Arab Legionaries behind sandbag barricades.
(illustration credit
The Arab victor of 1948 King Abdullah of
Jordan waves to crowds in Jerusalem, but he paid with his life.
(illustration credit
His assassin lies dead in al-Aqsa Mosque.
(illustration credit
Abdullah’s grandson King Hussein of Jordan
prepares for war in 1967: he reluctantly and disastrously placed
his forces under Egyptian command. (illustration credit
Israeli government in crisis: Israeli Chief of
Staff Yitzhak Rabin (left) collapsed under the pressure
and had to be sedated; Moshe Dayan (right), brought in as
Defence Minister, seen here with Rabin at a cabinet meeting as the
crisis intensifies in 1967. Dayan thrice warned Hussein not to
attack but held back until Syria and Egypt were defeated.
(illustration credit
Israeli paratroopers and tanks advance towards
Lions’ Gate. (illustration credit
Clockwise from top right: Minutes
after its capture in June 1967, Israeli soldiers pray at the
Western Wall; the sheikh of the Haram al-Sharif watches from the
Maghrebi Gate; behind him, Israeli jeeps cross the Haram and arrive
in front of the Dome before celebrating the reunification of
Jerusalem. (illustration credit