Chapter 19

Of back to the "convent" Theodora, Ezio strove conteTeodora and Antonio ners while watching him with concern.

"I saw Silvio bribed the master of ceremonies," said Teodora-. And no doubt also filled the pockets of the jury. I could not do anything about it.

Antonio laughed mockingly and Ezio looked angry.

"It's easy to understand why Silvio wanted to achieve, above all, that their man did with the Golden Mask," continued Teodora-. Remain on alert and do not want to corisks barrier to the Doge Marco. He looked at Ezio-. Not rest until they see you dead.

"In that case, I expect many sleepless nights.

"We have to think. The party is tomorrow.

-Find a way to follow up the party, Dante'scided Ezio-. Take off his mask y. ..

- How?Antonio wanted to know-. "Killing the poor stronzo?

Ezio looked angry.

- Do you have a better idea? You know very well what is at stake!

Antonio raised his hands, indicating that their disapproval.

"Look, Ezio ... if you kill him, canceled the party, and Marco isconderá back in palazzo. We lost the time ... Again! No, it's stealing the mask without making noise.

"My girls can work" said Teodora-. Muchas of them will come to the party ... as cheerleaders. Might decreasebring Dante while you get the mask. And once there, do not be afraid. I also be present.

Ezio nodded reluctantly. He did not like being told what he had to do, but in this case knew that Theodora and Antonio were right.

-Va bene "He said.

The next day, at sunset, Ezio tried to be at a point in the journey that Dante had to do to attend the party. For the few girls hovered around Teodora. At last the big man. Had made an effort with their costumes, which were expensive but flashy. Wearing the Golden Mask hanging from his belt. As soon as I saw the girls pusiwere to whisper flattery and greet, approaching him, two of them taking him by the arm and making sure the maskwas hanging from the rear. Thus accompanied him to the wide area was cordoned off near the Molo, where would youner party place and where, in fact, it had begun. Cropressure gauge accurately their action, Ezio chose the last minute to cut the skin and release the belt of Dante. Took it and ran the youth went to put the guards controlled access to the party before that he should make Dante. Upon seeing him, they let Ezio, but when Dante appeared moments later and found the supposedly carrying mask hanging from his belt, he discovered he had vanished. The escort girls who had hitherto had disappeared into the crowd and had covered his face with masks too, so it was impossible to recognize them.

Dante was still arguing with the guards at the gate, which hasthey had received strict orders, while Ezio made his way inamong the attendees to make contact with Theodora. She receivedceived warmly.

- You did it! Congratulations! And now, listen: Oceanco remain very cautious. He is staying in your vesseltion, the Bucintoro Duke, which is moored right in front of Molo. Can nots closer to he,perorshould encontrar a place from which to launch your attack. He turned to call three or four of his courtesans-. These girls will cover your movements as you move among the people.

Ezio was launched but when in the company of girls, radiant with satin and silk dresses in silver and red, made his way among the guests, he noticed a tall man and circumstancescunspecto over sixty years of age, with blue eyes, intelligent eyes and white goatee, who was talking with a noble Venicenot of similar age. Both wore small masks that barely covered his face and recognized the former as Ezio Agostino BarBarigo, the younger brother of Mark. Agostino would have much to do with the fate of Venice in the event that his brother had occupiedrriera a disgrace, and Ezio considered desirable approach thereby overhears the conversation they had.

When Ezio Girlhood, Agostino laughed thinly.

"Honestly, I think my brother is ashamed to own mymo with this exhibition.

"You have no right to talk about it in that tone," said the noble-. It is the dux!

"Yes, yes. Is the dux-granted Agostino, stroking his goatee.

"It's your party. Of Carnevale, and may spend as much money as it deems appropriate.

"It's dux, but only nominally, Agostino said more dry-. And the money we're spending the money of Venice, not yours. He lowered his voice-. There are more important things at stake, you know it.

"Marcus was the man chosen to govern. It is true that your father did not think I could get where it is and why it was you who sent his political ambitions. But that now, considering how things are, is irrelevant.

-I never wanted be dux ...

"In that case, I congratulate you on your success," he said coldly noble.

"Look," said Agostino, restraining-. Power is more than being rich. Do you really think my brother who was elected by more than for their wealth?

- Was chosen for his wisdom and leadership skills!

Were interrupted by the start of the fireworks. Agostino watched them only for a moment and said withas below:

- And is this what you do with that knowledge? "Offering a specspectacle of lights? It hides in the Ducal Palace as the city will under and thought that a few explosions expensive enough to make people forget all their problems.

The noble frowned.

-A people like the show. It's human nature. See how ...

But at that moment, Ezio detected the huge figure of DanI broke through the guests, accompanied by notesment of guards, looking for him, no doubt. Continued to advance until you find a hiding place from which to acyield to the dux in the event that left the Bucintoro moored a few meters from the seafront.

