- William R Stanek
- Windows Server® 2012 R2 Inside Out: Configuration, Storage, & Essentials
- ixR.html
- RacTask task, Tracking the overall reliability of the
- RAID technology, Installation on BIOS-based systems,
Computer Management
system tools, Tuning virtual memory, Managing and maintaining
MPIO, Meeting
performance, capacity, and availability requirements, Using the MBR and GPT
partition styles, Working with basic and dynamic disks,
Using and converting
basic and dynamic disks, Configuring RAID 0: Striping, Configuring RAID 0:
Striping, Moving
dynamic disks, Mirroring boot and system volumes on GPT
disks, Configuring RAID 5: Disk striping with
parity, Understanding the disk and file-system
structure, Managing storage spaces, Storage Management
- configuring striping, Configuring RAID 0: Striping
- converting disks and, Using and converting basic and dynamic
- described, Installation on BIOS-based systems
- disk mirroring, Moving dynamic disks, Configuring RAID 5: Disk striping with
- disk striping, Configuring RAID 0: Striping
- disk striping with parity, Mirroring boot and system volumes on GPT
- dynamic disks, Using the MBR and GPT partition
- paging file location and, Tuning virtual memory
- SSDs and, Understanding the disk and file-system
- storage availability, Managing and maintaining MPIO
- storage management and, Managing storage spaces
- Storage Spaces and, Computer Management system tools,
Meeting performance,
capacity, and availability requirements, Storage Management Essentials
- striped volumes, Working with basic and dynamic disks
- RAID-5 volumes, Managing volumes on dynamic disks,
Moving dynamic
disks, Mirroring
boot and system volumes on GPT disks, Rebuilding mirrored system volumes on GPT
- Rapid Virtualization Indexing (RVI), Understanding Hyper-V
- RAS Connection Manager Administration Kit, Using roles, role services, and
- RAW file system type, Formatting a partition, logical drive, or
- Rd command, Accessing a command prompt during
- RD Gateway Manager, MMC tool availability
- RD Licensing Diagnoser, MMC tool availability
- RDC (Remote Differential Compression), Using roles, role services, and
features, Storage-management role services,
Selecting data for
- RDMA (Remote Direct Memory Access), Booting from SANs and using SANs with
- RDP-TCP, Getting
information on user and remote user sessions
- Read & Execute permission, Understanding file-sharing models,
Creating shares by
using File Explorer, Basic permissions
- Read Attributes permission, Special permissions
- Read Control permission, Applying permissions to registry keys
- Read Data permission, Special permissions
- Read Extended Attributes permission, Special permissions
- Read permission, Understanding file-sharing models,
Creating shares by
using Computer Management, Understanding share permissions, Basic permissions
- described, Understanding share permissions, Basic permissions
- Everyone group, ADMIN$
- public folder sharing, Understanding file-sharing models
- security considerations, Creating shares by using Computer
- Read permission level, Creating shares by using File
- Read Permissions permission, Special permissions
- Read-Only attribute, Managing access permissions
- Read/Write permission level, Creating shares by using File
- rebooting, as postinstallation task, Postinstallation tasks
- Recover command, Accessing a command prompt during
- recovery keys or passwords, Introducing BitLocker Drive Encryption,
BitLocker modes,
Deploying BitLocker
Drive Encryption, Deploying BitLocker Drive Encryption,
Setting up and
managing BitLocker Drive Encryption, Configuring and enabling BitLocker Drive
Encryption, Enabling BitLocker on fixed data drives,
Enabling BitLocker
on fixed data drives, Enabling BitLocker on fixed data drives,
Enabling BitLocker
on fixed data drives, Enabling BitLocker on removable data
drives, Enabling
BitLocker on operating-system volumes, Enabling BitLocker on operating-system
volumes, Enabling BitLocker on operating-system
volumes, Enabling BitLocker on operating-system
volumes, Enabling BitLocker on operating-system
volumes, Managing and troubleshooting BitLocker,
Managing and
troubleshooting BitLocker, Managing and troubleshooting BitLocker,
Recovering data
protected by BitLocker Drive Encryption
- BitLocker requirements, BitLocker modes, Deploying BitLocker Drive
- creating duplicates, Managing and troubleshooting
- described, Introducing BitLocker Drive Encryption,
Enabling BitLocker
on operating-system volumes
- FIPS compliance, Deploying BitLocker Drive Encryption
- generating, Enabling BitLocker on fixed data drives,
Enabling BitLocker
on operating-system volumes
- looking up, Managing and troubleshooting
- printing, Enabling BitLocker on fixed data drives,
Enabling BitLocker
on operating-system volumes, Managing and troubleshooting
- saving, Setting
up and managing BitLocker Drive Encryption, Enabling BitLocker on fixed
data drives, Enabling BitLocker on operating-system
- storing, Configuring and enabling BitLocker Drive
Encryption, Enabling BitLocker on fixed data drives,
Enabling BitLocker
on operating-system volumes
- using, Enabling
BitLocker on removable data drives, Recovering data protected by BitLocker Drive
- Recovery mode, Introducing BitLocker Drive Encryption,
