Chapter 26

 Fra Girolamo Savonarola took actual possession of the government of Florence in 1494, forty-two years of age. He was a manber tormented, twisted genius and a fanatic believer of the worst, but most frightening of all was that the people enabled him not only leaders, but to encourage it to commit the most ridiculous and desstructive acts of madness. All this supported by the terror wasgo to hell and preached a doctrine that pleasure, worldly goods and the work product of human hands were negligible, and that only through complete devotion could a person find the true light of faith.

No wonder, Ezio thought, reflecting on these issues as he rode toward his hometown of Leonardo stay in Milan. Ezio had learned well, thinking of his friend, that homosexuality, about which car to dateauthorities had turned a blind eye or were punished with a multa affordable, Florence was once again a crime punishable by deathte. And no wonder, too, that the great humanist and materialistic school of thinkers and poets who had gathered around the cultivated mind and illustrated by Lorenzo, had been dissolved and gone in search of land less intellectually barren deserttual which was rapidly becoming Florence.

As it was approaching the city, Ezio noticed the presence of large groups of monks and lay black robes with sober attire heading in the same direction. They looked solemn, but honest. Everybody was to beza bowed.

- Where you going? Asked one of them.

-A Florence. To sit at the feet of the great leader, "he ressponded a merchant's face was very pale before continuing on foot.

It was a wide road and saw another surge Ezio people acerCandoso to him in the opposite direction, obviously from the city. Also walked downcast, her expression serious and depressed. When they passed by his side, Ezio got to hear snippets of conversation and realized that the whole geneI had undertaken a voluntary exile. Car car jostlinggados way up, or dragging bags or bags with their belongingsences. Were refugees exiled from their homes by the edicts of the Monk or on their own, unable to live longer under his command.

"Only that Piero would have had a tenth of the talentto his father, would have something to call home ... DECia one.

"I never should have let that fool is strengthenedra in our city, "murmured another. Look at all the misery that has brought ...

"I do not understand is why there are so many willing to accepttar their oppression, "said one woman.

"At this time, any place is better than Florence," said another woman. We have been expelled for refusing to inTregar everything we had at your beautiful church of San Marco!

"It's witchcraft, is the only way to explain it. Even the teachersBotticelli ORT is under the spell of Savonarola ... Although in truth, is getting old, and must be around fifty orta, and the best bets is going to reach heaven.

- Burning of books, arrests, those endless sermons! And think of what Florence was just two years ago ... A modeas against ignorance! And now we're back here, bogged downtwo in the Dark Ages.

And then, a woman said something to acute forced EzioTsar's ear.

"Sometimes I wish that the Murderer back to Florence, to liberate us from this tyranny.

- No!"Replied his friend. The Murderer is a myth! As the coconut that parents use with their children.

"You're wrong. My father saw him in San Gimignano, "the first woman with a sigh. But that was for many years. "Yes, yes ... it what your DICI.

Ezio went galloping by his side, his heart press on the breast. But were encouraged when he saw coming towards him along the way a familiar face.

-Salute, Ezio Machiavelli said, his face half-serious, half mischievous older population, but more interesting thanks to the passage of time.

-Salute, Nicholas.

"You picked a good time to go home.

"You know me. When there is illness, I like intensivetar cure.

"The truth is that your help will go well," said Machiavelli, sighing. Undoubtedly, Savonarola could not have comewhere do if I had not used the powerful artifact, the Fruto Eden. He raised his hand. I am aware of what theirtransferred since the last time we met. Two years ago, Catherine sent a messenger from Forli, and recently got a letter from Piero from Venice.

"I'm here for the Fruit of Eden. It's been far too longpo is not in our power.

"In a sense, I suppose I should be too pleasingacids in this cadaveric Girolamo Machiavelli said. At least he managed not to fall into the hands of the new pope.

- Have you tried anything?

"Not to try. Rumour has it that Alexander plans to excommunicate our beloved Dominican. Although this will not do much to change the situation we have here.

Ezio said:

"We should get down to work and try to recoveryperarlo without further delay.

- "The Fruit of Eden? Of course ... but I think it is more complicated than you think.

- Ja! And when it has not been? -Ezio stared. Why do not you update me on everything?

"Come, let us return to the city. I will tell you everything I know. Eventhere is little to tell. In short, King Charles VIII of France finally managed to subdue Florence. Piero fled. Carlos, the hungrier of territory than ever I still understoodder why they call "the Affable" - he continued his march on Naples, and Savonarola, the Ugly Duckling, suddenly saw his chance and filled the power vacuum. It's like any dictator, is shoddy or majestic. Totally devoid of humor, believing their cause and full to the brim with an unwavering sense of smugness. The most effective type of prince and nastier than you could insear. He paused. Someday I'll write a book on the subject.

- What has been the fruit of Eden, the means justify the end?

