"Hmmm. .. Guido's brother has only nine toes. Are you sure you would not be a foot?
"Pretty sure.
"And then there's brother Domenico, but what it lacks is the entire left arm.
"No, sorry, I'm pretty sure it was a finger.
"Hmmm ... "The monk went on thinking. Yes, a momentto! I remember a black hooded monk who was only ninetwo ... Yes! Sure! It was when we celebrate the last feast of San Vincenzo in Tuscany Abbey.
Ezio smiled.
"Yes, I know that place. I'll try there. Grazie.
"Go in peace, brother.
"That's what I always do.
Ezio crossed the mountains to the west, toward the Toscana, and although it was a long and complicated journey, then come closercaba the fall and the days were getting nasty, she began to feel excited as they approached the abbey, where, long ago, one of those involved in the plot to assassinate Lorenzo dand Medici-Secretary of Jacopo de 'Pazzi, Stefano da Bagnone-met his end at the hands of Ezio.
It was unfortunate that the abbot who received it was one of the teaswitnesses of this murder.
"Sorry," said Ezio input. I wonder if podríais ...
But the abbot, recognizing him instantly fell horrordo and shouted:
- That all the archangels, Uriel, Rafael, Miguel, Saraquel, Gabriel, Reuel-Remiel and protect us with full force! He looked down from heaven to posarla below in Ezio. Wicked devil! Go away from here!
- What happens? Ezio asked shocked.
- What happens? What happens? You're the one who killed the brothersStefano no. On holy ground! "A nervous group of brothers had congregated at a distance and the abbot was swimmingor time to them. It turn backor! The murderer of monks and priests have back! He pronounced his wordss booming voice and left hugoing, followed by others.
The man was panic. Ezio was forced to leave in pursuit. But not as well known as the abbey the abbot and his troop of monks. In the end, tired of pacing around pasadizos and cloisters unknown, climbed to the roofs to poder better see where the monks had gone, even if all you got with it was more terrified to flee if possible and put to shout: "It has arrived! He has arrived! Beelzebub has come! "so he gave up and went chasing useddo conventional methods.
Gotta catch them at last. Panting, the abbot turned to him and whined:
- Go away, you devil! Leave us alone! We have not committed any sin greater than yours!
"No, wait, listen," said Ezio also panting. Just a question, want.
- We have not invoked the demons! Not intendedWe still travel to the afterlife!
Ezio repeatedly shook hands with the palms down.
-Quiet,please! I do not intend any harm! But the abbot did not want to hear. He looked up at the sky. "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Notoy yet ready to meet your angels! And she ran again.
Ezio was forced to make a tackle. Both rose from the ground, shaking in the middle of a circusulo the astonished monks.
- Leave and run away, please! "Begged Ezio.
Abbot cringed.
- No! Have mercy! I do not want to die! "He mumbled. Ezio, aware that he was being overly formal, said: "Look, Father Abbot, I only kill those who kill inmore. And your brother Stefano was a murderer. Attempted to assassinate Duke Lorenzo in 1478. He paused, breathing difficultiestad-. Quiet, Messer abbe, I am sure you will notgneiss no murderer.
The Abbot look relaxed a little, but still wecusing suspicious.
- What do you want? He asked.
"Okay, now listen. I'm looking at you dressed like a monk, a Dominican who is missing a finger.
The abbot remained cautious.
- What is missing a finger, you say? How to fra Savonarola?
Ezio took mental note of the name.
- Savonarola? Who is it? Did you know?
"I met him, Messer. He was one of us ... for a while.
- What next?
The Abbot shrugged.
"I suggest you take a long rest in a hermitageta of the mountains. No. .. did not fit quite right here ...
"I think, Abbe it is quite possible that his time as erMitan finished. Do you know where I could have gone?
"Oh, poor me ... "The abbot tried to remember-. If you have left the shrine, could have returned to Santa Maria del Carmine, in Florence. It was there that he studied. Maybe he is back there.
Ezio sighed with relief.
"Thank you, abbot. Go with God.
A Ezio it was strange to return to his hometown after such a long time. There were many memories to face. But the circumstancescircumstances dictated that further work alone. Could not contact even with his former friends and allies, for fear of alerting the enemy.
He saw immediately that although the climate in the city was remaining stable, church, or at least he was walking busCando, was plunged into chaos. A monk had just left it running scared.
Addressed to the monk.
"Easy, brother. Is everything OK?
The monk is stared at him with eyes wide open.
