Chapter 2

Auditore Giovanni's office was on the first floor and doundermined the rear gardens of palazzo through two sets of double windows that opened onto a large balcony. The istance was covered with dark oak paneling, the severity of which was only mitigated by the ornamental plaster ceiling. There were two desks placed opposite each other, mayor of which belonged to Giovanni, and the walls were flanqueadas by shelves crammed with books and roLlosa parchment from which hung heavy red wax seals. The room was designed to tell anyone who entered it: you will find wealth, respectability and trust. As director of the International Bank AuDitore, specializing in loansWe the Germanic kingdoms within what, at least hypotheticalmind, was a Holy Roman Empire, Giovanni Auditore was well aware of the position of power and responsibility he occupied. He hoped that his two older children scurrying to come around and help him bear the burdens that he had inherited in turn from his own father, but saw no evidence of this in the moment. And all that ...

From his seat behind the table, looked through the eyes sparking his middle son. Ezio was standing next to another table, which the Secretary of Giovanni had vacated to providegrou father and son the privacy to which Ezio feared he would be a very painful interview. It was early afternoon. He wore fearing the call all morning, but had also taken the time to grab a few hours of much needed sleep and grooming. He imagined that his father had wanted to give him time to do just that before you throw the fight.

- Do I needis blind and deaf, my son?"Bellowed Giovannino. Do you think that I have not heard about the fight last night with Vieri de 'Pazzi and his gang down there in the river? Sometimes, Ezio, pienso you're not much better than him, and dangerous enemies Pazziardous. "Ezio was about to speak, but his father raised a hand to silence him. "Please kindly let me termine! Took a deep breath. And if that were not already bad enough, you have committed to go after Calfucci Cristina, the daughter of one of the most successful merchants of all TuscanyNot satisfied with that, rolledart with her in her own bed! It is intolerable! Do not you ever think the reputation of our family? He paused, Ezio and was surprised to see the spark of a gleam in the eyes of his father. You see quite aware of what this significantChart, right?"Continued Giovanni. Know who remember me, dotruth?

Ezio nodded, and was surprised again when his padre got up, crossed the room toward him and put his arm around the shoulder with a smile from ear to ear.

- You are a devil! Remember me when I was your age! "But Giovanni became serious again immediately. Do not think, however, do not be punished without mercy of not having the hugeI need your presence. Otherwise, mark my words, you send your uncle Mario for you to enlist in his squad condottieri. It would sit a little head! But I need to count on you, and though I think you do not have the intelligence to see it, you know that we are housing in our citydo a crucial moment. How's your head? I see you've quiTado the dressing.

"Much better, Father.

"So I guess that nothing will interfere with the work that I have prepared for the rest of the day.

"I promise, father.

"You better keep your promise. "Giovanni turned to his desk and a compartment, pulled out a letter with his seal and handed it to his son, along with two scrolls protected by a functionda leather. I want you to deliver it without delay, Lorenzo of Medici in his bank.

- I can ask what is it, father?

"As far as documents are concerned, no. But it would be nice to know that the letter makes Lorenzo abreast of our business in Milan. I spent the entire morning preparing it. This should not leave here, but if my trust in You, nunca learn to be responsible. There are rumors of a conspiracy against the Duke Galeazzo ... An unpleasant matter, I assure you, but Florence Milan can not afford to be destabilized.

- Who is involved?

Giovanni looked at his son's eyes narrowed.

"They say that the main conspirators are Giovanni Lampugnani, Gerolamo Olgiati and Carlo Visconti, but apparently is also involved our beloved Francesco de Pazzi, and above all, there is a plan in place that apparently covers more than the questionpolicy issues of two cities-state. At the moment, our gonfaloniere Francesco has been arrested and that to them no gus PazziTado anything. "Giovanni is interrupted. Well, I told you too. Make sure this comes quickly to Lorenzo ... I'm told is about to leave for Careggi to enjoy a bit of country air, and everyone knows that when the boss is away ...

"I take as quickly as possible.

"Good boy. Go now!

Ezio left alone, using side streets whenever he could, without thinking of any time that Vieri could be angive even looking for him. But suddenly, in a quiet street isminutes of the Medici Bank cases, there appeared, blocking the passage to Ezio. He tried to turn around but found Vieri men blocking his retreat. Again rotated.

"Sorry, little pig," he shouted to Vieri, "but now I have no time to give you another beating.

"I'm not who is going to take a beating," he shouted in reply Vieri. You're cornered, but do not worry, sendré a lovely crown for your funeral.

