Chapter 28
Une morning in early August 1503, Ezio, a man of forty-four years old with graying temples strokes but still keeping his dark brown beard, was summoned by his uncle to join him and the rest of the Society of Murderers in his office at the castle of Monteriggioni. Paola, Machiavelli and La Volpe Teodora had joined them, Antonio and Bartolomeo.
"It is time," he said solemnly Ma Eziorio-. We have the Fruit of Eden and we finally met all the pages of the Codex. Finish what you and my brother, your father, you started so long ago ... Maybe we can finally buyder the prophecy buried in the Codex and end once and for all and for all with the inexorable power of the Templars.
"Then, man, we should begin by locating the Vault. Codex pages together should lead you to it.
Mario activated the library to find the wall that thisban hanging pages of the Codex, now complete. At his side, sober a pedestal, was the fruit of Eden.
"That's how the pages relate to them," said Mariver while examining this complex set all-. By all appearances, shows a map of the world but a world mufact greater than the one we know, with continents to the west and south of which we are not aware. But even so, I am convinced of its existence.
"There are other elements," said Machiavelli-. Here, the izquierda, you can see the profile outlined in what can only be a crook, in fact, could be a papal staff. On the right, is clearly a drawing of the Fruit of Eden. Amid the pages, we can now see a dozen points that follow a pattern whose meaning remains a mystery.
And as he spoke, the Fruit of Eden began to glow spontaneouslyously until the end, throw blinding light flashesCodex pages were, as if hugging. He then returned to its off and neutral.
- Why did he do that ... at this very moment? Pre-Ezio gunt, hoping that Leonardo had been there to explainCarsel or, at least for some form of deduction.
He tried to remember what he had said his friend on the singularlares properties that curious machine, but failed. Looked more like a living being a mechanism. His instinct, not pregnantHowever, he said he had to rely on it.
"A mystery to unravel," said La Volpe.
- How is possible indicating this map?Paola asked-. With continents to discover!
"Maybe these continents waiting to be rediscovered," suggested Ezio, overwhelmed.
- How can it be? Theodora asked.
Machiavelli said:
-Tal Once the answer is in the Vault.
- Is it possible now to see where is it located? An askedtonio, as long as practical.
"Let's see ... Ezio said, examining the Codex-. If aimos these points with lines ..."He did-. Converge ... look! In a single point. He took a step back-. No! No way! The Boclosed! It seems that the Vault is in Rome!
He looked at all together, they read his thoughts.
"That explains why I was so looking forward Rodrigo conversionTirso, "said Mario Papa-. Take eleven years ruling the Santa headquarters, but still lacks the means to uncover their darkerSpecifically, although clearly must know where that place.
- Of course!Machiavelli said-. In a sense, is admirable. Not only has succeeded in locating the Vault, but it will alsoMoreover, by becoming pope, controls the Staff!
- The Staff? Theodora said.
Mario then spoke.
-The Codex always mentions "two fragments of Eden", ie two keys can not mean something else. One-looked back at him, is the fruit of Eden.
- And the other is the Staff papal!Ezio exclaimed, to buyDerlo at that moment-. The papal Crosier is the "Second FragRegulation of Eden "!
"Exactly," said Machiavelli.
- My God, you're right! Mario cried uncle. And suddenly he became serious-. We have years, decades, looking for these answers.
"And now we have" concluded Paola.
"But it could also have them the Spanish-speaking AntoNIO-. We're not sure there are no copies of the codex, do not know, and even if they were still in their librarycomplete, would have enough information to ... "He stopped. And if successful, if you guess the way to access the Vault ... He lowered his voice-. Its content could do that in comcomparison, the Fruit of Eden seems a trifle.
"Two keys," he reminded Mario-. The vault needs two keys to access it.
"But we can not take risks," said Ezio soon-. Now I have to leave for Rome and find the Vault! -Ezio looked one by one the faces of his companionseros. What you say me?
Bartolomeo, who until now had been whethersilence, then spoke without his usual rudeness.
"I'll do what I do best: bring some glitches in the Eternal City, the odd noise, a bit of fun to be able to act without anyone bothering you.
"We all work together to clear your way, friend," said Machiavelli.
-Hasznos know when you've got everything ready, NIPOI, and all will support you, "said Mario-. Tuttiper one and one per tutti!
"Grazie, amici "Said Ezio-. I know I'll be there when you need it. But let me be who carry the entire burden of this ulesteem mission. A fish alone is able to circumvent a network capturedra a whole bank, and the Templars pillared unprepared.
