Chapter 8
The sound of the phone woke Lucas from another restless night. He bolted upright and rubbed his eyes before grabbing the phone.
Oh shit, what now? “Hudson.”
“Well he lives.”
“Morning, Carrie. It is morning, isn’t it?” he grumbled, picturing his sister on the other end of the phone, her auburn chin-length curls bobbing as she spoke, the same hazel eyes as his own filled with concern.
“Yes, grumpy, it’s just after seven. I haven’t heard from you for a week and was wondering if you were still with us.”
“I’ve been busy.”
“All work and no play, little brother.”
“Yeah I know but this case has been tough and we’re getting nowhere fast.”
“Are you ok? I saw the news and was wondering—“
“I’m fine,” he cut her off.
“Ok, Lucas, but I know how hard this must be for you.”
“It was a long time ago, Carrie. I can handle it. I believe I’ve told you this too many times before.”
“You know, I can’t help it. I worry about you.”
“You don’t have to, I’m all right,” he replied his voice softening. “How are the kids?”
“Same as always. Mabel lost another tooth. Tommy decided he could fly again so he took a leap off the kitchen bench and split his head.”
“Ouch, is he ok?”
“Yeah he’s fine, just like his uncle.”
“Ha ha, I miss them. I promise I’ll do something with them soon, when this case is over.”
“They miss you too and I’ll hold you to it.” Not finished grilling her brother she continued. “So, what else is bugging you?”
“No fooling me, brother, spill.”
“Ah, ok, I let someone get to me yesterday and didn’t do my job properly.”
“A girrrl,” she taunted.
“Shut up.”
“That’s not like you. She must have been something.”
“Look it was nothing. It won’t happen again.”
“There is nothing wrong with letting someone in Lucas. Nathan and the kids, they’re the best things that have ever happened to me, you know that.”
“Yeah well that’s you. My job keeps me busy. I don’t need anything else.”
“Oh Lucas …”
“Carrie, I’m fine. Please, it really is alright.”
“Very well, I’ll leave you alone.” She paused. “For now.”
Lucas laughed. “Thanks for your concern but I gotta get up and go to work.”
“Don’t work too hard. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
As he readied himself for the day, Lucas wondered if they would catch a break or find a lead today.
Maggie was at her desk when he came in and had a coffee waiting for him.
“Thanks, Maggie, what have we got?”
“CSI’s found little at Kate’s house, apart from fingerprints but there were no matches in the database and nothing else that seemed significant.”
“But the ME found a blond hair on Kate, in one of the wounds on her chest.”
“Tell me we can use it for DNA comparison.”
“We just need to find someone to match to because, once again, we got no hit.”
Lucas’ phone interrupted them.
“Hudson.” While listening, he looked at Maggie and she watched as he paled. “We’ll be right there.”
“Don’t tell me.” Maggie spoke before Lucas could.
“Sorry, Mags but we’ve got another one.” Oh God, what if it’s the blonde? Lucas didn’t want to think about that prospect.
* * *
Lucas and Maggie arrived at the all too familiar scene, but whereas Libby and Kate had been discarded behind a warehouse, the latest victim was behind a small shop, albeit with the same dark, dank alley in the rear. As they strode towards the building, the familiar lump crept into Lucas’ throat.
Concentrate, Lucas, you’re a cop, you signed up for this. Focus!
They found the girl presented to them in the same manner as the others, naked and on her back, the same habitual words slashed onto her chest, the same cavernous throat. There were exceptions this time, though. She was neither a brunette nor short; she was tall and blonde. Lucas cursed as they walked toward the body.
“It might not be her.”
Lucas stared at Maggie for a moment. His gut told him it was.
“It’s her. I should’ve asked more questions. If I had, we might have found her in time.”
“We might not have either, Lucas. We still have no idea where this is happening or the motive for doing it, and we have zero suspects.”
“Yes but we could have interviewed people she knew, gone over her house, something.”
“Don’t beat yourself up. Let’s just collect what we can from this and find this prick.”
“Just give me a minute,” he mumbled and strode away.
“David, did you find her ID?” Maggie inquired.
“Yes, her name is Elle Sheridan. She lived just around the corner,” he replied passing the bagged ID to Maggie.
“Thanks, David, I think we should get onto this straight away. Let us know when you’re done and if you find anything new.”
“Will do.”
Maggie found Lucas standing at the front of the shop, smoking.
“I thought you quit.”
“I did but I just needed ... something. I got it from a uniform. I don’t really want it,” he said, butting it out.
“We have an address. Let’s go.”
Lucas hesitated.
“It’s not your fault,” she said. She stepped towards him to lay a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “She was only reported missing yesterday. There was no time to find her.”
Lucas looked at Maggie with sad eyes. “I just wish I’d done more.”
They drove the short distance to Elle’s house, which was literally around the corner. A welcoming two story house with a fragrant garden filled with bright flowers greeted them as they pulled up.
Lucas walked to the door, dread consuming him. Concentrate, Lucas, you have to keep your head.
Maggie knocked on the door and they heard a voice inside.
The door opened and there standing before them was the girl whose face was still vividly etched into his memory.
“You,” she said her voice frigid. “What are you doing here? How did you find me … Oh no! Elle?”
Maggie glanced over at Lucas, who appeared to be lost for words.
“I’m Detective Johnson and this is Detective Hudson.”
“Please, is she ok?” She raised a shaking hand to her mouth.
“May I ask your name, Ma’am?”
“It’s Chelsea Summerville. Now tell me, please.”
“I’m sorry, Chelsea, but we found Elle murdered this morning.”
Chelsea’s knees buckled and Maggie stepped forward to catch her.
“Whoa there little lady, stay up,” she said and helped Chelsea over to the couch.
