Chapter 4

Hacyclica gray, overcast morning and the city was oppressed by a sweltering heat, the clouds had caught. Ezio arrived at the Piazza della Signoria and saw extremely surprised, which had gathered at the scene a dense crowd. They had built a platform on which stood a table covered with a cloth embroidered with the emblem of the city. Sitting at the same were UberAlberti and to tall and robust, with a hooked nose and eyes alert and calculating, dressed in rich robes of color carmeyes. An unknown, at least for Ezio. But what he called enseguiattention was given to other occupants of the platform: his father and brothers, chained, and just beyond them, a buildingtion high with a large cross beam from which hung three nooses.

Ezio had reached piazza with anxiety and optimism. Aca "so had not told the Gonfaloniere everything would be fixed the same day? But his feelings changed instantly. Something was wrong ... very wrong. He tried to cut through the crowd, but it was impossible. Threatened to overcome claustrophobia. Desperately trying to calm down, rationalize their actionstions, stopped, covered her head with the hood and adjusted the sword into his belt. Do you fail Alberti? And I could not stop looking at that tall, Spanish by his dress, his face and his complexion, which recommendedconstantly RRIA crowd with his piercing gaze. Who was he? Why awakened something in memory of Ezio? Would you have seen before somewhere?

The Gonfaloniere, resplendent in traditional dress of his office, raised his arms to silence the crowd, and at the moment there was silence.

Auditore-Giovanni Alberti said in a commanding tone that, for the keen ears of Ezio, could not hide a note miedo-. You and your accomplices of the crime you are accused of treason. Do you have any evidence to rebut this charge?

Giovanni seemed both surprised and uncomfortable.

"Yes, it's all in the documents handed to you last night.

But then Alberti said:

"I have no news of any document, Auditore.

Ezio quickly realized that this was a love trialpanied, and could not understand what seemed a betrayal of large cafree by Alberti. Shouted

- It's a lie!

But her cry was muffled by the roar of the crowd. Intempted to get closer, pushing his way between airatwo citizens, but they were many and was caught in the middle of them all.

Alberti had returned to take the floor.

"They have met and considered the evidence there is against you. Are irrefutable. In the absence of any evidence to demonstrateamong otherwise, my position requires me to declare to you and your accomplicesces, Federico and Petruccio, e -in absentia- Your son Ezio, guilty of the crime for which you are charged. He paused as the crowd was silent again-. Accordingly, I sentenced them all to death. The sentence will be carried out inMediate!

The crowd roared again. When Alberti gave the signal, seedugo prepared the ropes, while two of his assistants caught the pePetruccio flute, struggling to suppress her tears, and withDucie to the scaffold. They put the rope around his neck while the child read hastily and priest sprinkled holy water on his head. The executioner then pulled a lever on the side of the scaffold and little was left hanging, kicking in the air to stand still.

- No! Ezio-delivered, ifn believe what they saw his orjos-. No, my God, please no!

But his words were drowned in his throat, the sensationtion losses exceed it.

Federico fEU el Next, shouting his innocence and his family, struggling in vain to try to get rid of the guards who led him to the rope. Ezio, beside himself, trying to destabilizingdesperately need to move, saw a single tear running down the cheek of his father's emaciated. Horrified, Ezio watched his older brother and best friend hanging from a rope convulsing. Petruccio took more time to leave this world, but eventually he ended up staying still, balanceDose on the rope ... the crackle of the wood beam the only sound that broke the silence. Ezio tried to combat the growing disbelief in it. Could it be true that this was happening?

The crowd began to murmur, but a strong voice stopped her. Giovanni was talking Auditore:

"It's you who is a traitor, Uberto. You, one of my dearest friends and partners, to whom I entrusted my life! And I am one isdense. I did not know see that you were one of them! "And to say this raised his voice to a cry of anguish and rabia-. Perhaps today we steal life, but please note the followingyou: we will we change the tuyto!

He bowed his head and was silent. A deep silence, broken only by the murmur of the prayers of the priestdowry, which followed Auditore Giovanni as he walked with dignity to the gallows and commended his soul to his last great adventure.

Ezio was too shocked to feel pain. It was as if he had hit a great iron fist. But when the trap door opened beneath the feet of Giovanni, could not resist.

- Father! He shouted, his voice breaking.

The Spanish eyes were riveted on him instantly. Would supernatural vision of the man, to find a crowd like that? As if in slow motion, was that Spanish Ezio leaned Alberti, whispered something, and pointed.

- Guards! Alberti shouted, pointing also-. There! It is one of them! Capture them!

Before the crowd could react and catch it, Ezio force his way between her, driving punches whichwant to get in his way. A guard was specialRandol now. Ezio pounced on, pulling the hood. With an instinctive, Ezio got rid of him, grabbed the sword with one hand and grabbed the guard by the neck with the other. The reactionEzio tion was much faster than the guard isperaba and before he had time to raise the arms ofdefend itself, Ezio harder pressed both the neck and the sword, and a sharp swift movement, ran the guard's body, sticking the sword. Upon removal, the guts of their victimesteem popped up under his robe and spilled on the floor pavement. She pulled the body of a kick and has turnedence the podium, stared Alberti.

