Chapter 10



Maggie was talking with Detective Peterson, one of their extra manpower, when Lucas entered the precinct.

Hey, tough guy, how are you?” asked Andrew Peterson.

Lucas always thought Andy looked more like a soldier than a cop. Medium height with a short blond military style cut, friendly blue eyes and a stocky, well built physique. His precision on the job made him an excellent detective.

I’ll be better when we catch this guy,” he replied.

I’ve just been filling Maggie in on our interviews with Elle’s family. Greg and I are about to go and speak with her friends and then start a canvas of the street.”

Great, thanks, Andy.”

Catch ya later.” He waved as he headed out to join his partner.

So, how did it go with Chelsea?” Maggie asked, her tone wary.

I think we might have a lead regarding the Coffee Break Café,” he replied with renewed energy, trying to put Chelsea out of his mind. “Were Libby and Kate customers like Elle?”

Yes, they both had coffee there most mornings on the way to work. It’s a popular place and the food is supposed to be good.”

Did the victims’ friends know if maybe this mystery guy of theirs worked there?”

I asked but none of them knew.”

Chelsea remembered Elle talking about a blonde guy who either worked there or owned the place.”

Let’s check it out while we’re waiting for the reports from David and the findings from Chelsea’s house.”

I could do with a decent lunch, so we could grab a bite while we’re there. We don’t get much time to eat good food on this job.”

As they pulled up, Lucas pointed out where Elle worked and how close it was to the café. They walked in to find a trendy but cosy atmosphere and one free table.

Can I help you?” a perky blonde waitress asked.

Yes, can we get a table for lunch?” Lucas gave her a crooked grin.

Why certainly, big guy,” she said. “Have the table over there by the window. I’ll come back and take your order in a moment.”

Do you have to melt all the women we meet?” Maggie asked.

I was simply warming her up, ready to ask her some questions.”

I think you are going soft on me, Hudson.”

Never happen.”

The waitress returned with her notepad in hand.

What can I get for you?” she asked, looking at Lucas.

I’ll have a black coffee and garden salad,” Maggie answered, diverting her attention.

Sure and what can I get for you?” she said, turning to Lucas again.

Um, I’ll have a burger and coke, Laura,” he replied, reading her name tag. “If it’s at all possible, when you come back with our food would you be able to answer a few questions?” He showed her his badge. “We’re investigating the murders of three women.”

Oh how awful.” She paused. “I don’t know how I’ll be able to help though.”

We believe they used to eat here.”

Oh, ok, I’ll be back with your orders shortly,” she said flashing her smile at Lucas again.

How can you eat that stuff all the time and stay thin?”

Good metabolism, I guess.” He shrugged.

Yeah well, it pisses me off. If I ate that stuff, I’d have to spend an extra hour on the treadmill.”

I still go to the gym sometimes too, when I have the time.”

Yeah, but if I ate like you, I would live there.”

He shrugged again.

As they waited, Lucas perused the room, taking in every face. There were several blond men and brunette women in the cafe, lots of potential victims and perps. Were they looking in the right place? It would certainly be an easy venue for the killer to meet his vics, especially if he worked here. Disgust turned his stomach.

When Laura returned with their meals, she pulled up a chair.

Ok, shoot.”

Maggie pulled out the photos they’d obtained of Libby, Kate and Elle.

Do you recognise these women?”

Sure, that’s Elle!” she said pointing to the photo. “Oh God, that means she’s dead?”

Yes, I’m afraid she is,” answered Lucas. “Did you know her well?”

Oh my God! I just can’t believe it. She’s so nice. This is awful.”

Are you ok?” Maggie said.

She looked absolutely stunned, sitting there holding her breath. “Yes, I think so,” she said, and started to cry. Maggie placed her hand on the girl’s arm to comfort her.

Eventually the waitress wiped her eyes and blew her nose. “You are going to ask if I know her well,” she ventured bravely.

Lucas nodded.

She nodded back emphatically. “A bit. She’s been in just about every day for the last couple of months.” She stopped. “I did wonder why I hadn’t seen her since last Friday.”

Did you socialise with her or know anything about her?” Lucas continued.

Sort of. Occasionally, if I was on a break when she was in for lunch, I would join her. We started talking one day and found we had stuff in common and it kind of grew from there.”

Do you know if she was seeing anyone?’

No-one in particular.”

Did anyone pay her any particular attention – anybody who works here or a customer?”

Yeah, everyone.” She smiled. “Elle has a way about her that made everyone around her feel comfortable. She’s so bubbly and fun.”

So there was no-one who seemed to take a particular interest in her that you noticed?”

Well, depends on what you mean. Adrian, the owner, was always trying to go out with her.”

Do you know if she did?”

I think so but she saw through him. He’s a bit of a player. He used to try it with these two as well,” she said pointing to the other photos.

You knew both these girls too?” Lucas asked with growing excitement. Could they have finally found a witness?

Yeah, this one is Libby. She’s been coming here for a long time, most mornings before work, for a takeaway coffee. I don’t know her name,” she continued, pointing to Kate’s picture. “She was quiet and kept to herself. She ate lunch here regularly. I just can’t believe they’re all dead. So terrible.” She dabbed at her eyes again.

Did they go out with Adrian?”

