Southern Cross
Patricia Cornwell has asixth sense about the menand women in blue. InHornet's Nest, her page-turning novel aboutcrime and police in Charlotte, North Carolina,Cornwell moved behind the badges of thesereal-life heroes to uncover flesh-and-bloodcharacters who strode through her pages to revealvulnerable, passionate, brave, sometimesdoubting, always fascinating figures. In Southern Cross, Cornwell takes us evencloser to the personal and professional lives ofbig-city police, in a story of corruption, scandal,and robberies that escalate to murder. This time,her setting is Richmond, Virginia, where CharlottePolice Chief Judy Hammer has been brought byan NIJ grant to clean up the police force. Reelingfrom the recent death of her husband, andresented by the police force, city manager, andmayor of Richmond, Hammer is joined by herdeputy chief Virginia West and rookie Andy Brazilon the most difficult assignment of her career. Inthe face of overwhelming public scrutiny, the triomust bring truth, order, and sanity to a city introuble.