Pazzi men approached. Vieri undoubtedly already had learned that his father had been taken prisoner. Ezio desperately looked around. The houses and the high walls of the street had surrounded. After securing the bag against your body containing valuable documents, pick the house that was next and rushed toward the wall, clinging with hands and feet cut stone before starting his climb to the roof. Once there, he paused to look from above Vieri's angry face.

"I have not even time to piss on you," he said, and ran hastily through the roof, jumping back to sleepwhat with his newfound agility is known as free of his pursuers.

Moments later, he was outside the doors of the bank. Boetie entered and recognized one of the most trusted servants Lorenzo. A stroke of luck. Ezio ran to him.

- Hello, Ezio! What brings you here in such a hurry?

"Boetie, no time to lose. I have here letters from my father Lorenzo.

Boetie got serious and opened his hands.

-Ahimaaz Ezio! You're late. Has gone to Careggi.

"In this case, make sure you get this ASAP.

"I'm sure it will not be absent for more than a day. In these times ...

- I begin to discover what these days! Make sure you get it, Boetie. And with confidence! As soon as possible!

Back to palazzo, went straight to her father's office, ignoring both the friendly cheeky comment from Frederick, who was lounging in the garden under a arbowl, as the attempts of the secretary of his father, Giulio, of ImpeDirl to cross the closed door of the sanctuary of Giovanni. Inside his father discovered deep in conversation with the chief justice of Florence, Gonfaloniere Uberto Alberti. Not surprised, as the two men were old amigos, and Ezio Alberti treated like his uncle. But it captured a formerseriously intense pressure on their faces.

- Ezio, my boy! Uberto said, cheerfully. Howyou coming? Breathless, as usual, I see.

Ezio looked hurried to his father.

"I've been trying to reassure your father," continued Uberto. Is having many problems, you know, but ... "He turned to John and his tone became more earnest, ... love herthreat is over.

- Did you serve? Giovanni asked hissuccinctly.

"Yes, father. But the Duke Lorenzo was gone.

Giovanni frowned. "I expected him to leave so soon.

"I have left is," said Ezio Boetie. It will send them ASAP.

"Maybe not soon enough," said Giovanni, mysterySamento.

Uberto patted on the back.

"Look," he said. It may not be more than a couple of days. TeneFrancesco we locked up. What could happen a period as bertime is?

Giovanni gave the impression of being fairly relieved, but it was clear that both men had more discussion topicstir and not in the presence of Ezio.

"Go see your mother and your sister," said Giovanni. You know you should spend more time with the rest of your family, not just to Frank! And let the head rest ... Vol Latersee to need.

And with a nod, his father dismissed Ezio.

He wandered through the house, waving to a couple of servants of the faily, and Giulio, who ran to the office of the bank from somewhere, a sheet of paper in hand and, as usual in it, rapt in their affairs. Ezio waved to his brotherno, still lounging in the garden, but he did not want to join it. In addition, he was told that company were to make his mother and sister and I knew it was better not disobey his father, especially after the argument they had had earlier in the day.

He found his sister sitting alone in the loggia, Petrarch's book in hand, unattended. Or so he imagined. I knew itlove tobacco.

-Ciao, Claudia, "he said.

-Ciao, Ezio. Where has state?

Ezio spread his hands.

"I've been running an errand for dad.

"That has not been anything I'm told," she said, but with a weak smile and automatically.

- Where is mother?

Claudia sighed.

"He's gone to see this young artist that everyone talks about. You know, just completed his apprenticeship with Verrocchio.

- Really?

- Do not pay attention to anything that happens in this house? Has commissioned some paintings. Believes that over timeRAN a good investment.

- You see what our mother!

But Claudia did not say anything, and for the first time was real Eziomind the sadness of his face. He seemed much more of the sixteen years that I had.

- What's the matter, sorellina? He asked, sitting in the bankco stone at her side.

He sighed, and looked with a rueful smile.

"It's Duccio," he said at last.

- What happens?

Her eyes filled with tears.

"I found that is unfaithful.

Ezio scowled. Duccio was practically engaged to Claudia, though had not yet produced any formal announcement.

- Who told you that? He asked, his arm around her.

"The other girls. He wiped his eyes and looked at him. I thought they were my friends, but I get the impression that they enjoyed withtándomelo.

Ezio rose angrily.

- In this case are a harpy! 're Better without them.

- But I wanted!

Ezio was a moment before replying.

- Are you sure? Maybe you thought only love him. How do you feel now?

Claudia had dried her eyes.

"I'd like to see him suffer, if only slightly. I was really hurt, Ezio.