“Sorry, I’m ok. I’m just so shocked. I wasn’t expecting this. Well, maybe I was expecting it … I don’t know what I was expecting.” Chelsea placed her shaking hands into her lap and clasped them tight together.
“That’s ok, honey, we understand,” Maggie replied glancing at Lucas who stood rooted to a spot just inside the door.
“What happened?” Chelsea asked.
“We believe she was targeted by a serial killer we’ve been trying to track.”
A shaky hand went to her mouth again.
“Are you up to answering a few questions?” Maggie asked.
Chelsea nodded.
“Now you mentioned to Detective Hudson that you didn’t know how long Elle had been missing. Is that correct?”
“Yes, I’d been away from Friday night and didn’t return until Monday. I wasn’t sure if she was home when I returned.”
“So it’s safe to say she could have been missing from Friday night onwards?”
“Yes, it’s quite possible.” She paused. “Actually no, when I rang Mrs. Sheridan she told me she’d spoken to Elle on Saturday morning.”
“Are Elle’s possessions here?”
“Yes, as I explained to Detective Hudson,” she said giving a fleeting look to Lucas, “I discovered her handbag and phone were still here when I tried to call her phone and it rang in her room.”
“Do you know if Elle was planning to have any visitors over while you were away or if she planned to go out?”
“Elle goes out most weekends.” Chelsea offered a brief smile. “She mentioned inviting this new guy she’d met over for dinner.”
Maggie glared at Lucas, who still stood in the same spot.
“Do you know his name?”
“I don’t remember her mentioning one.”
“Do you have any questions, Lucas?” Maggie enquired.
Lucas looked over at Maggie and Chelsea. He was upset with himself for not doing his job the previous day. Seeing her again had tied his tongue again too.
She might still be alive if you had been thinking about the investigation and not your pants. It’s time to get back to business. Where is that hard tough cop when I need him? You can do this.
He shook his head to clear his mind of lustful thoughts and pushed aside his annoyance.
“Chelsea,” he began, “you don’t know who this man is?”
“No,” she replied glaring at him as he sat across from her. “I never met him.”
“So you don’t know what he looks like then?” he snapped.
“No, I just said I’d never met him.”
“Elle never told you anything about him?”
“No, she didn’t, which was strange for her but I knew she would introduce me if he became important to her.” She paused to wipe away the tears spilling over the rims of her eyes and returned her hand to clasp the other. “She ... liked to keep her options open, so to speak.” She looked from one detective to the other. “Why are you asking me questions about some guy?”
“The other victims had a new man in their lives and we are trying to find a connection,” Lucas said. Assuming the role of bad cop and being back in control brought an immediate relief. See, she’s just a beautiful woman, move on.
“I’m sorry. I don’t remember anything specific about him.”
“Not even where or how they met?” he asked a little condescendingly.
“Not that I can remember. She told me lots of things.”
Lucas watched as colour rose in Chelsea’s cheeks and her knuckles clenched and whitened. His heart lurched and his resolve began to waver. Focus!
“I thought friends told each other everything,” he said a little too loud.
“We do!”
“Then why didn’t she tell you about him?”
“I don’t know.” She stood up and sent Lucas a look that would have frozen fire. “You’re welcome to take anything you need from Elle’s room and if you need to send someone over to collect evidence or something, that’s fine but, if you don’t mind, I would like to be alone.” She started out the room.
“Wait, please,” Maggie called. “I’m sorry if Detective Hudson seemed rude,” she said frowning at him again, “but anything you can tell us could be important.”
“I can’t think of anything. Can I get back to you later? I’m just a little upset at the moment.”
Her cool tone penetrated the last of his defences. Her heartbreaking expression and the misery in her eyes were more than Lucas could bear. Being tough only caused her more pain. Granted he was known for being the assertive half of the partnership, but he couldn’t recollect ever being so tough on a distraught witness - not like this. He was firing questions at her like she was a perp holding onto a confession. Why was she having such an effect on him? Why was he letting this case get to him so much?
The blood, there was so much blood. Their lifeless bodies discarded on the floor. His life destroyed by callous punks.
Lucas heard Chelsea sob, which propelled him back to the present.
“We need to inform Elle’s family so someone can identify her. Do you have an address for her parents?”
Chelsea nodded. Maggie handed her a notepad and pen. Once Chelsea had written down the information she handed it back to Maggie.
“Thanks. We’ll leave you to it,” Maggie said before handing Chelsea a business card. “Call me if you think of anything or are ready to answer some more questions.”
“I will. Thank you, Detective Johnson.”
“It’s Maggie,” she said offering her a comforting smile.
Chelsea returned a feeble smile and nodded towards the door. “You can see yourselves out.”
Once they were in the car, Maggie spun round to face Lucas. “What the hell was that about?” she asked him in astonishment. “I know you like being Mr Tough Guy but that was going too far. She was upset and you were badgering her.”
“I know, I don’t understand what has gotten into me,” he said with a contrite expression. “I … this case … her … it’s all just got a hold of me.”
“Well you need to either snap out of it and stop being a bully or put your guard down and let someone in.”
“Let’s just take off and see if we can work out a motive because it seems our perp is not just targeting brunettes, making it all the more difficult for us. We have to find a connection.”
“You really are preoccupied by her. I’m stunned.”
“You don’t see any resemblance.”
“What are you getting at, Maggie?”
“Libby and Kate are not similar looking to Chelsea? Short, petite, dark hair, you can’t see it?”
“What about Elle?”
“She was her roommate. Man, you are somewhere else, aren’t you?”
“It’s all pretty thin, Mags. It could just be a coincidence.”
“You’re probably right. She does look a little like them, though.”
“So do a lot of women, Mags. You’re reaching.”
“I know but what else do we have?”