Chapter 3

Ezio next morning woke up late and to his relief he discovered that his father had not prepared anything urgent hascer. Out into the garden, where he found his mother overseeing the worklow that they were carrying out with its cherry trees, whose flowers justo begin to wither. She smiled at him and beckoned him to come closer. Auditore Mary was a tall, elegant woman who had just come in quarantine, her long black hair trainZada in a spotless white muslin bonnet trimmed with black and gold colors of the family.

- Ezio! Buon'giorno.


- How are you? Better, I hope. "I played with the wound careda head.

"I'm fine.

"You said your father to rest as much as you could.

- I have no need to rest, mamma!

"Well, in any case, this morning do not expect anything excannot. Your father has asked me to take care of you. I know perfectlyyou the mess you up.

I do not know what you mean.

"I do not pretend to cajole, Ezio. I know about your fight with Vieri.

"Go out there telling filthy stories about our family. I could not let go unpunished.

"Vieri is under pressure, especially since his father was arrested. He paused thoughtfully. It is possible that Francesco de Pazzi is many things, but I never would have thought it could join a conspiracy to assassinate a duke.

- What will happen?

"There will be a trial. I imagine that your father will be a key witness when you return the Duke Lorenzo.

Ezio was restless.

"Do not worry, you have nothing to fear. And I will not pedirt do anything you do not like ... In fact, I want you to accompany me on an errand. We did not take long, and I papray that even you will like.

"Glad to help, mamma.

"Come then. Not very far.

They left palazzo walk, arm in arm, and headed to the cathedral to the small neighborhood near the same giftMost of the Florentine artists had their workshops and studios. Some, such as Verrocchio and the young prodigy Alessandro di Moriano Filipepi, who had acquired the nickname of Botticelli, were large and crowded local assistants and apprentices where afaNaban to grind and mix dyes, pigments, others were more humble. It was at the door of one of these where Maria stopped to call. Almost immediately there was a young attractive and well seesense, almost Slick looking but athletic, with a mop of dark brown hair and beard. It would be six or seven years older than Ezio.

- Madonna Auditore! Welcome! I was waiting for you.

-Leonardo, buon'giorno. Formal-exchanged kisses.

"We have to see how this artist rubs shoulders with my mother 'penSó Ezio, but he liked the way he looked young.

"I present to you my son, Ezio," continued Mary.

The artist bowed.

-Leonardo da Vinci, "he said. Onorato molto, signore.


"Not yet, Leonardo said, smiling. But what I will be thinking? Come in, come! Wait here, I will ask my helpserve you some wine while I find your pictures.

The study was not large, but the fact that it was so crammed with things made him seem even smaller than it really was. There were tables full of skeletons of birds and smalldren mammals, bottles filled with a colorless liquid or objectsganic all types that had trouble recognizing Ezio. In a large bench at the back there were some curious structuressas carefully made of wood, and on top of two horsesTES had unfinished paintings darker tones than usual, with poorly defined contours. Ezio and Mary settled down and then, from an inner room, a handsome young man appeared with a tray with wine and cakes. He served the aperitivo, smiled sheepishly and walked away.

"Leonardo is very talented.

"If you say so, mother ... Art I know little.

Although Ezio thought his life would follow paresources of his father in the background had a wild streak and adventurous that it was very uncomfortable for the character of a banker floRentin. In any case, like his older brother, withconsiders a man of action, not an artist or a scholar.

"You know very well that the expression of one's feelingsCough is a vital part of understanding how life and enjoyedTarla in its fullness. "She stared at him. You should inagainst your own safety valve, dear.

Ezio pricked.

"I have many exhaust valves.

"I mean something other than the hookers," her mother prosaic tone.

- Mother! "But the only Mary's response was to shrug and a grimace. Would be nice you could cultivate the friendship of a man like Leonardo. I think he has a bright future ahead.