Machiavelli spread his hands.

"Only in part. For the most part, and I hate to say, owes everything to his charisma. Not only has captivated the city itself, but their leaders, men of influence and power. Naturally, there were in Signoria who resisted at first, but now ... -Machiavelli adopted an expression of concern. Now have them in your pocket. The man everyone vilipenDiab suddenly became a man revered. And those who disagreed were forced to leave. And still going on, as you have seen yourself. And now the Florentine counciltino oppress citizens and ensures compliance with the voMonk will of the insane.

- And what about the ordinary decent people? Do you really behave as if they had no say in all this?

Machiavelli smiled sadly.

"You know the answer to this as well as I, Ezio. Rare is the man willing to oppose the status quo. And to do it ... falls to us to help you succeed.

Murderers The two had arrived at the gates of the city. The armed guards, like any police serving inests of the state regardless of their morality, their documentary examinedments and let them pass, but not before bass Eziotara that there was another group of guards piling the bodies of several men dressed in a uniform that bore the coat of arms Borgia. He said Nicholas.

"Oh, yes," said Machiavelli. Like I said, the friend RoDrigo-never get used to call Alexander a bastard-keep trying. Sends its soldiers to Florence and Florence's returns, usually made bits.

- So you know that the Fruit of Eden is here?

- Of course I know! And I must admit it is a developmentfortunate High complication.

- Where is Savonarola?

-Directs the city from the Convento di San Marco. Almost nunca out of it. Thank God! Fra Angel has not lived to see the day that Girolamo was installed there!

Dismantled, they kept the horses in the stables, and MaMachiavelli as arranged to find accommodation for Ezio. The pleasure of Paola house had been closed, along with all ofMoreover, as explained Machiavelli. The sex and gambling, dancing and pageantry, in positions high on the list of unacceptable itemsBLES Savonarola. The murder and oppression justified, on the other hand, were allowed.

Ezio was once installed, Machiavelli accompanied the huge religious complex of San Marcos. Ezio toured the buildingsings evaluating them.

"The direct assault would be dangerous," he decided. Especially considering that holds the fruit of Eden.

"True," agreed Machiavelli. But what other alternativeis there?

"Aside from the leaders of the city, which undoubtedly have integratedpersonal interests, are you convinced that people really believe that?

"An optimist would bet on it," said Machiavelli.

"What I mean is if you do not seem to follow the monk, not by choice, but rather a force of oppression and fear.

"Nobody, except a Dominican or a politician, I disagree.

"Then I suggest that we take advantage in our favor. If we can silence his lieutenants and sow discontentto, Savonarola begins to wander and have the perfect opportunity to attack.

Machiavelli smiled.

"A smart proposal. There should be an adjective to describe people like you. Talk with La Volpe and Paola ... if they are here forced to live underground. May help to organize an uprising when you release the neighborhoods.

"Then all settled.

But Ezio Machiavelli was concerned and he realized it. Guided him into the quiet cloister of a small church cercana and made him sit.

- What, man? He asked.

"Two things, but are personal.

"Tell me.

"The old palazzo my family ... What has become of him? I dare not to go see.

Machiavelli's face darkened.

"Be strong, my dear Ezio. Tu palazzo still stands, but the ability to protect Lorenzo lasted only the duration of his power, his own life. Piero attempted to follow the example of his father, but after being expelled by the French, the Palazzo Auditore was requisitioned and used as headquarters of the mercenaries of the Swiss Guards of Charles. When they left to continue their march hasence the south, the men of Savonarola was cleaned of all that could be on it and closed it. Be brave. Someday you'll end up restoring it.

- What about Annette?

"He escaped, thank God, and now with your mother in Monteriggioni.

"At least that is good news.

After a long silence, Machiavelli asked: - "And the second issue? Ezio whispered, "Cristina ...

"I tell you ask hard things mio amico.-Macchiafrowned veil. But you know the truth. He paused. He's dead, my friend. Manfredo did not go, as did many of his friends after the two plagues: the Frenchseparations and Savonarola. Piero was convinced that organized a counteroffensive and regain the city. But there was one night horroRose, shortly after the monk came to power in which totwo who do not voluntarily handed over their belongings to the bonfires of the vanities of the Monk organized to burn and destroy all the luxury and worldly objects, saw their homes looted and destroyed by the flames.

Ezio heard the story, forcing himself to stay calm, evenI felt his heart burst.

"Supporters of Savonarola, Machiavelli went ontraron force in the Palazzo d'Arzenta. Manfredo trieddefend itself, but there were too many odds against him and his menmen ... And Craig did not want to leave. "Machiavelli was a long pause, holding back tears. In their frenzy, the maniareligious cos also ended his life with a knife.

Ezio kept staring at the whitewashed wall opposite him. Every detail, every smallest crack, including horcrumbs walked through it, concentrated on its terrible eyes.
