- William R Stanek
- Windows Server® 2012 R2 Inside Out: Configuration, Storage, & Essentials
- ixS.html
- S4 nonvolatile sleep state, Diagnosing hardware and firmware startup
- SACLs (system access control lists), Enabling advanced auditing
- safe modes, Understanding and troubleshooting driver
- salvage operation, ReFS integrity streams, data scrubbing, and
- SAM (Security Accounts Manager) database, HKLM\HARDWARE
- SAN (storage-area network), Essential storage technologies, Using internal and external
storage devices, Storage-management role services,
role services, Booting from SANs and using SANs with
clusters, Configuring the File And Storage Services
- booting from, Storage-management role services
- Device Specific Module, Configuring the File And Storage Services
- features and tools, Using internal and external storage
- internal and external storage devices, Essential storage technologies
- troubleshooting, Booting from SANs and using SANs with
- with clusters, Storage-management role services
- SAN (Subject Alternative Name), Deploying sync shares through Group
- SAS (Serial Attached SCSI), Choosing internal devices, Storage-management features
and tools, Managing and maintaining MPIO, Understanding storage
spaces, Understanding storage spaces, Storage Management
- described, Choosing internal devices
- MPIO support, Storage-management features and tools,
Managing and
maintaining MPIO
- storage arrays and, Understanding storage spaces
- storage management and, Understanding storage spaces, Storage Management
- SATA (Serial ATA), Choosing internal devices, Understanding storage
spaces, Storage
Management Essentials
- Save BitLocker Recovery Key As dialog box, Enabling BitLocker on operating-system
- Save Filter To Custom View dialog box, Filtering the event logs
- Scan File System For Errors dialog box, Preventing disk-integrity
- SCCM (System Center Configuration Manager), Assessing systems,
Managing and
troubleshooting BitLocker
- scheduled reports, Understanding file screening and storage
reporting, Defining file-screening exceptions
- schedules, Specifying organizational objectives,
Allowing for
contingencies, Tuning processor scheduling, Tracking the overall
reliability of the server, Using data collector templates, Configuring
- automatic classification, Configuring classification
- logging for data collector sets, Using data collector templates
- padding in project estimates, Allowing for contingencies
- RacTask task, Tracking the overall reliability of the
- setting, Specifying organizational objectives
- tuning for processors, Tuning processor scheduling
- Schtasks command, Utilities to know
- scope., Your
plan: The big picture (see objectives and scope)
- SCSI (Small Computer System Interface), Choosing internal devices, Using internal and external
storage devices, Using the Disk Management tools
- sealing process, Working with trusted platforms
- Search charm, Working with the administration tools
- searching, Types
of registry data available, Viewing event logs on remote systems,
Using and finding
- event logs, Viewing event logs on remote systems
- keywords in, Using and finding shares
- registry, Types
of registry data available
- second-level address translation (SLAT), Understanding Hyper-V
- sectors (tracks), Choosing internal devices, Adding new disks,
Using the MBR and
GPT partition styles, Understanding the disk and file-system
structure, FAT
features, NTFS
structure, NTFS
features, Repairing volumes and marking bad sectors by
using ChkDsk
- boot, Using the
MBR and GPT partition styles, NTFS structure
- described, Understanding the disk and file-system
- determining bytes per, Choosing internal devices, Adding new disks
- marking bad, Repairing volumes and marking bad sectors by
using ChkDsk
- setting number per cluster, FAT features, NTFS features
- Secure Boot feature, Hardware-encrypted drives, Setting permitted encryption
- secure desktop, Elevation, prompts, and the secure
- Secure Socket Layer (SSL), Deploying sync shares through Group
- Security Accounts Manager (SAM) database, HKLM\HARDWARE
- security alerts, Identify security requirements
- Security Configuration Wizard, Using graphical administrative tools
- security identifiers (SIDs), Defining Active Directory server roles,
- Security log, Understanding the event logs, Understanding the event
logs, Accessing
the event logs and viewing events, Monitoring the security logs
- security templates, Applying permissions to registry keys
- security tokens, Introducing the registry
- security., Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2,
Identify network
services and applications, Defining the new network environment,
Select and implement
standards, Planning for day-to-day operations,
Planning for
day-to-day operations, Performing an upgrade installation,
Using graphical
administrative tools, HKLM\HARDWARE, Securing the registry, Software installation
essentials, Working with SMB 3.0, Configuring mount points, BitLocker changes,
Enabling BitLocker
on operating-system volumes, Understanding share permissions
- (see also BitLocker Drive Encryption; permissions and
- binary source files, Using graphical administrative tools
- drive letters and, Configuring mount points
- elapsed evaluation period, Performing an upgrade installation