It sounded a fanfare and fireworks stopped by the moment. The guests sat in silence and burst actguido into applause when Marco appeared on the port side of the barge state to address the public and a page I made:

"Signore e signori! I present to you our dear doges Venezia!

Marco began his speech.

"Benvenuti! Welcome, dear friends, the most splendidDido social event of the season!In peace or war, in times of prosperity or hardship, Venezia always have Carnevale!...

While still talking dux, Theodora approached Ezio.

"I'm too far," said Ezio-. And do not think losing his ship. So I will have no choice but to swim to it. Merda!

-I would not try, "he said quietly Teodora-. Te detectionsecretariats soon.

"Then I have to ...

- Wait!

The dux was still talking.

"Tonight we celebrate what makes us great. The color with which our light shines above the world!

He stretched his arms and fireworks erupted over. The crowd cheered in approval.

- That's right!Teodora said-. Use your gun! Which empleaste to kill that murderer in my bordello. Seize the explosions of fireworks when they return to begin to reduce the noise of your shot. Do it at the right time and you can get out of here without anyone noticing anything.

Ezio stared.

"I like how you think, sister.

"It's just that find the shot. Just bedrastic a chance. He squeezed his arm-. Buona fortune my son. Te wait on bordello.

Disappeared mingling with the partygoers inEzio detected between them back to Dante and his thugs, whoguide searching. Silent as a ghost, came to a lugar in the spring as close as possible to the point from where Mark was giving his speech. Luckily, his clothes resplandecientes, illuminated by the light of the party, made him a perfect target.

Doge's speech progressed, and he used it to pre Eziostop and wait to attention as fireworks will resumewill give. To get out of there unscathed, had to find the perfect moment.

"We all know that we have overcome troubled times was saying Framework-. But we've overcome them together, and Venezia it has been strengthened ... Transitions of power are complicated, but we weathered the change in style and tranquility. It is easy to lose a doge in the prime of life, and it is frustrating to see that the murderer of our beloved comrade Mocenigo is liber and unpunished. But we take comfort in the idea that many were beginning to feel uncomfortable with the policies of my predecessorsuccessor, to feel insecure and doubt the path that was leading us. "Among the guests, several shouted in appropriate signalCORDING, and Marco, smiling, raised his hands to silence them-. Well, my friends, I say again that I have found the right way! It is a beautiful place and go there together! The future vislight for Venezia power is a future, a future of wealth. Build a fleet as large as our enemies fear us as we never have feared! And the seas will expand our trade routes and we'll bring home spices and treasuresros with which we could not dream since the days of Marco Polo! Marco's eyes lit up when his voice took a threatening tone-. And those who oppose us want tocirle following: careful with the side that you choose, because either you are with us or you are on the side of evil. And here we do not want enemiegos! I will pursue, I expel, destroy you! -Volsaw hands up and said-: Y Venezia will always be the brightest jewel of all civilization!

And when he dropped his arms in triumph, began a poTENTE display of fireworks, a final fireworks conversiontió night into day. The sound of explosions was deafening, and the tiny shot Ezio lost between them. And he was confused as to the crowd before people had TIMEpo to react when he saw Marco Barbarigo, one of the Doge of shortest reign in the history of Venice, stagger, takeDose hand on his heart, and dropped dead on the deck of the barge ducal.

"Requiescat in pace Ezio muttered to himself.

But as the news broke, it spread rapidly and came to the brothel before he did Ezio. He was greeted with cries of admiration for Theodore and his courtesans.

"You must be exhausted," said Theodora, taking him by the arm and leading him into an inner room-. Come, relax!

But first, Antonio also congratulated him.

- The savior of Venice! Exclaimed-. What I can say? Maybe I was wrong for doubting you so easily. Now at least we will have the opportunity to see how the pieces fit ...

- Enough for now about it!Teodora said-. Come, Ezio. You've worked hard, my son. I think your body exhausted neNeed some comfort and relief.

Ezio quickly realized what he meant and he followed suit.

"You are right, sister. I have so much pain that needsré much comfort and relief. I hope you can fix it.

- Oh! Teodora said smiling-. Ease your pain I do not mean myself! Girls!

A bevy of courtesans went running alongside Ezio toward the room at the center of which was a bed imhustling and, with it, a device similar to a chair, but with pulleys and belts, and chains. He remembered something he had seen in Leonardo's workshop, but did not imagine what it could serve.

Exchanged a long look with Theodora and followed her bedroom, slamming the door behind him.

A couple of days later, Ezio was at the Rialto Bridge, relaxed and recovered, watching people walk up and down. Was considering going to take a couple of glasses of Veniceto before ora di pranzo, when he saw a man running hasCIA and whom he recognized at once: one of the messengers of Antonio.

- Ezio Ezio! "Said the man approaching him-. Be AntoNIO want to see you ... Is an important issue.

"Then go quickly," said Ezio, leaving the bridge after the messenger.

