Chapter 22
After from Venice to board a galley and A lengthy and pleasant journey, Ezio and Machiavelli arrived at the port of the marshes near Ravenna, where were received personalmenI by Caterina and his entourage.
"I arrived by courier the news that were on caminot, so I decided to come to receive you personally and accompaniedNaros to Forli said-. You have done wisely, I think, to travel on board one of the galleys of the Doge Agostino, as the roads suelen be unsafe and have conflicts with the bandits. EvenI think, "he added, casting a meaningful glance at Ezio-re not have been many problems.
"It's an honor that I remember, signora.
"It's been a long time, but caused me a good impressionsion. He then turned to Machiavelli "And I am also glad to see you again, Nicholas.
- I had some knowledge? Ezio asked.
"Nicolas told me to ... in certain matters of state. -Camexchange of item-. I am told that you have become a Murderer and void. Congratulations.
Caterina reached the carriage, but he told his servants that he preferred to ride, it was a beautiful day and was a short distanceta. Saddled horses and as mounted, Caterina Ezio beckoned to come over to ride at his side.
Forli, you'll love. And there will be safe. Our pipetions for over a century protecting the city and the fortress is impenetrable.
"Excuse me, signora but there is something that has me intrigued.
"Tell me, please, what it is.
"I've never heard of a woman to govern a city-state. I'm impressed. Caterina smiled.
"Well, before he was in the hands of my husband, of course. Do you remember him? "Even a little? Girolamo. He made a pausa-. He died ...
"I'm sorry.
"Do not be," she said simply-. I sent him killed. Ezio tried to hide his astonishment.
"The thing was as follows" said Machiavelli-. DiscoveredGirolamo Riario brim that worked for the Templars. Was in the process of completing a map showing the location of the pages of the Codex to be recovered.
"Anyway, that convicted the son of a bitch said I never liked evenly Caterina-. It was a lousy father, abuDerrida in bed and in general, a real kick in the ass. -Reflexed instantly-. Please note that after you've had a couple of husbands more ... Overrated, if you want to tell you the truth.
I stopped the appearance of a riderless horse approaching at a gallop toward them. Caterina ordered one of his escortedTAS to run in pursuit, and the rest of the group continued camino to Forli, although Sforza servants drew their swords in case. Soon after they found a car volmarket, its wheels still spinning in the air, surrounded by corpses.
Catherine frowned, and spurred his horse. Ezio and MaMachiavelli followed suit.
Somewhat later found a group of farmers, someus of them wounded, walking toward them.
- What happens? Caterina asked the woman who headedZaba group.
-Altezza "Said the woman, tears rolling down her musselsTthe-. Came shortly after you left. They are preparedrándose to lay siege to the city!
- Who are they?
- The brothers Orsi madonna!.
"Sangue di Giuda!
- Who are these Orsi? Ezio asked.
"These wretches hired to kill Girolamo, "said Caterina.
"The Orsi work for anyone who pays them," said Machiavelli-. There are many lights, but unfortunately have a reputation of fulfilling their work well. He stopped to think-. The Spanish have to be behind it.
- And how could I know where we will take the fruit of Eden?
"Do not look for the Fruit of Eden, Ezio; leave behind Riario map. The Map is still in Forli.Rodrigo need to know cottonare hidden from the remaining pages of the Codex and we can not afford to get the map!
- And what matter the map?Caterina cried-. My child isas in the city. Ah, porc demon!
They lashed the horses into a gallop and rushed to spot the city. Plumes of smoke rose inside the walls and saw that the doors of the ramparts were closed. In many-Rallon had men stationed outside under the banner of the bear and the Orsi family bush. But inside the citadel occupiedpaba the hill, still flying the flag of the Sforza.
"Apparently they have control of part of Forli, but not in the citadel," said Machiavelli.
- Traitorous bastards! Caterina spat.
- Is there any way to enter the city without being seen? Ezio asked, picking weapons and setting Codexselas quickly in their place, reserving the gun in his bagtola and hidden blade.
"There is a possibility expensive Caterina said-. But it will be difficult. There is an old tunnel in the ditch that runs through the west wall below.
"In this case I will try," said Ezio-. Be prepared. If I can open from inside the gates of the city, come teachguida galloping like demons. If I get to the citadel, they see the flag and let us in, we'll be safe to plan the momovement that we have to carry out below.
