The view of Jerusalem is the history of the world; it is more; it is the history of heaven and earth.
The city has been destroyed, rebuilt, destroyed and rebuilt again. Jerusalem is an old nymphomaniac who squeezes lover after lover to death, before shrugging him off her with a yawn, a black widow who devours her mates while they are still penetrating her.
AMOS OZ, A Tale of Love and Darkness
The Land of Israel is the centre of the world; Jerusalem is the centre of the Land; the Holy Temple is the centre of Jerusalem; the Holy of Holies is the centre of the Holy Temple; the Holy Ark is the centre of the Holy of Holies and the Foundation Stone from which the world was established is before the Holy Ark.
The sanctuary of the earth is Syria; the sanctuary of Syria is Palestine; the sanctuary of Palestine is Jerusalem; the sanctuary of Jerusalem is the Mount; the sanctuary of the Mount is the place of worship; the sanctuary of the place of worship is the Dome of the Rock.
Jerusalem is the most illustrious of cities. Still Jerusalem has some disadvantages. Thus it is reported “Jerusalem is a golden goblet full of scorpions.”
MUQADDASI, Description of Syria, Including Palestine