Chapter 8
Ezio preparations had to be carried out before leaving MonteRiggioni. Had more to learn, along with his uncle, on the Creed of Murderers, in order to face the best posible the task that lay ahead. On the other hand, there was a needDad trying to make your stay in Florence was safe, and finalmind had to solve the issue of where to stay, as the spies who Mario was stationed in the city had reporteddo that palazzo family was shut and closed with boards but, to remain under the protection and surveillance of the Medici, had not been looted. Several delays and setbacks led to Ezio feel increasingly impatient until, one morning in March, his uncle told him to prepare your luggage.
"It's been a long winter ... "Mario said.
"Too long," he said Ezio.
-... but now it is all about, "continued his uncle. And I remind you that meticulous preparation is the last reasonma of many victories. Now, pay attention! I have an amiga in Florence that has arranged for you to have a housingsafe treatment not far from home.
- Who is it, uncle?
Mario proved elusive.
"His name is unimportant to you, but you have my pastyles that you can rely on it as you trust in me. In any case, he is currently out of town. If necessaryIBTS help, contact your former housekeeper, Annetta, the address remains the same and now works for the Medici, but the best is that fewer people posible is aware of your presence in Florence. There are, pregnantHowever, a person who must contact, although it is not easy to crazyLizard. Te I have written your name here. You ask very discreetdirectly by him. Try to ask your friend when you show the scientist Codex page, but do not give too much informationtion. It's for your own good! And here I leave you, indeed, the address of your accommodation. Ezio He handed two sheets of paper and a volight leather bag. And a hundred florins to begin, and your travel documentation, you'll see that it is in perfect order. And the best news I have to give is to depart tomorrow!
Ezio used what little time he had to approach caballo to the convent and say goodbye to his mother and sister prepare essential clothing and equipment he needed, and desasked his uncle and the men and women of the city all that time had been his companions and allies. But saddled his horse and crossed the gates of the castle at dawn the next day with a happy heart and resolved. The day-of-wayje was long but uneventful, and when dinner was already settled in their new base and prepared to familiarize newvo with the city that had been their home for life and for so long that he saw. But it was felt that a returnmental, and as he was accustomed again and sadly had passed ahead of the front of his old home, went straight to the workshop of Leonardo, not forgetting to take with him APCodex page I had on Vieri de 'Pazzi.
Since Ezio was gone, Leonardo had expanded its taller with the acquisition of adjacent premises is a large warehousesufficient space to accommodate the physical results of imaginationtion of the artist. Two trestle tables occupied the premises from one extreme to another, a space lit by oil lamps and the light coming through the windows at the top of the walls (Leonardo did not like the look of the curious) . On tables, hanging from the walls and scattered, half-montar, per stay, there were an unlimited number of gadgets, machines and engineering components. Nailed to the walls were hundreds of drawings and sketches. Between that creates pandemoniumproductivity, working and running around half a dozen assistants, superInnocente Agniolo visas and somewhat higher than others but no less attractive. Here, the model of a car, exceptto which was round, loaded with weapons everywhere, and covered with a canopy cover battleship reminiscent of a pileup of kitchen, above which there was a hole where a man was associatedTues head to make sure the address was the machine. There, the drawing of a boat in the shape of a shark but with a strange tower in the back. Rarer still, as the picture gave the impression that the ship was sailing under the water. Mapas and anatomical drawings showing since the operation of the eye, to the intercourse, from por the embryo in the uterus, and muLike many other Ezio's imagination was unable to decipher- crammed into every available space on the wall, while the samples and stuff stacked on tables reminded Ezio organized chaos he had seen during his last visit to studygiven, but now multiplied a hundredfold. Had accurate pictures of animals, ranging from the known to the supernatural, and boCoetuses anything, from water pumps to walls of defense.
Pber what he called attention to Ezio hanging from the ceiling. I had seen before another version of the widget, a small modelNa, but what looked like a large-scale model of what one day become a real machine. He kept reminding the esqueleto of a bat, but there was some kind of skin resistanceAnimal I stretched over the structure of the two wooden knobs. In the vicinity there was an easel with documents. Among the entries and calculations, Ezio read:
... spring steel horn or subject of willow covered with reeds.
The momentum holds birds in flight during a time when the wings do not put pressure on the air, and even rise.
