Chapter 16

Emilio got Barbarigo may not get to her appointment at the Campo San Stefano, but did not think Ezio missed. At the dawn of that bright morning in late 1485, was planted in the alreadyelapsed square. The battle for supremacy on the Templars istobacco to be hard and long. Ezio began to believe that, as had happened to his father and uncle, that would turnis also at work in his life.

With her head covered with the hood, mixed with multitude and soon found the figure of Carlo Grimaldi approachDose in the company of another man, austere, whose bushy beard and brown hair malcasaban with pale skin and blue, and he was dressed in red robes of an inquisitor of the state. Ezio immediately identified him as Silvio Barbarigo cousin Emiuncle, whom everyone knew as "IlRosso. " It seemed nottar very high spirits.

- Where is Emilio? He asked impatiently.

Grimaldi shrugged.

"I told them I was here.

- Did you tell yourself? What else?

"Yes," reluctantly Grimaldi-. Myself! In person! I am concerned that trust me.

"And me too," muttered Silvio. Grimaldi gritted teethTES to hear that, but simply followed Silvio looking AROUNDdor, abstracted-. Maybe it comes to others. Walk a while.

They began their spacewalk field rectangular, they passed the church of San Vidal and palaces located at the end of the Grand Canal to San Stefano, stopping occasionally to look at the products that retailers EMPEZaban put in office to start the day's sales. Ezio followed them like a shadow, though it was complicated. Grimalditobacco nervous and constantly looking back suspiciously. Sometimes it was hard to stay close enough to their persecuted like to hear what they said.

"While we wait, you could get familiar with how things are going in the Doge's palace," said Silvio.

Grimaldi opened his hands.

"Well, to be honest, it is not easy. Mocenigo has circlesso very close. I tried to prepare the ground, as you asked, make suggestions for the interest of our cause, but obviously I'm not the only one seeking to capture their attention and no matter how old it is, that bastard is very clever.

Silvio took a glass figurine wearing a complicated issue, examined and returned to your site.

"In this case, you have to work harder, Grimaldi. Tietions that become part of your circle.

"I'm already one of its closest partners and greater trustza. I have taken years to position myself. Years of patience and planningtion, expectations, to accept humiliation.

"Yes," he said impatiently Silvio-. But what you have to give for it?

"It's more complicated than I imagined.

- Why?

Grimaldi made a gesture of frustration.

I do not know. I make every effort by the state, hard work ... But the reality is I'm not liked by Mocenigo.

"I wonder why," said Silvio coldly.

Grimaldi was too lost in thought as to realize the snub.

- It's not my fault! I am constantly trying to compleasure that son of a bitch! Find out what they most want and put it to his feet, the best ham of Sardinia, the latest fashions from Milan ...

"Maybe what happens is that the Doge do not like psychoFantes.

- Is that what you think I am?

"Yes. A flatterer, a mat, a ball ... Do I need to continue?

Grimaldi stared.

"Do not insult me, Inquisitor.You have no idea what that. You do not understand the pressure ...

- What I do not understand the pressure?

- No! You have no idea. Maybe you're a state official, but I'm a few steps from Doge almost every hour. You'd be in my place, because you think you could do better, but ...

- Have you finished?

- No! Listen. I am very close to the dux. I have dedicated my life to settle in that position and I say I'm convinced we can recruit to our cause Mocenigo. Gri-paused curse. I just need a little more time.

"I think you've already had enough time. -Silvio Ezio paused and saw that raised his hand to draw the attention of an older man with a frothy white beard, richly dressed, who was accompanied by a bodyguard, the tallest person Ezio had ever seen.

"Good morning, cousin," said the newcomer Silvio-. Grimaldi.

"Good morning, cousin Marco," said Silvio. He looked ataround-. Where is Emily? Did not come with you?

Setting Barbarigo was stunned and her expression torwould not be.

"From what I see you have not heard the news.

- What news?

- Emilio is dead!

- What? "Silvio, as always, was angry to find that his cousin, the bigger and more powerful, he was better informed- How have you been?

"I can imagine," he said bitterly Grimaldi-. The Assassino.

Marco looked at him pointedly.

"Yes." Yesterday, at the last minute, they found his body in a canal. He must have been there ... long time. They say it had swollen to twice its size. So appeared floatdo on the surface.

- Where must hide the Murderer?He asked Gricurse. We have to find him and kill him before he causes more damage.

"It could be anywhere," Marco said. Why do I always accompanied by Dante. I would not feel safe without it. "He stopped. In fact, for all we know, could be here, even now.

"We must act quickly," said Silvio.

"You're right," said Marco.

"But Mark, I'm very close. I can sense it. Give me just a few days Grimaldi pleaded.

"No, Carlo, Has had enough time. We can no longer permitirnos subtleties. If Mocenigo not sum to the cause, eliminate itrowing and replace it with one of us. And we must do this week!

