Chapter 11

CEzio hen returned to Florence and reported to the non-Lorenzotice of the death of the last of the Pazzi, Lorenzo felt satisfiedcho, but also sad at the thought of bloodshed, a terribly high price in exchange for the safety of Florence and the Medici. Lorenzo preferred to find diplomatic solutions to disputes, but that desire made him an exception among his colleagues, the governors of other cities-state of Italy.

Ezio rewarded with a ceremonial cloak, which gave the Freedom of the City of Florence.

"A very gracious gift, Altezza "Said Ezio-. But I'm afraid I have little time to enjoy the benefits conferred upon me.

Lorenzo was surprised.

- What? Do you mean to go away again soon? He hoped you would stay, would open again palazzo your family, and would fill a post in the administration of the city, workJando me.

Ezio nodded and said:

"Sorry to tell you that I think our problems have toed to an end with the fall of the Pazzi. They were no more than a tenobstacle of a much larger beast. I have intention to travel to Venice.

- Venice?

"Yes. The man accompanying the REU Rodrigo Borgiamunion with Jacopo is Barbarigo family member.

"One of the most powerful families La Serenissima. "Quieres tell me that this man is dangerous?

"It is allied with Rodrigo.

Lorenzo thought for a moment and then spread his hands.

"I From left to my deepest regret, Ezio, but I know I can never repay this debt, which also means I have no power to impose your orders. In addition, I have sensation of work you are involved end to the larga benefiting our city, but you may not live to see it.

"Do not say that, Altezza.

Lorenzo smiled.

"I hope I may be wrong, but living in this country at this momentit's like to live on the edge of Vesuvius: dangerous and uncertain!

Before leaving, Ezio news and gifts led him to Annetta, but it was so painful to visit his old family home that does not even entered it. Also deliberately avoided the Calfucci mansion, but visited with Paola, and found it nice but disbrought, as if his head elsewhere. His last stop was the studio of his friend Leonardo, but on arrival found only Agnithe local and innocent and had the appearance of being closed. No sign of Leonardo.

Agniolo smiled and waved.

- Ciao, Ezio! Long!

- Too!

Ezio looked inquiringly around.

"I wonder where is Leonardo.

- Has been?

"Yes, but not forever. It has brought with him some of their material, but could not take it all, so innocent and I take care to monitor all this in his absence.

- And where has it gone?

"It's funny. Just as the Master was negotiateddo with the Sforza of Milan, Count of Pexaro invited him to spend some time in Venice ... You have to do five portraits of familylia ... "Smiled knowingly Agniolo-. As if that were to pasar real. Apparently the Council of Venice is interested in engineering and have provided a workshop, staff, everything. So, dear Ezio, if needed, that's where you'll have to go.

"It turns out that there is exactly where I said Ezio-. Great news. When will he go?

"Two days ago. But catch it costs you nothing. Go with a big wagon loaded to the brim with things and with only a pair of oxen pulling.

- Will anyone?

"Only with the road and a couple of escorts, in case you have proproblems. They have taken the road of Ravenna.

Ezio charged only what fit in their saddlebags and to travel alone, only one and a half after starting out at a bend in the road, struck a large wagon pulled by oxen and a canvas cover that protected their precious cargoment of machines and models.

The teamsters were standing next to the vehicle, hot and singleCandoso annoying head, while the escorts, two sturdy little boys armed with bows and spears, watched from a hill cercano. Leonardo stood beside the wagon, apparently setting up a kind of lever system, when he looked up and saw Ezio.

- Hello, Ezio! What good luck!

- Leonardo! What's wrong?

"Apparently we have a little problem. One of the ruegive the car ... He pointed to the spot where one of the wheels workyou'll be out of the shaft had-. The point is we need himVantas the car to reposition the wheel, but do not have the necessary manpower to do so, and this lever just tinkering fails to raise enough. Do you think that ...?

"Of course.

Ezio gestured to the road to come closer. They were strong men who would be most useful that is gracefulcoltan, and the three managed to lift the wagon and manhim in that position long enough for Leonard could enter the wheel on the shaft and secure. While performing the maneuver, Ezio, struggling with the other two men to keep the car high, glanced at its contents. Among the dishes stood out, unequivocally, Achaeanslla structure similar to a bat that had already seen andeterioration. Seemed have undergone numerous modificationscations.