Deploying BitLocker
Drive Encryption, Enabling BitLocker on operating-system
volumes, Recovering data protected by BitLocker Drive
- recovery., Reviewing network administration (see
disaster recovery)
- RECURSE_FLAG flag, Working with the registry from the command
- redirected keys (WOW64), Registry root keys
- redundancy, Planning for hardware needs, Working with GPT disks,
Managing storage
spaces, Diagnosing and resolving problems with storage
- data, Managing
storage spaces
- hardware, Planning for hardware needs, Diagnosing and resolving
problems with storage spaces
- primary partition tables, Working with GPT disks
- ReFS (Resilient File System), Storage-management role services,
Understanding legacy
and protective MBRs, Extending partitions, BitLocker modes, Enabling BitLocker on fixed data
drives, Enabling
BitLocker on fixed data drives, Understanding the disk and file-system
structure, NTFS
structure, Transactional NTFS, Transactional NTFS, Transactional NTFS,
ReFS features,
ReFS features,
ReFS features,
ReFS structures,
ReFS structures,
ReFS advantages,
ReFS advantages,
ReFS integrity
streams, data scrubbing, and salvage, ReFS integrity streams, data scrubbing,
and salvage, ReFS integrity streams, data scrubbing, and
salvage, ReFS
integrity streams, data scrubbing, and salvage, Preventing disk-integrity
problems, Preventing fragmentation of disks,
Creating a standard
volume, Managing
file sharing, File-sharing essentials, File security, access
controls, and auditing, Managing access permissions, Enabling advanced
- access permissions, File security, access controls, and
- advantages, ReFS
- auditing support, Enabling advanced auditing
- BitLocker Driver Encryption and, BitLocker modes
- change journals, NTFS structure
- Check Disk tool and, Preventing disk-integrity problems
- compression and, ReFS integrity streams, data scrubbing, and
- data scrubbing, ReFS integrity streams, data scrubbing, and
- default cluster sizes, Understanding the disk and file-system
- described, Transactional NTFS
- enabling BitLocker, Enabling BitLocker on fixed data drives,
Enabling BitLocker
on fixed data drives
- extending volumes, Extending partitions
- features, Transactional NTFS
- formatting MBR and GPT disks, Understanding legacy and protective
- integrity streams, ReFS structures, ReFS advantages
- metadata, ReFS
features, ReFS
integrity streams, data scrubbing, and salvage
- network-attached storage, Storage-management role services
- NTFS comparison, Transactional NTFS
- Optimize Drives utility, Preventing fragmentation of disks
- Read-Only attribute, Managing access permissions
- salvage operation, ReFS integrity streams, data scrubbing, and
- shadow copies and, Managing file sharing
- standard file sharing, File-sharing essentials
- Storage Spaces and, ReFS features, ReFS advantages
- structural overview, ReFS features
- timestamp updates, Creating a standard volume
- REFS.SYS store engine, ReFS features
- RefsDisableLastAccessUpdate registry value, Creating a standard
- Reg Add command, Accessing a command prompt during
- REG command, Accessing a command prompt during
installation, Accessing a command prompt during
installation, Accessing a command prompt during
installation, Accessing a command prompt during
installation, Accessing a command prompt during
installation, Accessing a command prompt during
installation, Loading and unloading hive files,
Working with the
registry from the command line, Working with the registry from the command
line, Working
with the registry from the command line, Working with the registry from the
command line, Working with the registry from the command
line, Working
with the registry from the command line, Working with the registry from the
command line, Working with the registry from the command
line, Working
with the registry from the command line, Working with the registry from the
command line, Working with the registry from the command
line, Working
with the registry from the command line, Securing the registry
- ADD subcommand, Working with the registry from the command
- COMPARE subcommand, Accessing a command prompt during
installation, Working with the registry from the command
- COPY subcommand, Accessing a command prompt during
installation, Working with the registry from the command
- DELETE subcommand, Accessing a command prompt during
installation, Working with the registry from the command
- described, Loading and unloading hive files
- EXPORT subcommand, Working with the registry from the command
- FLAGS subcommand, Working with the registry from the command
- IMPORT subcommand, Working with the registry from the command
- LOAD subcommand, Working with the registry from the command
- modifying permissions, Securing the registry
- QUERY subcommand, Accessing a command prompt during
installation, Working with the registry from the command
- RESTORE subcommand, Accessing a command prompt during
installation, Working with the registry from the command
- SAVE subcommand, Accessing a command prompt during
installation, Working with the registry from the command
- UNLOAD subcommand, Working with the registry from the command
- Regedit.exe, Understanding the registry structure,
Types of registry
data available, Preventing access to the registry
