Chapter 13
After the split from Leonardo Ezio and relocate to your accommodation, wasted no time and returned to the Palazzo Seta, a tacomplicated area of passages in that city, labyrinthine channels arcos low, squares and dead ends. But everyone coneCIA palazzo and, provided it is lost, the Venetians kindly told him where to go ... Although none gave the impressionsion to understand why anyone would want to go there for their propia will. A couple of them suggested that it would be easier to take a gondola, but Ezio wanted to become familiar with the city and also to reach their target unnoticed.
When he reached the vicinity of palazzoorwas already mid-afternoon. The building looked more like a fortress or a prison than a palace, as the main structure was erected inside an enclosure with battlements. On either side, palazzo left inenclosed by other buildings separated by narrow alleys. In the back garden seemed to have a considerable size roDead by another high wall, and in front, facing the canal, the area was open wide and Ezio had seen before in passing. And Don was thereof taking place at that time a fierce beatcall among a handful of guards Barbarigo and a motley group of youths who taunted them, jumping from side to side to get away from the reach of their halberds and spears, and threw bricks, stones, eggs and rotten fruit to the angry men uniformtwo. Maybe just wanted to distract them, as Ezio, looking beyond all of them, behind the scene of the melee, he saw a figure climbing the wall palazzo. Ezio was impressed. The wall was so vertical that even he would have him think twice before dealing with it. But whoever it was came to theundiscovered ores and easily. Then, in a countrymosa, jumped from there and went to land on the roof of one of the tolookout towers. Ezio thought he saw the guy jump back from that point to the roof of what was the palace itself to seek access to its interior. Took note of the tactics used if ever needed, provided that it can see. But the guards at the watchtower had noticed the presenceence of the individual and had just sounding the alarm to peersros standing guard. An archer appeared in a window from the eaves of the roof of the palace and fired. The figure jumped to Elegantence and the arrow went long, slammed into the tiles, but issecond time the keeper hit upon in their aim and, with a faint cry, the figure staggered and put his hand to his wound hadfrir thigh.
The archer fired again but missed the shot. The figure had grown on their footsteps, jumping back from the top of the torre to the battlements, where the guards were already running, then jump over the wall and glide to a landing on the floor.
On the other side of the open space opposite the palazzo, the guarBarbarigo days had forced the attackers to retreat hasence the streets, where they began to chase them. Ezio appropriatetook the opportunity to catch the unknown individual who, limping, ran in the opposite direction to safety.
When he got up, surprised his light complexion and child, but athletic. And when I was about to offer helpda, the individual turned to him and Ezio recognized the face of the chica who had tried to cut the tape from the bag on the market.
He was surprised, confused and, curiously, he was crazymind in love.
"Lend me your arm," said the girl, urging him.
- Remember me?
- Should I?
"Today I tried to steal on the market.
"I'm sorry but this is no time for memories. If we are notsmoke quickly, we are dead meat.
Y to illustrate what he meant, an arrow came whistling in the time between them. Ezio grabbed the arm of the chica and passed it over his shoulders, and thereafter, grabbed her by the waist, as he had in his day when I helpedrenzo.
- Where?
"To the canal.
"Absolutely," he said wryly. In Venice there is only one, right?
"You're a cocky arrogant for a newcomer. Over here ... I'll show you the way ... But fast! Look ..., and behind us.
Y so it was: a small detachment of men had crossed the square and ran after them.
No hand off the wound of the thigh and tight from the dolor, Ezio guided the girl to an alley that led to another, and another, until he completely lost Ezio north. Behind them, the voices of their pursuers were fading until it disappeared altogether.
"Mercenaries from the mainland," said the girl with great desden. In this city have no chance against himlimes. Are easily lost. Vamos!
They arrived at a pier Canale della Misericordia, Donof a nondescript vessel was moored with two men aboard. Ezio and seeing the girl, one of them began to immediatelyto a cast off, while the other helped them to rise.
- Who is this? Asked the girl the second man.
"I have no idea, but was in the right place at the moright moment and, apparently, with Emilio joins not just a friend.
The girl was about to faint.
"He has a thigh injury," said Ezio.
"I can not take that," said the man, looking at the place where he had hosted the pin. Here I have no balm and bandages. We must return quickly and before these sewer rats Emilio give us. He looked Ezio. Who are you, anyway?
"My name Auditore, Ezio. Florence.
"Hmmm ... My name is Ugo. She is Rosa and called Paganino rowing. We do not really like foreigners.
- Who are you? Ezio replied, ignoring omiso the last comment.
"Liberators professionals other properties," said Ugo.