"Do not be another to hang these idiots and see how they swing with the wind snarled Caterina-. But later, Ezio. And good luck! I'll think of something to distract troops Orsi.
Ezio dismounted and ran to the west of the walls, crouched and sheltering behind hillocks and shrubs. Mienafter, Caterina straightened in his stirrups and shouted to the enemy behind the walls of the city:
- You! I am speaking to you to you, dogs Gutted. Have you busy my city? My home? And do you really think I'm going to sit back? I will go and you tear the coglioni ... if you have them of course!
At the top of the walls of sun then appeared groupsdice Caterina looked at funny and equally intimidated as she continued with her speech:
- What kind of man are you? Seize the orders of which I paid little more than a handful of pennies! I wonder if they will think that it was worth it when I climb up there, I cut the head all over me mee you and me go vueshead work the figa! Your balls will hang a skewer and roast on the stove in my kitchen! What do you think that?
The men guarding the western seawall had Suddenly having fullmado. Nobody watched the pit, and Ezio launched him, swam, located the canopy covered entrance of the tunnel and got into their dark depths.
The interior was well preserved, and dry, and all I had to do was advance to see the light at the end. He stepped toward it cautiously, and as he approached he heard the voice of Caterina. The tunnel ended in a short flight of stairs standingdra that led into a back room on the ground floor of one of the western towers of Forli. Everything was deserted, as Catherine had been together a good crowd. Through a window he saw the back of most men with Orsituning, and even clapping occasionally, the performance of Caterina. be me man, wipe that smile off your faces. But I do not believe it was worth the effort. Do not be carried indeception that has boobs ... "It occurred to him then something-. Whatever you want to bet that you would like to see them, right? Whatever you want to bet that you would like to touchs, suck, give them a squeezedn! Well, why do not you go down here and you try? I'd kick in the balls so hard that I would come by the narices! Branco di cani Luridi Bastardi! Best you do pack up and you return home as you can ... Or you'll end up impaled and hung high on the walls of my fortress! Ah! But perhaps I'm wrong! Maybe you like that you metiesen a long oak stick up your ass! ... Give me disgust even beginning to wonder if it's worth the trouble. Never in my life have I seen so much shit together. Penile view Chesa! I think that, as men would not make much difference if you neuter them all.
Ezio was already on the street. He saw before him the door closest to where they were Caterina and Machiavelli. At the top of its arc, along with the huge lever action saw a arquero bet. Moving quietly and quickly as possibleble, climbed to the top of the arc and nailed him Sentry is a single puñalada in the neck, killing him instantly. Then toggled with the full weight of his body and the doors opened, emitting a powerful crunch.
Machiavelli had been watching closely all the time, and when he saw that opened the door, bowed and said something quietly to Catherinids that immediately spursor his horsement to put it into a gallop and advanced, followed by Machiavelli and totality of his entourage. When they saw what was happening Orsi troops stationed at the top of the wall screamed in rage and ran to intercept them, but the faction of the Sforza ran so fast that it was impossible to reach him. Ezio took his bow and arrows of sentinel dead and used them to shoot down three menOrsi men before quickly climbing a wall and run across the rooftops of the city, according to Catherine and her group in the rerun through the narrow streets leading to the citadel.
The more one enters the city, the greater the confusion. It was evident that the battle for control of Forli notba far from finished, as groups of soldiers under the bannerdera with snakes and eagles black blue Sforza still fighting against mercenaries Orsi, while ordinary citizens sought shelter in their homes or simply confused and aimless running. There were market stalls overturned, chickens by suethe running around and squawking, a little boy sitting in the mud crying her eyes out screaming for his mother, who appeared corriendo picked him up and carry it to a safe place, and the sounds of battle raged everywhere. Ezio, jumping from one rooftop to another, saw the situation from the vantage of the belfry, and used the arrows with deadly accuracy to protect Caterina and Machiavelli as long as the guards approached Orsi over them.
Finally reached a wide piazza front of the citadel. It was empty and the streets radiating from it seemed deserted. Ezio fell from the roof and met with his people. In the battlements of the citadel did not see anyone and the door was impressive ceRRAD in tight. It looked as impregnable as Caterina announced.
Catherine looked up and shouted:
- Open, convicted gang of idiots! I! The showeringsa! Moved a little ass!
