This noble Jerusalem has been the object of desire of the kings of all nations, especially the Christians who, ever since Jesus was born in the city, have waged all their wars over Jerusalem … Jerusalem was the place of prayer of the tribes of djinn … It contains the shrines of 124,000 prophets.
Book of Travels
Suleiman saw the Prophet in his dream: “O Suleiman, you should embellish the Dome of the Rock and rebuild Jerusalem.”
Book of Travels
The great prize contended by several sects is the Holy Sepulchre, a privilege contested with so much fury and animosity that they have sometimes proceeded to blows and wounds, at the door of the Sepulchre mingling their own blood with their “sacrifices.”
So part we sadly in this troublous
To meet with joy in sweet Jerusalem.
Henry VI, Part Three
Rather than walk about holy places we can thus pause at our thoughts, examine our heart, and visit the real promised land.
Table Talk
We shall find that the God of Israel is among us … for we must consider that we shall be as a City upon a Hill, the eyes of all people upon us.
—JOHN WINTHROP, A Modell of Christian Charity