Fixed the cart, Leonardo sat on the benchbling along to one of the road, while the other walked before the horse. The guards patrol relentlessly, both in the forefront and in the rear. Ezio continued their pathnot riding at a walk, along with Leonardo and talking. Had translong time elapsed since their last meeting and had much to talk about. Ezio Leonardo made aware of eventsLeonardo knowledge and told his new charges and how excited he was at the prospect of visiting Venice.

- I am delighted to have you as a fellow traveler! Eventhat truth is you would go long before if you had to travel at my own pace.

"It's a pleasure. And I want to make sure you get healthy and saltvo your destination.

"I have my escorts.

-Leonardo, do not get me wrong, but even the most inexperienced highwaymen would be removed off those two with the same ease with which you rob you off a mosquito.

Leonardo looked surprised, then looked offended and deslater, fun.

"Then I'm doubly glad of your company. Adop-tó a mischievous expression-. And I think it's not just for razones you would like to get sentimental over.

Ezio smiled but said nothing. He said, however:

"I saw that you keep working on that thing with a bat.

- What?

"I know what I mean.

"Oh, that. It's nothing. Just something to try to fix. But could not leave the workshop.

- What is it?

Leonardo was reluctant.

"The truth is I do not like to talk about the issues before they are ready ...

- Leonardo! You can trust me, I guarantee it. Lowered his voice, Ezio-. At the end of the day, I have entrusted my secret.

Leonardo struggled with himself, but ended up releasing.

"Okay, but you can not tell anyone.


"Anyone would think you're crazy if you told-prosiled Leonardo, now with excitement in his voice-. Listen: I think I've found a way that man can fly!

Ezio looked at him and laughed in disbelief.

"Some day you'll want to erase that smile off your face," Leonardo said gently.

Then changed the subject and began to talk of Venice La Serenissima distant from the rest of Italy and is looking more oftenence East to the West, in terms of both trade and agitation, as the Ottoman Turks at that time dominated the northern Adriatic coast. Be talked about theplicity and betrayal of Venice, the city's dedication to profitable business, its richesse, its peculiar construction, a city rising wetland channels and built on a base of hundreds of thousands of giant wooden stakes- their fierce independence and their political power did not even three hundred years, the Doge of Venice had deviated des Crusadetinada to the Holy Land with the intention to serve their own objectives: destroy all commercial and military competition and all opposition to his city-state and break the Byzantine Empire. Leonard spoke of the secret waters, black as ink, high palazzi illuminated with candles, the curious Italian dialect spoken there, the dominant silence of striking splendor of their robes, their great painters, whose prince was none other than Giovanni Bellini, whom Leonardo was anxious to know, their music and masked festivals of its remarkable ability to bluff, his mastery of the art of poisoning.

"And all this," concluded- I know only from books.  Imagine how it must be reality.

"It will be messy and human, he thought coldly Ezio. As todas parties. But he smiled at his friend with kindness. Leonardo was a dreamer. The dreamers should be allowed to dream.

Had entered into a gorge and their voices echoed through the rocky walls. Ezio, considering the almost invisible crests of the coimmunoglobulins that were locked on both sides, he felt repentinamenI tense. The escorts were ahead of them and therefore, beDria that power in a narrow space like this, hear the clatter of horses. But there was nothing. There was a slight haze appeared, accompanied by a sudden cold air, two factorstors, which added to their concern. Leonardo was as if nothing had happened, but Ezio realized that the road is alsoTaban tense and cautiously looked around.

Suddenly, a few dropped pebbles rolling down the rocky wall of the gorge and Ezio's horse was frightened. Ezio has lookedupwards, narrowing his eyes to face indifference that sunyou with its light, and saw an eagle flying off.

Even Leonardo had noticed that something was happening.

-What happens? He asked.

"We're not alone," said Ezio-. Could have archetypalros enemies stationed on top of the gorge.

But then he heard a clatter of hooves, several caballos, approaching them from behind.

Ezio wheeled his horse and saw that half a dozen riders approached the banner of the red cross on a yellow field.

- Borgia! "He muttered, drew his sword in the same instant that a crossbow bolt dug into the side of the wagon.

