Chapter 31



Dawn’s first light spilling through the window woke Lucas. He opened his eyes tentatively and found he was curled up on Carrie’s constricting couch. He sat up slowly, feeling stiff and tired from another sporadic night’s sleep.

Although still desperate to locate Chelsea, he felt slightly better after obtaining some rest. He decided to go home to shower and change with the aim of freshening his mind as well as his appearance, before heading into the station. He called Detective Smith on route.

Hey, Hudson, we haven’t seen any signs of life. We tried several times last night, but got no answer again at the door. I’m just about to try again now.”

Call me as soon as you know.”

Will do either way.”

Lucas tapped his fingers anxiously on the desk, waiting for his phone to ring, whilst looking over the files he was now beginning to memorise. He jumped when it rang.


Yeah, it’s Smith.”

How did you go?” he asked, holding his breath.

It’s not Robinson.”

Did he answer the door?”


Did he see anything?”

No, he said he was working.”

Did you find out his name?”

Yeah, Chad Wilson.”

What?” Did he hear right?

Chad Wilson, but he’s not our perp.”

That’s either his alias or his accomplice. Didn’t you read the file?”

Silence followed.


We read some of it. I thought knowing the suspect and victims' names and when the kidnapping occurred would be enough. I asked him what he saw, if he knew the girls and his name. I thought you would want to know when he was home. You know more about the case and I thought you would want to talk to him yourself.”

Damn rookie detective. He knew he should have gone himself.

Are you still at the house?” Lucas asked.

No we left when it wasn’t him and we’re getting some breakfast. Sorry man, we can go back ...”

I got it.”

He flew out of his chair and, as he ran from the station, he called Maggie’s phone.

He answered the door,” he said when she’d answered.

Who did?”

Chad Wilson.”


It’s the right house, Mags. I’m on my way there now.”

I’ll call for backup and meet you there. I’ll be there in about twenty five minutes. I’ve just left home.”

He hung up, jumped into his car and fired up the siren.

The drive went in slow motion. When he finally arrived, he decided he wasn’t going to waste time waiting for back up.

* * *

The pounding on the door woke Chelsea. She heard someone call "Police, open up," but it didn’t sound like Lucas. The persistent knocking and calls to open the door had occurred several times the previous evening. At least she thought it had been the previous evening. Was it morning now? Chelsea wasn’t sure but she guessed it had been several hours since the last knock. The room seemed lighter despite the blackened windows so she thought the sun must be up. Each time the knocks came, she called out but knew no-one could hear her. They weren’t giving up and Chelsea allowed hope to enter her heart again.

She heard Andrew yell out "Just a minute" from the hall near the front door. Could someone hear her if she yelled out?

Help! I’m in here.”

Andrew appeared in the doorway. He was wearing a dark wig and baseball cap.

If you make one more sound, whoever it is will die. Do you understand?”

Yes,” she whispered, her voice almost gone now. Even if she yelled with all she possessed, no-one would hear her.

He disappeared down the hall. Was he actually going to open the door to the police? She couldn’t believe it? Maybe there was a chance after all.

* * *

Andrew opened the door to the young detective. As he wasn’t Hudson or his good looking blonde partner, he figured if he kept his face concealed, it was safe to answer. Perhaps they would cease their persistent knocking if he did.

Good morning, I’m sorry to bother you so early, Sir.”

That’s ok. What can I do for you?”

My name’s Detective Smith and we are looking into a kidnapping which occurred across the street. Could I could ask you a few questions.”

I don’t think he recognises me.

Sure, I’ll do my best, Detective.”

Were you home on Thursday night?”

Um, no, I was at work. I work night shift sometimes.”

So you didn’t see what happened across the street?”

No Sir, I was out from about seven until well after five a.m. I wasn’t aware something had happened.”

Do you know the girls who live across the street?”

No, I haven’t been living here very long and don’t know any of my neighbours. I keep to myself and I work a lot, so I don’t really see much that goes on in the street. I like to mind my own business.”

Ok, Sir. I won’t take up anymore of your time.” He turned to leave. “Oh, I didn’t catch your name.

Chad Wilson.”

Thank you, Mr Wilson. Have a nice day.” He left and Andrew smiled smugly to himself. He was definitely going to be able to finish what he started with Chelsea now. They wouldn’t be back.