- encrypted hard drives, BitLocker changes
- identifying infrastructure, Identify network services and
- identifying new requirements, Defining the new network environment
- logs and, Planning for day-to-day operations,
Planning for
day-to-day operations
- product enhancements, Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012
- protecting personal information, Select and implement standards
- registry considerations, HKLM\HARDWARE, Securing the registry
- share permissions and, Understanding share permissions
- SMB, Working
with SMB 3.0
- UAC, Software
installation essentials
- Select Computer dialog box, Using graphical administrative tools,
Using graphical
administrative tools, Adding keys and values, Accessing the event logs and
viewing events, Viewing event logs on remote systems,
Using subscriptions
and forwarded events, Using the Disk Management tools, Accessing shares for
administration, Creating shares by using File Explorer,
Configuring share
- accessing, Using
graphical administrative tools
- configuring disk management, Using the Disk Management tools
- described, Using
graphical administrative tools, Configuring share permissions
- forwarded events, Using subscriptions and forwarded
- modifying registry of remote machine, Adding keys and values
- setting remote computer as focus, Viewing event logs on remote systems,
Accessing shares for
administration, Creating shares by using File
- viewing event logs on remote systems, Accessing the event logs and viewing
- select disk command, Using the Disk Management tools, Extending partitions,
- Select Folder dialog box, Creating shared folders in Server Manager,
Creating sync shares
and enabling SMB access
- Select Log File dialog box, Viewing data collector reports
- select partition command, Using the Disk Management tools, Extending partitions,
- Select User Or Group dialog box, Auditing registry access, Creating sync shares and
enabling SMB access
- Select User, Computer, Service Account, Or Group dialog box,
Managing access
permissions, Basic permissions, Special permissions
- Select Users dialog box, Customizing quota entries for individual
- Select Users Or Groups dialog box, Creating shares by using File
- Select Users, Computers, Service Accounts, Or Groups dialog
box, Basic
permissions, Specifying files and folders to audit
- Self-Healing NTFS, Sparse files
- Self-Service Portal, Managing and troubleshooting
- Serial ATA (SATA), Choosing internal devices, Understanding storage
spaces, Storage
Management Essentials
- Serial Attached SCSI (SAS), Choosing internal devices, Storage-management features
and tools, Managing and maintaining MPIO, Understanding storage
spaces, Understanding storage spaces, Storage Management
- described, Choosing internal devices
- MPIO support, Storage-management features and tools,
Managing and
maintaining MPIO
- storage arrays and, Understanding storage spaces
- storage management and, Understanding storage spaces, Storage Management
- SERIAL debugging, Setting BCD entry values
- Server Configuration utility, Enabling remote management
- Server Core installation, Understanding installation options,
Performing a clean
installation, Creating server groups, Elevation, prompts, and the
secure desktop
- Server For NFS service, Storage-management role services
- Server Graphical Shell feature, Determining which installation type to
- server licenses, Product licensing
- Server Manager, Continue past lockups and freezes,
Managing Windows
Server 2012 R2, Working with the administration tools,
Using graphical
administrative tools, Using Windows PowerShell, Working with Server
Manager, Working
with Server Manager, Getting to know Server Manager, Adding servers for
management, Creating server groups, MMC window and startup,
MMC window and
startup, Saving
the console tool, Using roles, role services, and features,
components with Server Manager, Removing server roles and features,
Resolving resource
conflicts, Understanding the registry structure,
Getting network
usage information, Accessing the event logs and viewing
events, Storage-management features and tools,
Booting from SANs
and using SANs with clusters, Using the Disk Management tools, Preventing disk-integrity
problems, Understanding storage spaces, Verifying support for
offloaded transfers, Storage Management Essentials, Creating and publishing
shared folders, Creating shared folders in Server Manager,
Managing access
permissions, Specifying files and folders to audit
- adding servers for management, Getting to know Server Manager
- creating alias for, Using Windows PowerShell
- creating server groups, Adding servers for management
- creating shared folders, Creating and publishing shared folders,
Creating shared
folders in Server Manager
- described, Managing Windows Server 2012 R2, Working with Server
- displaying at logon, Understanding the registry structure
- file and folder ownership, Managing access permissions
- getting information on user and remote user sessions, Getting network usage
- installing components, Installing components with Server
- installing tools, Using graphical administrative tools,
MMC window and
- managing extensible components, Using roles, role services, and
- permissions, Working with the administration tools