Head peeped some of the men of the Citadel, including a captain who said: "Shooting, Altezza!" and gave orders to three men who disappeared immediately to go open the doorta. But at that moment, with a howl of war began to appear, dozens of soldiers from Orsi from the streets around the square, blocking any attempt to withdraw and close in on Catherine and her companions between them and the unrelentingcables walls of the citadel.
- Damn ambush! Machiavelli cried, with Ezio gathdo your few men and placing them between Catherine and Janmigos.
-Aprite the portal! Aprite! Caterina cried.
Finally they opened the huge doors. The guards came to assist them Sforza and attacking an Orsi empendentive melee, retreated to the gates, which closed quickly behind them. Ezio and MachiavelliI (who had dismounted from his horse) they sat on the wall, shoulder to shoulder, with bated breath. I could not believe they had succeeded. Caterina dismounted too, but not destired even for a moment. He ran through the courtyard towards the door, where two children and a mother with a baby in braZos were waiting in fear.
The children ran to her and she hugged them, greeting them by name.
Cesare, Giovanni ... preoccuparvi not. He stroked the baby's head, rocking-. Salute, Galeazzo. "Then I looked around, and the nurse-. Nezetta! Where are Bianca and Ottaviano?
"Excuse me, ma'am. They were playing outside when EMPEz-attack and we have failed to locate them.
Caterina, frightened, was about to reply when all of a suddento be heard the mighty roar of the Orsini troops outside the citadel. The captain of the Sforza ran up to Ezio and Machiavelli.
"They bring reinforcements to the mountains," said-. I do not know howto time we will be able to resist. He went then to a lugarteniente-: To the battlements! Encargaos of the guns!
The deputy ran to organize gunsros, which were heading to their posts, when a shower of arrows shot by the archers of the Orsi fell into the courtyard indeterioration and the walls. Catherine ran to garrison their children phenomenonres, while at the same time yelling at Ezio:
- Watch the cannons! They are our only hope! No permitas those unfortunate fall in the citadel!
- Vamos! Machiavelli cried.
Ezio followed him to where the guns were ready. Varivers of the gunners were killed, along with the captain and the placeLieutenant. Others were wounded. Survivors struggled to settle and put at the right angle heavy guns and make notes on the men Orsi, located abaho in the plaza. Had appeared many reinforcements and saw that they were manipulating Ezio siege guns and catapults for the calles. Meanwhile, just under a contingent of soldiers approached Orsi a battering ram against the walls. If Machiavelli or it will not be occupiedRRIA a solution quickly, the chances of saving the citadel would be minimal, to resist this new attack, without emHowever, they would have to shoot guns at targets iftuated in the interior of the walls of Forli, the risk that this importantescrow injure or even kill innocent citizens. Machiavelli leaving the organization in charge of the gunboats, Ezio ran down the yard in search of Caterina.
"They're taking the city. To keep them at bay I disstop the guns against targets inside the muscratches.
She looked at him with a cold expression of calm. "Do what you gotta do.
Ezio looked up at her place Machiavelli, awaiting the signal. He raised his arm and lowered it decisively.
Ezio cannons roared and turned to rush to the battlements with Machiavelli. Directing the gunners to fire at will, found to blow up a siege weapon after another, and catapults. The troops of the Orsini had little room for maneuver in the streets and in the canyons started to wreak havoc, crossbow archers and the Sforza EMPEZaron to pick off the invaders who had lived within the walls of the city. The troops were fi Orsinally expelled from Forli and Sforza troops who had survived on the outside of the citadel were able to secure the exterior curtain walls. But the victory had become an expensive toll. Several houses in the city were in flames and gunsCaterina ros were unable to avoid killing some of theirselves. And as quickly Machiavelli said, had something else to consider. Had succeeded in driving the enemy from the citydisease, but had not lifted the siege. Forli still surrounded by the battalions of Orsi and without water and fresh foodcos. In addition, the two older children were in danger and Caterina missing.
After a while, Caterina, Machiavelli and Ezio met on the battlements of the outer wall to examine the multitude of troops camped nearby. Behind them, the citizens of Forli did their best to restore order to the city, but water and food would not last forever and everybody knew it. Caterina was haggard, worried about the possible death of their missing children. Bianca, the eldest, was nine, and Ottaviano was a year younger.
Had yet to locate the very Orsi brothers, but that same day a herald in the midst of the enemy and blew the horn. The troops were divided as the sea to make way for two men on horses and wearing brown coat of evilthe steel, accompanied by pajes carrying the crest of the bear and the tree. They stood away from any arrow.