"From the looks of this place, I feel not that they strongly agreed with you.

- Do not be impertinent!

The reappearance of Leonardo, loaded with two boxes, interruptedchirped their conversation. He put one in the ground.

- Would you care to pay it? Ezio he asked. I would have asked Agniolo, but has to stay to watch the workshop. Also, do not think the poor is sufficiently strong to reaLizar this type of work.

Ezio stooped to pick up the box and was surprised to see her weight. He almost let it fall to the ground.

- Carefully! "He warned Leonardo.The paintings inside are delicate and your mother just paid a fortune for them!

- Are we going?"Said Mary. I can not wait to coling them.

Then, addressing he added:

"I selected the sites and wait for your approval.

Ezio was internally a bit reluctant to the idea: Ireally reciprocal deference and a novice artist?

As they walked, Leonardo began to talk friendlyEzio mind, very reluctantly, was overcome by the charm of the man. And although there was anything that was troubling him, he could not identify it. "Some cold? A sensationtion of detachment in relation to other human beings? Maybe it wasra simply had his head in the clouds, as was the case with artists, or at least that was what he had heard Ezio. Ezio, however, felt an immediate and instinctive respect for the man.

"And you, Ezio, what do you do? Leonardo asked.

"He works for his father," said Mary.

"Oh. A financial! You were born in the right city for that!

"It's also a good town for artists," said Ezio. There are many wealthy clients.

"But we are many," muttered Leonard. Stress is complicated. That's why I feel so indebted to your mother. Indeed, it has a very demanding test!

- Do you concentrate on the painting? Ezio asked, thinking he had seen diversity in the study.

Leonardo was thoughtful.

"A difficult question to answer. If you want to tell you the truth, I find it difficult to focus on one thing, now that I've installed it on my own. I love painting and I know I can, but ... I see the end before reaching it, and sometimes I find it difficult to get things done. They have to push! But that's not all. Sometimes I have the feeling that my work is missing ... I do not know ... a purpose. You know what I mean?

"You should have more faith in you, Leonardo," said Mary.

"Thanks, but there are times when I think I should do more practical work, a job that has a relationshipreal tion with life. I understand life: how it works, how everything works.

"In this case, you'd be a hundred men in one," said Ezio.

- I wish I could be! I know what I want to explore architecture, anatomy, even engineering. I do not want only to capture the world with my brush. I want to change!

Ezio impressed his passion more than annoy. It was evident that this man was not a braggart, but in any case, it seemed almost haunted by the ideas seething inside. "Now we say that is also dedicated to music and poetry," he thought Ezio.

- Will you stop esto and rest a moment, Ezio?Pre-Leonardo gunt. Perhaps too heavy for you.

Ezio gritted teeth.

"No, grazie. Anyway, since we are almost there.

When they reached the palazzo Auditore, put the box in the dressedlobe and placed in the ground as slowly and gently that allowed his aching muscles, and felt more relieved than he would have liked to acknowledge, even to himself.

"Thank you, Ezio," said his mother. I think from now we can get along without you, though, of course, if you want to come and help hang pictures ...

"Thanks, mom ... I think it's better that you leave this workjo you two.

Leonardo offered his hand.

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Ezio. I hope our caterms cross again soon.

-Anch 'io.

"Call, please one of the servants to drive him a hand to Leonardo," said Mary.

"No," said Leonardo. I'd rather deal with it myself. Imagine if someone had dropped a box! "And stooping, cargo the carrying case Ezio and sat on the bow of his elbow. Are we going? "Said Mary.

"This way, Mary said. Goodbye, Ezio. See you tonight at dinner. Come, Leonardo.

Ezio saw them leave the hall. Such that Leonardo was a guy I respect.

After lunch, late afternoon, she came Giulio appreciablesuradamente (as always) to tell his father requested his presence in his office. Ezio struggled to follow the secretary down the hall with paneled walls of oak leading to the rear of the mansion.