"Thieves," said Paganino with a laugh.
"You take away the poetry to everything," said Ugo sadly. And all of a suddento be put on alert. Beware! He exclaimed when an arrow, and then another, was nailed with a thud in the hull from somewhere overhead.
Looking up they saw two archers deliberately Barbarigotwo in a nearby roof, carrying more arrows in their bows. Ugo reached into the hollow of the boat and pulled out a crossbow practice squat quickly loaded, aimed and fired, while Ezio threw two knives flying in quick succession against the other goalie. Both fell screaming to the channel.
"That bastard has thugs everywhere," said Ugo to Paganino, using a conversational tone.
Both types were shorter and wider shoulders, looking hard, and neither reached the thirties. GoberNaban skillfully craft and it was obvious they knew that maze of channels like the palm of your hand, since more than one occasion had thought Ezio immersed in the aquatic version of a blind alley to discover that the channel terundermined at a brick wall, but in a low-rise arch under which the boat could only happen if they all ducked.
- What you were doing attacking the Palazzo Seta? Ezio asked.
- And do you care? "Said Ugo.
-Emilio Barbarigo is not exactly my friend. Maybe we could help each other.
- What makes you think we need your help? -ReplicationUgo ed.
"Now, Ugo," Rosa said. Look what I just did. And paSAS also overlook the fact that saved my life. I'm the best climber of all of us. Without me, never get into that nest of vipers. Ezio He turned. Emin iliotentto obtain a monopoly of trade in the city. It is a powerful man, and has put in the pocket to several council members. The situationtion is reaching a point where any merchant that challenges and attempts to maintain its independence is simply whetherviolence.
"But ye are not dealers ..., you are thieves.
-Thieves professional "She corrected him. Indian businessvidual, individual stores, individuals ... This fatates more theft than any corporate monopoly. They also have insurance, and insurance companies paid after fleecing customers with huge premiums. And everybody happy. Emilio Venice become a desert for people like us.
"That's not to mention a shit who wants to become not only local businesses but also to the entire city-anaUgo gave. But Anthony will explain.
- Antonio? "And who is it?
"Then you will discover, Mr. Florence.
They came at last to another dock and tied the boattion quickly, because the wound cleaned and Rosa had to workincreased if they did not want his life in danger. Leaving occupied Paganinopándose of the boat between Ugo and Ezio half dragged, half-loaded with Rosa, who had already been unconscious by the lossloss of blood. Toured yet another twisted alley lined with dark red brick buildings and wood that flowed into a small square with a well and a tree in the middle, surrounded by dirty-looking buildings which had long stucco shellssewerage systems.
They went to the door of a dirty maroon buildings and Ugo called with a sequence of complex shock. He then opened and closed a peephole and the door quickly opened and closed as well. Ezio noticed that, as much as anything else shabby display, hinges, locks and fishhammers were well greased and free of rust.
Found himself in a ramshackle courtyard surrounded by theTAS and uneven gray walls topped windows. Both thetwo, two wooden ladders amounted to join in the galleries, also of wood, plying the walls of the first and hesecond floor and the doors that looked different.
They gathered around several people, some of which Ezio recognized as participants in the altercation that had occurred in front of Palazzo Seta. Ugo was already giving RÓders.
- Where's Antonio? Go get it! And make room for Rose, bring a blanket, balsam, hot water, a sharp knife, bandages ...
One of the men ran up the stairs and disappeared through a door on the first floor. Two women deployedGaron almost clean a mattress and slept with care Rosa. A third disappeared and soon returned with the supplies that Ugo had requested. Rose regained consciousness, he saw Ezio and held out his hand. He took it and knelt at his side.
- Where are we?
"I think we are the headquarters of your people. In whichIn any case, you're safe.
She squeezed his hand.
"I regret having tried to steal.
"Now do not think about it.
"Thanks for saving my life.
Ezio was anxious. The girl was very pale. Would have to work fast if they wanted to save her.
"Do not worry, Antonio know what to do," said Ugo Ezio when it is incorporated.
At that time, ran down the stairs a well-dressed man would border quarantine, a large gold earring in his left lobe and a headscarf. He went directly to Rosa and knelt at his side. He snapped his fingers to order the kit.
- Antonio! "She said.
- What happened to you, baby? "Said the Venetian accent hard life.
- You limit yourself to take off this thing! Rose snapped.
"Let me take a look first," said Antonio, his voice suddenly more serious. Carefully examined the wound. Has comedo thigh and exited cleanly, does not touch the bone. Luckily it was a crossbow bolt.
Rose clenched her teeth.
