When Chelsea walked into the house, she immediately checked to see if Elle had been home. Finding Elle’s room eerily untouched, Chelsea walked towards the kitchen, her heart heavy. She remembered Mrs. Sheridan and how worried she would be, so she phoned her to tell her about reporting Elle’s continued absence to the police. Hearing the fear in her voice only intensified Chelsea’s anxiety. She sighed, wondering what to do next.

She considered dinner but the thought turned her stomach, so she went upstairs instead. She sat out on the balcony and thought about Elle. This only agitated her all over again recalling that detective and his lack of … anything! He was sexy though, and those eyes, so enticing. He definitely sent her heart fluttering. His rude and unsympathetic manner, on the other hand, was inexcusable. First thing in the morning, she would go back to the station and make someone listen to her this time.

Worry consumed her as she remembered happy times with Elle. Chelsea prayed her disappearance was like all the other times when she’d spontaneously spent days with a man or stayed with a friend. Doubts undermined her fervent attempts to believe in every positive scenario. Chelsea couldn’t remember Elle being without her handbag and phone during any of those absences. Hot tears crept down her face as she tried to push aside her worst fear, that Elle was gone forever.

Oh Elle where are you?

* * *

It’s now time for her to say goodbye to her life. Nothing personal, Blondie, but I need to make it perfect.

Will she fight like Libby or will she accept it like Kate? She is feisty this one so I guess she’ll fight to the end.

* * *

As I thought, she fought death. She kicked and hit out as far as her restraints would allow until she gurgled her last breath. I know this one will hurt her and she will understand loss. Just like my loss.

She will soon know what it’s like to have nothing, like I had nothing. She would never have known what it was like to wear old dirty clothes that were too small and have everyone laugh. To understand how it feels to eat little and always be alone. To have a father who hates you and a mother who left you. What it’s like to live in the worst house, in the worst neighbourhood.

She never had to do anything for what she had. No, not Daddy’s Princess.

I cannot wait to see her blood flow but I have to wait, more to rehearse on yet. I can hear the next one now in the other room. She’s awake and calling for help. There is no-one here to help you, Lindsay.

Now I need to take Blondie to her final resting place. When I come back, I’ll have to start on you, Lindsay. Listen to your first screams and see how much of a fighter you are. Scream all you want, just like the others because no-one can hear.

Ah, there she is sitting out on the balcony. Is she wondering about her friend? Well she is watching the night sky now too just like you but unlike you, Blondie’s eyes are sightless forever.