Preparations accelerated since mid-month, Ezio, custoploring the precious fruit of Eden, arrived on the Tiber, on board a boat to the docks near Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome. Had taken every precaution possible, but by the hand of the devil or the sagacity of the ubiquitous spies Rodrigo, their arrival has not gone unnoticed and now at the gates of the pier had to face a squad of guards Borgia. Would find a way through the Passetto di Borgo, the flyover of almost one kilometer long linking the castle with the Vatican. Aware that time was running against him, now that Rodrigo he had learned of his arrival, Ezio decided that his only option was a quick and accurate attack. He jumped like a lynx on the coverta an oxcart loaded with barrels of furniturestreets, and climbing the tallest barrel, hung from a crane. The guards watched astonished how the Murderer was thrown desCrane, the swelling layer behind it. Drew his dagger, finished with a mounted sergeant knocked Borgia and his caballo. Had carried out the maneuver in such a short time as the other guards could not even draw their swords. Ezio, without looking back, took the horse and galloped by a veil Passettocapacity of such men could not chase Borgia.
Upon arrival at your destination, Ezio found that door you had to enter was too low and narrow for a rider, so dismounted and walked through, eliminating the two men guarding it with a single deft movement knife. Although it was adding years Ezio had stepped up fromstorage and was now at the peak of its strength was the pinnacle of his order, the Supreme Murderer.
After crossing the gate was found in a narrow courtyard, across which was another door. Gave the impression of not being watched, but when I went out to the side lever to open imagined that he heard a shout from the top of the battlements.
- Stop the intruder!
He looked behind and saw the closed door that had just entered. Was trapped in a narrow enclave!
While the archers who had above preparing to fire, hung on the lever that controlled the second doorta and got it open just in time when the cho arrowscaban with a clang on the floor.
And was inside the Vatican. With the grace of a cat, moved through its labyrinthine passageways, melting into the shadows at the first sign of the presence of the guards alerted, they could not afford a confrontation that will reveal their position. Finalmind, reached the vast cavern of the Sistine Chapel.
The masterpiece of Baccio Pontelli, built by Pope Sixto IV, an old enemy of the Murderers, and ended twenty years ago, loomed menacingly around and above him, the numerous candles only timidly penetrate the gloom. Ezio distinguished paintings by Ghirlandaio, Botticelli, Perugino and Rosselli, but the vast vault of the ceiling was still pentooth to be decorated.
He had entered through a stained glass window that was being repaired and at that time stood at equiance on an interior pocket that dominated the vast space. Below, Alexander VI, with its golden gala, celebrating mass at the time and read the Gospel of John.
"In principio erat Verbum, et Verbum erat apud Deum, et Deus erat Verbum. Hoc erat in principio apud Deum. FACT Omnia per ipsum sunt, et sine ipso factum est nihil quid factum est ... In him was life, and life was the light of men. And the light shone in darkness and the darkness left to understand everything. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came to be TEStrol, to bear witness to the Light, in which all men believelaugh through it. He was not the Light, but was sent to give witnessheritage of Light. That was the true light that enlightens every man who came to earth. He was in the world and the world was created by him and the world knew him not. He came to hisselves, but his own received him not. But as many as received Him, He gave power to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name: which were born, not of blood nor of the willtad flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the globalria as the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth ... "
Ezio continued to watch until the Mass came to an end and withcongregation began to march, leaving her alone with Pope cardetions and priests. Would you know the Spanish Ezio was there? Had he planned some kind of confrontation? Ezio had no idea, but I saw a golden opportunity to rid the world of the threat of that terrible Templar. Steeling herself, was launched from the pocket to land perfectly squatting near the Pope,derezándose immediately before or priests Borgia yoursee time to react or ask for help, and driving deepMind your hidden blade in the bloated body of Alexander. Pope fell to the ground at the foot of Ezio quietly and stood still.
Ezio stood beside him, breathing deeply.
"I thought ... believed to have overcome this. He thought he could sobreponerme revenge. But I can not. I'm just a man. I waited a long time, I'm too ... and you are a cancer of this world that must be removed for the good of all. Requiescat in pace, sfortunato.
He turned, ready to leave, but then something very smallcoolies. Spanish hand closed around the staff that had been holding. He immediately began to glow with a powerful white light and the hollow space of the chapel began to turn without stopping. The cold eyes of Spanish cobalt suddenly opened.
"I'm not prepared to rest in peace," said the Spanish unhappy.