- postinstallation tasks, Continue past lockups and freezes
- PowerShell and, Removing server roles and features
- Properties dialog box, Working with Server Manager
- remote management, Creating server groups, Using the Disk Management
- resolving resource conflicts, Resolving resource conflicts
- reviewing tracked events, Accessing the event logs and viewing
- running Check Disk interactively, Preventing disk-integrity problems
- saving console tools to, Saving the console tool
- starting console tools, MMC window and startup
- storage management, Storage-management features and tools,
Booting from SANs
and using SANs with clusters, Understanding storage spaces, Storage Management
- viewing and configuring auditing, Specifying files and folders to audit
- working with available storage, Verifying support for offloaded
- Server Message Block (SMB), Assessing systems, Essential storage technologies,
role services, Storage-management role services,
Booting from SANs
and using SANs with clusters, Working with SMB 3.0, Working with SMB 3.0, Using and finding shares,
Using and finding
shares, Navigating SMB versions, Creating shared folders in
Server Manager, Creating shared folders in Server Manager,
Understanding Work
Folders and sync shares, Creating sync shares and enabling SMB
- branch caching and, Storage-management role services
- checking for, Working with SMB 3.0
- current versions, Navigating SMB versions
- described, Booting from SANs and using SANs with
clusters, Using
and finding shares
- disabling, Working with SMB 3.0
- file sharing and, Assessing systems, Storage-management role services
- folder shares, Using and finding shares, Creating shared folders in
Server Manager, Creating shared folders in Server
- NAS and, Essential storage technologies
- sync shares, Understanding Work Folders and sync
shares, Creating
sync shares and enabling SMB access
- Server Operators group, Hiding and controlling share access
- Server performance object, Using Performance Monitor
- server roles, Final considerations for planning and
deployment, Planning for server usage, Designing the Active
Directory namespace, Designing the Active Directory namespace,
Identifying the
domain and forest functional level, Understanding installation options,
Using graphical
administrative tools, Configuring roles, role services, and
features, Using
roles, role services, and features, Using roles, role services, and features,
components with Server Manager, Managing server roles and features,
Adding server roles
and features, Installing components at the prompt,
Going to the prompt
for Server Management, Going to the prompt for Server Management,
component names, Installing components at the prompt,
Understanding the
event logs
- adding, Managing
server roles and features
- defining for Active Directory, Identifying the domain and forest functional
- described, Configuring roles, role services, and
- designing Active Directory namespaces, Planning for server usage
- identifying domain and forest functional levels, Designing the Active
Directory namespace
- installing, Installing components at the prompt
- list of component names, Going to the prompt for Server
- list of primary, Using roles, role services, and
- making supplemental components available, Using roles, role services, and
- managing, Going
to the prompt for Server Management
- managing domain trusts, Designing the Active Directory
- planning for server usage, Final considerations for planning and
- removing, Adding
server roles and features
- removing binary source files, Using graphical administrative tools
- tracking installed, Understanding component names
- troubleshooting installation, Understanding installation options
- uninstalling, Installing components at the prompt
- viewing configured roles and role services, Installing components with
Server Manager
- viewing events related to, Understanding the event logs
- Server With A GUI installation (Full Server installation),
installation options, Performing a clean installation, Postinstallation tasks,
tasks, Creating
server groups
- choosing, Performing a clean installation
- converting to Minimal Server installation, Postinstallation tasks
- described, Understanding installation options
- remote management and, Creating server groups
- reverting to, Postinstallation tasks
- Server Work Queues performance object, Using Performance Monitor
- Server-GUI-Mgmt-Infra feature, Postinstallation tasks
- Server-GUI-Shell feature, Postinstallation tasks
- servers and server groups., Planning for deploying highly available
servers, Getting
to know Server Manager, Adding servers for management, Adding servers for
management, Adding servers for management, Creating server groups,
components with Server Manager, Removing server roles and features,
Understanding the
event logs, Tracking per-process network utilization,
Using Performance
Monitor, Working
with SMB 3.0
- (see also specific types of servers)
- adding servers for management, Getting to know Server Manager
- creating server groups, Adding servers for management, Installing components with
Server Manager
- deploying highly available servers, Planning for deploying highly available
- enabling remote management, Creating server groups
- importing list of servers, Adding servers for management