If a man weighs ninety kilos and is at the point nand hang up your block, which weighs seventy kilos, with a power equivalent to one hundred and forty kilos would rise with two wings ...
A Ezio what sounded to Greek, but at least was able to read it. I imagined that he transcribed the impenetrable AgnioloLeonardo trable scribbles. At that moment he realized that Agniolo was watching and quickly looked away. Leonardo knew that he liked to keep everything secret.
Leonardo was at that time from his former studio and ran quickly to Ezio to give a warm hug.
- My dear Ezio! You're back! I'm glad to see you. After all that happened, we thought ... "But let the sentence die there, his expression of concern.
Ezio tried to cheer again.
- Go to this site! Obviously, for me nothing has neither head nor tail, but I guess you know very well what you do! Have you stopped painting?
"No," Leonardo-. But I devote myself to other things ... I draw attention.
"I I see it. And you've expanded the site. You must be thrivingdo. The last two years have been good for you.
But Leonardo was aware of both the sadness and the seriesDad who had taken over the face of Ezio.
"Maybe," said Leonardo-. Leave me alone. I guess they think it useful to prove to anyone who becomes absolute control someday ... although I guess no one ever will at all. She changed the subject-. What are you telling me, amigo me?
Ezio stared.
"I hope someday we will have time to sit and charlar on all that has happened since the last time we met. But for now, I need your help again.
Leonardo spread his hands.
- For you, what you want!
"I have something to show you that I think will interest you.
"Then you better come to my studio ... It is a bit more orderly.
Once installed in the former studio of Leonardo, out of his wallet Ezio page Codex and spread on the table. Leonardo's eyes opened wide.
- Do you remember the first sheet? Ezio asked.
- How could I forget? "The artist looked at the page-. It's exciting! "I can?
"Of course.
Leonardo studied the page carefully, resiguiendo finger scroll. Then, taking pen and paper, began to copy words and symbols. Almost immediately, he began to run from one side to another, consulting books and manuscripts, absorbed. Ezio watched him work, patient and grateful.
"Very interesting," said Leonardo-. There are unknown languagesnocidos, at least for me, but still a kind of pattern. Hmmm ... Yes, here is an Aramaic gloss clarifies things a bit.
He looked up and continued:
- Do you know? If you join together with another page that might almost think they were part of a handbook on some level, at least-on methods of murder. But of course there is much more than that, though I have no idea what it is. All I know is that we're only scratching the surface of what this might reveal. We would need to have it completed, but do you have any idea where can be the rest of the pages?
- Or how many are there altogether?
"That is possible ... may we know.
"Aha," said Leonardo-. Secrets! I respect them.
But then there was another thing that caught his attention.
- Look at this!
Ezio looked over his shoulder, but saw nothing but a succession of symbols closely together and in a wedge.
- What is it?
"I can not decipher, but if I'm not mistaken this section contains the formula of a metal or an alloy unknownWe ... and that, of course, not could exist!
- Is there anything else?
"Yes ..., the most easy to decipher. It is basically the design of another weapon, and seems to complement the existing one. But this will have to manufacture it from scratch.
- What kind of weapon?
"Pretty simple, really. Is an inlaid metal plateTada in a leather wristband. Take her on the forearm izquierdo-or right-handed if you were like me and usesestuaries to repel the attacks of swords, and even axes. The extraordinary thing is that, although, obviously, is very strong, the metal that we will have to cast is incredibly ligero. E incorporates a double-edged dagger, which is activated by a furnitureLLE as the other.
- Do you think you could make?
"Yes, but I will take time.
"I do not have much.
Leonardo thought.
"I think I have everything I need here, and my men are skilled enough to build this. "She turned for a moment the idea, moving his lips as he made the calculationsthe-. We take two days. Back then and see if funing!
Ezio nodded.
"I I am very grateful, Leonardo. And I will repay.
-I who is grateful. This codex is for ampanding my knowledge ... I had an innovative, but all I find in these old pages intrigues me. She smiled and murmured, almost to himself: "And as for you, Ezio, you can not imagine the debt I have shown you for telling me. Let me see all you can find ... Where the obHave your business. I only care about your content, and anyone outside your circle, but I should see them. Is all the reward I demand.
"I I give my promise.