There was a flash of light and powerful priests and thistlestions, along with members of the congregation who were inside the chapel, fell to the ground, screaming in pain, while leaving their bodies translucent thin rays of light, which rose like smoke curling up to go to stop the shining Bacuwhat the Pope, now standing, holding with an iron hand.
Ezio ran towards him, but the Spanish shouted
- Do not, Murderer! "And waved toward the Staff Ezio.
Sputtered in a strange way, like lightning, and Ezio was pushed onto the other side of the chapel, above the bodies of the priests and people still moaning and squirmingDose. Rodrigo Borgia strongly hit the Staff on sleepat the altar and the hapless bodies occurred more energy in the form of smoke, which flowed into the Staff and to him.
Ezio got up and once again faced with your greatest enemy.
- You devil!Rodrigo yelled-. How can you resist?
He looked down and saw the glow of the bag on the belt had Ezio, which still contains the fruit of Eden.
- I get it!Rodrigo said, his eyes gleaming like coals-. You have the Fruit of Eden! It better!Give it now same!
-Vai a farti fottere!
Rodrigo laughed.
- What vulgarity! But you always fighting! As your padre. Well cheer up, my son, because to see him return soon!
Stir again the Staff and his hook hit the cicaEzio matrix had on the back of his left hand. Ezio is feltchill coursing through the veins and staggered, but did not fall.
"You'll give me Rodrigo roared, approaching.
Ezio thought quickly. He knew what he was capable of the Fruit of Eden and had to be at risk now or die trying.
"As you wish" he replied.
Fruit of Eden extracted from his pocket and held it high. It shone with such intensity that for a moment he felt that the majestic chapel was illuminated by sunlight, and when he returned to vibrate only the glow of candles, Rodrigo saw eight Ezios confronted him.
But remained unchanged.
- You can back you! Said-. How impressive. It is difficult to guess who is the true and which are Quimera ..., but that would be difficult at best, and if you thought that was a cheap trick to save you, think again!
Rodrigo stirred the Staff at the clones, and each time you gave one, faded forming a puff of smoke. The ghost Ezio pranced and dodging, attacking Rodrigo, who now seemed worried, but they proved unable to do other damage to the Spanish that was not the mere distraction. Ezio really only managed to finish real shock, though they were little, for such was the power of the Staff, that he could not bringPope is an evil enough. Ezio but quickly realized that the fight was weakening Rodrigo. When the seven fanTasman had disappeared, the repulsive pontiff was exhausted and breathless. The madness gives the body an energy that few cosas more can we do provide, but despite the Staff powers granted him, Rodrigo was, after all, a fat old man of seventy-two years ill with syphilis. Ezio then kept in his pocket the fruit of Eden.
Panting after the fight against the ghosts, the Pope fell to his knees. Ezio, panting as well, as the ghosts were usedlizado their energy into making their own, descended on him. LevanTando sight, Rodrigo clung to his staff.
"No it away from me," he said.
-All over, Rodrigo. Leave the Staff and will guarantee you a quick and merciful death.
"What a generous, mocking voice said Rodrigo-. I pregunto if you will yield a very passive way of being the opposite situation.
Gathering the strength he had left, the Pope suddenly got up and pounded the ground with the heel of his stick. In penumbra, priests and parishioners whined again and emerged from the Crosier a new surge of energy directed against Ezio, who hit like a sledgehammer and sent him flying through the air.
- What do you think of this as an appetizer? "Said the Pope, with an evil smile.
He approached the place where Ezio lay breathless and when he was about to bring back the fruit of Eden, he realized that he hasBia reacted too late. Rodrigo crushed his hand with his boot and the Fruit of Eden began to roll on the floor. Borgia stooped to pick it up.
- Finally! He said smiling-. And now ... I'll see you!
He raised the Fruit of Eden, which issued a destructive glare. Ezio had been frozen, trapped, unable to move. The Pope leaned upon him furiously, but then, seeing his adanniversary was entirely in his power, his expression subsided. Extracted from their clothes a short sword and looking at his postTrado enemy, deliberately stabbed him in the side, with a pitying look, combined with disdain.
But the pain of the wound apparently weakened the power of the Fruit of Eden. Ezio still lying face down, but even so, and suppliesdo in a blur of pain, he saw Rodrigo, believing himself safe, stood in front of a fresco by Botticelli, The temptation of Christto. She approached him and raised the Staff. An arc of cosmic energy of Staff and then started fresh reached, which was opened and revealed the presence of a secret door, through which passed Rodrigo after throwing one last look of triumph to his fallen foe. Ezio watched helplessly as the door closed behind the Pope and before losing consciousness, only had time to memorize itlocalization of the door.