- installing and configuring file services, Working with SMB 3.0
- managing server binaries, Removing server roles and features
- monitoring performance, Using Performance Monitor
- tracking overall reliability, Tracking per-process network
- viewing events related to, Understanding the event logs
- Services administration tool, Using graphical administrative tools,
MMC tool
- Services dialog box, Step 2: Adding snap-ins to the
- Services for Network File System, Using graphical administrative tools,
MMC tool
availability, Using roles, role services, and
- services., Assessing systems, Assessing systems, Planning for server
usage, Planning
for server usage, Tuning processor scheduling, Monitoring and
troubleshooting processes, Monitoring and troubleshooting processes,
Understanding the
event logs, Storage-management features and tools
- (see also role services)
- background, Tuning processor scheduling
- event logs, Understanding the event logs
- identifying, Assessing systems
- location, Planning for server usage
- monitoring, Monitoring and troubleshooting
- name resolution, Planning for server usage
- print, Assessing
- troubleshooting, Monitoring and troubleshooting
- Set command, Accessing a command prompt during
- Set Value permission, Applying permissions to registry keys
- Set- cmdlets, Using Windows PowerShell
- Set-Itemproperty cmdlet, Verifying support for offloaded
- Set-Location cmdlet, Working with the registry from the command
- Set-MPIOSetting cmdlet, Configuring multipath I/O
- Set-SmbServerConfiguration cmdlet, Working with SMB 3.0
- Set-SmbShare cmdlet, Working with SMB 3.0
- Set-SyncServerSetting cmdlet, Understanding Work Folders and sync
- Set-VmNetworkAdapter cmdlet, Resolving network bottlenecks
- Setlocal command, Accessing a command prompt during
- Settings charm, Hardware and firmware power states,
Working with the
administration tools, Tracking per-process resource usage
- Setup Information file, Working with device drivers
- Setup log, Understanding the event logs
- Setup.exe program, Getting a quick start, Networking components,
Performing a clean
installation, Creating, deleting, and extending disk
partitions during installation, Setup refuses to install or start,
Setup reports
insufficient system resources, Introducing the registry, Software installation
- debug mode, Creating, deleting, and extending disk
partitions during installation
- described, Getting a quick start
- for clean installations, Networking components
- for upgrade installations, Performing a clean installation
- insufficient system resources, Setup reports insufficient system
- media errors, Setup refuses to install or start
- registry settings, Introducing the registry
- software installation, Software installation essentials
- Sfc command, Accessing a command prompt during
- shaded permissions, Permission inheritance for files and
- shadow copies, Using internal and external storage
- Shadow Copy Client, Storage-management features and tools
- Shadow Copy feature, NTFS structure
- Share And Storage Management, Using graphical administrative tools
- share permissions, File-sharing essentials, Creating shares by using File
Explorer, Creating shares by using Computer
Management, Creating shared folders in Server Manager,
Creating shared
folders in Server Manager, Managing share permissions, Understanding share
permissions, Understanding share permissions, Configuring share
permissions, Configuring share permissions, Configuring share
permissions, File security, access controls, and
- configuring, Creating shares by using File Explorer,
Creating shared
folders in Server Manager, Configuring share permissions
- customizing, Creating shares by using Computer
- default access, Creating shared folders in Server
- denying, Understanding share permissions
- described, File-sharing essentials, Managing share
- FAT file system, File security, access controls, and
- granting, Configuring share permissions
- overriding inherited, Configuring share permissions
- security considerations, Understanding share permissions
- Shared Folders tool, Computer Management system tools
- shared keys (WOW64), Registry root keys
- shell commands, Getting started with taskpads, Creating menu command
- Shift command, Accessing a command prompt during
- Show Contents dialog box, Restricting device installation by using Group
- Shrink dialog box, Shrinking partitions
- shrinking partitions, Shrinking partitions
- SIDs (security identifiers), Defining Active Directory server roles,
- SIM (System Image Manager), Getting a quick start
- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Server, Using roles, role services,
and features, Understanding Work Folders and sync
shares, Managing
file screening and storage reporting
- Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Services, Using roles, role services,
and features
- Simple TCP/IP Services, Using roles, role services, and
- simple volumes, LDM Metadata and LDM Data partitions,
Recovering a failed
simple, spanned, or striped disk, Creating storage spaces
- Single Instance Storage (SIS), Interoperability with data
- single-level cells (SLCs), Choosing internal devices, Tuning virtual memory,
Understanding the
disk and file-system structure
- SIS (Single Instance Storage), Interoperability with data