- Hello, Ezio! Come in, my son.

Giovanni's tone was serious and formal. He stood behind his desk, on which there were two letters bulky, wrappedTAS on vellum and sealed.

"They say the Duke Lorenzo will be back tomorrow or pasado, not later, "said Ezio.

"I know. But no time to lose. I want you to give it a couple of my partners here in the city. He pushed the cards on the table.

"Yes, father.

"I need also to pick up a message that a pigeon has to be deposited in the loft of piazza there at the end of the street. Try that nobody sees you pick it up.

"I will make it so.

"Well. Come back here right away once you've finished. I have important matters to discuss with you.


"And this time, behave. No fights.

Ezio decided to deal first with the loft. Soon yearchecería and knew that there would be fewer people now, a little later the place would be packed with Florentines giving his passeggiata. When he reached his goal saw some graffiti on the wall behind and above the loft. He was surprised: what would it be recent or was already there and had not noticed it? Carefully written apreciprocal recognized as a phrase belonging to the Book of Ecclesiastesenthusiasts, "WHO INCREASE INCREASE YOUR KNOWLEDGEAT YOUR PAIN. " A little further down, someone had added a jocular remark, "WHERE IS THE PROPHET?".

But once again thought the task at maus. Instantly recognized the dove that was looking for: it was the Unitedca with a note attached to the leg. He took the bird quickly returned to the bar where he was lodging. Then the doubt assailed him. WhatBeriah read the note? It was not sealed. Quickly unrolled the peflute parchment and discovered that all it contained was a nameber, that of Francesco de 'Pazzi. Ezio shrugged. He imagined that his father would rather have something more meaning for him. Completely escaped him why the name of the father of Vieri, one of the possible conspirators in a plot to overthrow the Duke of Milan, Giovanni facts I already knew, had to have a relevancia. Unless it were a sort of confirmation.

But I had to hurry and get on with their work. GuarDO note safely in the bag from his belt and went to the address appearing in the first envelope. The location was surprised because he was in the neighborhood of brothels. Had often been there with Frederick before he met Cristina, of course, and never felt comfortable. When he began to approximatelyMarsa al sinister alley that his father had told him, put his hand on the hilt of his dagger to calm down. The address turned out to be a humble tavern, dimly lit, in which cheap Chianti served in clay jugs.

When more was lost on what to do then it does not seem to be anyone, he heard a voice at his side:

- Are you the son of Giovanni?

He turned and found himself facing a tough-looking man whose breath smelled of onions. He was accompanied by a woman who once had to be pretty, but it seemed as if the last ten years that had been loaded on the back had finished with all its charm. If any beauty was, I had it in his eyes, clear and intelligent.

"You look like an idiot," the woman told the man. If it is nailed to his father.

"You bring something to us," said the man, ignoring the remark. Get it to us.

Ezio hesitated. Verified the address. Was correct.

"Get it to us, friend," said the man, closer to him.

Ezio received a wave of your breath. "The man would live only onion and garlic?

She put the letter in the open hand of man, who immediately closed it to transfer the document to a leather bag strapped to the side.

"Good boy," she said and smiled.

Ezio noted that, surprisingly, gave a smile to your face certain nobility. But not his words.

"And do not worry," he added. We are not contagious.

He paused to look askance at the woman and said:

- Or at least I not!

The woman laughed and pinched her arm to the man. And immediately disappeared.

Ezio eased out into the alley. The direction of the second letter led him to a side street just west of the baptistery. A baRRIO much better, although very quiet at this time of day. Ran through the city.

Waiting under an arch covering the width of the street was a large man who looked like a soldier. He wore leather clothing typical of the field, but it smelled clean and was rehundred shaven.

"This way, he gestured.

"I have something for you," said Ezio. In. ..

-¿... Auditore Giovanni? "The man spoke in a whisper.


The man looked around to either side of the street. Only saw a lamplighter, at a distance.