"Grazie! Until Friday, then ... "In the evening?
"Until Friday.
Leonardo and his assistants met the job well. The newis a weapon, despite being defensive, it was extremely useful. The youngLeonardo Venes aides jokingly attacked Ezio, but using real weapons, including dual-wielding swordshard and battle-axes, and protection for the wrist, light and easy to handle, easily diverted to the heaviest blows.
"An amazing weapon, Leonardo.
"It is.
"And I could save my life.
"I hope you suffer no more scars like that that crosses the back of your left hand," said Leonardo.
"It's the last memory of an old ... friend, "said Ezio-. But I need one more thing from you.
Leonardo shrugged.
"If I can help I will.
Ezio looked in the direction of Leonardo's assistants.
- Perhaps in private?
-Follow me.
In the study, Ezio unrolled a sheet of paper that has MarioBia and passed since Leonardo.
"This is the person with whom my uncle told me that I metra. He told me not to try to find it directly ...
But Leonardo was staring at the name written on paper. When he looked up, his face showed anxiety.
- Do you know who is?
"I read the name: La Volpe. I guess it's a nickname.
- El Zorro! Yes! But do not utter aloud, or in publicpublic. This man's eyes are everywhere, but he never lets on.
- Where can I find it?
"It's impossible to say, but to start with mu-and andatecho care-you could try the area of Mercato Vecchio ...
- But if there are all thieves who are not in galleries or in jail!
"Like I said you have to be careful. -Leonardo looked around as if they could hear-. Maybe ... maybe you poDria to get a message ... Go get morning after eve ... Maybe you're lucky ... maybe not.
Despite the warning from his uncle, was a person FloEzio Conference who was determined to see again. Throughout the time that had lasted its absence, she had never been away from his heart and the pangs of love had increased savingsra I knew I had it close. I could not take many risks in the city. His face had changed, had become more angleso as they had joined both experience and years, but still recognizable as Ezio. The hood would help, permitiéndolo "disappear" from the crowd, and dropped it as he could, but he knew that, despite the fact that now ruled the Medici, the Pazzi were with sharp teeth. They were waiting for the opportune moment arrived, and remained alert, was convinced, as he was sure that if they caught him off guard, kill him, with or without Medici Medici. But anyway, to the mafollowing morning he could not prevent their feet undertake caminot to the mansion Calfucci.
The doors leading to the main street were open,Jando see the sunny courtyard, and there she was rather thin,guramente higher, the hair in a high bun, a girl as a woman. Called.
When she saw him, he was so pale that she thought she would givemayarse, but he recovered quickly, something told her maid to leave and went to greet him with open arms. Raquickly, he led her to the shelter of a nearby archway, with walls of yellow stonehie were covered calldr. He stroked her neck and saw the thin chain with pendantguide still there, though the suspension itself was hidden in the indeterioration of her cleavage.
- Ezio! She cried.
- Cristina!
- What are you doing here?
"I'm here on my father.
- Where have you state? Take two years no news from you.
"I've been ... out. Also my father's affairs.
"They said you were dead ... and your mother and hermana.
"Fate treated us differently. He paused-. It may not have written, but never left my thoughts.
Her eyes are bright until then, suddenly clouded to express concern.
- What happens Carissima? He asked.
Tried to secede from Ezio. He does not let go.
"It's obvious that something's wrong. Tell me!
She looked into his eyes, and his own filled with tears.
- Oh, Ezio! I promised and I'm getting married!
Ezio was so surprised that I could not even speak. He let go, realizing that he had been holding it toosiad force, almost hurting. Saw, stretching ahead of him, the lonely road that would go.
"It was my father," she said-. He insisted on his choice. You were not. Te was dead. Then my parents started to arrange visits with Manfred d'Arzenta ... you know, the son of the ingots. They settled here from Lucca bit desbecause of you leave Florence. Oh, my God, Ezio, are all day telling me not to fail him the family, who tries topursue a good bond while still can. I thought I would never see. And now ...
He was interrupted by the voice of a girl, screams of panic final of the street, where a square.
Cristina tensed.
"It Gianetto ... Do you remember her?
Heard more yelling and screaming, and made a name Gianetto:
- Manfredo!
"Better that we will see what happens," said Ezio, advancedo down the street toward the commotion.