He woke up, did not know how long later, but the sails havebian almost completely burnt and the priests and the faithful were gone. Found that despite being stretched on a pool of blood, the wound that had occurred on the side Rodrigo had not touched any vital organs. He got up trembling, acered to the wall to find a foothold and began to breathe deeply and with a regular rhythm until she felt clearer head. Gotta stop the bleeding with improvised bandagesSadas ripped off his own shirt. Codex prepared weapons, the double-edged dagger on his left forearm, the poisonous dagger in the right-and went Botticelli fresco.
Remembered that the door was hidden in the figure, right hand of a woman charged with a bundle of firewood for Hoguera slaughter. It moved a little closer to examine the painting mynucia to trace the outline, barely visible. Intonka carefully studied the details of the painting, both right and left of the woman. At his feet appeared FIGra of a child with right hand raised, and was on the tip of the fingers of the hand that Ezio found the button that triggersba the door. Opened, the cross and was not surprised to be immediately closed behind him. In any case, I would not think now turn back.
He was in what looked like a catacomb hall but as it was advancing cautiously, rough walls and dirt floor gave way to a gently carved stone and marble flooring that there would be out of place in any palace. And the walls glowed with a bright light and supernatural.
The wound had weakened but was forced to go on, fassored, and more startled than scared, although still in guarday, knowing that Borgia had also followed this route.
The long passage resulted finally in a room consideredble size. Its walls were smooth as glass and glowed with the same blue iridescence previously seen, only here it was more intense. In the center of the room was a pedestal and sober him in clear containers designed for that purpose, the Fruit of Eden and the Staff.
The rear wall of the room was dotted with hundreds of regularly spaced holes, and there was the Spanish, Itend and drawing, completely ignorant of the arrival of Ezio.
- Open up, damn it, barren Shouted frustrated and angry.
Ezio stepped forward.
"It's over," said Rodrigo-. Let it run. And no tiene way.
Rodrigo suddenly turned toward him.
"No more tricks," said Ezio, removing the daggers andJandola fall to the ground-. No more artifacts. Is hereBaron weapons. Now ... see what you are made, vecchio.
A smile slowly bathed face Rodrigo broken and corrupt.
"Okay ... if you want to play well.
He took off his thick clothes to stay only in the tunic and stockings. A body fat, although compact and poStand, run by small ray of light, therefore the power of the staff. And immediately, he stepped forward and downloaded the firstmer blow, a malevolent hook to the chin of Ezio, which left him reeling.
- Why could not you have let your father run?Pre-Rodrigo gunt lamenting at the time he lifted his foot to poke a hard kick to the stomach Ezio-. Had to continue pursuing it, though ... And you're like him. The Murderers are like mosquitoes to be crushed with his hand. I wish God had let that fool you hang yourself Alberti Juneyour whole family to do now twenty-seven.
"The devil does not live in us, but you, the Tunerivers, "said Ezio, spitting out a tooth-. Believe you can play with people, with decent people, with normal people and cocurrent, do with it what you desire!
"My dear friend," said Rodrigo, aiming a blow below the ribs Ezio- for it serves the people. Scum that rule and use. It was ever thus, and always will be.
- Tables! "He gasped Ezio-. This match is immaterial. We expected a much more vital. But first tell me, what do you get in the vault behind that wall? Do not tietions and all the power you might need?
Rodrigo looked surprised.
- Do not know what is there behind? Have not you figured out the great and powerful Order of Murderers?
Torpid tone of his voice stopped short to Ezio.
"But what are you talking?
Rodrigo's eyes shone.
- By God! It God people who inhabit the Vault!
Ezio was so stunned that failed to respond immediatelyately. He knew he faced a dangerous madman.
"Listen, do you expect me to believe truly that God lives under the Vatican?
- Does not it seem a more logical that a kingdom in a cloud? "Surrounded by singing angels and cherubs? It is an imagegene charming, but truth is much more interesting.
- What does God down there?
-Expect to be released.
Ezio breath.
"Suppose you think. What would you do if you think withcontinue to open that door? Rodrigo smiled.
"That does not matter. What I seek not your approval ... But his power!
- What do you think He'll diaria?
"Whatever it is what is behind that wall, no postone to resist the combined strength of the Fruit of Eden and the Staff. Rodrigo paused-. The gods created to fierce ... whichwant to be the religion to which they belong.
"But the Lord God is omniscient. Almighty. Do you really think that a couple of ancient relics canyou hurt?