- Do you have followed?

-No ... Why should I have?

"Never mind. Give me the letter. Fast.

Ezio handed.

"The situation is heating up," said the man. Tell your father that tonight there will be any action. Make planstions to be safe.

That stunned Ezio.

- What? What do you mean?

"I said as much. Runs back to your home.

And the man melted into the shadows.

- Wait!Ezio cried. What do you mean? Back!

But the man was gone.

Ezio rose rapidly toward the street where he was the lamplighter.

- What time is it? He asked.

The man closed his eyes, looked at the sky and said:

"It must have been an hour since I started working. We will be around one twentieth time.

Ezio immediately made their calculations. He must make a couple of horas had left the palazzo, may take about twenty minutescough to return back to your home. Ran. He had a terrible premonition.

As was seen within his mansion Auditore, knew something was wrong. There were no lights on and the impressive main entrance was open. Quickened the pace, shouting:

- Father! Federico!

The spacious lobby palazzo It was dark and empty, but there was enough light to catch a glimpse could Ezio vol tablesed, broken chairs, pieces of shattered crockery and glassware. AlGillen had been torn from the walls the paintings of Leonardo, and had cracked with a knife. In the darkness he heard a cry ... tears of a woman: his mother!

Began to move towards the sound when a shadow moved behind him and something he rose above his head. Ezio turned around and grabbed a heavy silver candlestick that someone was bringing down on him. Gave a powerful tug and the attacker dropped the chandelier with a shriek of alarm. He threw the candle away from his attacker grabbed him by the arm immediately afterwards and pulled the person toward the dim light prevailed. At its heart nesting instinct murderer and had already taken the dagger.

- Oh! Ezio! It's you! Thank God!

Ezio recognized the voice, and then the face, the housekeeper of the family, Annetta, a peasant full of energy that took years of service to the family.

- What past? Annetta he asked, grabbing ambas wrists and shaking with anguish and panic I felt.

"They've come ... guards of the city. They've arrested your father and Federico ... Have been even smaller Petruccio, was ripped from the arms of your mother!

- Where is my mother? Where is Claudia?

"We're here," said a trembling voice from the shadows.

Claudia appeared, her mother's arm. Ezio well placed a chair for her mother could sit. In the darkness, he saw that Claudia was bleeding, his clothes were dirty and torn. Mary did not recognize him. He sat in the chair, sobbing and swayingDose from one side to another. Held in his hands the box of madera pear with feathers that had given Petruccio and whetherwould like two days ... An eternity, now.

- My God, Claudia! Are you okay? He looked and rabito be seized from him. Do you have ...?

"No ... I'm fine. Mistreated me a bit because they believed that I could tell where you went. But mother ... Oh, Ezio, have been father and Federico Petruccio and the Palazzo Vecchio!

"Your mother is in shock," said Annetta. Howdo resist, the ... "He stopped. Bastard

Ezio began to think quickly.

"This place is not safe. Can you take them somewhere, Annetta?

"Yes, yes ... my sister's house. There will be safe. -Annetta could hardly speak, fear and anguish drowned his voice.

"We must move quickly. I'm sure the guards again for me. Claudia, mother ... no time to lose. Cojáis no nothing, just go away with Annetta. Ahosame ra! Claudia, let mamma lean on you.

Escorted them to the outside your home ransacked, shock ofswim yet, and helped out before leaving them in the capable hands of the faithful Annetta, who had begun to regain her composure. Ezio head plotted at full speed on the implicationstions, the world convulsed by aquel terrible turn of Aconopments. Desperate, he tried to evaluate what happened and what to do next, what to do to save his father and his brothers ... I knew for sure was that I had to find a way to see his father, find out what it was that had arouseded that attack, the atrocity against his family. But PaLazzo Vecchio! They would have locked up their families in two smallNAS cell tower, he was sure. Maybe there was a posensitivity of ... But the place was fortified as a castle, and there would be a formidable surveillance protecting it, just that night.