In the square found Gianetto, Cristina's friend, another girl who did not recognize Ezio, and an elderly man recalled that he worked as manager of Cristina's father.
- What happens? Ezio asked.
- It Manfredo!Shouted Gianetto-. Again with their debtsdas game! This time they will kill him, sure!
- What? Cristina shouted.
"I'm sorry, signorina "Said the clerk-. Two menmen to whom he owes money. They've been dragged to the New Bridge. They said they would make him pay the debt with a beating. I'm sorry, signorina. I could not do anything.
"Easy, Sandee. Go call the guards of the house. I I will y. ..
"Wait a minute," interrupted Ezio-. WhoMoni is Manfredo?
Cristina looked as if he were locked behind the barrotes of a prison.
"My fidanzato "He said.
"Let's see what I can do," said Ezio, and ran down the street leading to the bridge.
A minute later he was on top of the pier overlooking the narrow strip of land next to the first arch of the bridge, near the yellow waters of the Arno slow. There was a young man smartly dressed in black and silver knees. Two other youths sweated and grunted as he kicked herding, or bent down to crush his fists.
- Note, I swear! "Groaned the young man dressed in black and silver.
"I we are tired of your excuses, "said one of their tortureers-. We have taken for fools. So now I'll give youWe get what you deserve.
And up the boot up to the neck of the young, thrustingfraud against the mud, while his companion gave him a kick in the ribs.
The first attacker was about to stir up a kick in the kidneysWhen she was grabbed by the neck and Faldotions of his jacket. Someone had risen on wings and a withtinuación was found in the air, landing seconds after the river between the sewage and debris that accumulated in the first pier of the bridge. I was too busy tryingdo not drown in the filthy waters that had entered through the mouth to realize that his partner had just followed the same fate.
Ezio extended his hand to the young muddy and helped putis back on its feet.
"Grazie, signore. I think this time would have ended up killing himI really. But they would have been stupid to have done. I could have paid ... Sincerely!
- Are you not afraid to come back to for you?
"I do not think now that I have a bodyguard.
"I have not submitted: Ezio ... of Castronovo.
"Manfredo d'Arzenta, at your service.
-I I'm your bodyguard, Manfredo.
"Whatever. You have managed to shake off these clowns and I am grateful. You can not imagine how. In fact, you should let me offer you a reward. But above all, let me wash up and invite you to a drink. Right here in Fiordaliso Via, is a home game ...
"Yes, but a moment," said Ezio, knowing that Cristina and her companions were approaching.
- Do you play much?
- Why not? It's the best way I know to pass the time.
- Do you love? "I cut Ezio.
- What do you mean?
"To your fidanzata ... Cristina ... Does love?
Manfred was alarmed by the sudden violence of his savior.
"Of course ... although it is not your affair. Kill me die right here and loving it.
Ezio hesitated. It seemed that this man was telling the truth.
"So, listen: no shall return to play anymore. "You understand me?
- Yes! "Manfredo was scared.
- Swear!
- I swear!
"I do not know how lucky you come to be. I want prothat ye may thrust you will be a good husband. If I hear that you are not, and I will kill you seek.
Manfredo realized that his savior spoke completemind seriously. He looked at his cold gray eyes and something stirred in his memory.
- Did you know? Said-. There's something about you ... You sound like me something.
"We have never seen or have to meet again, unless ... -Ezio stopped. Cristina expected at the end of bridge, looking down-. Go with her and be faithful to your protable.
"I will be. Hesitated for-Manfredo-. The love of truth. Maybe you learned something today. And I will do everything in my power to haveCERLA happy. I do not need any kind of threat to my life to promise this.
"I hope so. Now, go away!
Ezio stood a moment watching the malecon Manfredo up, her eyes irresistibly drawn to Cristub. Their eyes met for a moment, he raised slightlymind hand in farewell. He turned and Tuescho. Since the death of his family, had not felt much pain in the heart.
On Saturday afternoon found him still engaged in a proAlthough founded. In the darkest moments I had the feeling of having lost everything, father, siblings, home, social position, future professional ... And now, espbear! But then he remembered goodness and protection that Mario had offered him, his mother and sister, who had managed to save and protect. And as for his future and his career are concerned, I still had both, but now running in a direction very different from what had been imagined before. I had a job to do and not have to yearn for Cristina to help him finish it. He iswould impossible to walk away forever from his heart, but not thatwas forced to accept the lonely fate that destiny had in store. Is it always like this with the Murderers? Would that it demanded loyalty to the Creed?
