Section Four
Sherif of Mecca, King of Hejaz, Hussein
(right) meets the early Palestinian nationalist leader
Musa Kazem al-Husseini (left) in Jerusalem. (illustration credit
The sherif never forgave his ambitious sons,
Faisal (left), king first of Syria then Iraq, and Abdullah
(right), later king of Jordan (seen here in Jerusalem in
1931), for seizing kingdoms of their own. (illustration credit
David Ben-Gurion, working on new Jewish
housing in 1924 (left), emerged as the tough Zionist
leader just as Mufti Amin al-Husseini (right) emerged as
Arab nationalist leader: here he leads the annual Nabi Musa,
Jerusalem’s main Islamic festival, on horseback in 1937. (illustration credit
The annual Easter ritual of the Holy Fire
(seen from the dome of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre) was
crowded, passionate and often fatal. (illustration credit
The prayers at the Western Wall in 1944 to
commemorate the dead of the Holocaust show the tiny, constrained
area permitted for Jewish worship. (illustration credit