- William R Stanek
- Windows Server® 2012 R2 Inside Out: Configuration, Storage, & Essentials
- ixF.html
- Failover Cluster Manager, Using graphical administrative tools,
MMC tool
- Failover Clustering feature, Using roles, role services, and
- failover clusters, Storage Management Essentials, Interoperability with data
- FAT file system, Performing a clean installation, Understanding legacy and
protective MBRs, Converting FAT or FAT32 to NTFS, Converting FAT or FAT32 to
NTFS, Creating
partitions and simple volumes, Creating partitions and simple volumes,
partitions, Managing GPT disk partitions on basic
disks, BitLocker
modes, Enabling
BitLocker on fixed data drives, Enabling BitLocker on fixed data drives,
Understanding the
disk and file-system structure, Understanding the disk and file-system
structure, Using
FAT, File
allocation table structure, FAT features, Data streams, ReFS integrity streams, data scrubbing, and
salvage, Preventing disk-integrity problems,
Running Check Disk
interactively, Analyzing FAT volumes by using ChkDsk,
fragmentation of disks, Preventing fragmentation of disks,
essentials, File
security, access controls, and auditing
- BitLocker Driver Encryption and, BitLocker modes
- boot partitions, Creating partitions and simple
- Check Disk tool, Preventing disk-integrity problems,
Running Check Disk
- Chkdsk command, Analyzing FAT volumes by using ChkDsk
- compression and, ReFS integrity streams, data scrubbing, and
- converting to NTFS, Performing a clean installation, Converting FAT or FAT32 to
NTFS, Creating
partitions and simple volumes
- data streams and, Data streams
- default cluster sizes, Understanding the disk and file-system
- enabling BitLocker, Enabling BitLocker on fixed data drives,
Enabling BitLocker
on fixed data drives
- ESP partitions, Managing GPT disk partitions on basic
- extending volumes, Extending partitions
- features, File
allocation table structure
- fixed sector size, Understanding the disk and file-system
- formatting MBR and GPT partitions, Understanding legacy and protective
- formatting removable disks, Converting FAT or FAT32 to NTFS
- Optimize Drives utility, Preventing fragmentation of disks,
fragmentation of disks
- share permissions, File security, access controls, and
- standard file sharing, File-sharing essentials
- structural overview, Using FAT
- volume size and, FAT features
- FAT12 file system, Understanding the disk and file-system
structure, FAT
- FAT16 file system., File security, access controls, and
auditing (see FAT file system)
- FAT32 file system, Performing a clean installation, Understanding legacy and
protective MBRs, Converting FAT or FAT32 to NTFS, Converting FAT or FAT32 to
NTFS, Creating
partitions and simple volumes, Creating partitions and simple volumes,
partitions, Enabling BitLocker on fixed data drives,
Enabling BitLocker
on fixed data drives, Understanding the disk and file-system
structure, FAT
features, FAT
features, ReFS
integrity streams, data scrubbing, and salvage, Preventing disk-integrity
problems, Running Check Disk interactively,
fragmentation of disks, Preventing fragmentation of disks,
- boot partitions, Creating partitions and simple
- Check Disk tool, Preventing disk-integrity problems,
Running Check Disk
- compression and, ReFS integrity streams, data scrubbing, and
- converting to NTFS, Performing a clean installation, Converting FAT or FAT32 to
NTFS, Creating
partitions and simple volumes
- default cluster sizes, Understanding the disk and file-system
- described, FAT
- enabling BitLocker, Enabling BitLocker on fixed data drives,
Enabling BitLocker
on fixed data drives
- extending volumes, Extending partitions
- feature comparisons, FAT features
- formatting MBR and GPT partitions, Understanding legacy and protective
- formatting removable disks, Converting FAT or FAT32 to NTFS
- Optimize Drives utility, Preventing fragmentation of disks,
fragmentation of disks
- standard file sharing, File-sharing essentials
- FAT64 file system., Converting FAT or FAT32 to NTFS (see exFAT
file system)
- fault tolerance, Planning for hardware needs, Configuring multipath
I/O, Managing
and maintaining MPIO, Configuring RAID 5: Disk striping with
- Fax Server role, Using roles, role services, and
- Fax Service Manager, Using graphical administrative tools,
MMC tool
- FAX$ share, ADMIN$
- FC command, Accessing a command prompt during
- FC-AL (Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop), Using internal and external storage
devices, Booting
from SANs and using SANs with clusters
- FC-PTP (Fibre Channel Point-To-Point), Using internal and external storage
- FC-SW (Fibre Channel Switched Fabric), Using internal and external storage
- FCIP (Fibre Channel over IP), Using internal and external storage
- FCoE (Fibre Channel over Ethernet), Using internal and external storage
devices, Storage-management features and tools,
storage spaces
- FCP (Fibre Channel Protocol), Using internal and external storage
devices, Understanding storage spaces, Storage Management
- features., Using
graphical administrative tools, Configuring roles, role services, and
features, Using
roles, role services, and features, Managing server roles and features,
Adding server roles
and features, Going to the prompt for Server Management,
component names, Understanding component names, Tracking installed roles,
role services, and features, Installing components at the prompt,
Essential storage
technologies, Using internal and external storage
devices, Configuring the File And Storage Services
role, FAT
features, NTFS
- (see also specific features)
- adding, Managing
server roles and features
- adding to file servers, Configuring the File And Storage Services
- checking for volumes, FAT features
- deprecated, Essential storage technologies
- described, Configuring roles, role services, and
- installing, Tracking installed roles, role services, and
- list of component names, Understanding component names
- list of primary, Using roles, role services, and
- managing, Going
to the prompt for Server Management
- removing, Adding
server roles and features
- removing binary source files, Using graphical administrative tools
- storage management, Using internal and external storage
- tracking installed, Understanding component names
- uninstalling, Installing components at the prompt
- Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS), Deploying BitLocker Drive
- Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL), Using internal and external storage
devices, Booting
from SANs and using SANs with clusters
- Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE), Using internal and external storage
