"Very nice," said Paola interrupting educadamenI- and you're right with your suggestion. But right now I can not stay.
- Why? Where do you go?
During the conversation, Ezio had been reassuring as his racing thoughts were found. Finally had been able to shake off their shock and fear, having made a decision and find a target, irrevocable both.
"I'll kill Uberto Alberti said.
Paola took a look of concern.
"I understand your desire for revenge, but Gonfaloniere is a powerful man, and you're not a murderer by nature, Ezio ...
"Destiny is making me do this, he thought, but said instead, with much education as possible:
"Spare me the speech.
Was convinced of his mission.
Paola ignored and finished his sentence.
-... but I can become one.
Ezio repressed his misgivings.
- Why would you want to teach me to kill?
She shook her head from side to side.
"To teach you to survive.
"I'm not sure you need for anytion on your part. She smiled.
"I know how you feel, but let me, please help pulir those skills I'm sure that you have in a naturalral. Consider my teachings as an additional weapon in your arsenal.
Paola started training that day, recruiting to the chicas were free and the servants of confidence for the helpwill give. In the garden behind the house, surrounded by high walls, orised to twenty people at your service in five groups of four. They began to wander around the garden, crossing each other, talking and laughing, some of the girls throwing Ezio daring glances and smiling. Ezio, still with his precious bowlsa hung to one side, was immune to his charms.
"Well," said Paola- discretion is crucial in my ownprofession. We need to walk the streets freely ... viscough, but without being seen. You must learn to mingle with others like us and become one among the crowd of the cityDad. "Ezio was about to protest but she raised her hand-. I know! Annetta me that you do not too bad, but tietions to learn more. I want to choose a group and try to mingle with their constituents. The goal is that I can not distinguirte. Remember what was about to happen to you during implementation.
Those harsh words prompted Ezio, although it was a task that input did not seem complicated, if usedra's discretion. Still, under the relentless gaze of Paola, I was more difficult than imagined. He pushed against others clumsy, tripped occasionally, making chicas or servants of the group that had chosen turned away fromJandola exposed. Although the garden was a place agrapossible, sunny, lush, and the birds chirped in their decorative trees to Ezio eventually became a labyrinthto the hostile streets of the city, all bystanders, potential enemies. And I was exasperated with the constant criticism of Paola.
- Beware! --said-. You can not go around giving these empujones! Show a little respect for my girls! Tread carefully when near them! How will you get confused inamong the crowd if you keep shoving? Oh, Ezio, I expected something better from you!
But finally, the third day, decrease biting commentsnuyeron and the morning of the fourth, managed to walk past the noses of Paola without her would not notice. In fact, desfor fifteen minutes without saying a word, Paola shouted
- Okay, Ezio, I give up! Where are you?
Satisfied, he appeared among a group of girls become the perfect imitation of one of the youths of the house. Paola arelaughed and applauded, and everyone else joined in the applause.
But the job does not end there.
"Now you've learned to confuse the crowd," said Paola in the morning the next day- I will teach you how to use your newly acquired skills ... to steal.
Ezio demurred, but Paola said:
"It's a basic survival skill you might needsitar on your journey. A man is nothing without money and may not always find yourself in a position to win honestly. I know I never steal anything from anyone who could not afford perDerlo, or a friend. Think of it as the blade of a knife, which is rarely used, although it is good to know it's there.
Learning to become a pickpocket was much more complicateddo. He managed to sneak up on girls with enough successesto, but as the hand approached the pouch worn on the sash, all shouting "When I bark!" and fled from him. When firstra time managed to steal a few coins, he stayedor plantdo where I was for a moment victorious, but immediately afterwards he felt a heavy hand fell on his shoulders.
"You arrest! "Smiled the servant who represented the watchdog role of the city, but Paola was not smiling.
"Once you get to steal something," said Ezio- that can notgive you standing there.
But he learned quickly and began to appreciate the need to acquire the skills they taught and were required to complete their mission. When managed successfully plucked ten girls, the last five without even gave Paola Auditorsta this, it announced that the training was over.
-Go back to work, girls, "said-. Running out of time for games.
- Really?Murmured reluctantly the girls howEzio said goodbye do-. It's so cute, so innocent ...
But Paola was implacable. Then walked alone in the garden. As always, it without taking off the hand of his bag.
"Now you've learned to deal with the enemy," said Paola- we have to find the right weapon ... something much more subtle than a sword.
- And what do you use?
- The answer you already!
Y pulled the knife broke and the cuff was found EzioTrade's safe in his father and who until now believed to continue carrying in his bag. Surprised, he opened it and reached into his inexterior. Had disappeared from there.
- Paola! How the hell ...? Paola laughed.
- Have I got? Using the same skills that I just teach. But there is another small lesson to learnder. Now that you behave as a good thief, you alsoalso learn to protect yourself from others who have your same inhabitantsity.
Ezio looked sorry the broken knife she had just returned with the wristband.
He handled some kind of mechanism. Neither one thing nor the other work properly, "said Ezio.
"Oh," she said-. Right. But I think I know Messer Leonardo.
- Da Vinci? Yes, I met him just before ... "His voice broke, but declined to dwell on painful memories-. And how can this help me with a painter?
"Much more than just a painter. Bring these items. You'll see.
Ezio, seeing what he was saying made sense, nodded as a sign of conformity and said, "Before I left, could to ask you one last question?
"Of course.
- Why did you so willingly helped ... when I was a stranger?
Paola smiled sadly. In response, climbed slightlyRamento one of the sleeves of her dress, revealing a pale and delicate forearm whose beauty was tarnished by a long, dark ugly scars that crossed it. Ezio was Aquement and instantly understood. At some point in their life, this lady had been tortured.
"I too have known the betrayal," said Paola.
Y Ezio knew without a doubt that he had met a kindred spirit.