Chapter 24
The Ezio monk received at the Abbey of the Marshes was youpeak monk round and ruddy, but with the red hair wasgo and look mischievous and wise, and also spoke with an accent that Ezio recognized as some of the condottieri LockingJaban for Mario, he was Irish.
"May God bless you, brother.
"Grazie, father ...
"I am the brother O'Callahan.
"I wonder if you could help me.
"That's why we're here, brother. Although, of course, livedWe hard times. And it becomes difficult to think nothing in the stomach.
-Ye to say nothing in the wallet.
"Do not get me wrong. I am not asking anything. "The monje opened his hands-. But the Lord helps those generous.
Ezio took a few guilders and handed.
"If not enough ...
The monk was thoughtful.
"Oh, well, the intention is what matters. But the truth is that the Lord Help of truth to those who are somewhat more generalgenres.
Ezio continued taking coins until the expression of HERO'Callahan changed hands.
"The order rate your giving, brother. He took the maus to stomach-. What are you looking for?
"A black hooded monk ... that lacks one of the ten fingers.