
Six Months Later

I’m so glad we still live here,” Chelsea said to Lucas while curled up in his lap in their favourite spot. “The view is just too good.”

It is,” he said, but he was only looking at her.

She began to nibble his ear.

He cleared his throat.

Ok, shoot,” she said.

What?” His innocent expression didn’t fool her.

I know you want to say something important because you cleared your throat and now you have a serious face on.”

Well, I do have something to ask you and it is very serious,” he said, with a straight face.

What is it?” she said, looking concerned.

Well, I was wondering if you would make me really happy and marry me?” He pulled a ring from his pocket.

Oh Lucas,” she cried, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him all over his face. “Of course I will. I love you,” she said and she kissed him passionately.

The phone rang, breaking the moment.

Now who could that be?” she said, uncurling herself and admiring her ring on the way to the phone.


Guess what?’

Hello, Charlotte.”

Oh hi. Guess what, I have some news.”

Well as a matter of fact, so do I,” she said, smiling at Lucas.

You go first.”

Ok,” she paused for effect. “Lucas and I are getting married.”

Charlotte screamed and then told everyone in the house the news and there was a stream of congratulations and happy cheers.

So, what’s your news?”

Well, it’s not as exciting as yours but I’m moving to the city. I have a job with a vet there while doing my last year.”

That’s great, Charlotte. We can plan the wedding together and you’ll be close by.”

I’ll be more than close by; I’m going to move in with you and Lucas.” And then she was gone.

- The End -