The road ran along the road, and even goodyes they were frightened and began dragging his cargo forward voluntarily.

"Take the reins and shouted pulling sees Leonardo Ezio-. Van behind me, not you. You go ahead no matter what happens!

Leonardo hastened to obey while retracing the path Ezio horse to meet the riders. His sword, propertyDad of Mario, was well balanced and handle his horse was lighter and handier than their opponents. But they were well armed and had no chance to use weapons of Codex. Ezio spurred the horse's flanks to moving into the thick of the enemy. Crouched on his chair, lunged Ezio group, the strength of its load forcing two horses to retroceder violence. Then began a real fencing match. Wearing protective plate attached to the forearm izquierdo served to divert many hits and took advantage of the surprise of one of his enemies to see that his aim failed to deal the turn a good shot.

He soon dismounted four of his enemies, leaving two survivors turning around and running away at full gallop they had come. This time, however, knew better than to givethem the opportunity to convey the news to Rodrigo. Gaulpó after them, slashing first one and then another, and decentralizedgave the horse when he was done with both.

Quickly inspected the bodies, but none had any note, dragged to the ditch and hid the bodies ofunder stones and rocks. Again mounted his horse and made his way back, stopping only to clear the way for the other bodies and give them a rudimentary burial, at least enough to hide them with rocks and bushes found at hand. At that point, the horses of his enemiesrisks had already fled.

Ezio had once again escape the vengeance of Rodrigo, but I knew that Cardinal Borgia would not cease its efforts to kill him. Spurred his horse and rode to get back to Leonardo. When we reached, they began to look for the road, shouting their names several times in vain.

"I paid a huge amount as a deposit for the cart and oxen," grumbled Leonardo-. I guess not ever see her again.

"Sell it all in Venice.

"But there used gondolas?

"On land there has to be farms.

Leonardo looked at him.

- By God, Ezio, practical men like me!

His long cross country trip continued. Passed through the ancient city of Forli, now converted into a small town-state in its own right, and continued on to Ravenna, with its coastal port a few miles from the town. They boarded a boat, a galwas that coast from Ancona to Venice, and as Ezio was sure there was no one on board who represent a danger for him, he managed to relax a little. However, it was concient, even in a ship relatively small one, it would be very difficult to either cut his throat at night and throw the body blue-black water, so ifguided carefully controlling the comings and goings around small port where they landed.

Several days later they arrived without incident at the docks of Venice. Ezio was where he found his next setback, this time from unexpected source.

Had just landed and were waiting for the ferry that would lead them to the island city. Arrived on time, and marineLeonardo ros helped to raise the cart to the boat, which rocked at an alarming rate under its weight. The ferry captain Leonardo explained to the staff of the Earl of Pexaro would be waiting at the docks to go with their new accommodations, and with a bow and a smile helped him aboard.

"You'll pass your course signore.

"Naturally," Leonardo said, handing him a paper man.

- And you, sir? Politely asked the captain, volseeing to Ezio.

Ezio was taken aback. He was there without any invitation, completely ignorant of this local law.

"But ... I have no pass, "he said.

"Everything is in order," said Leonardo, please contact the captain-. Come with me. Answer for him and I am sure that the count ...

But the captain raised his hand.

"Sorry, signore. Council rules are explicit. Nadie can enter the city of Venice without the appropriate pass.

Leonardo was about to protest, but Ezio stopped him.

"Do not worry, Leonardo. Find an alternative.

"I would like to help, sir," said Capt.-. But I have orders. "And with a higher tone, he went to the multhe attitudes of passengers in general, advertising-: Attention, please!Attention, please! The shuttle will depart in ten den!

Ezio knew it gave him very little time.

He was struck by an extremely well-dressed couple seen up to the galley at the same time that they, who had settled in the best cabin and had been very reserved. Now they were alone at the end of one of the docks, where they were tied several private shelves, and apparently engaged in a bitter argument.

"My dear, please ... "Said the man.

It was sort of looking weak and twenty years older than his accompanyingpañante, an energetic redhead with fiery eyes.

