbut then gives- Choof! - another knife cut the air and bouncedlabor a stone column inches from the face of carDenal. But there was Ezio who had been released.
Ezio whirled around and found a figure knownda, jovial, bearded. Aged, perhaps, and more grizzled, and more robustta, but no less skillful.
- Uncle Mario! Exclaimed-. He knew that he had seen anTES was you!
"I can not let you be the one having fun," Mario said. And do not worry NIPOte. You are not alone!
However, a guard just lunge Borgia Ezio with his halberd. And before he could strike a blow whichEzio bria sent on their way to an eternal night, it appeared as if by magic, an arrow buried itself in the face of the attacker. He dropped the gun and fell forward, a look of increduity recorded in his face. Ezio turned back and saw a. .. La Volpe!
- What are you doing here, Fox?
"We've learned that you needed a little backeddo, "said Fox, rearming quickly began to see more guards out of the building.
However, at the same time, it appeared more reinforcementZos on the side of Ezio: Antonio and Bartolomeo.
- Do not let Borgia escape with the box! An bellowedtonio.
Bartholomew used his enormous sword, Bianca, like a scythe through a row of guards when they tried to overcome simply by number. And little to little the tide of the baHeight was turned in favor of Murderers and their allies.
- With these we are, nIpota!Shouted Mario-. Watch your Spanish!
As he turned, saw Ezio Rodrigo was heading toward a gate,tuated in the back of the lodge and hurried to intercept him, but the cardinal, sword in hand, confronted him.
"It's a losing battle, boy," roared-. You can not stop what is written! My hand will die just like your father and your brotherhands ... for death is the fate that awaits all those who seek to challenge the Templars.
But Rodrigo's voice lacked conviction and, looking around, Ezio found that the last guard had fallen. Rodrigo blocked the withdrawal of the doorway, raised his sword and prepared to attack.
- This is for my father! He exclaimed.
But Cardinal Ezio dodged and thereby lost equipmentance, but dropped his precious box to run out the door to save his skin.
"Make no mistake," said balefully on exit-. I'll live to fight again! And then I'll make sure your deathwill be as painful as slow.
And disappeared.
Ezio, breathless, trying to regain the rhythm of breath and his feet when he saw before him a woman's hand would help him. He looked up and discovered the identity of its owner: Paola!
"He's gone," she said with a smile-. But no matter. TeNemos what we came for.
- No! Have you heard what you said? I have to go for it and herebar with all this!
"Relax," said another woman approaching.
It was Theodora. Ezio looked around and saw it was aroundallies do: Mario, Fox, Antonio, Bartolomeo, Paola and Teodora. And there was someone else. A young man with light skin and dark hair with a thoughtful look and smile at a time.
- What are you doing all here? Ezio asked, sensing the tension of the environment.
"Maybe like you, Ezio," said the young stranger-. Wait until the Prophet.
Ezio was confused and angry.
- No! I came here to kill the Spanish! Your Prophet gives me exactly the same ... if it exists. And what is clear is that is not here.
- No? The young man paused and stared at Ezio-. The Prophet are you.
"I was foretold the coming of a prophet. And do not get along withsotres imagined long before the truth. You were always the Prophet who were looking for.
I do not understand anything. So who are you, anyway?
The young man gave a bow.
"My name is Niccolo Machiavelli. I am a member of the Order of the Murderers, trained according to the old ways to savesave the future of humanity. Like you, like all men and women here.
Ezio had been stunned and began to look at the faces of those gathered, one after another.
- Is it true, Uncle Mario? "He said finally.
"Yes, son," said Mario, taking a step forward-. We've all been guiding for years, teaching the skills needed to join our ranks.
Ezio had a lot of questions bubbling in his head. I did not know where to start.
"I must ask my family," said Mario-. For my mother, my sister ...
Mario smiled.
"You have every right to do so. Are safe and sound. And I do not live in the convent but to me, in Monteriggioni. Mary will always affected by the sadness of his loss, but it is much consolation now that he has devoted himself to charity work with the abbess. And as Claudia, the abbess was Auditorsta, before that he should make it, that the nun's life is not ideal for someone with his temperament, and there are other ways that can serve the Lord. He was released from his vocough. She married Captain and soon, Ezio, and present you with the arrivalgada a nephew or niece.
"A great news, man. I never liked the idea that Claudia spend the rest of his life locked in a convent. But I have more questions to ask you.
"Soon there will be time for questions," said Machiavelli.
"But there is still much to do before we can again see our loved ones and celebrate," said Mario-. And you may never get to do it. We have to Rodrigo to ignore this box, but will not rest until the newvo in his power, so we must protect it with life.