- SISAdmin.exe tool, Interoperability with data
- sites (network), Evaluating the network infrastructure,
Defining Active
Directory server roles
- SkyDrive (Windows Live), Setting up and managing BitLocker Drive
- SLAT (second-level address translation), Understanding Hyper-V
- SLCs (single-level cells), Choosing internal devices, Tuning virtual memory,
Understanding the
disk and file-system structure
- Sleep mode, Hardware and firmware power states,
Diagnosing hardware
and firmware startup problems
- sleep power transition, Diagnosing hardware and firmware startup
- sleep state, Diagnosing hardware and firmware startup
- sleeping state, Diagnosing hardware and firmware startup
- Small Computer System Interface (SCSI), Choosing internal devices, Using internal and external
storage devices, Using the Disk Management tools
- Smart Card Certificate Only mode, BitLocker modes
- smart cards, BitLocker modes, BitLocker modes, Provisioning BitLocker prior to
deployment, Deploying BitLocker Drive Encryption,
Deploying BitLocker
Drive Encryption, Enabling BitLocker on fixed data drives,
Enabling BitLocker
on removable data drives, Enabling BitLocker on operating-system
volumes, Enabling BitLocker on operating-system
volumes, Managing and troubleshooting BitLocker,
Managing and
troubleshooting BitLocker, Managing and troubleshooting
- adding, Managing
and troubleshooting BitLocker
- BitLocker modes, BitLocker modes, BitLocker modes
- changing, Managing and troubleshooting
- Group Policy, Deploying BitLocker Drive Encryption
- removing, Managing and troubleshooting
- setting up, Enabling BitLocker on fixed data drives,
Enabling BitLocker
on removable data drives, Enabling BitLocker on operating-system
- using, Provisioning BitLocker prior to
deployment, Deploying BitLocker Drive Encryption,
Enabling BitLocker
on operating-system volumes
- SMB (Server Message Block), Assessing systems, Essential storage technologies,
role services, Storage-management role services,
Booting from SANs
and using SANs with clusters, Working with SMB 3.0, Working with SMB 3.0, Using and finding shares,
Using and finding
shares, Navigating SMB versions, Creating shared folders in
Server Manager, Creating shared folders in Server Manager,
Deploying sync
shares through Group Policy, Creating sync shares and enabling SMB
- branch caching and, Storage-management role services
- checking for, Working with SMB 3.0
- current versions, Navigating SMB versions
- described, Booting from SANs and using SANs with
clusters, Using
and finding shares
- disabling, Working with SMB 3.0
- file sharing and, Assessing systems, Storage-management role services
- folder shares, Using and finding shares, Creating shared folders in
Server Manager, Creating shared folders in Server
- NAS and, Essential storage technologies
- sync shares, Deploying sync shares through Group
Policy, Creating
sync shares and enabling SMB access
- SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support, Using roles, role services, and
- SMB Bandwidth Limit, Using roles, role services, and
- SMB Direct feature, Booting from SANs and using SANs with
clusters, Working with SMB 3.0
- SMB encryption feature, Booting from SANs and using SANs with
- SMB Multichannel feature, Working with SMB 3.0
- SMB scale-out feature, Working with SMB 3.0
- SMB signing feature, Working with SMB 3.0
- SMB Transport Failover feature, Working with SMB 3.0
- SmbShare module (PowerShell), Storage-management features and tools
- SMI-S (Storage Management Initiative) standard, Storage-management features
and tools, Understanding storage spaces
- SMP (Storage Management Provider), Understanding storage spaces
- SMP (symmetric multiprocessing), Tuning virtual memory
- SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) Server, Using roles, role services,
and features, Understanding Work Folders and sync
shares, Managing
file screening and storage reporting
- snap-ins (MMC)., Windows Server 2012 R2 MMC administration,
MMC modes,
MMC window and
startup, MMC and
remote computers, Step 1: Creating the console, Step 1: Creating the
- (see also specific snap-ins)
- adding to consoles, Step 1: Creating the console
- described, Windows Server 2012 R2 MMC
- MMC window, MMC
window and startup
- prohibiting, MMC
- remote computers, MMC and remote computers
- snapshots, Using
internal and external storage devices, Adding and removing multipath hardware
- SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) Services, Using roles, role services,
and features
- soft off state, Diagnosing hardware and firmware startup
- soft page faults, Resolving memory bottlenecks
- software applications, Assessing systems, Identify security requirements,
Planning for
availability, scalability, and manageability, Planning for software
needs, Planning
for software needs, Introducing the registry, HKLM\HARDWARE, Using the Microsoft Fix It
Utility, Using
the Microsoft Fix It Utility, Software and User Account Control
administration, Software installation essentials,
installation essentials, Configuring UAC and Admin Approval Mode,
Configuring UAC and
Admin Approval Mode, Application access tokens, Application access
tokens, Configuring run levels, Tuning processor
scheduling, Getting processor and memory usage for
troubleshooting, Understanding the event logs, Automated disk
