Chapter 15
Chelsea ran her hands across his hard chest and shoulders longing to touch the skin underneath his t-shirt. She groped at it and was rewarded with a smooth taut body beneath. She lifted her hands to bury them in his hair and they became lost in the thick waves. She urged her tongue against his, craving more. She couldn’t get close enough to him.
He could feel her nipples harden against his chest as he carried her towards the stairs. She teased his bottom lip with her lips and tongue as he navigated her upstairs. When they entered her room, he swiftly removed her shirt and explored her soft milky skin with urgent, tender hands. He went with her as he placed her gently on the bed and sought her lips again. Her delicious scent surrounded him and he craved to taste all of her.
Chelsea’s hands roamed his chest and back before slipping off his t-shirt. She lost control of her hands as she explored his honey coloured skin. She craved to touch every part of him.
His hands roamed her body as he kissed her hungrily. He trailed kisses slowly across her jaw and down her neck, inhaling her scent. He took one rosy nipple then the other into his mouth.
She arched her back in response, squeezed his shoulders and sighed out a moan. Her hands roamed to his hair again, gripping it with ardour.
He continued his trail of kisses down her body and removed her pants before removing his own. His mouth teased and kissed her inner thigh. She moaned again as her breathing intensified.
Lucas brought his mouth back up to hers as he slipped his fingers between her legs. She groaned into his mouth and while continuing to massage her, his mouth came down to taste her nipples again.
As she arched her back and cried out, he lingered for a moment, teasing her with his fingers before removing his hand. He brought his mouth back to hers as he plunged inside her. She gripped his shoulders while he cradled her head. Their mouths remained together as he eased into a leisurely rhythm.
“Oh Lucas,” she breathed out her pleasure as he gradually increased the intensity.
He brought them both to the brink and back, wanting to prolong the feeling of her. When she arched up to meet him, he slowed the pace so he could bring her to the peak of desire once more. He kissed her neck and face as she gripped his back. Gradually he intensified his movements and when, for the third time, she tensed, arched her back and cried out with intense pleasure, he groaned along with her, as they united in pleasure.
He lay beside her, pulling her in close as he attempted to reclaim his breath. Her pleasure-filled panting almost had him wanting to start again.
“Now that was much better than I imagined,” he said huskily.
“Yes it was,” she said with a contented smile, her eyes melting into his.
“I aim to please.”
“I’m very pleased,” she said, running her fingers over his chest and stomach.
He lay for a few moments enjoying her gentle touch, before sitting up. He took her hand, grabbed the covers from the bed and led her outside onto the balcony. He sat down on the chair and gestured for her to sit on his lap. Once she did, he wrapped the covers around them.
“It’s so beautiful up here at night,” she said.
“You’re beautiful.” He kissed her tenderly.
“You’re not too bad yourself.” She smiled.
He cleared his throat. “Chelsea … ”
“If you need to ask me more questions, you can. I’m feeling pretty relaxed right now.”
“I know it’s not the best time but we have to find out who might be doing this.”
“Please ask and get it over with.”
“Are you absolutely sure that Wesley wouldn’t be doing this?”
She nodded.
“Do you know much about his family - why he may have been envious of you and your family life?”
“The only things I know about his family are what the police told me. I really can’t imagine it could be him. He was sweet and never seemed to be bothered by anything. Like I said, he was a little in awe of my family’s house but never gave any indication during our three years together that he was jealous in any way. We were getting married, what was mine would have been his. I believe he left me because either he couldn’t go through with the wedding or perhaps he just didn’t actually love me. Besides it’s been a year, if he really felt that way, wouldn’t he have done something before now?”
“Resentment builds over time and a lot of planning would have gone into this.”
“I still think you’re looking in the wrong direction.”
“Well, alright, what about people you went to school with or grew up with? Was there anyone in particular that seemed to have singled you out?’
“No, it wasn’t just one person, and it was a long time ago.”
“Like I said, resentment and hatred builds over time.”
“There is no-one in particular I can think of.”
“Okay, what about people you work with?”
“There is Lauren, my part-time employee who is a student and a girl...”
“Go on.”
“Gavin, my pickup and delivery man. He doesn’t actually work directly for me but for a courier company. He does all my deliveries and picks up my orders at different set times each day.”
“What does he look like?”
“He’s married,” she said, looking up at him.
He gave her a stern look.
“Okay, he’s got short sandy blond hair, he’s in his late thirties with two kids and, like I said, a wife.”
“Is it possible he could have something against you?’ Lucas immediately jumped on the fact he was blond.
“No, he’s lovely and I find it hard to believe that he would be behind this. Move on.”
“Well hopefully there aren’t any other men in your life besides me,” he said with a crooked grin. “So the only people left could be customers or someone you don’t know who has formed an opinion about you for some reason. However this is unlikely and I tend to think it was someone who knows your family has money.”
“Not many people do. My customers wouldn’t and Gavin certainly doesn’t, so maybe I’m not really a target and it’s a coincidence after all.” She paused. “I’m sorry, I’m not much help, am I?”
“No, not really.” He smiled. “You’re right, it could be a coincidence but I’m not taking the chance. The phone calls also suggest that you may know this person and they know where you live. He did use your name. I’m glad you’re not here by yourself.” He ran his knuckles across her cheek and chin before pulling her in closer, cradling her head against his chest and playing idly with her hair.
“Yes, when he used my name it scared me, along with the fact that when each call came in I was either leaving the house or had just walked in. As I said to Mum and Charlotte, it’s like he knows when I’m home. The call this afternoon came in while I was home for lunch, which I don’t normally do.”
“So maybe you’re being followed. Have you noticed anything?’
“I don’t want you going anywhere by yourself.”
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore,” she said. She lifted her head up to nibble on his ear.
He groaned. She twisted her body around to kiss him before straddling him.
“Now it’s my turn.”
He groaned his assent as she slowly moved against him, her body pressed to his. He buried his face in her breasts and sucked hungrily on her nipples. When she knew he was ready, she eased herself onto him and slowly rocked. As she picked up momentum he met her movements. She threw her head back and her tempo increased once more. It took all his self control to wait for her. Watching her wild abandonment sent jolts of desire through his veins. He held her hips and met each thrust. When she cried out, he couldn’t hold out any longer and their groans mingled.
* * *
In the early hours of the morning, Lucas awoke and gazed toward the sleeping girl beside him. He watched her in the moonlight, as it cast light and shadow across her face and body. Her hair was fanned out around her lovely face. He stared at her in the moonlight as thoughts raced around in his mind.
It wasn’t unusual for him to leap into a girl’s bed so quickly but what was unbelievably new was the intensity of his feelings.
Although never having been a selfish lover in the past, his efforts last night definitely exceeded any he’d put in before. He craved to please her over and over again. He’d never wanted or needed to do that before.
Everything about her cried out to him to stay, not to run away scared, without her actually saying the words. He was drawn to her like a moth to the flame, his only fear - getting burned. His head pleaded with him to run. Contentment and panic waged a battle within his chest.
Lying on his side, Lucas continued to watch her. He caressed her face and hair hoping she would wake up. Her eyes fluttered open and she stared back at him sleepily.
“Hey,” he said.
“Hey you.” He continued his caresses as she stared back at him. “I want you to know something about me, Lucas. I don’t usually do this.”
He gazed at her, encouraging her to continue.
“I don’t ... sleep around and have never rushed into ... this. I just wanted you to know this. You’re different somehow.”
“This is all new for me too.” He leant over to kiss her, then rolled over onto his back, bringing her with him. “I think I would like a repeat performance from the balcony.”
“Lucas!” she admonished, before kissing him and complying.