"Stay away, man. If you value your life into something!
- What's here?
- The Roman soldiers just walked into our church! The brothers have scattered, ask questions that make no sense. They keep telling us to give them fruit!
- What kind of fruit?
- Apples!
- Apples? Diavolo! Rodrigo has come before me! Ezio said between his teeth and almost to himself.
- There have been one of my fellow Carmelites at the sameback of the church you! I'm sure you think to kill him!
- Carmelites? Are not Dominicans?.
Ezio left the brother and carefully surrounded the walls of Santa Maria, not detached from them. He moved as quietly as the mongoose that is facing a cobra. When he reached the garden walls of the church, climbed to the roof. And despite all the expertiseCIA had given him the years, quand he saw left him breathing downtion. Borgia Several guards were giving him a beating to a monje cast your vote. He was about thirty-five years.
- Sing!Shouted the leader of the guards-. Sing or I'll hurt so wish you had not born! Where is the Apple?
- Please! I do not know! I do not know what you're talking!
The leader of the guards moved closer to him.
- Confess! Your name Savonarola!
- Yes! I told you! But stop and hit me!
"So, tell us and your suffering will cease. Where the hell is the Fruit of Eden? "The interrogator gave him a powerful edgefoot in the crotch. The monk gave a scream of pain-. I do not think it will make a huge difference for a man always in the position of missionary like you, "sneered the guard.
Ezio looked on with great concern. If that was monk Savonarola, Borgia bullies end up killing him before he managed to get the truth.
- Why do you keep lying to me?"Continued the guard. Amy Master will not like at all I've learned that Icho torture you to death! Are you trying to get into problems?
-I I have no apples, "sobbed the monk-. I'm just a simple monk. Let me go please!
- By my balls!
- I do not know nothing! The monk cried pitifully.
"If you want to stop," shouted the guard, driving the other pointswall in the same place- Tell me the truth, brother Girolamo ... Savonarola!
The guard kicked him again and told his followers it agarraran by the ankles and dragged along the ground mercilessly adomachine, his head bouncing painfully on the hard stones. The monk shouted and struggled in vain.
- Have you had enough,abominato!"The chief of the guards turned to approach him-. So you are prepared to meet with your Creator that you lie over and over again to see her?
"I'm just a simple monk," cried the Carmelite, whose habit was dangerously cut and color similar to that of the dominantNicos-. I have no fruit of any kind! Please ...
The guard kicked him. In the same place. Again. The monk's body writhed in agony was beyond tears.
Ezio had enough. Jumped suddenly, a ghost for revenge, and for once, by pure rage, using the dagger is simultaneouslyNenos and double-edged dagger. After a minute of carnage, the thugs of Borgia, in full, lay dead, or immersed in the same agony they had caused, on adoquitions of the court.
The monk was caught crying Ezio knees.
"Grazie, grazie, salvatore.
Ezio stroked his head.
"Calm, calm. And is all sorted out, brother. -Ezio monk looked at his fingers.
The ten fingers were intact.
"You have ten fingers," he murmured, disappointed despite himself.
"Yes," cried the monk-. I have ten fingers. And I have more apples than the market brought to the monastery every Thursday! She stood up, shook and swore-: In the name of God! Does the world has lost sense?
- Who are you? Why I hcaught an you?Ezio asked.- Because I found that Savonarola name! But why should I betray my cousin before these thugs?
- Do you know what you have done?
- I know nothing! He is a monk, like me. Or preferred theden of the Dominicans, which is harder, yes, but ...
- Have you lost a finger?
"Yes, but how could you ...? The look of the monk gave intender beginning to understand what happened.
- Who is Girolamo Savonarola? Ezio insisted.
"My cousin, a devout man of God. What which, as per melimits may ask, who are you? Although I must thank humilityI've rescued insane and I know that you can ask me any favor.
"I ... I have no name, "said Ezio. But let me please tell me yours.
Marcello-Fra Savonarola, the monk replied meekly.
Ezio noted. His head ran at full speed.
- Where is your cousin Girolamo?
Marcello The monk began to think, fighting his withscience.
"True, my cousin ... has a unique vision on how to serve God ... Preaches his own doctrine ... Now you might inget it in Venice.
- So what are you doing there?
Marcello straightened.
"I think going down the wrong path. He preaches hellfire. States see the future. -Marcello looked Ezio with bloodshot eyes, with agonized eyes. If you really want to know my opinion, I think vomit crazy!