Rodrigo smiled with superiority.
"I do not know anything about anything, kid. You create an image ofdor taken from an old book ... a book, however, written by men.
- You're the Pope! How can you thus despise the most important text of Christianity?
Rodrigo laughed.
- Are you really so naive? I became pope, because this position gave me access. I was power! Do you think I believe a word he ordered that Book says ridiculous? Is carrynot lies and superstitions. Like any other religious treatedgious has been published since man learned to write!
"There are those who would kill you for saying that.
"Maybe. But I'm not losing any sleep. He paused-. Ezio, the Templars understand humanity, and therefore the despride in that way!
Ezio was speechless, but continued to hear the Pope's speech pretentious.
"When my work here is finished," continued Rodrigo- I think the first thing I will do is dismantle the Church, that men and women will be finally forced to take responsibility for their actions, and are finally courts as duedo. -Adopted a beatific expression-. It will be a beauty, the new world Templar ... governed by reason and order ...
- How can you speak with reason and order, "interrupted Ezio, when your whole life has been ruled by violence and inmorality?
"Oh, I know I am an imperfect being, Ezio," said the Pope, with a smirk. And do not pretend otherwise. But sabes? Morality has no award. Te stay with what you get, and you cling to it ... by all means. At the end of the extended hands-- You only live once!
"If everyone lived according to your code," said Ezio atonyto- the world would be consumed by madness.
- Exactly! As if I were not already! Rodrigo I pointed a finger-. Are you sleeping, perhaps, when I went to your history classes? A little over a hundred years our ancestors lived in the mud and manure, used by the ignorancia and religious fervor ..., starting up with the shadows, afraid of everything.
"But it's time we left that and we became more sabios and stronger.
Rodrigo laughed again.
- You have pleasant dreams! But look around you. You mymo've lived reality. The bloodshed. Violence. The space between the rich and the poor ... and that does nothing but expand. He looked into his eyes Ezio-. Never will be at parity. I made peace with it. And you should do them well.
- Never! The Murderers always fight to improve humanmanity. Perhaps unattainable Utopia, a heaven on earth, but every day the fight is a step out of the quagmire.
Rodrigo sighed.
-Santa simplicitas! Forgive me, but I got tired of waiting to awaken humanity. I am old, I saw many things, and I have few years to live. "An idea popped into his cahead and cackled maliciously-. Although who knows? Maybe the Dome is able to change that, right?
But suddenly the Fruit of Eden began to shine, with more inintensity each time, until its light completely filled the room, blinding them. Pope fell on his knees. Shielding his eyes, saw Ezio map image began to be designed so Codexber wall dotted with holes. He stepped forward and took the Staff papal.
- No!Rodrigo exclaimed, her hands claw giving inútiI lurched into the air-. You can not! You can not! Is my destination. Mine!I I am the Prophet!
In a terrifying moment of clear consciousness, Ezio was Auditorst that long ago, in Venice, fellow Murderers had seen what he had wanted to reject. The Prophet istobacco was present, in this room, about to turn its intendedno. Rodrigo looked almost with pity.
"I never said you were the Prophet-. Poor deluded soul.
The Pope fell backwards, old, fat and pathetic. And continuoustion, spoke with resignation.
"The price of failure is death. Give me at least that dignity.
Ezio looked at him and shook his head from side to side.
"No, old fool. I returned to kill my father. Or FeDerico. Neither Petruccio. Or any of the dead, eitherfront of you, either powerless at your service. As for me, are over the deaths. He looked to the Pope in the eyes, and seemed troubled now, and frightened, and the elderly, nothing to do with the piercing brightness of his enemy-. Nothing is true, "said Ezio-. All is allowed. It's time to find your own peace.
Rodrigo and departed from the Staff approached the wall, pressdo with the end of a sequence of scattered holes, as he showed the map projection.
And it appeared the outline of a large door.
That in the time Ezio played the last hole, it opened.
Then opened a wide aisle, with glass walls filled with ancient stone sculptures, marble and bronze, and many camerasflush with sarcophagi, marked all with runic letters, which got Ezio read: were the names of ancient gods of Rome. The coffins were tightly sealed.
As he walked down the aisle, Ezio was surprised by the unknown of architecture and decoration that seemed to be a strange mix of a very old style, the style of his own time, and structures and forms that did not recognize, but whose instinct suggested that they should belong to the distant future. On the walls were reliefs depicting the ancient events that seemed to show not only the evolution of man, but also the driving forces.