He went to the Mercato Vecchio with dark humor. His conocidos used to avoid that neighborhood and he had only been there once. The old market place was dirty and neglectedbecause, like buildings and surrounding streets. There were people running from one side to another, but no one giving a passeggiatta. Everyone walked with a purpose, without wasting time with his head bowed. Ezio had tried to dress sencillez and had not caught the sword, although they had put in their place a new metal cuff and hidden bladeta, just in case I needed them. He was aware that he should not Destacar through the crowd and had to be kept at all timesment on the alert.
He wondered what to do next, and began to raiseis entering a tavern that was on the corner of the square to see if I could figure out how indirectly establishtouch with the Fox, when a thin young man suddenly appeared like out of nowhere and gave him a shove.
-Scusi, signore "Said the young man politely, smiling, and passed quickly by.
Instinctively, Ezio put his hand to his belt. He had left safe in their accommodation more pre belongingsIncorporating, but had kept a few guilders in the bag from his belt, which had just disappeared. He turned around, saw the young man heading one of the streets radiating from the plaza and went in pursuit. Seeing him, the thief sped up, but Ezio managed not to lose sight and ran after him, caughtpurpose and intent by throwing his glove just as he was about to enter a dwelling without character high and Via Sant 'Angelo.
"Give it back-ordered.
"I do not know what you mean," replied the thief, his gaze evidenceciando fear.
Ezio, who had been about to release the knife, he controlled his anger. Suddenly it struck him that perhaps the man repudiationra provide the information he wanted.
"I have no interest in harming yourself, friend," said-. Stick to return my bag and not more talk.
After hesitating, the young man said reluctantly:
"You earn.
That said, got the bag he had hidden.
"Just one more thing," said Ezio.
The man was instantly on alert.
- What?
- Do you know where I can find a man who is callsea The Volpe?
The man was really scared now.
"I've never heard of him. Take your money, signore, and let me go.
"Not until you tell me.
"One moment," said a deep, guttural voice is toPalda-. Maybe I can help.
Ezio turned and saw his side a man with broad shoulders, height similar to yours and perhaps ten or fifteen years older than him. His head was covered with a cap similar to that of Ezio, partly obscuring his face, but managed to see two penis EzioTranter violet eyes that glowed with a mysterious forcesa and watched him intently.
"Let me go to my colleague, please," said the man-. Te I will answer for him.
Addressing the young thief, he said:
"Give back the money to the gentleman, Corradin, and get out of here. Talk later about this.
He spoke with such authority that Ezio released the boy. Within a second, Corradin deposited the bag in his hand and disappearedpeared in the interior of the building.
- Who are you? Ezio asked.
The man smiled a slow smile.
"My name is Gilbert, but I called many things: murderer, for example, and tagliagole; but my friends know me simply indicatesI like Zorro. He made a slight bow, while Ezio look with his piercing eyes. And I'm at your service Messer Auditore. In fact, I was waiting.
- How ... how to know my name?
"My job is to know everything in this city. And I know, I think, you think I can help in anything.
"My uncle gave me your name ...
The Fox smiled but said nothing.
"I have to find someone ... stay one step ahead of him, too, if that's possible.
- Whom do you seek?
-A Francesco de 'Pazzi.
"A big fish, I see. "The Fox sobered-. Maybe can help. He paused to reflect-. I've heard that recently landed in the docks some people from Rome. They came to attend a meetsion of the supposedly no one should be aware, but do not know anything about me, let alone that I am the eyes and ears of the city. The host of the meeting is the man you want.
- When will this meeting?
- Tonight! "The Fox smiled-. Do not worry, Ezio: not a thing of destiny. Would have sent someone to get you not to have met you before, but I had fun testing yourself. Those who rarely seek me find me.
- You mean it was you who prepared me stumble Corradin?
"Forgive my sense of theater, but had to make sure that no I followed. Corradin is young, and has also been a kind of test for him. Look, maybe I will have prepared everything, but he desfully knew the type of service being provided. I just thought that I had selected a victim! "Her voice became harder, more practical-. Now you must find a way to spy on the meeting, and will not be easy.
