Chapter 5
The Placer luxurious Mansion Paola was not to far from thecurrades streets where he was the workshop of Leonardo, but to reach it Ezio had to crUzar the wide and busy Piazza del Duomo, where their newly acquired skills to camuflarse among the crowd were particularly useful. Had been ten days since the executions, and it was likely that AlEzio Berti imagine that had long since fled Florenlence, but was taking no chances Ezio and by the number of guards at the square and its surroundings, nor was willing Albertiplace to run. He was also certain that in the square were also agents in plain clothes. Ezio walked with his head gacha, especially when passed between the cathedral and the baptistry, the pointsto where the place was more crowded. He passed the camcelery Giotto, who had almost one hundred and fifty years overlooking the city, and with the great mass of red color of the dome of the caTedral by Brunelleschi, was completed only fifteen years without seeing such agents, although they noticed the presence of groups of viFrench and Spanish sitantes raising his head with amazement and admiration sincere and heart felt a little surge of pride in their city. But the city still remained?
Suppress any gloomy thoughts, advanced quickmind to the south side of the piazza and came to the workshop of Leonardo. The teacher was at home, they said, in the backyard. The study showed a more chaotic that even the other time he had visited, although this madness seemed to hide some kind of method. Ezio artifacts had seen in his previous visit had increased in number and the ceiling hung a strange artfacto wood, which reminded once the skeleton of a murciélago a large scale. In one of the stands was a large canvas nailed to a table, and painted it a terribly intricate knot motif and in a corner scribbling indescifrables written by Leonardo. A Agniolo he had added another assistant, Innocent, and the two were trying to put some order in the study, cataloging the material to be able to follow.
"It's in the back yard," said Ezio Agniolo-. Pass. Not molestaréis.
Ezio Leonardo found locked in a curious activity. In Florence you could buy caged birds in all iftio. People hang them in the window for pleasure and when molaugh, just replace them. Leonardo was surrounded by dodinners cages. When he arrived Ezio, just select one of them, then opened the little door wicker cages raisedthe and watched the Linnet (in this case) was out, the crossing and was released. Leonardo saw the departure of APbird with interest and when he turned ready to get another cage, he detected the presence of Ezio.
He smiled in a charming manner, while freeing one after the other thrushes, finches, larks and nightingales expensive, observedevating all with great attention.
- What are you doing? Ezio asked puzzled.
"All life is precious," said Leonardo simply-. I can not stand to see me living like prisoners in this way, by simply having a good voice.
- Is the only reason that you let? -Ezio suspected an ulterior motive.
Leonardo smiled, but offered no direct response.
"Neither do I eat more meat. Why does a poor animal to die because we like the taste?
"In this case farmers out of business.
"They could devote all to cultivate corn.
"Imagine how boring it would be. And it would have a surplus.
"Oh, I forgot you're a finanziatore. And I was forgetting my manners too. What brings you here?
"I need a favor, Leonardo.
- How I can help?
"There's something ... something I inherited from my father and me gusority repair, if you can.
Leonardo's gaze brightened.
"Of course. Come here. Use the inner room ... These guys are messing me the study, as usual. Sometimes I wonder why I bother to give them a job!
Ezio smiled. Beginning to understand why, but at the same time I sensed that Leonardo's first love was and always would work.
"Come over here.
The internal study of Leonardo, the smallest, was even more cluttered than the other, but in the mountains of books and specialcymene, and between paper covered with doodles indecipherable, the artist, as always impeccably (and incongruously) seemeaning and fragrant, was piling one thing upon another until it cleared a large drawing board.
"Excuse the mess," said-. But now at least have consequencesguido an oasis! Let's see what you brought me. Unless you apetezca first glass of wine.
"No, no.
"Well," he said impatiently Leonardo-. Let's see then!
Ezio carefully pulled the knife, the wrist and the mechanismmo, which had previously involved with the mysterious sheet vitethe accompanying objects. Leonardo tried in vain to put the pieces of machinery and for a moment seemed to fall into the destabilizingrecovery.
I do not know, "said Ezio-. This mechanism is old ... quite anTiguan, but otherwise is very sophisticated, and its manufacture is even ahead of our time. Fascinating. She looked-. The truth is I've never seen anything like it. But I fear that little I can do without the original plans.
Then listened to the sheet of vellum, which was caught wrapping Ezio new objects.
- Wait a minute! He shouted, a close studysity.