One of the riders got up in his stirrups and cried.
- Caterina! Caterina Sforza! We believe that still cagedgiven in your beloved city, Caterina ..., answer me
Catherine looked over the battlements, furious.
- What?
The man gave a wide smile.
"Oh, nothing. I just wondered if I would missWe ... some children!
Ezio had been placed next to Caterina. The man who istobacco talking looked surprised.
"Well, well," said-. Ezio Auditore, if I remember correctly. Insung to meet you. I've heard a lot about you.
"And you, so I wonder, are the fratelli Orsi-replicationEzio ed.
Which had not yet spoken up his hand.
"The same, Lodovico ...
-... Checco-added and other-. A your service! Laughed drymind.
- Enough!Caterina cried-. Enough of this! Where are my children? Free him!
Lodovico ironic bowed his chair.
"Ma certo, signora. Te return them happy. A cambio of your business. Of something, rather that which belonged to your husband cried. Something that was working on behalf of ... some friends of ours. "Suddenly his voice took a tougher tone-. I refer to a map!
"And also a Fruit of Eden" added Checco-. O another, we know everything to matter. Do you think we are stupid? Do you think our boss does not have spies?
"Yes," said Lodovico-. We also want the fruit of Eden. Or do you want us to cut into slices the throats of your smalldren and send with your pappa!
Caterina remained listening. His mood was ahora an icy calm. When his turn came, he shouted:
"Bastardi! Do you think you can intimidate me with your vulnerabilityGares threats? Slag! I will not give nothing! Do you want to my children? Take them! I have ways to do more! "And she lifted her skirts showing their private parts.
"Your histrionics do not care, Caterina Checco said, turning his horse-. Neither interests me look at you the figa. CamBiar idea, but I concede just one hour. Your brats will be safe so far in this miserable village next to camino. And do not forget: the kill andagain to destroy your city and take by force what we want ... so that appropriateadvantage of our generosity and we all save a lot of concerns.
The brothers set off at a gallop. Caterina collapsed against the rough wall of the wall, breathing heavily through your mouth, shocked by what he had said and done.
Ezio was at his side.
"Do not sacrifice your children, Caterina. No cause is worth it.
- Save the world? "She stared with his mouthtreabierta, her blue eyes wide open just below his mop of red hair.
"We can not become people like them," said SimEzio ply-. There are commitments that can not be.
- Oh, Ezio! This is what I expected you to say! "I openZó-. Of course we can not sacrifice, my dear! She leaned back-. But I can not ask you to take chances to bring them here.
"Try," said Ezio. Machiavelli then addressed-. Not be long ... I hope. But whatever happens, I know that protect the Fruit of Eden in your own life. And Catherine ...
- Do you know where Girolamo hid the map?
"I'll find.
"Do it, and protect it.
- What will you do with the Orsi? Machiavelli asked.
"I I have added to my list, "said Ezio-. Are of the same ilk as the men who murdered and destroyed mineYeron my family. Although now I see that the cause to which I serve is more than just revenge.
They shook hands, looking into his eyes.
"Buona fortune, amico mio Very seriously, "said Machiavelli.
"Buona anche fortune.
It was difficult to get the people whose identity was reveiled Checco so reckless, but he had not done justice by describing it as "miserable." It was small and poor, as most of the villages inhabited by servants of the Romagna, and showed signs of having been recently flooded by the river that ran by him, but in general it was a clean town and pulmonarycro, with whitewashed houses and thatched roofs renewed. Although water flooded the road dividing the dozen casas was still muddy as a result of the flood, all suggested order, but no joy, and diligence, but not faithlicidad. The only thing that distinguished Santa Salvaza of a people in peacetime was that swarmed him a few men arMadosa of Orsi. No wonder, Ezio thought that Checco is believed able to afford to mention that it was holding Bianca Ottaviano. The question that remained was the iffollows: what would people rather than hiding the children of Catherine?
Ezio, armed this time with the double-edged dagger on his left forearm, protected by the metal plate and the pistol in his right hand, plus a light sword with a handle in a cross hanging from his belt, was dressed in a simple peasant's woolen cloak that covered her knee. He covered caBeza the hood to avoid being recognized and dismounted at a safe distance from people. Carefully controlling the positionpossible presence of watchdogs Orsi, hung on his back a sack of firewood he had taken loan from a shed. Bent under his weight, came to Santa Salvaza.