I don’t know.” She thought about it for a moment. “Adrian is always trying it on with beautiful women.”

So, he’s a sleaze, then?” Maggie asked.

No, he’s just charming and very cute, but I wouldn’t trust him.”

Why not?”

If you turned your back he would be onto the next girl.” Laura was on a roll now. “Trust me, I know.”

Did you go out with him?” Maggie said.

Yeah, but then he just moved onto the next one. She comes in here quite a bit. I think her name is Lindsay.”

You don’t think it’s strange that your boss chats up these women, they then go missing and then they turn up dead?” Lucas asked in a probing tone.

Well, no, because they weren’t the only three he’s ever flirted with. Like I said, he’s a player.”

It didn’t bother you, working with him after he dumped you?” Maggie said.

No, he was good, if you know what I mean.” She grinned. “I had fun. That was all it was for both of us anyway. All I’m saying is if you got too attached to him, you might get hurt.”

Is he here?”

He was running errands. He should be back by now. I’ll check the kitchen. He cooks our baked goods,” she said, getting up. “You won’t tell him I told you all that stuff will you?” she asked looking concerned.

No, Laura, we won’t,” Maggie said. “You have been really helpful, thanks.”

You’re welcome. So sad. Hope you catch him.” She smiled slightly and wondered off to find her boss.

Maggie looked at Lucas.

Baked goods? Flour!

What do you think?” she said.

I think I’m very interested to hear what Adrian has to say.”

Across the room, a tall guy, a couple inches shorter than Lucas, with straight blonde hair, blue eyes and boy next door good looks, came out from the back of the café and walked towards the detectives.

Hey, I’m Adrian Matthews. Laura told me you wanted to talk to me.”

Yes, I’m Detective Hudson and this is Detective Johnson and we’re investigating the murders of three women. We would like to ask you a few questions.”

I don’t know how I can help you, but I’ll try,” he said, flashing his boyish smile.

Are you the owner here?”

Yes, but what does this have to do with me?”

Do you know any of these women?” He pointed to the photos on the table.

Yes, they all come in here.”

They’re all dead, Mr Matthews,” Maggie said.

Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,” he said, the smile disappearing very suddenly. “They were nice girls.”

Did you have a relationship with any of them?”

I went out with Elle a few times but it didn’t work out.”

What about Libby and Kate?”

Are those their names?” He gave them a smug grin. “No, but not for lack of trying.”

Do you know a girl by the name of Lindsay?” Lucas asked.

Yeah, she’s a hot one that one. I asked her out a few days ago and she said she would let me know, but I haven’t seen her since.”

Do you ask a lot of your customers out?’

Perks of the job.” He grinned again.

You don’t think it’s strange that three women you went out with or tried to go out with have gone missing and then been found dead?”

No, a lot of women come in here and I go out with quite a few of them, or try to,” he said giving Lucas a disconcerting look. “There are a lot of regular male customers that come in here too.”

Would you consider letting us give you a DNA test?” Maggie asked.

Um, no, I wouldn’t. I don’t like what you’re insinuating, Detective.” His face grew fierce. “I have work to do.” He got up to leave.

Mr Matthews,” Maggie said carefully, “the test would rule you out as a person of interest. It’s only because you knew all the girls.”

You don’t need to rule me out because I didn’t do anything.”

He started to walk off again.

Matthews,” Lucas called after him. He turned his head and looked at Lucas. “Do you do the cooking here?”

Yeah, some of it. I bake the cakes and quiche, things like that. What has that got to do with anything?”

So you would use a lot of flour then?

Yes. Why are you asking me these stupid questions?”

Just routine. Thanks for your time.”

Adrian disappeared into the kitchen again.

I want to test this guy, Maggie.”

I know. Me too. Do we have enough to bring him in?”

All we have is he’s a chef and he knew all three women, but there are plenty of chefs out there and lots of cafés. Like he said, there would be plenty of customers that could have been here when all three girls were.”

I would like to see whether he has a record and what missing persons have for us. I’m sure whoever this guy is, he’s not finished.”

* * *

I’m greeted with terror in her pretty eyes.

She knows what I’m going to do, as it’s the same every day.

Even though it’s no use and she knows it, she continues to beg me not to, but we both know I will.

She shakes her head from side to side while I have my way with her. When I’m finished, I cut the next letter into her chest and watch the blood flow while I listen to her screams …. the screams that remind me of another time.

Stop snivellin’. Be a man,” my father shouts at me as he kicks me again in the stomach while I lie helpless on the floor, waiting out his assault. “We’d have more money if not for you,” he slurs again as the boot goes in once more.

I remain still and wait for it to be over. He’s the one that spends all the money on booze and speed. He’s indulged again tonight and I’m on the brunt of his drunken rage, as usual.

You’re the reason your mother left,” he yells as he grabs the nearest sharp knife and holds it to my throat.

I oughta cut you up right now.”

Then I hear a scream and realise it’s me.

Or was that her again? I’m not sure anymore. Her cries and shrieks start to subside as I complete the last cut for today.

I watch a bit longer as her blood spills and then I clean her up and stop the flow. Can’t have her die just yet.

I’m getting restless and wish for it to be that perfect little princess lying here on the dirty mattress and not this substitute.

I must be patient and make it perfect, just like she thinks she is.

I need to practice and get it right.