After the knife broken left wrist and a hand extendedgiven leaf and consultations, beginning to rummage through a row of old books and manuscripts that had on a shelf. Found the two he wanted, he left on the table and started browsing.
- What are you doing? Ezio asked, somewhat impatiently.
"This is very interesting," said Leonardo-. It seems the previous pagena of a codex.
- What a what?
"It's a page from an old book. Not printed, is a manuscript. It is very old indeed. Got any more?
"Too bad. People should not start this way the wallspages of books. -Leonardo paused-. Unless, perhaps, that all together ...
- What?
"Nothing. Look, the content of this page is encrypted, but if my theory is correct ... based on these designs could well be that ...
Ezio was pending, but Leonardo was lost in his own world. He sat and waited patiently while Leonard stirring and examined in detail per books and scrollsGamino, checking references and making notes, using this curious writing from right to left and inverted. Ezio was not alone, he imagined that life lived always watching their backs. From what little I had seen in the study, the me he had nonorth doubt that if the Church found out things that Leonardo had in hand, it would take a good scolding.
Leonardo finally lifted in sight. But when he did Ezio had been dozing.
"Extraordinary" Leonardo muttered to himself, and then, raising his voice-: Extraordinary! If transferredNemos points and then select the third of each ...
He got back to work, grabbed the knife, the wrist and mechanism. Out from under the table a box of tools, mounted a vise and quietly focused on her workjo. An hour passed, two ... Ezio had become comfortably dormido, lulled by the charged atmosphere and warm the room and Leonardo discrete sounds, still with small bumps and scratching. And finally ...
- Ezio! Wake up!
- Huh?
- Look!
Said Leonardo on the table. Had embedded the dagger, completely restored, in this strange mechanism, which in turn was now attached to the wrist. The set was polished, as if freshly made, but not shining.
"A matte finish, I decided," said Leonardo-. As a Roman armor. Anything that will glow in the sunlight is an informer mortal.
Ezio took the gun and weighed. Was light, but sturdy knifement was perfectly balanced. Ezio had never seen anything like it. A dagger with a spring that could hide in his wrist. It was enough to flex the hand and the knife appeared, ready to rajar or stab as your user decide.
"I was a man of peace, "said Ezio, recalling the birds.
"The ideas in front of everything. Whatever they are. Well, "he said, drawing from his toolbox hammer and fivecel-. You're right, right? Well. Now do me the favor of placing the right ring finger on top of this block.
"What are you doing?
"Sorry, but I have to do so. The knife is designedsigned for ensuring the full involvement of anyone who wields it.
- What do you mean?
"It only works if you remove the finger.
Ezio blinked. On his head spent a lot of pictures: recalled the alleged friendship with his father Alberti, Alberti had given how trust after the arrest of his father, the executiontions, which had become his goal. His jaw.
"Do it.
"Maybe you should use a butcher knife. It would be a cleaner cut. -Leonardo drew one of a desk drawer-. Now, just put your finger ... cosi.
Ezio was prepared mentally as Leonardo stood the butcher knife. He closed his eyes to hear it fall -chunca!- On the wooden board. But he felt no pain. He opened his eyes. The knife was stuck in the table, inches from his hand, which isintact tobacco.
- Bastard! "Ezio was stunned, and angry also Aqueprank call.
Leonardo raised his hands.
- Calm down! It was just to add a bit of fun! Cruel, I admit, but I could not resist. I wanted to see how far your determination. You know? The use of this machine rewanted Originally this sacrifice. Something to do with an ancient rite of passage, I think. But I made a couple of tinkering. So you can keep your finger. Look! The knife comes out perfectly now, and I've added a handle that automatically appears when the knife is open. All you have to do is remember to keep it extended when it comes out! So you can keep your finger. Although you may prefer to wear gloves when using it ... The blade is very sharp.
Ezio was too fascinated, and grateful, to keep his anger long time.
"It's extraordinary," he said, opening and closing the knife several times to understand perfectly how to use-. Unbelievable.
- How so?"Agreed Leonardo-. "You sure you do not have more pages like this one?
"Sorry but no.
-If you happen to find some more, bring it to me, please.
"I my word. And how much do I owe you for ...?
"It was a pleasure. Most enlightening. There is ...
Were interrupted by a knock at the door of the studio overlooking the street. Leonardo ran to the front of the buildAgniolo surface while looking at him terrified and innocent. The perperson who was on the other side of the door had begun to cry
- Open, by order of the Florentine guard!
- Wait! Leonardo also replied crying, and quietly told Ezio-: Stay here.