He looked to the sky and continued:
"It's dark. We must hurry and the best way to move is on the roof.Follow me!
Without saying a word, turned and began to climb the wall that was behind him with such speed that Ezio cost to follow. They ran the red roofs, building on lastmo sunshine to jump the abyss that opened up the street iflenciosos as cats, foxes agile, northwest, until they sighted the facade of the great church of Santa Maria Novella. Sewas then the Fox. Ezio came only seconds later, but realized he was panting more than the man who was over age.
"You had a good teacher," said Fox.
But Ezio had the clearest sense that, if any, thatrido, his new friend would have easily exceeded, and that not only increased their determination to grow more if it fits your skills. But it was not time for beating about the contests or games.
"That's where Messer Francesco held its meeting, Fox said, pointing downwards.
- In the church?
"Under her. Vamos!
In those hours, piazza front of the church was comcompletely deserted. The fox jumped from the roof and landed on cuclillas on the ground, Ezio followed suit. They surrounded the square and the paside wall of the church until a hidden door in the wall. The fox told him that the push Ezio and immediately found themselves in the Rucellai chapel. The Fox was stopped by the bronze tomb which occupied the central area.
"There is a network of catacombs that crosses the city far and wide. I find it very useful for the type of work I do, but unfortunately I have the exclusivity on it. However, very few know the catacombs or saben sort through them, but Francesco de Pazzi is one of them. This is where is celebrating his meeting with the Romans. We are at the entrance nearest to the point where they should be in these moments, but you have to get yourself to them. As you come down, find a chapel, part of an abandoned crypt, about fifty yards on your right. Watch carefully, because the sound is transmitted very easily down here. It is alsoTara dark, so I recommend you let your light to all become accustomed to the gloom. Then find the chapel lights will guide you.
Put his hand over a lump of stone pedestal that supported the grave and put pressure. At his feet, a slab apsolid apparently began to move with the help of invisible hinges up to reveal a flight of steps sculptedtwo in the rock. He stepped aside.
"Buona fortune Ezio.
- Are not you coming?
"No need. And even with all my abilities, two peoplenas make more noise than one. Te wait here.Va, go!
In the basement, Ezio groped his way through the damp stone passage that opened on the right. Advanced touching the walls, which were sufficiently close together to be able to touch them with both hands, and was relieved to see that their footsteps do not resonateban on the damp dirt floor. From time to time, had bifurcatedtions with other tunnels palpable rather than see them, when the hands that served as guide to detect a black void. Lost down there had to be a nightmare, as it was to be impossibleagainst new departure. Some minor input sounds surprised him, until he realized that there were more than co ratturret, although on one occasion, when one of them ran over the foot, struggled to stifle a scream. In the niches carved into the walls, he saw the bodies of an obliquelyTigua burial, his skull wrapped in cobwebs. The catacumbas had some primary and terrible, and Ezio had to philosophercar the rising tide of panic I felt.
Finally spotted a faint light ahead of him and movingis slower now, moved toward her. Remained hiddenamong the shadows until he heard the five men he saw before him, silhouetted in the light of a lamp isdistance and ancient chapel.
Francesco immediately recognized, a tiny creature, nerVuda, vehement that when he arrived Ezio, was leaning in front of two priests to cut crown did not recognize. The older of them was giving the blessing with a clear voice and nasal
-Et benedictio Omnipotentis Dei, Patris et Filii et Spiritu Sancti descendat super maneater et vos semper ...
When the light illuminated his face, Ezio recognized him. It was Stefano da Bagnone, secretary of Jacopo, Francesco's uncle. Jacopo was at his side.
"Thank you, Father," said Francesco once the bencondition.
He straightened up and headed for a fourth man, who was standing next to the priests.
-Bernardo, give us your report.
"Everything is ready. We have a full arsenal of swords, staffs, axes, bows and crossbows.
"A simple knife would be best for the job," said the younger of the two priests.
"It depends on the circumstances," said Francesco Antonio.
-O poison, "continued the younger priest-. But it does not matter, while die. He does not forgive easily have annihilatedVolterra side, my hometown and my real home.
"Calm down," said the man named Bernardo-. We all haveWe are sufficient grounds. Now, thanks to Pope Sixtus, we alsoalso the media.