Forcing herself to calm down and think clearly, is slidingZó through the streets to reach the Piazza della Signoria, stuck to the walls and looked up. In the battlements at the top of the tower ardian torches, illuminating a gigantic red lily was the emblem of the city and the great clock of the base of the tower. At the top, straining his eyes, thought Ezio distinguish the dim light of a candle behind the small window with bars. In front of the huge double doors access palazzo guards had deliberatelytwo, and many more in the battlements. Ezio but saw none on the top of the tower, whose battlements, however, remained to be ENCIma of the window that would come.

He walked around the square to move away from palazzo and entered in the callejuela that departed from there and followed the north wall of the building. Luckily, there were still enough people in the streets, walking and enjoyingcourse of the evening breeze. Suddenly, Ezio had the impression of living in a different world that people have thatbeen isolated from the society in which they had been swimming like a fish to her only three or four hours. He put the willies to think that life could still continue their routine hadtual to the crowd, while his family life had been violently shaken. He felt his heart back into a wave of anger and overwhelming fear. But he decided to concentratetrate on the task at hand and his face took on a formerpressure cold as steel.

The wall stood in front of him was completely vertical and sharply higher, but it was dark and play in their favor. Furthermore, palazzo was built with rough-hewn stone, which would provide abundant handholds and footholds on the climb. Would face the problem of the guards who could be stationed on the battlements on the north side, but take care of them when the time came. Expected estuvieran mostly grouped in the main facade of the building.

He breathed deeply, looked up, there was no one else in that dark street, and jumped. Held on tight to the wall, sticking with the toes protected by her soft leather boots, and started climbing.

When you reach the battlements squatted, the sinews of his calves tight. There were two guards, but had their backs to him, watching the lighted square feet. Ezio remained motionless for a moment until he was clear that any noise that might have made had not alerted to its presence. Sinderezarse, sprinted toward them and beat them, pouringthe back, around his neck with both hands and using the weight of the men themselves and the element of surprise forthe fall back. In just a second, I had removed the casco and had hit their heads with violence fell unconscious before they can even look surprised. Of not having run this, Ezio knew that would have had to cutproject is doing the neck without hesitation or a moment.

He paused again, panting. Now for the tower. It was built of stone carved with a smooth and would be complicateded. She also had to climb from the north side to the west, where the window was located in the cell. He prayed that no one in the square or to look up the battlements. He did not want to be demolisheddo by firing a crossbow after having come so far.

The corner where the walls were north and west was difficult and unpromising, and for a moment he stood there clutching Ezio, transfixed, looking for a grip that seemed inexisexistent. He looked down and saw far beyond him that one of the sentries on the battlements looked up. Clearly saw his countrylido face. He saw the man's eyes. Stuck to the wall. With her dark clothes was as flashy as a cockroach on a white tablecloth. But, inexplicably, the man looked down and continued his watch. Would you have seen? What if he had been incaPeace believe what had just seen? We beat the throat of the tension I felt. Just got me relax after a longnute, only then could breathe again.

After a monumental effort, reached its objective, acknowledging the existence of the narrow ledge on which he could settle for a glimpse what was in the narrow cell beyond the window. "God is merciful, thought to recognize the figure of his father, his back turned to him, reading is something under thelight house by a thin candle.

- Father! Shouted without lifting heavy voice.

Giovanni turned away.

- Ezio! In the name of God, how did you ...?

"Never mind, father.

As Giovanni approached, you could see EzioNla hands bloodied and bruised, his face pale and haggard.

"My God, father, what have you done?

"A little beating, but I'm fine. What matters most: How are your mother and your sister?

-A safe.

- With Annetta?


"Praise God.

- What happened, Father? Do you expect this?

"Not so fast. They also arrested and Federico Petruccio. I think they are in the cell next to it. If Lorenzo had been here it would have been different. Should have taken action.