Then he opened the door and stood under the arch of the guard blocking the passage.
- You are Leonardo da Vinci? Asked the guard using one of those voices strong and authoritarian government.
- How I can help? Leonardo said, coming to caLLE, thereby forcing the guard to take a step back.
"I am authorized to formulaic few questions.
Leonardo was positioned so that the guard had fallen back to the studio door.
- What's wrong?
"We got a report that had just been relacionándoos with a known enemy of the city.
- Who, me? Relationships? Far Fetched!
-When was the last time you saw or talked to Ezio Auditore?
- Who?
"Do not you come now with crap. We know that maintenanceniais a close relationship with the family. We sold to the madre a couple of those daub yours. Do you need that you may refresh her memory?
And the guards poked him in the stomach with the butt of his praiseda. Leonardo, uttering a sharp cry of pain, bowed and fell to the ground, where the guard began to poke kicks.
- We are now ready to talk? I do not like artists. You are a bunch of fags.
But the scene had given Ezio has time to glidecer noise at the door and stand behind the guard. The street was deserted. He was just ahead of him naked man's neck. It was an ideal opportunity to test their new toy. Levantó hand, thus triggering the release of the mechanism and instantly came the silent knife. With a deft movementof his right hand to open, Ezio stabbed once in the side of the neck guard. The freshly sharpened blade was betweenmend dangerous and guard penetrated the jugular without resistance. The man fell, dead even before reaching the ground.
Ezio helped Leonardo to join.
"Thanks," said the trembling artist.
"Sorry ... did not intend to kill him ..., there was no time ...
"Sometimes we have no alternative. Although by now would have to be used.
- What do you mean?
"I was involved in the case Saltarelli.
Ezio remembered him right away. Few weeks ago, a young art model, Jacopo Saltarelli, was reported anonymously to practice prostitution, and Leonardo, along with three other men, had been accused of being one of his clientsTual. The case had been dismissed for lack of evidence, but could not shake the bad reputation gained.
"Here we do not process for homosexuals," said Ezio-. That is why, I think, that the Germans used a nickname for them: they are called Florenz.
"Officially remains an illegal activity," said DryLeonardo mind-. Can still be fined for it. And with menas Alberti men in power ...
- What do we do with the body?
"Oh," said Leonardo-. It's a godsend. Help me to drag him inside before someone sees us. I'll put it with others.
- A gift from heaven? The others?
"The wine is fresh. Remain a week. Occasionally a couple of corpses recovered from the hospital, not CLAIMma anyone. All unofficial, of course. The open, examined a little ... Serve for my research.
Ezio looked at his friend with great curiosity.
"I thought you had cash. I like to find out the functionsaccompaniment of things.
Body away from the sight of people and the two assistants Leonardo dragged in any way by the stone steps to hide.
- And if they send someone to look to know what became of him?
Leonardo shrugged.
"I'll say that I know nothing. "He winked-. I have friends pohealers here, Ezio.
Ezio was perplexed. Said: "I I very confident ...
"You limit yourself to anyone not mention the incident.
"I will not ... and thank you, Leonardo, for everything.
"It was a pleasure. And do not forget ... His eyes shone with a hungry look-. If you find more pages of this COsays, bring them to me. Who knows what other new designs could withhave.
- I promise!
Ezio returned home triumphant Paola although, throughout their journey to the north of the city, did not forget at any time lost in the anonymity of the crowd.
Paola was received with relief.
"You've been away longer than I expected.
-A Leonardo likes to talk.
"But I hope that is not dedicated to just that.
"Oh, no. Look! "And he showed him the knife wrist, lasting thedola from inside the sleeve with a flourish extravagant and a little boy smile.
- Awesome!
"Yes. -Ezio watched with admiration the gun-. I need some practice. I want to keep all your fingers. Paola became serious.
"Well, Ezio, I think you're ready. Te I provideswimming skills needed, Leonardo has repaired your weapon. Took a deep breath-. All you need now is to perform your feat.
"Yes," said Ezio quietly, his expression darkening again-. The question now is how to access Messer Alberti. Paola looked thoughtful.
"The Duke Lorenzo is already back. He did not agree with Alberti authorized executions in his absence, but lacks the power to challenge the Gonfaloniere. Tomorrow night will be held the premiere of the latest work of master Verrocchio to the cloister of Santa Croce. Florentine high society will be present, including Alberti. He stared-. I think you should attend.