Antonio was in his office together, to the surprise of Ezio, Agostino Barbarigo. Antonio made the presentations of rigor.

"It's an honor to meet you, sir. I feel the loss of your brother.

Agostino made a motion with his hand, less importantimportance to the issue.

"I appreciate your sympathy but to be honest, my brother was a fool and was entirely under the control of the faction of Borgia in Rome ..., something that I would not want to happen ever return to Venice. Fortunately, a civic-minded person herebó with that dangerous killers. In an original and curious ... Ht must research is evident, but personally I have no idea where to lead ...

-Messer Agostino will be chosen soon, said dux AntoNIO-. This is good news for Venice.

"This time the Council of Forty-One has worked RaQuick-drily said Ezio.

"I think they have learned the error of their processes-replicationed with a shy smile Agostino-. But do not pretend to be the dux at only nominal, as was my brother. Which brings us to the issue we have now in hand. Our horrible cousin Silvio Arsenal has served the military district of the city, and has posted a garrison of two hundred mercenaries.

"And when ye dux can you not order them removed?

"I'd be fine," said Agostino- but extravaganzaences of my brother have exhausted the resources of the city and will be hard to resist a force long enough to have the Arsenal under his control. And the Arsenal, Venice not control, however dux it!

"In that case," said Ezio- we have to solve on our own.

- Well said! "Antonio was glowing. And I think we have the Carambare right for the job. "Have you heard of Bartolomeo d'Alviano?

"Of course. The condottiero I was serving itPapal results! Have rebelled against them, I know.

"Now is based here. Silvio, who, as you well know, is the service of Cardinal Borgia, is not exactly the holy ofdevotions, "said Agostino-. Bartolomeo is installed in San Pietro, east of Arsenal.

"I'll visit.

"Before doing so," said Antonio Ezio- Messer Agostino has something for you.

Among his robes, Agostino took a roll of vellum old with a broken black wax hanging from a ragged fivered ta.

"I had my brother among his papers. Antonio thought he could be of interest. Consider a payment ... services rendered.

Ezio took it. Knew immediately what it was."Thank you, signore. I am sure that will help in the battle that lies ahead.

Pausing only to arm, Ezio acer soonCarse Leonardo's workshop, where he was surprised to find her friendgo pack our bags.

- Where are you going now? Ezio asked.

"I go to Milan. Would send a message before leaving, of course. Together with a pack of bullets for your gun.

"Well I'm glad I found you still here. Look, I have another page from the Codex!

"Excellent. I'm very interested. Pasa. My man Luca and the others continue with this. At this point I have them as wellTrenado. It's a shame you can not take them all with me.

- What will you do to Milan?

Lodovico Sforza, has made me an offer I could not refuse.

- What projects were you here?

"The Navy had to cancel. No money for new projects. Apparently, the last doge virtually ended all. I could have made the fireworks, without all the expense of going to look to China. But never mind. Venice is at peace with the Turks and they said they expect my return. Luca leave here, because it would feel like a fish out of water away from Venice, with a few basic drawings to begin. And as the Count, is pleased with the portraits of family ... although personally I think would be better if more work. -Leonardo began to unroll the sheet of vellum. And now, let's take a look at this.

"Promise me let me know when you get back.

"I promise, pal. And as for you, keep me informeddo what you do, if you can.

"I will.

"Well ... -Leonardo extended BPpage before him and examined-. There is something here that looks like a sketch of the double-edged dagger that went with your wrist guard, but is incomplete and could be an earlier sketch of that design. The only remaining tiene importance connected with the other pages ... Look, there are more things that look like pieces of a map and a kind of diBujo makes me think of those intricate designs of knots used to doodle when he had time to think about my stuff. -Leonardo rolled back the sheet and looked at Ezio-. I the guarwould in a safe place along with the other two pages that I have taught here in Venice. It is evident that they are all very importantportant.

"Actually, Leo, if you're traveling to Milan, I wonder if I could ask a favor.


"When you get to Padua, could you, please arrange everything for a trusted courier will take these three pagesnas my uncle Mario in Monteriggioni? Es .. antique ... and I know that you will find interesting. But I need someone with confidence.

Leonardo gave him a shadow of a smile. Ezio has not been so worried, would have taken almost a smile inderstanding complete.

"I have meant to send my stuff directly to myLAN, but I plan to do before a lightning visit to Florence to see Agniolo and innocent, so it would be better thanFri messenger from there. Send to Agniolo to Monteriggioni, fear not.

"This is better than I could imagine. -Ezio shook hands-. You are a good and wonderful friend, Leo.

"I hope, Ezio. Occasionally I think you could very well be someone to take care of you. He paused-. And I wish you good luck in your work. I look forward to the day when you let it finished and find the rest need.

Steel gray eyes took a look Ezio distance, but no reply, except to say:

"I've been reminded ... I have another errand to do. Te send to a men's Antonio with the two missing pages of the Codex. And now, for the moment addio!
