Chapter 18
Mabel and Tommy
Chelsea lay watching Lucas, waiting for him to wake. He stirred, which entailed an adorable groaning noise, opened his eyes, gazed at her sleepily, and smiled. She poked him in the ribs evoking a boyish giggle which delighted her even more.
“What’re you doing today?” he asked.
“Not sure. Charlotte probably wants to go shopping.”
“Would you like to spend the day with me and my niece and nephew?”
“I’d love to! I’ll go take a shower.”
She leaped out of bed and disappeared into the bathroom. When the shower door opened, she was in the middle of washing her hair.
“Want some company?”
“Yes, you can wash my back.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him ardently. Using her vanilla body wash and discovering this was the source of her delicious aroma; he lathered her body, leaving a familiar trail of kisses down her wet body before coming to rest between her thighs. When he brought his mouth to her, she threw her head back and cried out loudly. He teased her with his tongue until she shuddered and moaned out his name.
Lucas eased her up against the tiles and, as she wrapped her legs around him, he thrust inside her. The water cascaded down their bodies while they kissed feverishly and rode the waves of ecstasy together.
“You’re going to wear me out,” he whispered.
“You’re the one who interrupted me,” she whispered in the same satisfied tone.
“I couldn’t resist knowing you were naked and wet.”
“You’re a naughty boy, Lucas, and I love it!”
He eased her down to the floor and they finished washing each other tenderly.
Once they were both dressed and ready to leave, Chelsea noted his different attire and smiled smugly.
“You brought a change of clothes. Very presumptuous of you.”
“I didn’t presume anything. I came here to stay.”
They drove in comfortable silence to Carrie’s house. Chelsea, however, became increasingly nervous the closer they got to their destination. How would his family react to the swiftness of their relationship? Would they think they were rushing things? Would they approve?
“Don’t be nervous. They’re all going to love you,” Lucas said.
“How do you know I’m nervous?”
“Let’s see, because you look it. I’m trained to notice these things. You won’t be able to hide anything from me.” She peeked at him from the corner of her eye and realised his serious tone was all in jest as her favourite smile adorned his face.
“Don’t tease me. I’m nervous enough.”
“No need to be. Trust me, Carrie is the least judgemental person I know.”
“There’s something to judge me for?”
“Chelsea, you’re making me happy and that’s all that matters to Carrie and Nathan.”
As he helped her out of the car, her nerves intensified to the point where she believed her heart would actually leap right out of her chest. Lucas was important to her and how his family felt about her suddenly became of the utmost significance.
An adorable blonde girl of about seven answered the door and leapt into her uncle’s arms.
“What have I told you about answering the door, Mabe Babe?” he asked, kissing her on the nose. She promptly jumped down and shut the door.
“Who is it?” she sang.
“It’s me?”
“Who’s ‘me’?”
“Uncle Lucas.”
The door flew open and she catapulted herself into his arms again.
“That’s better.”
“Who are you?” she asked.
“You’re pretty,” chimed a little voice from below.
“Thank you.” She smiled and looked down to discover a miniature version of Lucas. “You must be Mabel and Tommy.”
“How do you know who we are?” Mabel asked as she studied Chelsea with big blue eyes.
“Mabel!” warned a tall pretty auburn haired woman with the same intense amber eyes as Lucas.
“It’s ok,” she said to Carrie and turned to Mabel. “I know who you are because your uncle has told me all about you but he didn’t tell me you were so beautiful.”
Knowing she had made an instant friend, Mabel jumped down from her uncle’s arms to give Chelsea a hug.
“I like you,” she stated. “You can stay.”
“Is she your girlfriend?” she asked Lucas.
“Maybe,” he said smiling at Chelsea.
“Ok that’s enough now, Mabel. Come in.” Carrie gestured for them to come inside. “Hello, I’m Carrie.” She then turned to the tall sandy blond haired man with the same blue eyes as his daughter standing next to her. “This is my husband, Nathan. You must be Chelsea.”
“Hi, nice to meet you both.”
Carrie made coffee while Mabel continued her inquisition. Tommy gazed at Chelsea shyly while Nathan and Lucas caught up. Once coffee was served and Carrie was seated, her very own inquest began.
“So, what do you do, Chelsea?”
“I own a shop - Bloom.”
“Oh I know it. I’ve admired your work many times in the window. Nathan has simply not gotten the hint yet.”
“When he does I’ll be sure to make something special.”
Carrie’s line of questioning continued regarding every aspect of her life. After about twenty odd questions, Nathan intervened.
“Carrie, honey, I don’t ask this many questions in court. Stop badgering her.”
“I’m not! Lucas never brings a girl to meet us and seeing he has, I wanted to learn more about her. This is a novelty for me. The last time was ...”
“Carrie,” Lucas interrupted. “Chelsea doesn’t need to know about ... that.”
Chelsea glanced at him. Who was it he didn’t want her to know about? She brushed aside her annoyance so they could enjoy the day. There would be plenty of time to quiz him later.