Ezio discovered that the sculpture was to perform was a bronze statue of David, the biblical hero who was associated with Florence, a city located between two Goliaths: Rome in the south and the kings of France, always eager to conquer territory, the north. The Medici family was the promoter of the commission, which was erectedria in the Palazzo Vecchio. The teacher had begun work on the sculpture for three or four years and there were rumors that the caBeza had been shaped by what was one of the most attractiveyoung apprentice you and Verrocchio at the time, such a Leonardo da Vinci. In any casor excitement to the Accountantfoundation was great and everyone was wondering what was putDria for the occasion.
But Ezio had other issues on which to reflect.
"Take care of my mother and my sister in my absence Paola asked.
"As if they were mine.
"And if anything happened to me ...
"Have faith, nothing will happen.
The next afternoon, Ezio went to Santa Croce with sufficientyou in advance. He had spent hours preparing and refine previousdo your skills with the new weapon until you are satisfied with the feeling that dominated their use. He was thinking about the death of his father and brothers, and the cruel tone of voice in pronouncing the sentence Alberti clearly echoed in his head.
As he approached Santa Croce saw two figures recommendednized immediately. They walked past him and something apart from a small squad of bodyguards whose uniform displaying a badge with five red balls on a gold field. Were discutiendo, and hurried to come and hear the conversation. Sehad before the porch of the church and he was giving LapTAS near them but they could see, to hear what they said. The men spoke barely moving lips. One was Uberto Alberti, the other a thin man of between twenty and thirty years, with prominent nose and determined expression, richly dressed with hat and red cloak, a silver-gray coat beneath. The Duke Lorenzo Il Magnifico, as they called their subjects, To the indignation of the Pazzi and their supporters.
"You can not accuse me of this, was saying Alberti-. I acted based on information received as conclusive evidence. I acted within the law and within the limits of my office!
- No! Surpass your limits Gonfaloniere,and you APROVEchaste in my absence to do so. I'm extremely againsttariat.
- Who are you to talk about limits? I've done with the power of the city, you have proclaimed their duke, without the consentor the formal consent Signoria or anyone!
- I have not done that!
Alberti was allowed to license a wry laugh.
- What would you say otherwise? You're always so innocent! How convenient of you. In Careggi you surround yourself with people that mamajority consider dangerous freethinkers: Ficino, Mirandola, Poliziano and filthy! But at least we had the opportunity to see how far your radio actually action ... that is the same as saying that anywhere, practically speaking. It was a valuable lesson for my aliatwo for me.
"Yes. Your allies the Pazzi. In reality, everything turns around the same, right?
Alberti studied carefully before responding nails.
"Watch what you say, duces. Could attract the attention of someone who does not belong. "Although not discussed fully confident.
"The only thing you should watch what you say you are, Gonfaloniere. And I suggest you forward this advice to your partner ... Take it as a warning of a friend.
And with that, Lorenzo turned around and went with guardaespaldas to the cloister. After a moment, cursing to himself, Alberti followed suit. A Ezio gave the impression that the man was cursing himself.
The cloisters had been decorated for the occasion with youjidos embroidered in gold so dazzling reflected light hundreds of candles. On a platform next to the central fountain, a group of musicians played, while in another gallery stood the bronze sculpture, a figure of exquisite beauty whose size reached approximately half the height of a man. When Ezio entered, using columns and shadows to hide, he saw Lorenzo congratulating the artist. Ezio also recognized the mysterious hooded figure who accompanied AlAlberti on the platform the day of execution.
From a distance, saw Alberti surrounded by fans, members of the local nobility. As could be heard, understood Eziogiven that they were congratulating Gonfaloniere for liberating the city from the scourge of the family Auditore. Never have imagineddo that his father may have as many enemies as well as friends in the city, but also realized that only had dareddo to stand against him in the absence of its main ally, Lorenzo. Ezio smiled when a noblewoman Alberti said he was confident that the Duke valued his integrity. Overture saw that has notBia been at all pleasing to Alberti. And continued to hear more.
- What is known about another child? Was asking a non-ble-. Ezio, right? Have you escaped?
Alberti managed a smile.
"The boy does not imply any danger. Soft hands and an even softer head. He was captured and executed by the end of the week.
All those around him laughed.
"Well ... what are you waiting for then Uberto? Asked another man-. Does the chair Signoria maybe?
Alberti opened his hands.
"Everything is God's will. My only interest is in continuoustinue serving Florence, faithfully and diligently.
"Whatever you chose to do so, you have our support.