* * *

No! Please come back.

The detective hadn’t recognised his name. Didn’t Lucas ask her if she knew a Chad Wilson? Chelsea was sure she’d heard the name before. He’d shown no recognition, so maybe this wasn’t the name Lucas asked her about. She couldn’t get anything straight in her head. Had her last chance for survival just passed her by?

With a heavy heart she closed her eyes and waited for Andrew to come back.

Time passed slowly and she even wished he would come back and finish what he started so it could all be over.

Well that should be the last time we see them. I think it might be time for me to try again,” he said when he finally appeared.

Chelsea allowed her mind to drift and fade slowly towards the darkness. Fear and sadness consumed her. The pain seemed endless now. She accepted her fate and her heart broke for Lucas. Through the thickening haze she heard pounding.

This is the police, open up.”

Lucas? Now I’m hearing things. Maybe I’m dead or dreaming. I can hear his voice even in ... She drifted towards the darkness once more.

A resounding crash sounded. Andrew jumped up and she was shoved back to light.

Chelsea?” Lucas?

Here ...I ...” She was cut off by a blow to the face. Her eyes filled and what she assumed to be blood ran from her nose.

Something cold pressed against her throat, she lifted her eyes, blinked away the tears and found Andrew kneeling behind her, his eyes manic.

Lucas charged through the door with his gun drawn. “We have police on every exit so there’s nowhere for you to go.”

* * *

Lucas stared at the man holding Chelsea. Where was Wesley Robinson? Was he involved at all? Had his hunch been wrong all along? This man looked like the Chad Wilson from the sketch. He also looked a little like Robinson?

He stared at the knife pressed hard to Chelsea’s throat, and the trickle of crimson at her neck caused fear to squeeze his heart.

Drop your weapon. Tell your people on the back door to move away,” Andrew growled. “I have a car in the garage and we’re getting out of here.”

You can leave but Chelsea stays here.”

No, she’s coming with me.”

I don’t think I can let you do that.”

If you don’t, I’ll kill her right here, right now.”

You’ll be dead if you do.”

I don’t care if I live or die, Detective. Do you care if she does?” he asked, pressing the knife harder against her throat producing a solid flow now. The blade pressed close to the vein which would end her life. If he moved it any further, she would bleed to death.

His mind flashed back to the shop all those years ago. There was blood everywhere. He recalled the anguish upon seeing his parent’s lifeless bodies. His clothes were soaked in their blood. He remembered now how it felt on his skin. It had been weeks before the metallic smell of blood left his hands and hair. When the police took him home to tell Carrie, her cries of denial tore through his heart. He could not let that happen to Chelsea. He could not live in a world without her in it.

Ok, I’m putting the gun down,” he said, placing it on the floor. “I’ll get on the radio.”

Not that it matters. I’m the only one here.

All units, this is Detective Hudson. Could the officers at the rear stand down. Wilson has a hostage.”

It’s done,” he said.

Lucas hoped Maggie would arrive soon to back him up.

I’m going to cut the ropes so she can come with me. If you go for your gun, she’s dead,” he told Lucas.

As Andrew cut the ropes holding her wrists and ankles, Lucas considered reaching for his weapon. Would he have time to pick it up and fire before Wilson finished his trail across her neck? Feeling helpless, Lucas watched as he returned the knife to Chelsea’s throat and hauled her to her feet.

* * *

Once her wrists were free, Chelsea tried to cover herself with what remained of her clothes. As he pulled her up, her legs shook and felt unsteady. She was afraid they would give out and push her throat harder against the knife. She managed somehow to keep her feet as he dragged her towards the door. She attempted unsuccessfully to break free of his strong grasp.

If you follow me or anyone tries to grab me, she’s dead.”

Lucas,” she gasped as Andrew pulled her through the door and into the hall.

Lucas dived on his gun and was hot on their tail. When he heard a familiar voice, relief washed over him.

Stop right there and drop your weapon,” Maggie commanded, her gun trained to the back of Andrew’s head.

I’ll kill her right now,” he screamed at them. “Drop your guns!”

Lucas watched in horror as he began to cut across Chelsea’s throat. A stream of blood flowed quickly now from the deep short wound. Her cries felt like daggers in his heart. Maggie took a few steps back and dropped her weapon.

He was about to continue his assault with the knife, when a shot rang out.