- What are you talking about?

- Now there is no time for that! -Giovanni raised his voice to almost scream. And listen carefully: you have to go home. My office is a secret door. In the chamber behind the door you'll find a hidden chest. Grab all what's inside. "I've heard? Everything! Will seem strange in their mamajority, but everything is important.

"Yes, father.

Ezio varied slightly the weight of his body, still clinging with all his strength to the bars crossing the window. He dared not look down and did not know how much longer could permaNecer still.

"Among the contents and find a letter with her some documents. You take it all without delay, the same is notche!, to Messer Alberti ...

- Al Gonfaloniere?

"Exactly. Now go!

"But, Father ... -Ezio he struggled to get out the words, and eager to do more than simply transporting documentsments, stammered: Are the Pazzi behind all this? I read the note from the pigeon. Said ...

But Giovanni silenced him. Ezio heard the key introDose in the lock of the door.

"They're going to question me," said Giovanni sorry. Go before getting caught. My God, you are a brave boy. You merecedor of your destiny. And now for the last time I say: go!

Ezio moved warily down the ledge and hung on the wall so you do not see him as he heard how his father had. Play that was unbearable. Then he donned goinglor for download. I knew that the declines are almost always harder than promotion, but in the last forty-eight hours had gained much experience climbing and falling buildings. Tower crawled down, slipping a couple of times but always recovering balance, until it reached again the battlements, where the two guards were still lying where she had left. Another goalpe of luck! He had been hitting their heads with all its forcesforces, but if by chance they had regained consciousness while he was at the top of the tower and had sounded the alarm ... Not worth thinking about what would have been the consequences.

The truth is that there was no time to think about such things. Pounced on the battlements and looked down. The weather was a key factor and if identified something down that might interrupt his fall, would dare to jump. As their eyes were adaptedtándose to the gloom, he saw the awning of an empty stall next to the wall, far below. Should he play? To achieve win precious minutes. If he failed, ending with a broken leg would be the slightest of problems. But I had to have faith in himself.

Deep breath and plunged into the dark.

From such a height, the canopy gave way under his weight, but was signedmously subject and gave him enough strength to cut its fall. It was out of breath and in the morning followingI have some bruised ribs, but was down! And it has notBia triggered an alarm.

He shook himself and ran towards him that only a horas ago had been their home. On arriving there he realized that the rush his father had forgotten to explain how to locate the secret door. Giulio would know, but where was Giulio?

Luckily there were no guards hanging around the house and could access it without anyone to intercept. He had stopped at his home one minute, almost unable to cross the dark threshold of the door gave the impression that the house had changedinformation exchanged, that his holiness had ifdo desecrated. Ezio was forced newtively to bring order to his thoughts, knowing that their actions were critical. Now his family depended on him. He went into the family home in the dark. Shortly after he was in the office of his father, gloomily lit a single candle, looking around.

The guards had turned the room and it was obvious that he hasbian seized several bank documents. General chaos reigning falls shelves, chairs overturned, drawers on the floor and papers and books everywhere, not at all the work facilitatedEzio jo. But knew the office, enjoying a great view and decided to use his wit. The walls were thick, whichany of them could hide a camera inside, but he went to the wall that was installed large fireplace, where the walls were thicker, and began their search there. Bringing the candle, and groping, always keeping his ear alert for returning guards, distinguished thought finally, on the left side of the carved mantel, the faint outline of a door marked on the caissons. There had to be something that servedra open. Carefully studied the sculptures of Colossi they held on their backs the marble fireplace. The nose of the left seemed to be broken and have been postpreviously repaired, it had a small slit at the base. Touched his nose and saw it was a bit loose. With a heavy heart, moved gently and the door swung inward rolling on silent spring hinges and discovering a stone-floored hall that turned to the left.

