Chapter 32
Over and Done
Andrew dropped to the floor bringing Chelsea with him. When his arms flopped, releasing her from his hold, she knew it was over.
Lucas took the shot before he even thought about it and hoped his training wouldn’t let him down. He raced to her and dropped to his knees. He ensured Chad Wilson was dead before holstering his gun.
“Oh God, I’m so glad I found you, babe,” he whispered into her ear. Lucas tenderly scooped Chelsea up. He kissed her gently on the lips and stroked her matted hair.
Maggie passed him a towel, which he pressed against the wound on her neck. She then located a blanket and helped Lucas to wrap Chelsea securely within it.
“I thought I would never see you again,” she replied in a strained voice.
“Shh, don’t talk anymore. Let’s get you to the hospital.”
“Is in the hospital. She’s alright.”
He took her outside to the awaiting ambulance and stood beside her as they attended to her.
“I’ll be right behind you,” he told her as they loaded her in. “I love you,” he whispered but she didn’t hear him.
Once the ambulance was on its way, Lucas walked around to the side of the house and sunk slowly to the ground. This was where Maggie found him sitting with his back against the house, his head and arms resting on bent knees.
“Hey, you ok partner?” she asked him.
“Yeah, I just need a minute.”
“She’s still alive, Lucas. You found her.”
“Yes but did you see what he did to her?”
“Yes I did and also what we can’t see.”
“You think I’m worried about whether he ... touched her?”
“Well, yeah, maybe.”
“If he did, I can deal with it and so will she.”
“Then what’s the problem? I thought you’d be tailing that bus.”
“I came so close to losing her and I don’t ever want to feel like that again.”
“Well hopefully you won’t have to.”
“Exactly, if I’m not with her, then I won’t if anything does.”
“Are you saying you’re going to walk away now, after everything she’s just been through? I can’t believe it. She makes you so happy.”
“I can’t go through this again.”
“She’s not your parents, Lucas. She isn’t dead.”
“Yes but what if something else happens to her? I’ve had a taste of what that would be like and I don’t think I could take it. I lost my head when she was gone. I have not been doing my job properly since I met her. I lost focus. I should have been at the house when he turned up and took her. If I’d shown her the sketch we may have been able to identify who Chad Wilson was and we could have prevented this from happening. And we still don’t know where Wesley Robinson is, because that wasn’t him.”
“I don’t think Wesley had anything to do with this. I think Chad Wilson was working alone.”
“Why? What could the motive be?”
“We’ll have to wait and ask Chelsea about that when she is recovered enough to talk to us, if she even knows. Are you in love with her?”
“Totally and unconditionally but she’ll be better off without me. I didn’t protect her. I’d rather try and get over her now than have to do it later, when it will be that much harder.”
She shrugged. “It’s your happiness. Good luck with that.” She shook her head and walked off.
* * *
At the hospital, a nurse came into Charlotte’s room to inform them that Chelsea was alive and being treated.
“Oh thank heavens,” Sarah murmured. “Please let us know when we can see her.”
“Is Lucas Hudson here?” Charlotte asked.
“Yes, I believe so. He’s in the waiting room.”
“Can you ask him to come and see me please?”
“Sure, I’ll go get him for you.”
A few minutes later a tired and drained looking Lucas trundled into the room.
“Lucas,” Charlotte said. “Come here.”
He ambled over and perched uncomfortably on the edge of her bed. She sat up awkwardly and gave him the biggest hug she could manage with an arm in a sling.
“Thank you for finding my sister.”
“You’re welcome,” he said.
His expression was blank and unreadable.
Charlotte introduced him to the rest of the family, who each in turn, showed him their gratitude.
“Is she ok?” Sarah asked him.
“She’s a little banged up but she’ll be alright.”
“Did he …. do anything else to her besides ...?”
“Um, I don’t know.” He cleared his throat. “I’m sorry but I have to go to the station and fill out some paperwork. I just came to see if you were both ok.”
“Who was he?” Sarah asked.
“Chad Wilson.”
“Who is he and why would he have done such a thing?”
“We are hoping Chelsea will be able to tell us that.”
“She’ll want to see you, Lucas,” Charlotte said.
“I’ll come back later.”
He stood up abruptly, said his goodbyes and strode out.
“Something’s not right with him,” said Charlotte. “I thought he would be happy and relieved, but he looks almost sad. I thought he’d be anxiously pacing the hallways, not going into work.”
“Maybe he’s just tired or in shock. It has been a long couple of days,” Bradley assured her.
“Hmm, I just hope he’s not running away,” she replied with a grim expression. “Chelsea will need him more than ever now.”
* * *
Alone in the room Chelsea attempted to block out the recurring horrors. The screams and pleas of the other poor girl filled her mind as she tried to rest. Chelsea gave up on sleep. Her thoughts switched to Andrew and her confusion over his complete hatred for her. What had she done that was so terrible? Ignored him because she didn’t know him at school? Become engaged to his cousin and unknowingly shattered their relationship? These were very unstable and flimsy reasons to take the lives of five young girls. She couldn’t comprehend it. And he had murdered Wes too. She couldn’t believe Wes was dead. When the reality hit, she choked back a sob. He hadn’t walked out on her – he had been murdered. What possible actions on her part could have provoked such a cruel plan? Was she really the spoilt snob she’d been dubbed most of her life? Was she responsible for Wes’ death? Guilty tears streamed down her face. Lucas, where are you? I need you. This only prompted fresh tears and agonising sobs.