Lucas decided this was the perfect time to leave before the girls talked the day away. Chelsea suspected it was before Carrie gave away too many secrets.
As they were leaving, Carrie whispered in her brother’s ear “she’s adorable.”
“I know.”
“And whether you know it or not little brother, you do love her.” She waved goodbye.
Chelsea turned to wave and saw the couple embrace, seemingly grateful they would be spending the day alone together. Her appreciation for Lucas increased and her annoyance completely dissipated. He wasn’t only doing this to spend time with Mabel and Tommy.
“That is very thoughtful of you, giving Carrie and Nathan some time together,” she said to him quietly.
“I try and do it once a fortnight, when I’m not working. I love spending time with them. They’re great kids.”
“Yes they are.”
It was a bright warm day and the beach and water looked inviting. Once a year for two weeks the carnival was held by the shore and Chelsea hadn’t been since she was a teenager. There was an assortment of rides for all ages and sideshow games with the usual novelty prizes along with all the junk food and sugar one could consume.
As they walked from the car to the carnival, the children jumped around excitedly while they chatted about what they wanted to do first. Lucas took Chelsea’s hand and pulled her close.
Mabel and Tommy went and lined up for the carousel while Lucas and Chelsea watched them go around. After several laps involving enthusiastic waving, Chelsea and Lucas became completely absorbed in one another and it felt as though there was no-one else in the world around them. They stared tenderly into each other’s eyes, shared little kisses and whispered their mutual admiration.
“I feel like a love sick teenager,” he told her. “It’s wonderful.”
“I think you’re incredible,” she told him. “I can’t wait to get you alone again.” His eyes spoke his assent.
They were oblivious to the children, who had run up to them, until they spoke.
“Eeeww, gross! They’re kissing like Mummy and Daddy do,” said Mabel with disgust.
“You’ve got a girlfriend,” Tommy mocked.
The rest of the day flew for all concerned. After they had been on every ride they could, eaten as much sugar as was humanly possible and played every sideshow game until they could not carry their prizes anymore, the sun had started to set. They piled into the car and headed home.
During the drive, Mabel and Tommy promptly fell asleep in the back and Lucas had not let go of Chelsea’s hand.
“Thank you for today,” she whispered. “I had a wonderful time. It was nice to forget about everything for a while. Having children around reminded me how to have fun.”
“Yeah, me too,” he answered.
They dropped the children home and said their goodbyes. When they pulled up at Chelsea’s, Lucas walked her to the door but it didn’t appear as though he was going to come in.
“I really want to stay with you tonight but, if I do, I know I won’t sleep much.” He grinned before his face grew serious. “I’m worried about leaving you alone though, but I have to be focused tomorrow. We have to catch this guy and soon. I really need to sleep.” His brow furrowed in confusion.
“I have to open the shop tomorrow but I’m sure I can be a little later than normal.”
She was determined that now they’d found each other they wouldn’t spend a single night apart. Life was too short.
“I thought you didn’t open Mondays.”
“I don’t usually but I’m not opening Tuesday because of Elle’s funeral. Come on, big guy, stay. I promise I’ll let you get some sleep.”
“Oh, of course. Do you want me to come with you?” He resisted her seduction for the moment.
She nodded and waited.
“You promise to be good,” he asked playfully.
“Only a little bit.”
* * *
With excitement Anna glanced in the mirror for a last check before grabbing her handbag from the bed. Sophie would no doubt accost her again as she headed out the door but she wasn’t going to reveal anything to her sister, not yet. Chad asked her not to share their growing affection with anyone. The idea of a secret affair thrilled Anna. Having an identical twin usually meant there were no secrets. It was nice to have something that was just hers for once, something she didn’t have to share.
Meeting a shy Chad, all blond and beautiful, was the nicest thing to happen to Anna in a while. The least she could do was keep their secret. His coy nature drew her to him that day in the coffee shop. She determined this was his reasoning behind their budding relationship remaining between them for now.
Anna cheered as she went to close the door - she was going to make it without the questions - until Sophie pounced.
“Where are you going?”
“To meet Sandra. You were there when I told Mum and Dad.”
“That isn’t where you’re going. Who is he?”
“There is no he.”
“Anna, why are you hiding this from me?”
“I’m not, I’ll see you later or tomorrow. I don’t know what time I’ll be home.”
“I’ll get it out of you yet.”
Anna shrugged, waved and shut the door.
At the bus stop, Anna saw Chad waiting in his car. She rushed over exhilarated. This was only their third official date but they’d been talking on the phone often since meeting over a week before.
“Hey Anna,” he said, once she’d jumped in. “You look beautiful.”
“Thanks, you look great too.” She smiled and wondered where they were going.
“I’m taking you to my place tonight so I can make you dinner.”
“Oh, you can cook too. I’m liking you more and more.”
He smiled then drew her towards him to indulge in a mind numbing kiss before starting the car.