Despite the military presence had imposed, hasinhabitants of the village tried to continue his work as if nothing happened. Naturally, no one had a special love for the mercenaries of the Orsi and Ezio, passing unnoticed éscough but almost instantly recognized by locals as a Forastéro, immediately got support in the mission. He went to a house that was the end of the town, larger than the others and something paragraphTada. It was there, explained a woman charged with a pitcher of water from the river, where they held one of the children. Ezio thanked the soldiers of the Orsi were so scattered, it was obvious they had for the bulk of its forces to the site of Forli.
He knew, however, that it had very little time to rescue the children.
The door and windows of the house were closed and dog limeto, but while around the building to move to the back where the two wings forming a courtyard, Ezio heard a young voice firm delivering a stern lecture. He climbed onto the roof to see the courtyard, where Bianca Sforza, the miniature replica of his mother, was giving an earful to two surly guards Orsi.
- Did ye two, a couple of copies of the issuetimer, all you have managed to find to watch me? DECIA used a regal tone, stiff as a stick and not showing the least fear, as his mother would have done in their circumstancessubstances-. Stolti! You are not enough! My mamma be angry and will not allow make me any harm. Sforza women withered violets are not, you know? We may be pretty, but the vista fools. As my pappa eventually discovered! He breathed deeply and looked perplexed guards including-. I hope you do not imagine you give me fear, because doing so you would be very wrong. And if you touch her hair to my brother, my mamma pillándoos end and I eat for breakfast! "Capito?
"Shut up, little fool," growled the older guard-. Unless you want a smack arree!
- Do not you dare talk like that! It's absurd, you look at it. I never go out with yours and I'll be alive and well in my house in less than an hour. In fact, I start to get bored. I'm surprised you do not be anything better to do while beingperáis your death!
"Enough, enough," said the older guard, ready to shake her. But just then, Ezio disparitiesRO Your gun from the roof, hitting the soldier in the chest. The man jumped up, his robe of scarlet dyeing even before he hit the ground. For a second thought Ezio Leonardo gunpowder must have improved. In the confusionsion that followed the sudden death of the guard, you jumped from EzioJado, landing with the elegance and power of a panther, and his double-edged dagger quickly attacked the guard youngest, who had drawn a dagger look intimidating. Ezio went through precisely the soldier's arm, cutting the tendons like ribbons. The dagger of the victim fell to the ground, digging edge in the mud, and before he could draw on other defense, Ezio approached the double-edged dagger to his jaw and passed through the soft tissue of the palate and tongue to penetrate the skull cavity. No hurry, Ezio daggers withdrew, dropping the corpse to the ground.
- They were just these two? He asked the impassive while BiancaAfter quickly reloaded his gun.
- Yes! And thank you, whoever you are. My mother will ensure that you are amply rewarded. But they also have causedtive Ottaviano my brother ...
- Do you know where? Ezio asked, recharging with rapidez gun.
"I have in the watchtower ..., which is next to the bridgeyou ruined. We have to hurry!
- Show me where it is and do not take off on me!
He followed her to the outside of the house and down the road until they found the tower. They arrived just in time because I was thereDovico in person, dragging the weeping Ottaviano by the neck. Ezio saw that the little limp, he must have twisted my ankle.
- You!Lodovico cried seeing Ezio-. Rather than give in to the girl and come back with your lover! Tell her to end up con these two if we fail to Lor we want!
"I want my mamma Ottaviano whined-. Let go, bully!
- Shut up marmocchio!Lodovico snapped-. Ezio! Go find the Fruit of Eden and the map or children will pay.
- I have pee! Ottaviano whined.
- Oh, for the love of God, chiudi il Becco!
"Let go," said Ezio with determination.
- I want to see how you do! Never get acercarte enough, you idiot! As take a step, he slit the garganta in the blink of an eye!
Lodovico was holding with both hands to smalllante him, but at that time gave a hand to desenfungive his sword. Ottaviano then tried to get loose, but Lodovico grabbed him firmly by the wrist. But no longer inter Ottavianoplaced between Lodovico and Ezio. Seeing his opportunityopportunity, took the gun Eziotola and fired.
Lodovico rabid expression turned into disbeliefDad. The bullet had hit in the neck, severing her jugular. With bulging eyes, dropped to his knees and fell Ottaviano, leadDose hands to the throat, blood oozing through his fingers. Little ran to hug her sister.