- Regedit32.exe, Understanding the registry structure,
Types of registry
data available, Preventing access to the registry
- regeneration process, Mirroring boot and system volumes on GPT
- registry, Managing the registry, Introducing the registry,
Introducing the
registry, Introducing the registry, Introducing the registry,
Understanding the
registry structure, Understanding the registry structure,
Understanding the
registry structure, Understanding the registry structure,
Understanding the
registry structure, Understanding the registry structure,
Where registry data
comes from, Where registry data comes from, Types of registry data
available, Searching the registry, Modifying values,
values, Modifying the registry of a remote
machine, Modifying the registry of a remote
machine, Modifying the registry of a remote
machine, Modifying the registry of a remote
machine, Importing and exporting registry data,
Loading and
unloading hive files, Loading and unloading hive files,
Working with the
registry from the command line, Working with the registry from the command
line, Working
with the registry from the command line, Backing up and restoring the
registry, Securing the registry, Controlling remote registry
access, Controlling remote registry access,
Accessing the event
logs and viewing events
- accessing in PowerShell, Working with the registry from the command
- backing up, Introducing the registry, Working with the registry
from the command line
- described, Managing the registry
- distributing changes, Importing and exporting registry data
- exporting data, Modifying the registry of a remote
- from command line, Loading and unloading hive files
- hive files, Understanding the registry structure,
HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Modifying the registry of a remote
machine, Loading
and unloading hive files
- importing data, Modifying the registry of a remote
- maintaining, Backing up and restoring the registry
- managing size, Understanding the registry structure
- managing with preferences, Modifying the registry of a remote
- modifying, Searching the registry
- resetting to clean install, Where registry data comes from
- restoring the, Introducing the registry, Working with the registry
from the command line
- root keys, Understanding the registry structure,
Controlling remote
registry access
- searching, Types
of registry data available
- securing, Securing the registry
- storing and using data, HKEY_CURRENT_USER
- structural overview, Accessing the event logs and viewing
- subkeys, Understanding the registry structure,
HKLM\BCD00000000, Modifying values, Controlling remote registry
- subtrees, Understanding the registry structure,
Where registry data
comes from
- tools for managing changes, Introducing the registry
- Transactional Registry, Introducing the registry
- value entries, Understanding the registry structure,
- Registry Editor, Understanding the registry structure,
Types of registry
data available, Types of registry data available,
values, Modifying the registry of a remote
machine, Modifying the registry of a remote
machine, Modifying the registry of a remote
machine, Loading
and unloading hive files, Loading and unloading hive files,
Securing the
registry, Securing the registry, Applying permissions to
registry keys, Auditing registry access
- .reg file extension, Modifying the registry of a remote
- applying permissions to registry keys, Applying permissions to registry
- auditing registry access, Auditing registry access
- described, Understanding the registry structure,
Types of registry
data available
- loading hive files, Modifying the registry of a remote
machine, Loading
and unloading hive files
- modifying permissions, Securing the registry
- Properties dialog box, Securing the registry
- registry administration, Types of registry data available
- unloading hive files, Modifying the registry of a remote
machine, Loading
and unloading hive files
- Windows Clipboard and, Modifying values
- Regsvr32 command, Accessing a command prompt during
- REG_BINARY data type, Types of registry data available,
Adding keys and
- REG_DWORD data type, Types of registry data available,
- REG_EXPAND_SZ data type, Types of registry data available,
Adding keys and
- REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR data type, Types of registry data available
- REG_LINK data type, Types of registry data available
- REG_MULTI_SZ data type, Types of registry data available,
values, Adding
keys and values, Controlling remote registry access
- REG_NONE data type, Types of registry data available
- REG_QWORD data type, Types of registry data available,
Adding keys and
- REG_RESOURCE_LIST data type, Types of registry data available
- REG_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST data type, Types of registry data available
- REG_SZ data type, Types of registry data available,
- reinstalling device drivers, Uninstalling, reinstalling, and disabling
device drivers
- relative identifiers (RIDs), Defining Active Directory server
- release management teams, Identifying your organizational teams
- Reliability Monitor, Troubleshooting hardware, Comprehensive performance
analysis and logging, Tracking the overall reliability of the
