Chapter 16
The sunlight streaming in the window rudely awoke Lucas the next morning.
How does she sleep with the blinds open?
He pulled on his pants and decided to see if he could get some coffee organised for them. Chelsea was fast asleep, her hair billowing across the pillow. She looked so peaceful. His heart lurched. He needed to do everything within his power to ensure she remained safe.
The smell of freshly brewing coffee hit him as he strolled into the kitchen. Charlotte sat at the table sipping from a cup. Reality hit him in the face and the jitters began to creep into his chest. Perceptive to her family’s awareness of the change in their relationship, he suddenly got cold feet, the fear almost paralysing him.
“Well, well, well, looks like big sister got lucky last night.” Charlotte raised her eyebrows. “Very lucky,” she said, gazing at his bare chest.
“I think I’m the lucky one.”
“So this is more than just casual sex then?” she grilled him.
“Um, think so. Hope so.”
“I know where to find you. If you hurt her, you’ll have to deal with me.”
“That’s telling me.” He grinned at her.
“Don’t you give me that look. I’m serious. Chelsea doesn’t do casual, so you better be thinking about sticking around. She might act tough but she really is quite vulnerable. She doesn’t take rejection well.”
“I plan to stick.” He wanted to. He simply wasn’t sure yet if he could.
“Good. Do you want some coffee?”
“Yeah, that would be great.”
“Help yourself. The cups are in the cupboard above the coffee machine.”
As he made himself a cup he formulated some questions to ask Charlotte. It might be the only opportunity he would have to speak with her alone.
He sat across from her at the table, took a sip and then began. “How well did you know Wesley?”
“I only met him a few times. With my studies, I don’t get a lot of time to visit here, but Chelsea brought him home a few times.”
“What can you tell me about him?”
“He was shy, kind of charming in an unassuming way. I don’t know a lot. He didn’t share much about his life with Chelsea. I always wondered about this.”
“Do you think he was jealous of your family’s wealth?”
“Awestruck maybe. I’m not sure about jealous. Like I said, he was pretty guarded.”
“Do you know anyone who would want to hurt Chelsea?”
“No. Do you think she’s in danger?”
“I hope not, but we have to be cautious.”
Charlotte studied him for several minutes and her scrutiny brought his apprehension to the surface again.
“Do you have anything else you want to ask me?” she asked, her eyes still searching for answers in his.
“No, um, where’s your mum?”
“Out on her daily morning work. Bit embarrassed to face her?” she teased.
“Um, yeah, a bit,” he replied sheepishly. “I think I’ll take off.”
He stood abruptly, dropped his cup in the kitchen before disappearing upstairs. Charlotte watched him leave and hoped he wouldn’t be scared off. She’d seen that look before.
* * *
So, the detective stayed all night and she has only known him for two days. I thought she was sweet and innocent but it turns out she’s not. Spoilt bitch.
Well she better not get too comfortable because soon her time will come.
I must have scared her with my phone calls yesterday. I might just have to call her when she gets back from the shop this afternoon.
I know all her movements and soon I’ll watch her blood spill.
Yes, I can hear you, Lindsay. Oh how hard it makes me to think of the blood and it isn’t even hers. How good is it going to be when it is …?
* * *
After his swift departure from Chelsea’s, Lucas went home to shower and change before going to the only person who could help him sort out his feelings and confusion. Carrie.
On the way he called Peterson.
“It’s Hudson. I need you to access something for me.”
“Chelsea Summerville has been getting some threatening calls. Could you get her phone records, check it out?”
“On it.”
“Call me if you get anything we can chase up.”
“No probs. I’ll leave a copy of the log on your desk either way.”
“Great, thanks.”
Lucas knew it was probably going to lead nowhere but they needed a break, a slip-up, and he hoped this was it.
* * *
After he knocked on his sister’s door, he heard a loud chirping sing-song voice from inside.
“I’ll get it.”
She opened the door and he automatically smiled. Mabel with her long straight blonde hair and big blue eyes always brightened his day.