Dante, the giant bodyguard whose eyes had not ceased to watch the crowd from the moment he arrived accompaniedMarco pañando Barbarigo, then spoke.

"We should keep going, signori.

"Yes," agreed framework. The Master is waiting. Vamos!

Ezio moved like a shadow in the crowd and the posts, trying to keep a distance to allow him to hear the conversation of those men as they crossed the square and ran into the street leading to the Plaza de San Marcos.

- Teacher will agree with our new strategygia? Silvio asked.

"It would be a fool not to be.

"You're right, we have no choice," agreed Silvio. Grimaldi looked then. In a sense what makes you innesary, "he added with a nasty tone.

"It's the Master who must decide the matter," said Grimescurse. As it is he who decides who to put in place

Mocenigo ... you or your cousin Marco, here. And the best perperson to advise you on this matter I am!

"I was not aware that a decision would be takension, "said Marco-. I think the choice is obvious for everyone.

"I agree," said Silvio, very tense-. The choice should rest with the person who organized the whole operation, which took the idea of how to save the city.

Marco replied quickly.

"It would be the last to underestimate the tactical intelligence, good Silvio, but in the end, what it takes to govern is sabidom. Can not be otherwise.

"Gentlemen, please," said Grimaldi-. The teacher could advise the Council of Forty-One when they meet to elect a new Doge, but can not influence them. And for all we know, the Master might be thinking of someone who was not either of you ...

- You mean to you? Silvio asked incredulously, whileMarco was limited after launching a mocking laugh.

- Why not? I who has worked for real!

"Signori, please keep moving, 'said Dante-. You will all be safer when we entered.

"Naturally," agreed framework, accelerating the pace.

The others followed him without question.

"It's a good guy, that said Silvio Dante-. How much did you pay for it?

"Less than it's worth," said Marco-. Is faithful and withbond ... He saved my life twice. I would not say that is exactly talkative.

- Who needs conversation with a bodyguard?

"I Grimaldi said we are reaching a discreet front door in the side wall of a building located in Campo Santa Maria Zobenigo.

Ezio, maintaining his usual safe distance, conscient as extreme vigilance was exercised by Dante, turned the corner of the square just in time to see them go. Glancing ataround to make sure that the coast was clear, climbed the wall of the building and bet on the balcony was just above the door. The next room windows were open, and inside, sitting in a chair made greatra oak behind a long narrow table covered with papers, and purple velvet dress, was Spanish. Ezio merged with the shadows and waited, ready to listen.

Rodrigo Borgia was in a foul mood. The Murderer hasBia disrupted and several of its key initiatives and there isgelding of any attempt to kill it. And now he was in Venice and had removed one of the major allies that the Cardinal was there. And if this were not enough, Rodrigo had to spend the first fifteen minutes of the meeting listeningChando the handful of idiots who had in his service so stubbornber which of them would be the next doge. Apparently, those idiots had overlooked the fact he had already made their choicetion and had bribed key members of the Council of Forty-One, and his choice had fallen on the oldest, the most vain and the most accommodating of the three.

"Close and finally the peak-burst-. What I need from you is discipline and unwavering dedication to the cause, not self-seeking coward. This is my decision and will performed. Barbarigo framework will be the next doge and elected a week after the death of Giovanni Mocenigo. A seventy-six years old, but not raise suspicions, however, must look natural. Think you can to take care of that, Grimaldi?

Grimaldi glanced at Barbarigo cousins. Setting istobacco boasting of his victory and trying to keep the com Silvioposition despite his disappointment. What fools they were, he thought. Being or without being dux, remained puppets in the hands of the Master and the Master gave him the responsibility of truth. Grimaldi was allowed to think of better things when he responded:

"Of course, Master.

- When will you be closer to him?

Grimaldi reflected.

"I have the Palazzo Ducale at my disposal. It may not be very agreeable to Mocenigo, but I have full confidence and spend most of the time at your service.

"Well. Envenénalo. At the first opportunity.

"You tasters.

"By God, man, do you think I do not know? It is assumed that seenecianos good poisoners. Stir something in the meat after the tasters have tasted. Or in this Sardinian ham quand have so fond.But think about something or be worse for you!

"Let me the matter to me Altezza.

Rodrigo turned his angry gaze on Marco.

- I understand what you say you could make a proproduct suitable for our purposes?

Marco smiled contemptuously.

"It's the area that dominates my cousin.

"I could get my hands on the amount of cantarella sufficient for our purposes, "said Silvio.

- What's that?

"One of the most effective types of arsenic and is very difficulteasy to detect.

- Well! See to it!

"I must say, Master," said Marco- that we admiretwo of which I vinculéis in a personal and so closely with this company. Is not it dangerous for you?

"The Murderer not dare to come after me. He is intelligent, but never exceed in ingenuity. In any case, I feel like getting involved more directly. Pazzi let us down in Floence. I sincerely hope that Barbarigi not do the same ... "We launched an angry look.

