Chapter 12
In 1481, Venice, under the strong government of the Doge Giovanni Mocenigo was, overall, a good place to live. I was at peace with the Turks, the city prospered, trade routes by land and sea were safe, and although interest rates were admittedly high, investors showed trendscists and savers were satisfied. Even the Church was rich, and artists flourished under both spiritual and secular patterns. The city is rich thanks to the systematic looting of Constantinople that followed the Fourth Crusade, the Doge Dandolo diverted from their objective, had managed to subdue the prey Byzantium and displayed without shame, being the most obvious displaysdent the four bronze horses arranged in the top of the facade of the Basilica of San Marcos.
But Leonardo and Ezio, who arrived in Molo that morning in early summer, completely unaware of the past debaseddo, traitor and thief of the city. Just saw the gloMarble ria rosado and mamposterity of the Palazzo Ducale, the large square extensiondiéndose to the bottom and left, the campanile Built in brick and astonishing height, and the Venetians, of slim build, wearing dark robes, gliding like shadows terra ferma or browse and fetid labyrinth of channels in a wide variety of boats, from sleek Gondthe up ungainly barge, the latter loaded with all kinds of products, from fruit to bricks.
The servants of the Count of Pexaro were responsible for the effects of Leonardo bustle and, following their suggestion, also addressedEzio also horse and also promised to find accommodationappropriate treatment to the young son of a Florentine banker. Disappearrecieron immediately afterwards, leaving a servant with them, a fat young sallow skin and bulging eyes, whose shirt was soaked with hisdor and syrupy whose smile would drop their heads in shame to anyone.
-Altezza He said with his smirk, approaching them. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Nber, the funzionario da accoglienza County staff. It will be my duty and pleasure to offer you a brief introduction to our city tour before conte I received ... "And saying this, Nero nerve began to lookLeonardo and Ezio quake, trying to decide which of the two was the artist sent, and luckily for him it was decided by Leonardo, who was less like being a man of action, " messer Leonardo, for a drink before dinner Veneto, food that messerhave the pleasure of celebrating in the lounge of the servants knewprevious. He bowed and scratched his head slightly, to top it off. Our gondola awaits us ...
During the next half hour, Ezio and Leonardo could enjoy-indeed, were happy to do it, the Beplicity of La Serenissimatofrom the best place from which contemporaryplarlas: a gondola, expertly controlled fore and aft by its gondoliers. But the sticky speech Nero aguaba that pleasant experience. Ezio, despite the interest he felt for the formerclusively beauty and architecture of the place, still wet as a result of salvage madonna Caterina, and tired also tried to forget the depressing monologue Nero refuge in the soilNo, but suddenly hustler. Something had to call attention.
Ezio heard voices on the side of the canal, near the palazzo Marchioness of Ferrara. Two armed guards were harassing a merchant.
"He has told you to stay in your house, sir," said one of the military.
"The rent is paid. I have the right to sell my marketscías here.
"Sorry, sir, but this goes against the new rulesmore Messer Emilio. I fear that you are in a difficult situation.
- Will appeal to the Council of Ten!
"No time for that, sir," said the second man in uniform, giving a kick to the awning of the stall the seller.
El man was selling leather goods and the military, in additionpocketing more than the very best, jumped into the canal merchandise.
"And now they have run out of nonsense, sir," said one of the men in uniform and retired without hurry.
- What happens? Ezio asked to Nero.
"Nothing Altezza. A little local difficulty. I beg you to be ignorant. And now we are about to pass under the famous bridgeRialto wood you, the only bridge over the Grand Canal, famous throughout history for ...
Ezio left happy that he continue with his speeches heavyso, but what he had seen had not liked, and also had heard of a such Emilio. A proper name ... quite common, but it would be Emilio Barbarigo?
After a while, Leonardo insisted on stopping to take a look at the positions where they sold toys. He went to one that was instantly caught his attention.
- Look, Ezio! He shouted.
- What have you found?
"A figurine. A small article that the artist manikinplants used as a model. I would rather have a pair. Would you be so kind ...? I think I sent my bag with all my stuff into my new workshop.
But when Ezio went to get his bag, a handful of young men walked past her and one of them tried to cut the rope that connected the bagsa belt.
- Hey!Ezio cried. Coglione! Stop!
So she ran after them. The assaults they identified as theirever, turned for a moment, pushing a lock of brown hair from her face. A woman's face! But he ran and disappeared intoamong the crowd with their peers.
Ride continued in silence. Leonardo was happy with his two dummies. Ezio was eager to get rid of the buffoon who had become his guide, and even Leonardo. I needed time alone, time to think.
"And now we come to the famous Palazzo Seta," continued the mantra Nero-. The house His Altezza Emilio Barbarigo. Barbarigo Messer is now famous for his attempts to love uniFicar under its control to all traders in the city. A emdam appreciated that, unfortunately, has met with some resistance from the more radical elements of the city ...
Channel away stood a fortified building with a shady paved area in front of him in his little spring had three gondolas docked. When they passed with Gondla, Ezio was trying to enter the building the same tradeI'd seen before harassed by men in uniform. He blocked the way two guards, and Ezio noticed that the shoulders had a yellow flag crossed with a red gallon, below it a black horse, a dolphin, a star and a grenade on top. Barbarigo Men, of course!
"I have destroyed the post, spoiled my marketdise. I demand compensation! "Said the trader veryfadado.
"Sorry, sir, is closed," said one man uniformed, pushing the poor man with his halberd.
"I have not finished with you. This will inform the Council!
- Do not be any good! "Snapped the second man uniformmado, older.
And at that moment an officer appeared, accompanied by three other men.
- Looking for brawl? "Said the official.
"No, I ...
- Arrest this man! Shouted the officer.
"What are you doing? "Said the merchant, scared.
Ezio looked on helpless and angry, and took mentalMind note of that place. The vendor was dragged and carried himrum into a little iron door which opened to give input and immediately closed behind him.
"You have not chosen the best place, however beautiful it is," said Ezio Leonardo.
"I'm beginning to think it would have been better to opt for Milan," said Leonardo. But work is work.