“Uncle Lucas.” She leapt into his arms.
“Hello, Mabe Babe.” She giggled.
“Now, what have I told you about answering the door?” he asked her before giving her an affectionate cuddle.
“Always ask who it is first.”
“That’s right.”
“Look,” she said. “I lost another tooth and got two dollars from the tooth fairy.”
“Well it has certainly gone up since I lost a tooth.”
“I was drawing a picture. Do you want to see it?”
“I would love to.”
At that moment Carrie walked into the hall.
“Well, hello, little brother,” she teased. “About time we saw you around here.”
“I know, I know, I’ve been busy but I had to come and see you,” he said kissing Mabel on the nose.
“Mabel honey, can you go and finish your drawing so I can talk to Uncle Lucas?”
“Okay,” she said reluctantly. “I’ll draw you a picture,” she said directing her gaze towards him again.
“That would be great, Mabe Babe.” She giggled again and ran off to do her uncle a picture.
“Where are Tommy and Nathan?”
“Down at the park doing some male bonding thing.”
He grinned happily and Carrie eyed him for a moment.
“You need a haircut.”
He followed Carrie into the kitchen and while she got her scissors and brushes organised, he got comfortable in her makeshift salon. She wrapped a gown around him and proceeded to give him what she thought was a much-needed haircut.
“How’s your investigation going?” she asked.
“Nowhere, unfortunately. We have hardly any leads or suspects and he doesn’t appear to be slowing down.”
“Are you handling it ok?”
“Like I’ve told you numerous times, Carrie, I can handle it.”
“Alright, I’ll drop it,” she said before starting on her next line of questioning. “So, who is she?”
“Who is who?”
“The girl who’s making your eyes glow.”
“Is she the same one from the other day?’
“Do you love her?”
“Bit soon for that isn’t it? Besides I don’t do the love thing.”
“No it isn’t. I knew from the moment I met Nathan he was the one. Once you feel it you can’t shake it.”
“Well I don’t know. All I know is she’s on my mind constantly. When I’m around her I can’t think and struggle to keep my hands to myself.”
Carrie smiled. “Sounds like love to me.”
“I’m definitely crazy about her and she … I …. I can’t explain it.”
“Love cannot be explained, Lucas.”
“I’m terrified.”
“You can’t go through life being scared of what could happen. I believe I have told you this before”
“Yeah you have, but this is so new for me. I don’t think I could lose anyone again.”
“So you would prefer to be without her just in case? Life is not that simple, Lucas. God forbid, something could happen to one of us at any time. You can’t control these things. No-one can. What happened to Mum and Dad was devastating and I miss them every day. You also know how grateful I am that you weren’t there as well.”
“You don’t understand. This investigation is leaning towards Chelsea being the killer’s real target and it’s like he’s using these other girls as …. practice,” he paused. “I can’t lose her the same way.” His voice broke.
“Well then protect her. She needs you. Don’t run away.”
“How did you get so wise?”
“I’m a hairdresser. I listen to and solve people’s woes every day.” She smiled. “There, finished.” She brushed his face and removed the gown. “Much better,” she declared, checking her work.
“Thanks, Carrie, for everything, but I really have to go home and get some sleep.”
“Not sleeping well?”
“With the case and … other things. I’ve had a lot on my mind and after last night well … my imagination didn’t compare.”
“That explains the grin.”
“What are the kids doing tomorrow?”
“Nothing much. We don’t have any plans.”
“I might come and pick them up, take them to the carnival by the beach.”
“They would like that, Lucas. They miss you.”
“I know. I miss them too and it will give you guys a bit of a break.”
“More like some much-needed together time.”
“I understand. Don’t tell me anymore.” He went off to find Mabel to say goodbye.
At the front door, Carrie hugged and kissed him.
“Take a chance, Lucas.”
“Bye, Sis.” He waved, jumped into the car and drove home.
When he arrived home he climbed into bed as planned and went straight to sleep for the first time in weeks.