Silvio snickered.

"The Pazzi were just amateurs ...

"The Pazzi," Rodrigo said, interrupting him were a faily powerful and venerable, and ended by crushing a young Murdererthe. No problem infravaloréis this enemy, and eventually alsoalso with Barbarigi. He paused to increase the impact of his words. Now go and make what you have to do. We can not afford another failure!

- What plans do you have, Master?

"I go to Rome. Timing is essential!

Rodrigo suddenly got up and left the room. From its strategic position on the balcony, Ezio saw him leave just the editorslaughter and cross the square, frightening in its path to Molo to a group of pigeons took flight. The other men followed him soon after separating and moving everyone to their destination. When all was silent, Ezio jumped to fall on the cobblestones in the ground and ran off to the headquarters of Antonio.

He was received by Rosa, who greeted him with a long kiss.

-Sheathe your blade, "she said smiling as their bodies came into contact.

"It's you who made me drawn. And are you-anapointedly gave who has his case.

Rosa took him by the hand.

"Now, then.

"No, Rosa, my dispiace veramente, I can not.

- You tired of me!

- Know that's not it! But I have to see Antonio. It's urpeople.

Rosa looked at him and saw the intense expression on his face, his cold blue-gray eyes.

"Okay. By this time I forgive you. It's in his office. I think that now that has got the real one, misses methat our model of Palazzo Seta! Come!

- Ezio!Antonio said as she saw him come-. I do not like that aspect. Is everything OK?

"I wish I was all right. I just discovered that Carlo Gricurse and the two cousins Barbarigi, Silvio and Marco, are shelltwo with ... a man who I know well, whom people call the Spanish. They are plotting to assassinate the Doge Mocenigo and replaced by one of their own.

"It's a terrible news. With one of their own as dux, haveDrane in their hands the whole Venetian fleet and commercial empire. He paused-. And call me me criminal!

- Will you help me, then, to stop them?

Antonio offered his hand.

"You have my word, brother. And the support of all my men.

"And women," said Rosa.

Ezio smiled.

"Grazie, amici.

Antonio was thoughtful.

"This will require some planning, Ezio. The Palazzo Ducale is so well defended that in comparison, the Palazzo Seta is like a public park. And I have no time to have a ma listat Quetta in order to plan ...

Ezio raised his hand and said with decision:

"Nothing is impenetrable.

The two were watching. Antonio Rosa laughed and smiled innocently.

- Nothing is impenetrable! No wonder we gusTES therefore Ezio!

Late in that day, when fewer people had, Antonio and Ezio approached the Doge's palace.

"This kind of betrayal are no longer surprised" he was saying Antonio-. The Doge Mocenigo is a good man and I'm surprised it has lasted so long in power. As far as I'm concerned, small we were taught that the nobles were fair and kind. And I believed him. And although my father was a shoemaker reMendon and mop my mother, I aspired to be a lot more. I studied hard, I persevered, but I could never become a member of the class gobernante. If you were not born into, it is impossible to accept you. That's why I ask this question, Ezio: Who are VerdadeVenetian nobles ros? "Men like Silvio Grimaldi, Marco and Barbarigo? No! We are! The thieves, mercenaries and prostitutes. We are the ones that we run the city and any of us has more honor in his little finger tip that alleged gang leaders! We love Venice. The others are only as a means toenriches.

Ezio reserved opinion since it was hard to imagine AntoGoals, by nice guy he was, wearing the ducale horn. After a while they came to the Plaza de San Marcos and crossed to stand in front of the Pink Palace. The building was fine vigilado, despite the two consequentclimb without being seen on the andamiaje he had installed in the side wall of the cathedral, appendedta to the palace, when they saw the picture from that special place in the top saw, though they could jump onto the roof of the palace (which they did), access to the patio, even from there, was prevented by a tall fence topped with spikes curved ascending and descending. Were walking through the courtyard to GioVanni Mocenigo, Doge himself, a grand old man to stopCo. wrinkled sheath tucked into the lavish costumes and horn the leader of the city and state, talking with whom he had beenmarked as the murderer, Carlo Grimaldi.

Ezio listened attentively.

- Do you not understand what I'm offering you, Altezza?-EsCarl saying tobaccoor-. Listen, please, it is your ulesteem chance!

- How dare you talk like that? How dare you lovenazarme? "Said the Doge.

Carlo immediately began to apologize.

"Excuse me, sir. It was not my intention. But believe me, please, that your security is what worries me ...

The couple entered the building and disappeared.

"We have little time," said Antonio, reading the thoughts Ezio-. And we can not pass this gate. And even stillconsiguiéramos it, look at the amount of guards there. Dayvolo! He took a punch in the air in frustration, forcing a group of pigeons take flight-. Look at them! The stickmore! How easy would it be if we could fly!

Suddenly, Ezio smiled to himself. And was time to hang out at the studio of his friend Leonardo da Vinci.