Ezio watched the circle of Murderers and for the first time realized that they all had a mark on the base of his left ring finger. But it was clear that there was time forBottlenose more questions. Mario told his colleagues:
"I think it's time ...
Very serious, they moved all head affirmatively nodded and Antonio pulled out a map, unfolded it and showed Ezio had scored a point in it.
"We meet here at dawn," he said, his tone solemnimperative mind.
"Come," said Mario others.
Machiavelli was in charge of the box and his beautiful and mysterious contents, and Murderers went quietly up the street andrum, leaving only Ezio.
Venice was mysteriously changes that evening and the large open square in front of the basilica was silent and deserted except for the pigeons, their eternal dwellers. Howdo Ezio began to climb the bell tower rose to thecanzo a dizzying height above his head but did not hesitate at any time. I knew the meeting that had been withvocado would provide answers to several questions, and even in the depths of his heart suspected that some respondents would find it daunting, I also knew that he could notdays turn away.
As they neared the top began to hear the murmur dand voices. Finally reached the mamposterity to the top of the tower and into the space that housed the bells. The seven murderedus, their heads covered with hoods, occupied the perimeter of the circular space in the center of a small brazier burning.
Paola took him by the hand and led him toward the center while Mario began to murmur a chant:
-Laa shay'a waqi'un moutlaq koulon moumkine bale ... These are the words of our ancestors, which occupies the heart of the Creed ...
Machiavelli took a step forward and looked into the eyes Ezio.
"While the other men follow blindly seeDad, remember ...
Y Ezio chose the rest of the words as if they knew of a lifetime:
-... that nothing is true.
"While other men are limited by the morality or the law, "continued Machiavelli- remember ...
-... everything is permitted. Machiavelli said:
"We work in the dark, to serve the light. We Roastsinuses.
Y then joined the other, chanting in unison:
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted. Nothing is true, everything is permitted. Nothing is true, everything is permitted ...
When finished, Mario took the left hand of Ezio.
"Now is the time," he said-. In this modern age, we are not as literal as our ancestors. We do not require the sacrifice of a finger. But we set a permanent sealte. She took air-. Are you ready to join us?
Ezio, as if in a dream, but knowing somena so I had to do and what would then put out his hand without hesitation.
"I am," he said.
Antonio went to the stove and took from it an iron labeling ending in two small semicircles could join by pressing a lever attached to the handle. He took the hand of Ezio and isolated finger.
"It hurts a bit, brother," said-. Like so many things.
Labeling placed the iron above the finger and imprisoned him with red hot metal semicircles. The meat was singed and smelled something burning, but gave no Ezio not jump. Antonio quickly withdrew iron labeling and set aside. The Murderers took off the hood and gathered around him. Uncle Mario proudly gave a pat on the back. Theodora took a peflute glass vial containing a clear, thick liquid applied gently on the ring that would forever imprisoner's finger Ezio.
"This will calm you," said-. We are proud of you.
Machiavelli then stood beside her and nodded hismind your head.
"Benvenuto, Ezio. Now you are one of us. Onlyda terminate your initiation ceremony, and then ... intonka, my friend, have an important job to do!
After saying this, he looked over the edge of the tower cambelfry. Much lower, about campanile, several bales of hay had separated them for a short distance, forage for the horses of the Ducal Palace. A Ezio it seemed impossible that from this height possible hit upon enough to land at any of those tiny white, but was preprecisely this that made Machiavelli, his cape flying in the air. His companions followed his example and Ezio watched with a mixture of horror and wonder how we all were on a landingperfect and met je down, looking up at him with what he hoped it was an expression of courage in their faces.
Accustomed as I was jumping up on the roof had never been faced with a leap of faith from a height like that. The bales of hay seemed the size of slices of polenta, but knew there was no other way to get back to the soil that was not that, and that the more we lengthen, it is more complicatedestuary. He breathed deeply two or three times and launched into the night with the braZos high, initiating a perfect swan dive.
He gave the impression that the fall lasted for horas. The wind whistled in his ears, bristling, waving their clothes and hair. Then, the hay bales out to meet him. In the lastmo moment, closed my eyes ...
... And landed on the hay! It was no air in the body, but when, trembling, stood up, he discovered that was not broken anything and that, in fact, he felt elated.
Mario ran towards him, accompanied by Theodora.
"I think he'll make it, right? Mario asked Theodora.
At midnight, Mario, Machiavelli and Ezio were sitting around the trestle table in the workshop of Leonardo. Ahead of them had the peculiar artifact that valued both Rodrigo Borgia, and we all watched with curiosity and respect.
"It's fascinating," said Leonardo-. Absolutely fascinatingnant.
- What is Leonardo?Ezio asked-. What do you do?