- Rem command, Accessing a command prompt during
- Remote Access Management, Using graphical administrative tools
- Remote Access role, Using roles, role services, and
- Remote Assistance feature, Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2,
Using roles, role
services, and features, Configuring UAC and Admin Approval
- Remote Desktop, Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2,
Getting to know
Server Manager, Enabling remote management
- Remote Desktop Connection utility, Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2,
Getting network
usage information
- Remote Desktop Licensing Manager, MMC tool availability
- Remote Desktop Services role, Planning for server usage, Using roles, role services,
and features, Getting network usage information
- Remote Differential Compression (RDC), Using roles, role services, and
features, Storage-management role services,
Selecting data for
- Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA), Booting from SANs and using SANs with
- remote management, Getting to know Server Manager, Creating server groups,
MMC and remote
computers, Adding keys and values, Applying permissions to
registry keys, Getting network usage information,
Accessing the event
logs and viewing events, Viewing event logs on remote systems,
performance remotely
- controlling remote registry access, Applying permissions to registry keys
- described, Getting to know Server Manager
- enabling, Creating server groups
- getting information on user and remote user sessions, Getting network usage
- MMC and, MMC and
remote computers
- modifying registry of remote machines, Adding keys and values
- monitoring performance remotely, Monitoring performance remotely
- setting remote computers as focus, Viewing event logs on remote systems
- viewing event logs on remote systems, Accessing the event logs and viewing
- remote procedure calls (RPCs), Enabling remote management
- Remote Registry service, Controlling remote registry access,
Monitoring and
troubleshooting services
- Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT), Using graphical administrative tools,
Using roles, role
services, and features
- Remote Storage, reparse points and, Reparse points
- removable disks, Working with basic and dynamic disks,
Converting FAT or
FAT32 to NTFS, Deploying BitLocker Drive Encryption,
Enabling BitLocker
on fixed data drives
- BitLocker policies, Deploying BitLocker Drive Encryption
- described, Working with basic and dynamic disks,
Converting FAT or
- enabling BitLocker on, Enabling BitLocker on fixed data
- Remove Mirror dialog box, Configuring RAID 5: Disk striping with
- Remove Roles And Features Wizard, Assessing systems, Postinstallation tasks, Adding server roles and
features, Adding
server roles and features, Adding server roles and features,
Adding server roles
and features, Removing server roles and features,
Removing server
roles and features, Removing server roles and features
- Before You Begin page, Adding server roles and features
- Confirm Removal Selections page, Removing server roles and features
- Removal Progress page, Removing server roles and features
- Remove Features page, Removing server roles and features
- Remove Server Roles page, Adding server roles and features
- Select Destination Server page, Adding server roles and features
- Server Graphical Shell, Postinstallation tasks
- starting, Adding
server roles and features
- WINS services, Assessing systems
- Remove- cmdlets, Using Windows PowerShell
- Remove-MSDSMSupportedHw cmdlet, Adding and removing multipath hardware
- Ren command, Accessing a command prompt during
- reparse points, Object identifiers
- Replace command, Accessing a command prompt during
- Report view (Performance Monitor), Choosing views and controlling the
- Require Additional Authentication At Startup dialog box,
Configuring and
enabling BitLocker Drive Encryption
- reserved virtual memory, Tuning virtual memory
- resident attributes, NTFS structure
- Resilient File System (ReFS), Storage-management role services,
Understanding legacy
and protective MBRs, Extending partitions, BitLocker modes, Enabling BitLocker on fixed data
drives, Enabling
BitLocker on fixed data drives, Understanding the disk and file-system
structure, NTFS
structure, Transactional NTFS, Transactional NTFS, Transactional NTFS,
ReFS features,
ReFS features,
ReFS features,
ReFS structures,
ReFS structures,
ReFS advantages,
ReFS advantages,
ReFS integrity
streams, data scrubbing, and salvage, ReFS integrity streams, data scrubbing,
and salvage, ReFS integrity streams, data scrubbing, and
salvage, ReFS
integrity streams, data scrubbing, and salvage, Preventing disk-integrity
problems, Preventing fragmentation of disks,
Creating a standard
volume, Managing
file sharing, File-sharing essentials, File security, access
controls, and auditing, Managing access permissions, Enabling advanced
- access permissions, File security, access controls, and
- advantages, ReFS
- auditing support, Enabling advanced auditing
- BitLocker Driver Encryption and, BitLocker modes
- change journals, NTFS structure
- Check Disk tool and, Preventing disk-integrity problems
- compression and, ReFS integrity streams, data scrubbing, and
- data scrubbing, ReFS integrity streams, data scrubbing, and