- applying updates regularly, Identify security requirements, Software installation
essentials, Automated disk maintenance
- assessing software licenses, Assessing systems
- cluster aware, Planning for software needs
- event logs, Understanding the event logs
- getting information on running applications, Getting processor and memory
usage for troubleshooting
- installing, Software and User Account Control
- maintaining integrity, Configuring UAC and Admin Approval
- noncompliant applications, Software installation essentials,
Configuring UAC and
Admin Approval Mode, Application access tokens
- planning for needs, Planning for availability, scalability, and
- process scheduling, Tuning processor scheduling
- Properties dialog box, Configuring run levels
- registry settings, Introducing the registry, HKLM\HARDWARE
- removing damaged or partial settings for, Using the Microsoft Fix It
- removing registry settings for failed installations, Using the Microsoft Fix It
- standardizing components supported, Planning for software needs
- virtualization and, Application access tokens
- software-based RAID, Planning partitions
- solid-state drives (SSDs), Choosing internal devices, Tuning virtual memory,
Understanding the
disk and file-system structure, Storage Management Essentials
- spanned volumes, Working with basic and dynamic disks,
partitions, LDM
Metadata and LDM Data partitions, Recovering a failed simple, spanned, or
striped disk
- sparse files, Sparse files, How quota management works
- SPC-3 standard, Configuring the File And Storage Services
role, Adding and
removing multipath hardware devices
- special identities, Accessing the event logs and viewing
- special permissions, Basic permissions
- special shares, Hiding and controlling share access
- Specify Work Folders Settings dialog box, Deploying sync shares through Group
- SPI (Parallel SCSI), Choosing internal devices
- spindles, Meeting performance, capacity, and
availability requirements
- Spooler service, Controlling remote registry access
- SQL file extension, Monitoring performance from the command
- SQL Server, Using Windows Update, Creating shared folders in Server
- SRK (Storage Root Key), Working with trusted platforms
- SSDs (solid-state drives), Choosing internal devices, Tuning virtual memory,
Understanding the
disk and file-system structure, Storage Management Essentials
- SSL (Secure Socket Layer), Deploying sync shares through Group
- standard file sharing, File-sharing essentials
- standard format hard drives, Choosing internal devices, Adding new disks
- standard user tokens, Introducing the registry
- standard volumes, Creating a virtual disk in a storage
- standardizing, Changing the administrative approach,
Planning for
software needs, Planning for software needs
- hardware platforms, Planning for software needs
- network environment, Changing the administrative approach
- software applications, Planning for software needs
- Standards-Based Storage Management feature, Storage-management features
and tools
- standby adapters, Resolving network bottlenecks
- standby state, Hardware and firmware power states
- Start command, Accessing a command prompt during
- Start-Service cmdlet, Monitoring and troubleshooting
- Start-Transaction cmdlet, Introducing the registry
- startup, Diagnosing hardware and firmware startup
problems, Diagnosing hardware and firmware startup
problems, Managing startup and boot configuration,
MMC window and
startup, Deploying BitLocker Drive Encryption
- diagnosing problems, Diagnosing hardware and firmware startup
- managing, Managing startup and boot
- MMC, MMC window
and startup
- resolving problems, Diagnosing hardware and firmware startup
- unlocking computers with TPM, Deploying BitLocker Drive Encryption
- Startup And Recovery dialog box, Managing startup and boot
- startup data collectors, Creating and managing data collector
- startup event traces, Creating and managing data collector
- Startup Key Only mode, BitLocker modes
- startup keys, BitLocker modes, BitLocker modes, Preparing BitLocker for startup
authentication and secure boot, Deploying BitLocker Drive Encryption,
Configuring and
enabling BitLocker Drive Encryption, Enabling BitLocker on operating-system
- BitLocker modes and, BitLocker modes, BitLocker modes
- described, Enabling BitLocker on operating-system
- FIPS compliance and, Deploying BitLocker Drive Encryption
- Network Unlock feature, Preparing BitLocker for startup authentication
and secure boot
- recovery passwords and, Configuring and enabling BitLocker Drive
- startup modes, Managing startup and boot
- static IP addressing, Naming computers
- stop errors, Setup reports insufficient system
- Stop-Process cmdlet, Monitoring and troubleshooting
- Stop-Service cmdlet, Monitoring and troubleshooting
- Stop-Transaction cmdlet, Introducing the registry
- Storage Management APIs, Utilities to know, Storage-management features and
tools, Booting
from SANs and using SANs with clusters, Understanding storage spaces
- Storage Management Initiative (SMI-S) standard, Storage-management features
and tools, Understanding storage spaces
- Storage Management Provider (SMP), Understanding storage spaces
- storage management., Planning partitions, Forcing disk-partition removal during