"Yes, Messer Baroncelli, "said Antonio-. But teneWe blessing?
Then a voice came from the deep shadows of the back of the chapel, where they reached the lamplight.
"Bless our operation," as long as you do not kill anybody. "
The owner of the voice emerged into the light and gasped Ezio recognize that the hooded figure dressed in crimson red even though his whole face, except furnitureca contemptuous forming his lips, was hidden under the shadow of the hood. It was the most important visitoryou from Rome: Rodrigo Borgia, il Spagnolo!
The conspirators shared his knowing smile. Toboth knew which side were the loyalties of the Pope, who was none other than the Cardinal in front of them, a man who exercisedCia control over it. But of course the Pope could not approve openly bloodshed.
"It is fortunate that finally can do the job," said Francesco-. We have suffered many setbacks. But as things stand, killing them in the cathedral will bring us much criticism.
"It's our last and only option," said Rodrigo selfauthority-. And ridding Florence of this mob will be doing God's work, so the scenario is appropriate. Moreover, as we control the city ... people murmur against us, if you dare!
"Still, do not stop changing plans," said Bernardo Baroncelli-. I even have to have someone call his younger brother, Giuliano, to ensure they arrive on time to the mass.
Everyone laughed with the comment, but Jacopo and Spanish, he realized the seriousness of the expression of that.
- What, Jacopo?Rodrigo asked the older of the Pazzi-. Do you think they suspect anything?
Before Jacopo could speak, his nephew gestured impatiently.
- Impossible! The Medici were too arrogant or tooSiado stupid to notice anything!
"Do not underestimate our enemies," he chided Jacopo-. Do not you realize that money was the Medici who funded the campaign against us in San Gimignano?
"This time we will not have these problems," he snapped his nephewnot upset about being scolded in front of their peers and with the memory of his son's death still fresh in their Vieri mememory.
During the silence that followed, Bernardo turned to Stefano da Bagnone.
"I must ask you borrowed a couple of priestly robes for tomorrow morning, father. The more surrounded by Clerigos think they are, the safer they feel.
- Who will be responsible for the attack? Ro askedDrigo.
- Yo! "Said Francesco.
- And me! -Added Stefano, Antonio and Bernardo.
"Well. Rodrigo paused-. I think that in principle, daggers would best. Much easier to hide, and very helpful when it comes to work at close range. But having the Pope's arsenal is also good ... I am sure that isRAN loose ends to be resolved when the Medici brothers are gone.
Then he raised his hand and made the sign of the cross to his companionstions between colleagues conspirators
"Dominus vobiscum, gentlemen. And the Father of Knowledge guide us. He looked around-. Well, I think with this the matter is settled. You must forgive me, but I must leave now. I have goingRias things to do before returning to Rome, and I need to get on the road before dawn. I do not do any good to be seen in Florence the day that the House of Medici is coming down.
Ezio spent waiting, next to a wall between the somwords, until all six men were gone, leavingI completely dark. Only when he was sure he was all alone, he sought his own lamp and brought the tinder to the wick.
He had come again. The Fox was waiting in the dark Rucellai chapel. Ezio, with a heavy heart, explained what he had heard.
- To kill Lorenzo and Giuliano de Medici in the cathedral while celebrating the High Mass? "Said Ezio Fox when he was done, and Ezio saw that, for once, the man had been virtually without words-. It is a sacrilege! And worse than that: if Florence falls into the hands of the Pazzi, God help us.
Ezio was thinking.
- Can you get seats in the cathedral tomorrow? -I asked-. Near the altar. Next to the Medici.
The Fox looked at him very seriously.
"Complicated, though perhaps not impossible. He looked the young-. I know what you're thinking, Ezio, but you can not do it alone.
"I can try, and I have the element of surprise for me. And an unfamiliar face in the aristocrazia in the main area LevanTare the suspicions of the Pazzi. But you get me there, Gilberto.
"Call me Zorro," he said Gilberto and told continuación, smiling-: Foxes can only compete with me as far as cleverness is concerned.
He paused and added:
"We'll see in front of the Duomo half hour before mass. He looked at Ezio's eyes with a new respect-. Te help if I can, Messer Ezio. Tu father would have been proudso you.