Upon entering, his right foot hit a stone that moved under him and, with the movement, the oil lamps hanging on the walls of the passage came to life. The tour was short, with a slight downward slope, and ended in a chamber circular decorated in a style more reminiscent of Syria to Italy. Ezio's brain remembered the picture that hung in the office firstford of his father in the castle of Masyaf, which was in its day the seat of the ancient Order of Murderers. But it did not have TIMEe to consider whether this curious decoration might have some special meaning. There was no furniture, and in the center of the room was an iron chest closed with two large voluminous locks. He looked around to see if there was a key, but the stay, except for its ornamentation, it was empty. Ezio was wondering if you would have to return to the dismissalfact of his father to look there, and if you have time to do so when his hand accidentally brushed against one of the locks, which opened suddenly. The other was opened with the same ease. Would you have given your father some kind of power he did not know? Would the locks programmed to respond to a particular contactanything else? The mysteries are piling up, but no TIMEe to enter them now.

He opened the trunk and saw that it contained a white hood, evidencetemente old, made with some kind of woolen fabric that does not remet. Something made him put it on and immediately felt a strange power. He pulled down his hood, but it is not removed.

The cabinet also contained a leather cuff, a broken knife instead of a normal grip was connected to an unusual mechanism whose performance did not reach comturn, a sword, a piece of parchment with symbols and letters and what looked like part of a plan, and the letter and the documents that his father had told him that was due to Uberto Alberti. I took everything, closed the cabinet and returned to her father's office, closing the door carefully behind her secret. In the office found a bag to carry documents that belonged to Giulio, guarDO in her cabinet documents and slung across his chest. Buttoned his sword. Not knowing what to do with this strange set of objects and no time to reflect on why his father kept those things in a secret chamber, returned cautiously to the front door of palazzo.

But just when he was about to leave the forecourt, he saw two guards entered the city. It was too late to hide. I had seen.

- Stop! Shouted one of them, and they began to move rapidly towards him.

There was no way to start the withdrawal. Ezio saw that they had removeddo ya swords.

- Why are you here? Why arrest?

"No," said he had spoken before. We have orders to kill.

And on hearing this, the second guard ran to him.

Ezio drew his sword when he saw it coming. It was a weapon that was unfamiliar, but felt light and competentTENTE in his hand, as if he had used all my life. Skived the first onslaught, right and left, both guards pouncing on him at the same time. The three swords let loose sparks, but Ezio noticed that his new weapon was firm, his mordant, sharp edge. Just at the time the second guard was down his sword with the intention of separating the braEzio zo his shoulder, he made a feint to the right, shouldjo edge. The guard lost his balance when the arm that held the sword fell heavily, though harmlessly on the shoulder of Ezio.

The boy used his momentum to lift his new sword and crossed to the heart of his opponent. Straightening, Ezio turned on his heels, raised his left foot and pushed the dead guard to remove the sword from his body with just enough time to turn around and face her partner. The other guard rushed roaring and wielding a powerful sword.

- Prepare to die traditore!

The guard jumped on him, tore his left sleeve and sangre began to sprout. Ezio grimaced in pain, which lasted only a second. The guard kept pushing to see what was ahead and allowed Ezio attack again. Then, taking a step back, put his heel, he waved the sword stuck resolutely and firmly on the neck of his opponent at the moment it fell, separating the head from his shoulders before toface soil.

Ezio stood for a moment trembling at the sudden silenceCIO followed the confused fighting, breathing hard. It was the firstfirst time in his life he killed someone - what was it? - although it was another life inside, oldest, a life that seemed to have years of experience in dealing with death.

The feeling frightened him. That night had seen things that went well beyond what could have been any boy his age, but this new feeling began to awaken in the depths of his being a dark force. It was more than the simple effect of the harrowing experiences he had visaw in the last hours. He walked the dark streets flagging didirection to the house of Alberti, so startled at the slightestnest and looking back frequently. Finally, on the brink of exhaustion but still able to move forward, came home from gonfaloniere. He looked up and saw a dim light behind one of the front windows. He knocked loudly on the door with EmpuNadura of his sword.