- Ottaviano! Stai bene! She said, hugging tightly.
Ezio came forward and stood next to Lodovico, but not exsuccessively closer. The man was not dead yet and still had the sword in his hand. The blood was also spotted his doublet, a trickle became a torrent.
I do not know what instrument of the devil has given you the means to defeat, "he gasped Ezio-. But sorry to say that whatever you do, you lose this game. The Orsi're not as stupid as you think. If there is here a fool, it's you ... you and Caterina!
"The stupid are you," said Ezio, his voice cold and ironic-. To die by a handful of silver. Do you really think that was worthwhile?
Lodovico grimaced.
"More than you think, man. Te have won the game. And whatever you do now, the Master will be your prize! "His face contorted in agony from the pain I have caused himrida. The stain of blood had grown bigger-. Finish better than me, Ezio, if you still have a glimmer of mercy.
"In that case, die with honor, Orsi. It means nothing. -Ezio stepped forward and opened the wound in the neck of Lodovico. A moment later, he was not there. Ezio leaned over him and closed his eyes-. Requiescat in pace "He said.
There was no time to lose. He returned to the children, who had been watching the scene astonished.
- Can you walk? He asked Ottaviano.
"I'll try, but it really hurts.
Ezio knelt down and examined it. He had not sprained his ankle, but was dislocated. Ottaviano climbed on his back.
"Be brave, little dux," he said-. I will return to both home safe and sound.
- I can first make a pee? I really need.
"But do it quickly.
Ezio knew it would be easy to go through the village with nodren. It was impossible to camouflage them as they were elegantly dressedtwo, and in any case, at that stage would have already discovered that Bianca had escaped. He replaced the gun in his wrist by the poisonous dagger. He took the right hand of Bianca with his left hand and went into the woods flanking the aldea on the west side. Ascended a small hill where poDria Santa Salvaza watching in its entirety and Orsi saw soldiers running toward the watchtower, but not deployed in the forest. Grateful to be able to enjoy a moment of respite, the children came to where he had left tied the caballo, put them up on his back and rode behind them.
He began to ride north towards Forli. The city was quiet. Too quiet. Where were the men of the Orsi? Had they raised the siege? It seemed impossible. Ispulley horse.
"Go through the south bridge," said Bianca, forward, holdDose tightly to the saddle knob-. It is the most direct route home.
Ottaviano snuggled against him.
When they approached the city walls, saw the south side doors were open. The crossing at the time a small troop of guards Sforza, Caterina escorting and behind her, Machiavelli. Ezio quickly realized that his companion was wounded Murderer. Spurred more if possible to monture and when he arrived with the group, quickly dismantled and moved the children into the arms of Catherine.
- What in the name of the Blessed Virgin? He asked, glancing repeatedly Caterina Machiavelli-. What are you doing out here?
"Oh," said Caterina Ezio-. I feel very, very much!
- What happened?
"Everything was a trap. To lower your defenses!Caterina said in despair-. What to take the children has been to divert our attention!
Ezio looked back to Machiavelli.
"But the city is safe?
Machiavelli sighed.
"Yes, the city is safe. At Orsi and do not care.
- What do you mean?
"As the drive out of here, we relax ... just momenthane, to regroup and treat the wounded. It was inChecco tonka when struck. They must have it all planneddo! Stormed the city. I fought against him in a melee fight very hard, but his soldiers surprised me by itPalda and beat me. Ezio, I have to ask you now to demonstratethree your courage: Checco has been the fruit of Eden!
Ezio was stunned for a long time. And then he said, slowlymind:
- What? No. .. that can not be. He looked like a madman to thearound-. Where has it gone?
"As he had what he wanted, he retreated with his men and the army was divided. We could not see which group had the Fruit of Eden and the battle had weakened us so that we could not go in pursuit. But we did see in per Checcoperson leading a company into the mountains of western ...
"Then all is lost? Ezio cried, thinking that IDovico was right, that it underestimated the Orsi.
"We continue to maintain the map, thank God," said Caterina. He dared not waste time searching.
"But why? If you already have the Fruit of Eden, and no necessarylocated Map!
"We can not allow the Templars succeed Machiavelli said sorry. They can not! We must go!
But Ezio saw that his friend was getting paler as a result of his injuries.
"No, you stay here. Caterina! Take care of him. Now I must go! Maybe still time!