installation, Essential storage technologies, Essential storage
technologies, Using internal and external storage
devices, Storage-management features and tools,
role services, Storage-management role services,
role services, Booting from SANs and using SANs with
clusters, Configuring the File And Storage Services
role, Configuring disks and storage, Using the Disk Management
tools, Understanding legacy and protective MBRs,
Maintaining and
optimizing storage, Automated disk maintenance, Repairing volumes and marking
bad sectors by using ChkDsk, Configuring data deduplication
- (see also Storage Spaces)
- automated disk maintenance, Automated disk maintenance
- automated disk optimization, Repairing volumes and marking bad sectors by
using ChkDsk
- booting from SANs, Storage-management role services
- configuring disk storage, Configuring disks and storage
- data deduplication, Storage-management role services,
Configuring data
- features and tools, Using internal and external storage
- installing and configuring file services, Configuring the File And Storage Services
- internal and external storage devices, Essential storage technologies
- loading mass storage drivers during installation, Forcing disk-partition
removal during installation
- NTFS disk quotas, Maintaining and optimizing storage
- physical disks, Understanding legacy and protective
- RAID options, Planning partitions
- role services, Storage-management features and tools
- SANs with clusters, Storage-management role services
- SMB 3.0, Booting
from SANs and using SANs with clusters
- transitional technologies, Essential storage technologies
- Storage module (PowerShell), Storage-management features and tools
- storage pools, Managing storage spaces, Storage Management
Essentials, Storage Management Essentials, Storage Management
Essentials, Creating storage pools and allocating
space, Creating
storage pools and allocating space, Creating storage spaces, Diagnosing and resolving
problems with storage spaces
- creating, Creating storage pools and allocating
- creating virtual disks in, Creating storage spaces
- described, Managing storage spaces
- Properties dialog box, Storage Management Essentials, Diagnosing and resolving
problems with storage spaces
- rebuilding storage spaces from, Storage Management Essentials
- viewing, Storage
Management Essentials, Creating storage pools and allocating
- storage providers, Storage-management features and tools
- Storage Reports Task Properties dialog box, Defining file-screening
- storage reports., Managing file screening and storage
reporting, Understanding file screening and storage
reporting, Understanding file screening and storage
reporting, Understanding file screening and storage
reporting, Configuring notification limits, Configuring notification
limits, Configuring notification limits, Configuring report
locations, Defining file-screening exceptions,
Scheduling and
generating storage reports
- (see also file screening)
- configuring locations, Configuring notification limits
- configuring parameters, Configuring notification limits
- described, Managing file screening and storage
- generating, Scheduling and generating storage
- managing, Understanding file screening and storage
- reviewing, Configuring notification limits
- scheduling, Defining file-screening exceptions
- standard reports, Understanding file screening and storage
- troubleshooting report generation, Configuring report locations
- Storage Root Key (SRK), Working with trusted platforms
- Storage Services role service, Understanding storage spaces, Understanding central access
- Storage Spaces, Planning partitions, Utilities to know, Computer Management system
tools, Using
roles, role services, and features, Meeting performance, capacity, and
availability requirements, Using the Disk Management tools, ReFS features, ReFS advantages,
Managing storage
spaces, Managing
storage spaces, Understanding storage spaces, Verifying support for
offloaded transfers, Creating storage pools and allocating
space, Creating
storage spaces, Creating a standard volume, Configuring data
- available storage, Verifying support for offloaded
- command-line utilities and, Utilities to know
- creating storage spaces, Creating storage pools and allocating
- creating virtual disks in, Creating storage spaces
- data deduplication, Configuring data deduplication
- defined, Managing storage spaces
- described, Planning partitions, Using roles, role services, and
features, Managing storage spaces
- Disk Management snap-in and, Using the Disk Management tools
- offloaded transfers, Understanding storage spaces
- RAID and, Computer Management system tools,
Meeting performance,
capacity, and availability requirements
- ReFS and, ReFS
features, ReFS
- troubleshooting problems, Creating a standard volume
- storage-area network (SAN), Essential storage technologies, Using internal and external
storage devices, Storage-management role services,
role services, Booting from SANs and using SANs with
clusters, Configuring the File And Storage Services
- booting from, Storage-management role services
- Device Specific Module, Configuring the File And Storage Services
- features and tools, Using internal and external storage
- internal and external storage devices, Essential storage technologies