Ezio looked at his sister, he saw the sadness in his eyes, a sadness tinged with anger at all. Heart froze.

"I think he'll visit.

Dovizi Duccio was not home, but the housekeeper explainedEzio ed where to find it. Ezio crossed the Ponte Vecchio and enterprisinggave way westward along the south bank of the Arno hasta get to the church of San Jacopo Soprano. Nearby was secluded grounds, where lovers often cited. Ezio, whose blood boiled in her sister's name, but still neNeed some more evidence of infidelity rumors that simple Duccio, he began thinking he was about to find them.

Very soon spotted the blonde girl, dressed in their finery, sitting on a bench overlooking the river, with his arm around a girl with dark hair did not recognize. He moved with caution.

"It's beautiful, dear," was telling the girl, reaching out. Ezio saw the flash of a diamond ring.

"For you only the best amore Duccio purred, pulling her towards him to kiss her.

But the girl fell.

"Not so fast. It is not buying. No we mucho time watching us, and I heard that you are committed to Claudia Auditore.

Duccio spat.

"It's over. Anyway, my father says that I can asusing universal precautions to something much better than an audit. He took her by the workHIV-positive. To you, for example!

-Birbante! Let's walk a little.

"It occurs to me something that could be much more fun," said Duccio, putting his hand between her legs.

That was the straw that broke the camel for Ezio.

- Hey, lurido porco! He shouted.

Duccio caught a complete surprise. This re turnedpente and released the girl.

"Hello, Ezio, my friend said, but his nervousness transparent voice. What would have been Ezio? -. I do not think you know me ... premium.

Ezio, enraged by the betrayal, he stepped forward and punched him in the face of his old friend.

- Duccio, should be ashamed of your behavior! You insulTado my sister, and show off with this ... This puttanal

- Who do you call puttana? Screamed the girl, but Levantó and retired.

"I thought that even a girl like you could findtraro better than this silly ass, "said Ezio. Do you really think that it intends to become a lady?

"Do not talk like that," he muttered Duccio. When less is more generous with her favors close to your sister. EvenI guess that goes more in need than a nun. A pity, I could have taught a few things. While on the other hand ...

Ezio interrupted him coldly.

 "I've broken my heart, Duccio.

- Me? What a shame.

"Which is why I am going to break your arm you.

The girl screamed when he heard that and ran. Ezio grabbed Duccio, who had begun to whimper, and bent the right arm of the young lover over the edge of the stone bench where he had been sitting with a good erection just moments ago. Forearm pressed against the stone until the geDuccio MIDOS turned into tears.

- To, Ezio! I beg you! I am the only son of my father!

Ezio looked at him with contempt and released him. Duccio fell and rolled over, clutching his wounded arm and sobbing, her stylish clothes torn and dirty.

"You do not deserve my effort," said Ezio. But if Quieres change your mind about that arm, stay away from Claudia. And stay away from me.

After the incident, Ezio returned home following the camino longer walk along the river to the orchardTAS. When turned, the shadows began to lengthen, but his mind was calmer. Convert never endbe a man, he said, if allowed his fury complete control.

Near his house, he saw his younger brother, who had not seen since the previous morning, and greeted him warmly.

-Ciao, Petruccio. What are you up to? Have you given the slip to your tutor? And, anyway, would not be in bed?

"Do not be silly. And I'm almost an adult. In a few years for youjare knackered! "The brothers smiled. Petruccio holding a carved wooden box against his chest pear. Ezio was open and inside was a pile of white feathers and hammertions. Are eagle feathers, "said the child. He pointed to the top of the tower of a nearby building. Up there is an old nest. The pups must have changed the plumage and long gone. I have seen many more feathers attached to the masonry. "Petruccio looked at his brother with pleading eyes. Ezio, would you cogerme a few more?

- And why do the want?

Petruccio looked down.

"It's a secret," he said.

- You will enter the house if you get it? It's late.


- Do you promise?

"I promise.

"So, okay.

Ezio thought: "Today I did a favor to Claudia, there is no reason why it could not also make another Petruccio."

Climb the tower was fine, because the wall was slippery and had to concentrate on finding handholds and footholds in the joints between the stones. At the top, it also helped ornamental moldings. In the end, it took half an hour but managed to collect fifteen feathers-all he could find, and gave them to Petruccio.

"You've left a Petruccio said, pointing upward.

- To bed! "Growled her brother. Petruccio went flying.

Ezio hoped his mother would be pleased to receive this regait. Did not take much to guess the secrets of Petruccio. He smiled to enter the house.