"Very flattering on your part. We'll see what the future holds. -Alberti was radiant, but appeared to modestly-. And now, my friends, I suggest we leave the politics aside and give ourselves the pleasure of this sublime work of art, so generousdonated by the noble mind Medici.
Ezio waited for the company Alberti moved away towards the David. For its part, Alberti took a glass of wine and discussed the scene, a mixture of caution and satisfaction in his eyes. Ezio saknew I was his chance. The eyes of the world were fixed on the sculpture, near which Verrocchio was stuck with a brief speech.
-Make the ultimate compliment you must have felt like a kick in the stomach, "said Ezio between teeth-. But I papray you're right at the end disingenuous.
A Alberti met him in the eyes of the orbits to recognize.
- You!
"Yes, Gonfaloniere. I Ezio. I have come to avenge the death of my father-your friend, and my innocent brothers.
Alberti heard the click off of a pier, a clang, and immediately saw the knife stuck in his throat.
"Goodbye, Gonfaloniere Ezio said coldly.
- Stop!He cried in a stifled Alberti-. You have done the same to have been in my situation: you protect yourres ones. Forgive me, Ezio ... I had no other choice.
Ezio leaned over him, ignoring his pleas. I knew that this man had had no alternative-an alternative honorsble-and who had been too passive to decantis for her.
- What do you think I I'm not protecting my loved onestwo? What would you be able to show mercy to my mother and my sister's hand to bring them up? And now tell me cottonare the papers of my father gave you? You have to have them stored somewhere safe.
"I never get. Whenever I take over! -AlberEzio you wanted to push and took a deep breath to call the guards, but Ezio came the knife a little closer to his throat and slid the blade over his jugular artery. Incapable even of Bourbontar, Alberti fell to his knees, his hands clutching instinctivelyyou neck in a vain attempt to stop the blood spillMaba on the grass like a waterfall. As lying completely fell to the ground. Ezio quickly hunched over it and cut the ribbon that connected his bag with the belt. He looked within. The engreifinal treatment was carried Alberti to tell the truth. The documentscough were there.
He realized that the silence around him. Verrocchio's speech was interrupted and all the guests had turned to him and were looking, not yet cover the scope of what happened. Ezio stood up and faced them.
- Yes! What you see is real! What you see is revenge! The familylia Auditore still alive. I'm still here! Ezio Auditore!
Took a deep breath at the same time a woman's voice shouted:
Instant chaos reigned. Lorenzo's bodyguards as rodearon immediately, their swords raised. Guests corrierum to hide here and there, some trying to flee, the more youlients doing at least the gesture of trying to capture Ezio, although none of them dared to do it for real. Ezio saw the hooded figure was lost in the shadows. Verrocchio had been protecting his sculpture. Women screamed, men shouted and city guards ran through the cloisters, without really knowing who to pursue. Ezio seized the moment, climbed onto the roof dand the colonnade of the porch and salttó another courtyard, the door opened into the square in front of the church, where they began to congregate and a multitude of curiosos, attracted by the sounds of the commotion that existed in the inteprevious building.
- What happens? Someone asked Ezio.
"Justice has been done," said Ezio, before running off the northwest city in search of security offered Paola's mansion.
He stopped on the way to verify the contents of the bowlsa Alberti. At least, his last words were sincere. Everything was there. And there was something else. An undelivered letter written by Alberti handwriting. Perhaps new information to Ezio, who broke the seal and unfolded the parchment.
But it was a personal note to his wife Alberti. While reading, Ezio could at least understand what kind of forces had pushed the man to break his integrity.
Amomine r:
"Plasmo my thoughts paper with the hope of qEU quizore comes a day quand gather enough courage to eat comgame with you. With the TIMEpo, no doubt you'll learn que traitionGiovanni é auditors, taché a traitor and set himICE to death. Probably the history will judge this act as cuesment of polNotice and greed. 'But you must understand that it was fate that forced me ahacerlo, but fear.
When the Medici stealsour family were all que poseíamos, tuve scared. For you, for our son. By future. What hope is in this world to a hombre no media or positionresponsibilities? In As far ass rest, I offered money, land and titles in exchange for my cooperation.
Y I finished eating and was betraying my close friend.
Por unexplained that whether that act, it seemed necessary at the time.
E even ahora, looking back, do not get to see another way ...
Ezio carefully folded the letter and put it back into the bowlsa. I would again be responsible for sealing and it was betweengada. He was determined not ever bow to the meanness.