Receiving no response, nervous and impatient, called again, louder this time. Nothing.

But at the third attempt, it opened a crack in the door that was closed afterwards. The door opened wide for a moment desas suspicious and armed servant invited him. He explained what brought him around the house and was taken to a room on the first floor where Alberti found sitting at a table full of papethem. Behind him, through the side and sitting on a chair beside a dying fire, Ezio thought he saw another man, tall and robust, evencould only see a little profile, and little clarity.

- Ezio? -Alberti stood up, startled. What are you doing here at this hour?

-No ... not ...

Alberti approached him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Wait, boy. Breathe deeply. Put your ideas in order.

Ezio nodded. He felt safer now, but also more vulnerable. Began to assimilate the events of the evening and night, since he had proposed to deliver the letters GioVanni. He saw the brass clock that was on the desk, on a pedestal, it was almost midnight. Could only twelve hours have elapsed since Ezio, the boy, had accompanieddo to his mother to pick up some pictures in the studio of an artist? Reluctantly, he realized that he was about to lie to mourn. But he calmed down and was Ezio, the man who took the floor:

"My father and my brothers were taken prisoner I do not know under what authority," my mother and sister have been hidden and the bank of our family have been sacked. My father sent me that I submit this letter and these documents ...

Ezio removed documents from his bag.


Alberti was a pair of glasses and pulled the letter of Giovanni in the light of the candle burning on his desk. In the room could not hear anything except the ticking of the clock and the crackle of the wood off the fire. If there was another presence in the room had forgotten Eziodo completely.

Then, Alberti turned his attention to the documents. Spent time consulting them and finally one of them discreetly stored inside his black coat. Others left them gently aside, separate from other papers on the table.

"There has been a terrible misunderstanding, my dear Ezio" he said, removing his glasses. It is true that there have been accumulatedsations-serious charges, and knack for tomorrowna trial is scheduled. But apparently someone has showndo, perhaps for reasons of their own, too extreme. But do not worry. We explain everything.

Ezio could not believe it.


"The documents I have given contain evidence of a conspiracy against your father and against the city. Will present these papers at the hearing tomorrow and Giovanni and your brothersRAN released. I guarantee it.

The boy saw a huge relief. He shook hands with the Gonfaloniere.

- How I can grateful to you for?

"My job is to administer justice, Ezio. I take it very seriously y. .. He hesitated for a fraction of a second-... your father is one of my dearest friends. -Alberti smiled. But where have my manners gone? I've even offereddo a glass of wine. He paused. And where will spend noche? Even I have urgent matters to attend to, but my servants shall ensure that you have food, drink and a warm bed.

Ezio did not know what ended up rejecting an offer as friendly.

When he left the mansion gonfaloniere it was past midnight. He covered his head again with the hood and gave LapTAS in the streets trying to gather his thoughts. In fact, I knew very well where his steps led him.

Once there, he climbed to the balcony with more easily than had been imagined, perhaps the need gave strength to their musclesthe delicately-and called the shutters. Whispered:

- Cristina! Love Wake up! Me.

He waited, quiet as a cat, and stayed to listen. The stretching heard, rising. And then his voice, asusited, on the other side of the shutters.

- Who is it?


Quickly opened the shutters.

- What happens? Something wrong?

"Let me. Please.

Sitting on his bed, he explained the whole story.

"I knew something was wrong," she said. Tonight my father was worried. But what you say all will be well.

"I need to let me stay here tonight ... Do not worry, I'll go long before dawn. And I have to giveone thing you save for the custody. "He picked up the bowlsa and placed between the two. I need to trust you.

"Oh, Ezio, of course you can trust me.

He fell into a restless sleep in the arms of her.
