
After having breakfast the following morning, the sisters decided to do some window shopping. Neither Chelsea nor Charlotte could ever say no to a relaxing Sunday, walking the streets and perusing the local wares.

So how’s your love life?” Charlotte asked in her typical inquisitive way.

Fine thanks.”

Meaning you have none, right?

I don’t have the time or inclination. I have family, Bloom and friends. I don’t need anything else.”

Chelsea hasn’t it been a year? Just get over it already.”

It has nothing to do with Wesley. I’m just not interested,” Chelsea said a little too bitingly. “Oh, Sylvia’s shop looks great. I love the bag in the window. It would go great with my brown boots.”

Yeah, it’s great. I get the hint, Chels. I’ll butt out.”

Thanks. So who’s your new guy?”

Well, he’s not mine yet, but give me time. His name’s Scott and he’s in one of my classes. He’s really smart and so cute. I can’t believe I didn’t notice him before.”

You were pretty wrapped up in Evan.”

Yeah I suppose, but I don’t usually miss someone so hot.”

They both laughed, which turned into a fit of giggles and Chelsea couldn’t remember the last time she had laughed so hard with her sister. The rest of the afternoon was spent catching up and walking through the quiet streets.

* * *

Later that day, Chelsea sat in the study reading her favourite book from the collection when her Pa sought her out. When he sat in the chair opposite, she closed her book and waited. She knew this meant there was something he wanted to say. Harold had been a psychiatrist before retiring many years before and Chelsea appreciated and trusted his advice, as did the rest of the family.

Chelsea, you still don’t appear to be your old self yet.”

No, Pa, I’m not quite there yet. I still miss Wes. I realise it’s been a year but I loved him. I wanted to marry him more than anything in the world. I don’t understand why he left and like he did.”

Chelsea, his soul was troubled. I don’t believe he would have made you happy, not long term anyway.”

Yes, he was sometimes very edgy, but it added to his charm.”

Time heals, Chelsea, and I believe you will find the right man for you.”

I thought that was Wes.”

No, I don’t believe that to be so. You are a beautiful, sweet, lovable girl and you will know when the time comes.”

I hope so, Pa. You know it has always been hard for me to trust. There have been a lot of people in the past who only befriended me because of all this.”

Yes it is hard to know whether people’s intentions are always the right ones. You can’t close yourself off just in case though.”

I’m scared of being hurt again.”

I know you are, but we just want to see you happy. It’s time to let go.” He smiled and left her with her book.

Chelsea wondered whether her Pa wasn’t right after all. She had always blamed herself for Wes’ walking out on her without a word of explanation. There must have been something she had done. She must have made him feel bad in some way, maybe asked too many questions about his family that one time. It must have been her fault.

But maybe it was more that Wesley’s soul had been troubled, as Pa had put it. Maybe he had been intimidated by her family and become envious, resentful, angry. Had he only been after her money and walked out when he realised she was too independent to take money from her family. She had always believed that it had been something she’d done, that she hadn’t been enough, but perhaps there had been more to it.

Either way, it was time to stop the self-pity. Maybe Wes wasn’t her only chance at love after all.

* * *


Well the cause of death is the same. Bled out from a cut throat,” Lucas read from Kate Miller’s report. “Ligature marks are consistent with being tied at the wrists and ankles with what appears to be a nylon rope, which of course can be bought anywhere. Her injuries were inflicted using some type of thin blade once again.”

The cuts were all made over the period they were missing and there are signs of multiple sexual assaults. This guy is patient.” Maggie paused. “The question still remains about the ID too. How is he getting his hands on it when their handbags are left at home?”

I still think he is knocking them out first or threatening them with a weapon, and then takes the ID with him.”

Yeah, maybe or he somehow gets his hands on it before. Something we need to consider. So where do we go from here - Kate’s friends?”

Yeah, I think so. Libby’s friend. What was her name?” he asked Maggie, who looked over Libby’s report in front of her.

Kelly Bradshaw.”

What did she say about Libby’s new man?”

Kelly told me according to Libby he was charming and handsome but shy and that was why she hadn’t introduced him to anyone. She thought Libby seemed pretty keen.”

Maybe Kate met the same guy and he used the same excuses. Obviously he didn’t want anyone to meet him so no-one could identify him.”

Looks that way. I’ll go through missing persons now and find all girls around twenty-five who match the victims’ description. If our man is true to form, he may have already grabbed another.”

Lucas nodded in agreement before returning to Kate’s file. He looked up suddenly.

Did Libby have trace evidence on her body which came back as flour?”

Um,” replied Maggie once again scanning the report. “Yes, a flour substance from transference, either from his hands or the location.”

I’ll check out all abandoned warehouses and factories that would’ve used flour.”

Lucas began his search hoping there would only be a few to check out. The database located four possible warehouses within the metro area but spread out over the city. Two were in bread and baked goods production, the other two were flour mills. None of the locations was in close proximity to the two scenes where the bodies had been dumped. It would take a while to conduct a search.

Lucas, I’ve found two possible missing girls who fit the description. Maybe we should talk to the people who reported them missing, see if they had a mystery guy. We might get a description, something.”

She proceeded to tell him their names and last known address.

One of the factories is nearby. We can check it out on the way. Maybe we’ll get lucky.”

* * *

When it came time for Chelsea to leave on Monday, Sarah started with her standard lines.

You should come home more often.”

You work too hard.”

We just miss you so much.”

The more Chelsea protested the more it continued. After a final goodbye, she headed off on her journey back home. She used the drive to reflect on the last three days and how much better she felt. It was time to move on, to stop wallowing and wipe away the painful memories. Was it pure loneliness that caused her to dwell in the past? Was this why she couldn’t let go? Did she miss Wesley or just the idea of him? If only she could forget his beautiful face.

Three and a half hours later, after a delay getting back into the city, Chelsea pulled into her drive to discover the house dark. She decided Elle was probably asleep and forgot to leave the light on or, more than likely, she was out. Elle spent many nights away from home so Chelsea wasn’t concerned.

After lugging her suitcase up to her room, she decided to sit and reflect on the balcony, her favourite haven. While gazing at the lights over the city and listening to the hum of city commotion, she vowed to give herself a new beginning.