- I'll kill you for this! He shouted, his voice tense with hatred and anger.

But guards were closer. Ezio, ruled by his instinctsto survival, he ran away from them toward the perceived safety of the narrow streets behind the square. To his dismaytion, he saw two more guards, quick, ready to intercept it.

They clashed on the edge of the square. The two guards in front of him, blocking his retreat, others approaching from behind. Ezio fought the first two of a frenzy. An unfortunate by removing one of them is ripped offpada hand. Fearing that the end was approaching, Ezio turned to flee their attackers ... but before he threw out cobarrier, something amazing happened. From the alley would be saidogy, and a few feet away, a man appeared roughly seeTido. With lightning speed, surprised the two guards from behind and with a long knife, cut short by the armpits with arms that held their swords, cutting tendons and leaving insertimmediate and perceivable. It moved so fast that barely Ezio visual tracking how withdrawing the sword to one of the fallen and tossed it to him. Ezio suddenly recognized him, and sniffed again have that strongdor of onions and garlic. At that time, or Damascene roses would have smelled better.

"Get out of here," said the man, and he left.

Ezio ran down the street and plunged into the corridors and passageways as well known for their evenings out with Federich. The commotion and screaming were slowly fading. He walked to the river, and found refuge in hut abandoned by a sentry behind one of the stores owned by the father of Cristina.

During that time Ezio stopped being a boy to become a man. The weight of responsibility that he knewNla revenge and correct those horrible evil fell on his back like a heavy cloak.

Lying on a pile of bags, he noticed that his body empezaba shaking. Their world had just been shattered. His padre ... Federico ... and God, no, the little Petruccio ... All disappearedacids, all dead, all killed. Holding her head in his hands, began to mourn, unable to control that spillstreatment of pain, fear and hatred. Only after several hours was caPeace remove his hands from his face, his eyes were bloodshot and full of unyielding vengeance. Ezio At that moment he knew his former life was over: Ezio, the boy wasBia gone forever. From now on, his life revolved around a goal, one goal: revenge.

Much later, well aware that the guard would still be searching, relentlessly, went to the mansion of the family of Craig following side streets. Unwilling to put in any danger, but I needed to pick up your bag and its precious contents. He waited in a dark hole that stank of urine, not moving even when the rats scurrying between his feet, until the light of his window he said he had retired for bed.

- Ezio!She exclaimed when she saw him on his balcony-. Thank God you're alive! Her face reflected the relief I felt, but the term was short, the pain taking over her-. Your father, your brothers ...

He could not finish the sentence and dropped his head. Ezio took her in his arms and spent several minutes simply embraced.

In the end, it was she who broke the embrace.

- You're crazy! What are you still in Florence?

"Still I have issues that deal truly sorry," saiddo-. But I can not stay here long, is a riskgo too big for your family. If they knew that these surveysbriéndome ...

Cristina remained silent.

"Give me my bag and leave.

She went to look, but before giving said

- What about your family?

"That's my first duty. Bury my dead. I'm not allowed to throw into a pit with lime as if they were common criminals.

"I know where they have been taken.

- How do you know?

"In the city has not talked about nothing else all day. But now there is no one for allí. Are close to Porta San Nicslipped, along with the corpses of the indigent. There is a grave preparedrada, and are waiting to arrive in the morning cars with the lime. Oh, Ezio!

Ezio spoke staying calm but very serious:

"I must take care of my father and my brothers are heading in this world that they deserve. I can not offer a requiem, but I can save his body from the indignity.

- I'll go with you!

- No! Do you realize what it would mean that surprised yousen me?

Cristina looked down.

"I must also take care of my mother and my sister isTen to save, and I owe to my family one more death. He hesitated-. Intonka I will. Perhaps forever. The question is: will you come with me?

She stepped back and saw in his eyes Ezio a multitude of conflicting emotions. There was love, deep and lasting, but at the time that had elapsed since the first day I tookbetween his arms, he had matured a lot more than her. Cristina was a child. How could I pretend to make a sacrifice like that?

"I do, Ezio, do not know how ... but my family ... This would kill my parents ...

Ezio looked at her kindly. Despite being in the same age, his recent experiences had done much more mature than her. He had no family to depend upon, only responsibility and duty, and that was very hard.

"I've been wrong preguntándotelo. And who knows, perhaps thegun day, when this is back ... "She raised her hands to cuement and in the folds of his robes located a medallion plata hung from a thin gold chain. Took it off. The medallion was a simple picture, the letter 'A' of your last name-. I want you to haveyou gas. Take it, please.

Cristina took it with trembling hands, crying. He looked and then looked at him, to thank him, to give any excuse.

But Ezio was gone.

On the south bank of the Arno, near the Porta San Niccolo, Ezio whatlimestone the desolate place where the bodies lay next to a large pit dug in the ground. Two guards look pitiful, simples recruits on the basis of their appearance, patrolling nearby, carrying their halberds more than covers with panache. See their uniforms aroused the wrath of Ezio and his first instinct was to kill them, but then thought he had seen enough deaths that day and were only forced to field boys seetir that uniform in search of a better life. He shrugged coright to see the bodies of his father and brothers on the edge of the pit with the rope still around his neck burned. He understood that as the guards were asleep, could transporttar without problem the bodies to the shore of the river where a boat was discovered that prepared previously loaded with stubble.