Leonardo said:
"Well, I'm confused. Contains dark secrets, and its design is unlike anything I'd say, that I have ever seen on earth ... What is clear is that never in my life seen such a sophisticated design ... And just could not explain why the earth revolves around the sun, I can not explain this.
- Did I hear correctly that that the earth revolves around the sun? Mario asked, looking surprised to Leonardo.
But Leonardo continued to examine the machine, giving LapTAS carefully in his hands, and in doing so, began to glow, a ghostly light, interior, generated by it.
"It's made of materials that in fact, logically, notBeriah exist, "continued Leonard, startled. And yet, it is clear that a device is very old.
"It is clear that in the pages of the Codex refers to him," said Mario-. I admit from the description therein. The Codex calls it "a Piece of Eden."
And Rodrigo called it "the fruit of Eden, '" said Ezio.
Leonardo looked into his eyes.
- Apple Tree of Knowledge? "Lapple that Eve gave Adam?
Everyone turned to look again at the object. Had empezado to shine more brightly, and a hypnotic effect. For reasons I could not understand, Ezio felt a desire tocarlo growing. It did not seem to give off heat, but that fascination entailed an inherent feeling of danger, as if to touch it were to pass through flashes of light. No senaunt to the other, had the impression that the world around him had suddenly turned dark and cold and there was nothing apart from him and that ... thing.
He saw his hand move, as if they were not part of his bodypo, as though he could not control it, to settle finally and firmly on the softer side of that engine.
His first reaction was surprise. The Fruit of Eden looked like metal, but the contact was warm and soft, like the skin of a woman, as if vivo! But there was more time for reflection, that the hand was removed and the next instant the radiancedor inside the contraption, which had been increasing on a regular basis to suddenly burst into a blinding warmlight and color copying, within which different managed chaos EzioGuir certain ways. Looked away for a moment object to pay attention to their peers. Mario and Machiavelli had his back, his eyes closed, holding his head in his hands because of fear or pain. Leonardo isba transposed, eyes wide, mouth agape and overwhelmed. Ezio looked back and saw the object began to fu formspressing. Appeared a large garden, full of monstrous creatures, there was a dark city in flames, clouds huge mushroom-shaped and bigger than cathedrals and palaces, a marching army, but an army that had nothing to do with anyone who had Ezio seen or could imagine, people starving to uniStriped reports led to brick buildings by men with whips and dogs, high chimneys spewing smoke narrowTthe spiraling and planets, men with grotesque weaponhard going around in the darkness of space ... and there has alsoBia other Ezio, another Leonardo, another Mario and another Machiavelli, and more and more like them, the reply of time, turning impossiblepetent and continuously in space, toys, a powerful wind, which, in fact, seemed to roar with power in the room where they were.
- Make it stop! Someone shouted.
Ezio squeezed customers and without knowing exactly why, subjectsTando right wrist with his left hand, right hand forced her to get back in touch with the thing.
And everything stopped instantly. The room looks and regained its normal proportions. Everyone stared. Nobody had a hair out of place. Leonardo glasses still on his nose. The Fruit of Eden still on the table, motionless, a single small object to which few would have given more than a glance.
Leonardo was the first to speak.
"This never should fall into the wrong hands, "said-. Crazy again weaker minds ...
"I agree," said Machiavelli-. I I could hardly stand it, I could not believe his power.
With care, after putting on gloves, picked up the Fruit of Eden and put it back in the box, closing the lid sealing.
- Do you think the Spanish know what this thing? Think you can control it?
"Never should fall into their hands, "Machiavelli with a tight voice. He handed the box to Ezio-. You take care of it and protect it with all the skills you have taught.
Ezio carefully took the box and nodded.
"Take her to Forli," said Mario-. The citadel is walledda, protected by cannons, and is held by one of our mainCipal allies.
- In whose hands? Ezio asked.
"Her name is Caterina Sforza.
Ezio smiled.
"Now I remember ..., an old acquaintance, and I'll be glad to return to see.
"Then, start preparing for your departure.
"I accompany said Machiavelli.
"I'll be happy," smiled Ezio. He turned to Leonard-. And you? mio amico?
- Me? When you finish the job that keeps me here, go backré Milan. The Duke is well behaved with me.
"You must also go to Monteriggioni, when you return to Florence and have time," said Mario.
Ezio looked her best friend.
"Goodbye, Leonardo. I hope our paths cross again someday.
"I'm sure it will," Leonardo said. And if I neNeed some, Agniolo, still in Florence, where you'll always knowlimestone.
Ezio hugged him.
"So long.
"A parting gift," Leonardo said, handing him a bag. Bullets and gunpowder to your little gun and a good vial of poison for that dagger so useful that you have. I hope that does not needsites, but it is important for me to know you better protected as possible.
Ezio looked excited.
"Thanks ... thanks for everything, my old friend.