- troubleshooting, Booting from SANs and using SANs with
- with clusters, Storage-management role services
- stored credentials, Installing components at the prompt
- striped volumes, Working with basic and dynamic disks,
LDM Metadata and LDM
Data partitions, Configuring RAID 0: Striping
- Subject Alternative Name (SAN), Deploying sync shares through Group
- subkeys (registry), Understanding the registry structure,
HKLM\BCD00000000, Modifying values, Controlling remote registry
- subscriptions collecting forwarded events, Using subscriptions and forwarded
- Subst command, Accessing a command prompt during
- subtrees (registry), Understanding the registry structure,
Where registry data
comes from
- summary graph (Task Manager Performance tab), Getting processor and memory
usage for troubleshooting
- summary statistics (Task Manager Performance tab), Getting processor and memory
usage for troubleshooting
- summary view (Task Manager Performance tab), Getting processor and memory
usage for troubleshooting
- suspend mode, Diagnosing hardware and firmware startup
- Suspend-Service cmdlet, Monitoring and troubleshooting
- symmetric multiprocessing (SMP), Tuning virtual memory
- sync shares, Configuring share permissions, Deploying sync shares through
Group Policy, Creating sync shares and enabling SMB
- creating, Creating sync shares and enabling SMB
- deploying through Group Policy, Deploying sync shares through Group
- described, Configuring share permissions
- synchronization, time, Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012
- system access control lists (SACLs), Enabling advanced auditing
- System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), Assessing systems,
Managing and
troubleshooting BitLocker
- System Center Operations Manager, Auditing file and folder access, Extending access policies to
- System Configuration utility (Msconfig.exe), Managing startup and recovery
options, Managing System Boot Configuration,
Managing System Boot
Configuration, Managing System Boot Configuration,
Managing System Boot
Configuration, Managing System Boot Configuration,
Using graphical
administrative tools
- Boot tab, Managing System Boot Configuration
- described, Managing startup and recovery options,
Using graphical
administrative tools
- General tab, Managing System Boot Configuration
- Services tab, Managing System Boot Configuration
- Startup tab, Managing System Boot Configuration
- troubleshooting, Managing System Boot Configuration
- System Diagnostics template (Performance Monitor), Creating and managing data
collector sets
- System Image Manager (SIM), Getting a quick start
- System Information tool, Using graphical administrative tools,
Resolving resource
- System log, Understanding the event logs, Booting from SANs and using
SANs with clusters
- system partitions/volumes, Installing Windows Server 2012 R2,
partitions, Working with basic and dynamic disks,
Converting FAT or
FAT32 to NTFS, Formatting a partition, logical drive, or
volume, Adding a
mirror to an existing volume, Deploying BitLocker Drive Encryption,
Enabling BitLocker
on removable data drives, NTFS compression, Preventing fragmentation of
- changing drive letter of, Formatting a partition, logical drive, or
- compressing, NTFS compression
- Convert command and, Converting FAT or FAT32 to NTFS
- defragmenting, Preventing fragmentation of disks
- described, Installing Windows Server 2012 R2,
Working with basic
and dynamic disks
- enabling BitLocker on, Deploying BitLocker Drive Encryption,
Enabling BitLocker
on removable data drives
- mirroring, Adding a mirror to an existing volume
- RAID technology and, Planning partitions
- System performance object, Using Performance Monitor
- System Performance template (Performance Monitor), Creating and managing data
collector sets
- system processor cache, Continue past lockups and freezes
- System Properties dialog box, Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2,
Managing startup and
boot configuration, Changing Data Execution Prevention and
physical address extension options, Getting to know Server Manager, Getting to know Server
Manager, Understanding device installation,
monitoring and tuning, Tuning processor scheduling, Other important tuning,
memory, and data considerations, Getting information on user and remote user
- Advanced tab, Managing startup and boot configuration,
Changing Data
Execution Prevention and physical address extension options,
Tuning processor
scheduling, Other important tuning, memory, and data
- Computer Name tab, Getting to know Server Manager
- Hardware tab, Understanding device installation
- Remote tab, Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2,
Getting to know
Server Manager, Getting information on user and remote user
- Visual Effects tab, Performance monitoring and tuning
- System Resource Manager, Diagnosing hardware and firmware startup
problems, Using
graphical administrative tools
- System special identity, Accessing the event logs and viewing
- system state backups, Backing up and restoring the registry
- SystemDrive environment variable, Types of registry data available
- System\Processor Queue Length counter, Resolving memory bottlenecks
- SYSVOL directory, Storage-management role services
- SYSVOL share, ADMIN$