It was nearly three, and when he finished his task in the dim light of dawn was beginning to whiten the sky to the east. Is foundlocks along the river, watching the boat loaded with the bodies of his family, in flames, was carried away by the current slowly towards the sea. He continued staring until the firelight disappeared into the distance.

He returned to the city, their pain replaced by a relentless determination. He still had much to do. But above all, needed to rest. He returned to hut Sentinel and settled as he could. A nap does not go bad, but got even sleeping Cristina leave their thoughts, or dreams.

Knew about the whereabouts of the brother's houseAnnetta na, although he had never been there, did not even know Paolo, but had been his nurse Annetta and I knew that you can trust someone, had to be in it. He wondered if known and the fate of his father and brothers and if so, whether it would have explained to his mother and sister.

He came home very quietly, making a detour and in meas far as possible, covering the distance on the run, head down over the rooftops to avoid streets where surely would Uberto Alberti his men searching. Ezio could not injar thinking about the betrayal of Alberti. What faction would refer his father when he spoke at the gallows? What could have led to AlAlberti to lead to death one of his closest allies?

Ezio house knew that Paola was on a street just northyou from the cathedral. But when he got there, he could not guess what it was. On the facades of the buildings there were few signs that identifyCaran, and could not afford the luxury of loitering there because they could recognize. I was about to leave when he saw Annetta in person approaching from the Piazza San Lorenzo.

He pulled down his hood so that his face is camouflaged by the shadows and approached her, walking at a normal pace, trydo mingle with other citizens traveling on the street. Annetta He passed, and was glad to see that even she showed signs of having recognized. A few meters ahead, turned and sped up to stay by his side.

-Annetta ...

Acuity was not her turn her head.

-Ezio. You're safe.

"Not exactly. Are my mother and my sister ...?

"They're protected. Oh, Ezio, your poor father. And Federico. Y. .. "Stifled a sob the little Petruccio. I come right now of San Lorenzo. I've put a candle to San Antonio for them. They say the Duke will return soon. Maybe ...

- Are my mother and Claudia aware of what happened?

"We thought it best not to tell.

Ezio thought for a moment.

"It's better this way. I'll tell you when the time comes. He paused-. Will you take me to them? I could not identify the house of your sister.

"Now I go there. Follow me.

It was delayed a bit, but without losing sight.

The place became sober and was the façade with the appearance of strength of the most magnificent buildings in Florence, but once inside, Ezio was stunned. Not exactly what was expected.

Was found in a large room with high ceilings and richfurnished mind. It was dark, enclosed space. The walls were covered with swags of velvet in shades of maroon and dark brown interspersed with oriental tapestries depicting scenes of luxury and pleasure s unequivocalEXUAL. The room was litanything by candlelight and floated in the air a scent of incense. The furniture was composed mainly of soft sofa cushions covered with precious brocade and low tables on which it had silver trays with wine jugs, goblets of Venetian glass and gold containers with candy. But the most surprisingyou were the people who occupied the room. A dozen beautiful girls, dressed in silks and satins in shades of yellow and green floral styleRentin but skirts with cuts to the top of the thigh with deep necklines that left little to the imagination except protabletop where it should not venture. In the three walls of the room, beneath garlands and tapestry, there were several doors.

Ezio looked around, in a sense without knowing where look.

- Are you sure this is the place? An he askednetta.

"Ma certo! And here is my sister who comes to meet us.

Saw him coming towards them an elegant woman, who must roTsar forty but looked ten years younger, as beautiful as any Principessa and better dressed than most. Its myrada hid a sad evening, augmented somewhat by transmitting sexually charged him, and Ezio, with everything he had in his head was touched.

He held out a hand with long fingers and loaded with jewels.

"Nice, Ezio. "He glanced assessment-. Annetta speaks highly of you. And now I understand why.

Ezio, blushing uncontrollably, he replied:

"I appreciate those kind words, madonna ...

Paola "Call me, please.

Ezio bowed.

I do not know how to express my gratitude for having given protection to my mother and my sister mado ... I mean, Paola.

"It's the least we could do.

- Are they here? Can you see them?

"They're here ... no place for them, and some of my clients occupy prominent places in the city government.

- Is this place so if you'll excuse me, what I think it is?

Paola laughed.

- Of course! But I hope it is something different from those youhovel there on the docks! It is soon to be work, but we like to be prepared ... there is always the odd occasional visitor to walk to work. You're in the momentto perfect.

- Where is my mother? Where is Claudia?

"They are safe, Ezio, but it is too risky to take now to see them, and we must not compromise safety.

Dragged him to a couch and sat down with him. Annetta, meanwhile, disappeared into the bowels of the house to go about their things.

"I think we'd better," continued Florence Paola, which leave them at the earliest opportunity. But first neNeed some rest. You have to regain strength, then waits a long road ahead and complicated. You might like ...
