[ 89 ]
The trees fiendishly hold Dr. Terrible suspended up thirty feet off the ground.
The black wind has formed into a vicious-looking funnel right under him, blasting him with hideous gale force winds.
The power of the Red Rose is dark and angry.
I have unleashed something terrible and beautiful into the world.
His green scaly body up there is still discombobulated, so that his monsterish head is waving off of his backside. He is staring up at the sky and screaming.
His red cape is blowing straight up into the air. And then the cape rips free and violently shoots up into the sky and disappears.
Now you can see the flesh around his reptilian body is being forced upward like the cape by the insanely powerful blasts of wind from below. And then in a flash all his scaly flesh rips up off of him in one piece and shoots high into the sky. The scales are already just a speck up there.
Now he is a hideous pink flayed winged beast with horns suspended up there in the air by the trees.
Dr. Terrible is screaming.
At that moment the two black ravens leap off the tree branch and swoop in at his pink face and I see them snapping their beaks and tugging his yellow eyeballs out of his head. Then the ravens are down on the forest floor fighting each other over who will get the honor of eating his eyes for dinner.
Now he is a hideous eyeless pink screaming winged creature thing with horns.
The dark funnel of wind blasts him and then he too shoots up into the sky. He is just a speck up there. And then he is gone.
Professor Nog?
“Yes, Gork.”
Is he coming back? Should I be afraid?
One of the ravens standing in the snow drops an eyeball on the ground.
Then the raven looks at me and says, “Nevermore.”