Chapter 7
Love and Confusion
Furious, Chelsea strode down the hallway and slammed out the front door. The nerve of that detective. When she realised he didn’t ask her name and hadn’t given her his, her annoyance grew. What kind of detective was he anyway? She wondered whether he’d taken her seriously at all. Perhaps she should go back and talk to someone who would listen or at least care. Right now, though, she was livid and needed to calm down.
Chelsea didn’t intend to open the shop today. However, after her encounter with the uncaring detective, and with Elle missing, she needed somewhere she could relax and find some comfort. The one place she could do that was at Bloom.
Sick with worry and anxiety she drove towards her sanctuary. On the way she considered going home. What if Elle were to phone or return home? But would sitting around waiting for her to return really help?
Having tossed the issue this way and that, Chelsea eventually decided to drive on towards Bloom and resolved to check in over the day. What else could she do?
* * *
After investigating the other three warehouses and finding them vacant, the detectives decided to finish up for the day and start over in the morning. On the drive home, Lucas wondered which direction to take. The lack of evidence intensified his frustration.
The report on Kate Miller’s house would be completed by morning and he prayed for a fingerprint match or perhaps some kind of trace evidence, anything that would lead them somewhere closer. They needed a suspect, and fast, before they had another victim. Could this missing girl be the next one? He sincerely hoped not but as there weren’t any other missing women who fitted the description it was a possibility.
He decided they would have to go over everything again. They were missing something. Where were they meeting this guy? How were these girls connected? Lucas needed to refocus and obtain a clear head for the morning so sleep was his number one priority.
* * *
When Lucas walked into his apartment, a sudden sense of loneliness overcame him, something which was occurring more and more often lately. His home, small with sparse furniture, suited his needs as he spent little time here. After having a quick shower in an attempt to free his mind of circling thoughts and haunting visions, he collapsed into bed. He closed his eyes and attempted to block out the memories tormenting him. He tossed and turned but the images remained and sleep became impossible.
As he pushed aside his demons, milky soft skin and big green eyes swept over him. What was it about her that had him so stupefied? He conjured up briefly in his mind a parade of some of the many beautiful women he had known, and even slept with, but there was something more about this girl, something much stronger which tugged at him and he didn’t know what it was or why. He couldn’t allow these feelings to push through. He didn’t get close to anybody, especially to anyone related to a case. He’d made that mistake in his first year as detective and he had paid a heavy price. Anyone linked to an investigation in any way was off limits. Even if this hadn’t become his cardinal rule from all those years ago, the painful reality of losing loved ones deterred him from making any sort of commitment. He never wanted to love and then grieve again.
Giving up on rest, he grabbed the victims’ files from the side table and began to read. The flour trace was important. He could feel it, but how? Was it being transferred from where they were being held? It didn’t appear to be coming from the locations they had searched and there weren’t any other abandoned warehouses that fit the bill. So the killer could be taking them out of town or to a house filled with flour, but who has that much on their premises? Lucas didn’t want to think about the endless possibilities.
The other option could be the perp was a baker or chef of some kind and transmitted it with his hands. How many bakeries, cafés and restaurants were located in the city? Far too many to interview every person in every possible occupation. He grunted in frustration, there were too many options to consider and investigate. Time was what they needed to follow all the potential leads and time was what they had little of.
This wasn’t the only troublesome thought. The words SPOILT BITCH, why those words? Envy could be a contributing factor and driving force but both victims weren’t wealthy. Were they spoilt in another way? How?
He threw the folders down on the bed. Going in circles wasn’t getting them any closer. It all came down to Kate’s autopsy report and search of her house. They needed more evidence, something new.
Sleep was fitful for Lucas that night as he dreamed of emerald eyes, milky skin and bloody throats.
* * *
Maggie walked into her snug two bedroom cottage. The simple furnishings and quiet ambience suited Maggie and Steve. Being busy cops, and seeing the horrors they did, enhanced their need to come home to a sanctuary.
Maggie was welcomed by a delicious aroma emanating from the kitchen and knew Steve was preparing something mouth-watering.
“Hey, I’m home,” she called out.
“In the kitchen.”
“Smells great, babe. I’m famished.”
“Please sit down, my lady, and I’ll bring dinner to you.”
“Oh well, thank you, Sir,” she grinned.
Steve could always sense when she needed looking after. Her knight in shining armour, the most gorgeous man alive, was tall dark and handsome.
“Tough day, Mags?”
“You could say tough week. We’re getting nowhere with this case.”
“You’ll get him, you always do.”
He kissed her tenderly before placing her dinner and a glass of wine on the table in front of her. “I love you.”
She smiled.
She started to tuck into the meal he had lovingly prepared. “Speaking of love, some girl got to Lucas today.”
“No way! That man is made of steel.”
“It appears he isn’t after all. He questioned a girl whose roommate is missing and it might have helped with our investigation but he froze up instead. It was like he couldn’t get her out of there quick enough.”
“He’s so thorough.”
“Not today,” she grinned.
“Well I guess everyone needs a bit of love.”
“Oh, you’re such a romantic, Steve.”
“I know,” he said lifting her out of her chair. When he kissed her again it was with absolute passion. “That is because I’m married to an amazing woman,” he told her before guided her toward their bedroom.
* * *