More bloody talking!
Even though I had been asleep for most of last week, last night was the first night I’d really slept.
I didn’t wake up until my phone rang.
Chris’s number flashed.
Chris, not everyone has a Jessie alarm clock, I grumbled.
What’s your problem, lover boy, it’s midday.
It is not!
It bloody is.
What! I’d planned to make an effort to go over to the Freak’s. But it looked like I’d run out of time. I’d have to give him a ring and ask him to meet me at the show early.
The boys are going down to kick the footy around, are you in?
Nah, I can’t, I’ve got to get ready and head up to school.
Excuse me, is this Will Armstrong?
Shut up, you tosser. I said to Brother Pat I’d make sure everything was set up again and I’ve got to clear stuff with the Freak.
And Elizabeth? Chris teased.
Yeah, well, since she’s one of the stars of the show, I suppose she’ll be there too.
You weren’t so bloody sure of yourself last night when I drove you to the pizza place. So what happened?
Nothing. We went out for pizza.
And we … I don’t know, we spoke about everything. And it was easy, and she’s fantastic.
Chris laughed.
So you’re gone! Have you spoken to your mum?
No. But thanks to you I’ll cop twenty questions as soon as I walk out the bedroom door.
You’re welcome!
I paused.
Chris, thanks again for dealing with the meltdown and smoothing things over with Elizabeth.
Sweet. Just make sure you pass on to some of her friends what a nice guy I am. I’d better go, I told the boys I’d see them down there five minutes ago.
Hey, Chris? Don’t say anything to any of the boys about Elizabeth.
Chris’s laughter filled my right eardrum.
I don’t have to, mate. Tim’s already rung me this morning. Costa saw you at the pizza shop and said there was a bit of passion going on!
Oh yeah, I nearly forgot, I mentioned to the boys I saw the show last night and they’re all keen to come tonight. To show some school spirit and obviously to offer you and Mark some support. The sentence dripped with Chris Holden sarcasm. It’s got nothing to do with checking out the girls or your new girlfriend.
He hung up before I could tell him to get stuffed. Great, so the boys were turning up and they already knew about Elizabeth. I could just imagine the amount of hassle I was going to get.