[ 49 ]
My shrunken heart is hammering so hard that for a second I think it’s going to explode out my chest and splatter all over the inside of the windshield.
Now I quickly raise the silver canister to my dome and spritz my fool horns with GrowGrow® gel. Then I tilt my scaly green head back and snort flames out my nostrils and start singing a WILL TO POWER poem:
“When it comes to your spaceship
the four magic words are:
don’t apologize
just monopolize!
Because if you want
to control your fate
and travel very far
then you must learn to dominate
your rebellious starcar!
And if anyone has the nerve to ask
what the heck you are
just tell them to mind their business
because you’re a budding czar!”
I feel the poem jacking me up with mega blasts of STRATEGIC DESTRUCTION COMBAT READINESS. The title of this poem is “Fear No Mechanical Creature, Because You Are Their Teacher.”
My nostrils flare.
And I feel seriously ruthless and fiendish.
Now I look out the windshield at the inky blackness of outer space and all the stars out there. The Control Display in front of me starts beeping and some of the lights flash on as the spaceship dashboard syncs up with the new conditions.
I flip a couple switches and adjust the pressure in the cabin.
Don’t apologize.
Just monopolize.