- default cluster sizes, Understanding the disk and file-system
- described, Transactional NTFS
- enabling BitLocker, Enabling BitLocker on fixed data drives,
Enabling BitLocker
on fixed data drives
- extending volumes, Extending partitions
- features, Transactional NTFS
- formatting MBR and GPT disks, Understanding legacy and protective
- integrity streams, ReFS structures, ReFS advantages
- metadata, ReFS
features, ReFS
integrity streams, data scrubbing, and salvage
- network-attached storage, Storage-management role services
- NTFS comparison, Transactional NTFS
- Optimize Drives utility, Preventing fragmentation of disks
- Read-Only attribute, Managing access permissions
- salvage operation, ReFS integrity streams, data scrubbing, and
- shadow copies and, Managing file sharing
- standard file sharing, File-sharing essentials
- Storage Spaces and, ReFS features, ReFS advantages
- structural overview, ReFS features
- timestamp updates, Creating a standard volume
- resource conflicts, Troubleshooting hardware
- Resource Monitor, Other important tuning, memory, and data
considerations, Comprehensive performance analysis and
logging, Tracking per-process resource usage,
Getting an overview
of resource utilization, Getting an overview of resource
utilization, Getting an overview of resource
utilization, Getting an overview of resource
utilization, Getting an overview of resource
utilization, Getting an overview of resource
utilization, Tracking per-process CPU utilization,
Tracking per-process
memory utilization, Tracking per-process network
- CPU tab, Getting
an overview of resource utilization
- described, Comprehensive performance analysis and
- Disk tab, Getting an overview of resource
utilization, Tracking per-process memory
- Memory tab, Getting an overview of resource
utilization, Tracking per-process CPU utilization
- Network tab, Getting an overview of resource
utilization, Tracking per-process network
- Overview tab, Getting an overview of resource
- Task Manager and, Getting an overview of resource
- tracking resource usage, Tracking per-process resource usage
- tracking system health, Other important tuning, memory, and data
- resource properties, Understanding central access policies
- Restart-Service cmdlet, Monitoring and troubleshooting
- restoring, Introducing the registry, Introducing the registry,
Working with the
registry from the command line, Using internal and external storage
- software applications, Introducing the registry
- the registry, Introducing the registry, Working with the registry
from the command line
- VSS and, Using
internal and external storage devices
- Resultant Set of Policy, MMC tool availability
- Resume-Service cmdlet, Monitoring and troubleshooting
- RIDs (relative identifiers), Defining Active Directory server
- Rmdir command, Accessing a command prompt during
- role services, Using graphical administrative tools,
Configuring roles,
role services, and features, Using roles, role services, and features,
components with Server Manager, Going to the prompt for Server Management,
Going to the prompt
for Server Management, Understanding component names, Tracking installed roles,
role services, and features, Installing components at the prompt,
features and tools, Configuring the File And Storage Services
- adding to file servers, Configuring the File And Storage Services
- described, Configuring roles, role services, and
- installing, Tracking installed roles, role services, and
- list of component names, Going to the prompt for Server
- list of primary, Using roles, role services, and
- managing, Going
to the prompt for Server Management
- removing binary source files, Using graphical administrative tools
- storage management, Storage-management features and tools
- tracking installed, Understanding component names
- uninstalling, Installing components at the prompt
- viewing, Installing components with Server
- roles., Installing components at the prompt (see
server roles)
- Rollback key (registry), Using the Microsoft Fix It Utility
- Rollback Wizard, Performing a clean installation
- rolling back, Restricting device installation by using Group
Policy, Introducing the registry, Software installation
- device drivers, Restricting device installation by using Group
- software installations, Software installation essentials
- transactions, Introducing the registry
- root keys (registry), Understanding the registry structure,
values, Controlling remote registry access
- Route command, Accessing a command prompt during
installation, Utilities to know
- Routing And Remote Access, Using graphical administrative tools,
MMC tool
availability, Controlling remote registry access
- RPC over HTTP Proxy, Using roles, role services, and
- RPCs (remote procedure calls), Enabling remote management
- RSAT (Remote Server Administration Tools), Using graphical administrative tools,
Using roles, role
services, and features
- Run As permissions, Viewing device and driver details
- run levels (application), Application access tokens
- RunAsAdmin run level, Application run levels
- RunAsHighest run level, Application run levels
- RunAsInvoker run level, Application access tokens
- RVI (Rapid Virtualization Indexing), Understanding Hyper-V