"You ... just ... take away that ...
"Give him something to chew on," said Antonio.
First remove the feathers of the arrow head wrapped with a handkerchief soaked with the balm of entry and exit points and pulled.
Rosa spat wadding that had been placed between the teeth and shouted-
"Sorry, piccola Antonio said, pressing with the maus both sides of the wound.
- Fuck you with your apology, Antonio! Rosa yelled whileafter women held her.
Antonio looked up one of the members of his knowquito.
- Michiel! Go find Bianca! "He glanced at Ezio. And you! Help me with this! Take these towels and put them on the wounds as soon as I remove my hands. After the bandrowing properly.
Ezio hastened to obey. He felt the heat of Rosa thigh under his hands, felt immediately afterwards the reaction of her body and tried not to look into her eyes. Meanwhile, Antonio still working with speed. Then Ezio pushed to withdraw and finally, he shook his leg bandaged immaculately Rosa.
"Well," he said. Will be a while before you return to itpenetrate walls, but I think you'll recover completely. Ten patientsence. I know!
- And for that you had to make me much harm, bumbling idiot? "I looked through the eyes sparking. Hope you from catching the fishyou, you bastard! You and your fucking mother!
"Carry it in," said Anthony, smiling. Ugo, go with it. Make sure you rest.
Four women took the mat on their corners andtraron with Rosa, who continued to protest, by a door on the ground floor. Antonio saw them march and has turned backEzio ence.
"Thanks," he said. Really appreciate this small wineryta. If the lost ...
Ezio shrugged.
"I've always had a weakness for damsels in need.
"I am delighted that Rosa did not hear you say this, Ezio Auditore. But your reputation precedes you.
"I have not heard you mention my name Ugo said Ezio, on guard.
"And he did not. But we know your work in Florence and San Gimignano. A good job, but unrefined.
- Who are you?
Antonio opened his hands.
"Welcome to the headquarters of the Thieves Guild and Professional Chulos Venice," he said. Soy De Magianis, Antonio, the amministratore. He bowed ironically. Evenwhich, of course, only steal from the rich to give to the poor and, of course, our prostitutes I prefer to refer to himselfmore courtesans.
- You know why I'm here?
Antonio smiled.
"More or less I can imagine ... though I have not shared it with my ... employees. Come! Let's talk in my office.
The office reminded him so much the study of his uncle MaEzio river, inlet, was surprised. I did not know what to expect exactly, but found in a room with the wallsdes-covered books, librexpensive you with excellent bookbindingACIOtions, exquisite Ottoman carpets, furniture oak and boxwood, and silver lamps and candlesticks.
The room was dominated by the central table on which stood a large scale model of the Palazzo Seta and neighborhood. Around and inside, countless miniature wooden dummies. Ezio Antonio told to take a seat and leaned over the cozy fireplace that was in a corner, from which rose a strange odor, attractive and unknown.
- I can offer you anything? Asked Anthony. A Ezio reminded both that his uncle Mario coupleECIO all very curious. Biscottei? A caffè?
"I'm sorry ... a what?
"Coffee. "Antonio stood up. It is an interesting concoctionyou brought me a Turkish merchant. Please try it. "And what happened to Ezio a tiny porcelain cup with a hot black liquidyou of that came the pungent aroma.
Ezio tasted. Burned his lips, but it was not bad, and so let him know, but added, recklessly:
"It would be better with milk and sugar.
"The best way to spoil it," said Antonio, offended.
Ezio finished their coffee and then experienced a sensation of completely novel nervous energy. Would have to talk to Leonardo that drink the next time you see him. Antonio stated she saw the model of Palazzo Seta.
"These are the positions we had thought that if Rosa had managed to enter and open one of the sally ports. But, you know, saw and shot and had to repleteGarner. Now we regroup and touch, while Emilio have time to strengthen their defenses. And worse, it was an expensive operation. I spent my last almost until Soldo.
"Emilio has to be covered," said Ezio. Why not attack him back now and take his money?
- Did not you hear me? Our resources are low ebb and he is alert. Never get past him without the element surprisessa. It also has two cousins powerful support it, the brothersMarco and Agostino us, but I think Agostino is a good guy. As Mocenigo ... well, the Doge's a good man, but engineeringnuo, and leave the business matters in the hands of others ... others that Emilio has been put in the pocket. He looked into her eyes Ezio. NeNeed some help to replenish our coffers. I think pomitochondria to provide that help. If you do, I show you are an ally to help worthwhile. "Carry out this mission, Mr. Milk and Sugar?
Ezio smiled.
"Try me," he said.