-Girolamo ..., you fool! God knows why I married contigo, but he also knows how much I've suffered as a result! You keep finding fault with everything, you got me caged like a chicken on your horrible country town and now ... ahora! You're not even able to apañarte with a gondolier to take us to Venice! And when you think your guy is the fucking Pope, no less! You could have a little your influence. But merate ... Have less character than a slug!

-Caterina ...

- I come now to "Caterina" nasty bug! Limit yourself to get these men take care of luggage and for the love of God, take me to Venice. I need a bath and a glass of wine!

Jerome looked at her with disgust.

"It would be a good idea to leave you here andcontinued until Pordenone without you.

"In any case, should have gone by land.

"Travelling by road is too dangerous.

- Yes! For a creature like you weakling!

Girolamo was silent while still ob Ezioserved the scene. And then said shrewdly:

- Why not get on the gondola ... "I said a-... and I find then a couple of gondoliers?

- Hmmm! Finally you say something meaningful! She growled, and allowed him to help her back into the boat.

But once it was installed, Girolamo quickly dropped the ropes and pushed hard on the bow, sending the gondola into the center of the lagoon.

"Buon viaggio! Shouted a voice unpleasant.

- Bastard! She cried. And then, realizing what apuRado of their situation, began to scream-: Aiuto! Aiuto!

But Jerome was already heading toward the place where a group of servants wandered helplessly around the mountain of luggage and started giving orders. In fact, afterside with them and the luggage to the other end of the pier, where he began to organize it in obtaining a private shuttle.

Meanwhile, Ezio continued to observe the plight in which it was Caterina. There was something funny, but it was also worrying. She noticed him.

- Hey, you! Do not be left standing there! I need help!

Ezio unbuckled the sword from his belt, took off his shoes and jacket and jumped into the water.

In the spring, a smiling Caterina held out his hand soaked Ezio.

"My hero," he said.

"It was not anything.

- I could have drowned! Y this porco you might as well! He looked thoughtfully Ezio-. But you! My God, you must be very strong. I can not believe you got to swim and drag the gondola for me inside out.

-Light as a feather, "said Ezio.

- Flatterer!

"I mean, these boats are so well equifought ...

Catherine frowned.

"It was an honor to serve you signora Ezio he concluded, lamely.

"Someday I'll have to return the favor," she said, her eyes full of an intention that went beyond words-. What is your name?

Hearing Officer, Ezio.

-I My name is Caterina. He paused-. Towardswhere you are heading?

"I was going to Venice, but I have no pass, so the trasborgiver ...

- Enough! Cried interrupting-. "So that does not let oficialillo?


- Now we'll see!

Angrily walked along the boardwalk without waiting for Ezio footwear and put the jacket back. When he got caughtla, she had reached the ferry and therefore able to deduce, was giving him a slap on the trembling man. All you could hear the captain to arrive was sputtering with servile tone imaginable:

"Yes, Altezza; course Altezza; what you say, Altezza.

- Best to do what I say! Unless you want to see your head stuck atop a pole! Here it is! Go to bushis horse and car stuff yourself! Vamos! And treat him right! But you do, I'll find out! "The captain went away. Caterina turned Ezio-. You see? Fixed!

"Thank you, madonna.

"Good service ... He stared-. I hope our paths cross again. He held out his hand-. I'm from Forli. Go through there someday. Would be happy to receive you. "I shook hands and prepared to leave.

- Also you did not want to go to Venice?

Turned to look, and then he looked at the ferry.

- On that site? Joking! "And he went, struttingDose the dock to where her husband, who controlled the burden of what remained to baggage.

The captain ran around from one place to another, pulling the horse Ezio.

"Here you have it, sir. My most humble apologies, sir. Had I known, sir ...

"I need a barn for my horse as we arrive.

"It will be a pleasure, sir.

When the shuttle was launched and sailed leaden waters of the lagoon, Leonardo, who had watched the episode, he quipped:

"You know who it was, right?

"I do not mind at all that was my next toconquest, "said a smiling Ezio.

- For in this case, watch out! Is Caterina Sforza, daughter of the Duke of Milan. And her husband is the Duke of Forli, and soPope's nephew.

- What's your name?

-Girolamo Riario.

Ezio was silent. The name sounded familiar. He said to continuenuación:

"Well, she's married to a real beast.

"Have I repeated that Leonardo-. Andate carefully.
