Tears of the Night Sky
The room spun madly, whirling and raging. Sparks from the dim light floated down onto Valin, spreading across his flesh, taking away his voice in the very moment he knew he must scream or die. They wrenched from him his humanity, and he screamed voicelessly to feel it go, leaving behind only the pain of the ripping as all his bones broke apart and reformed. He heard his spine crack, like glass crushed. He opened his mouth again to scream, but no sound came out. The room whirled faster and faster. Gray chasing gray, chasing gray. Gray haze and red agony. Tendrils of fire spread into his limbs. Valin tried desperately to breathe. He tried to cry out, and now he had his voice, full and roaring… Crysania! The room spun faster until finally—an hour, a day, an age later—his screaming became silence.