devices, Storage-management features and tools,
storage spaces
- Fibre Channel over IP (FCIP), Using internal and external storage
- Fibre Channel Point-To-Point (FC-PTP), Using internal and external storage
- Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP), Using internal and external storage
devices, Storage-management features and tools,
storage spaces, Storage Management Essentials
- Fibre Channel Switched Fabric (FC-SW), Using internal and external storage
- file and folder management., Assessing systems, Assessing systems, Computer Management system
tools, Understanding the registry structure,
HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Modifying the registry of a remote
machine, Loading
and unloading hive files, Storage-management role services,
role services, Working with SMB 3.0, Working with removable disks,
Working with
removable disks, Working with removable disks, Creating partitions and
simple volumes, Formatting a partition, logical drive, or
volume, NTFS
structure, Advanced NTFS features, Hard links, Hard links, Change journals,
identifiers, Sparse files, ReFS integrity streams, data scrubbing, and
salvage, NTFS
compression, How
quota management works, How quota management works, How quota management
works, Managing
file sharing, Hiding and controlling share access,
Accessing shares for
administration, Creating and publishing shared folders,
Creating shared
folders in Server Manager, Managing share permissions, Configuring share
permissions, Configuring share permissions, Deploying sync shares through
Group Policy, File security, access controls, and
auditing, Managing access permissions, Permission inheritance for
files and folders, Permission inheritance for files and
folders, Configuring access permissions, Managing file shares after
configuration, Defining central access policies,
Specifying files and
folders to audit, Understanding file screening and storage
reporting, Configuring file-screen auditing
- (see also specific file systems)
- access-based enumeration, Hiding and controlling share access,
Creating shared
folders in Server Manager
- auditing access, Defining central access policies
- basic attributes, File security, access controls, and
- classification rules, Configuring file-screen auditing
- compression, Creating partitions and simple volumes,
Formatting a
partition, logical drive, or volume, ReFS integrity streams, data scrubbing, and
salvage, How
quota management works
- data streams, Hard links
- defining file-screening policies, Storage-management role services
- file shares, Assessing systems, Storage-management role services,
Working with
removable disks, Managing file sharing, Configuring share
permissions, Managing file shares after
- hard links, Advanced NTFS features
- hive files, Understanding the registry structure,
HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Modifying the registry of a remote
machine, Loading
and unloading hive files
- identifying file storage, Assessing systems
- installing and configuring file services, Working with SMB 3.0
- master file table, NTFS structure
- object identifiers, Change journals
- ownership considerations, How quota management works, Managing access
- permission inheritance, Permission inheritance for files and
- Properties dialog box, Hard links, NTFS compression, Creating and publishing shared
folders, Deploying sync shares through Group
Policy, Permission inheritance for files and
folders, Configuring access permissions
- removable disks, Working with removable disks
- reparse points, Object identifiers
- share permissions, Managing share permissions
- shared folders, Computer Management system tools,
Working with
removable disks, Accessing shares for administration
- sparse files, Sparse files, How quota management works
- standard storage reports, Understanding file screening and storage
- synced sharing, Configuring share permissions
- File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks, Protocols
- File And Storage Services role, Planning for server usage, Enabling remote
management, Using roles, role services, and features,
features and tools, Booting from SANs and using SANs with
clusters, Working with SMB 3.0, Understanding storage spaces,
Verifying support
for offloaded transfers, Storage Management Essentials, Understanding central access
policies, Understanding central access policies
- described, Planning for server usage, Using roles, role services,
and features, Storage-management features and tools
- dynamic controls, Understanding central access policies
- enabling dynamic controls, Understanding central access policies
- installing and configuring file services, Working with SMB 3.0
- managing SANs, Booting from SANs and using SANs with
- remote management and, Enabling remote management
- storage pools, Storage Management Essentials
- Storage Services role service, Understanding storage spaces
- working with available storage, Verifying support for offloaded
- File Explorer, MMC window and startup, Software installation
essentials, NTFS
compression, Understanding how offloaded transfers
work, Using and
finding shares, Accessing shares for administration,
Managing access
permissions, Managing access permissions, Specifying files and folders
to audit
- compressing or expanding system files, NTFS compression
- creating shared folders, Using and finding shares, Accessing shares for
- examining attributes, Managing access permissions
- file and folder ownership, Managing access permissions
- offloaded transfers, Understanding how offloaded transfers
- software installation, Software installation essentials
- starting console tools, MMC window and startup
- viewing and configuring auditing, Specifying files and folders to audit
- File Replication Service log, Understanding the event logs
- File Screen Auditing report, Understanding file screening and storage
- file screening., Storage-management role services,
Managing file
screening and storage reporting, Managing file screening and storage
reporting, Understanding file screening and storage
reporting, Understanding file screening and storage
reporting, Managing file screening and storage
reporting, Configuring report locations, Configuring file-screen
auditing, Configuring classification, Managing the file groups to
which screens are applied, Managing the file groups to which screens are
applied, Managing the file groups to which screens are
applied, Managing the file groups to which screens are
applied, Managing file-screen templates, Managing file-screen
templates, Managing file-screen templates
- (see also storage reports)
- configuring auditing, Configuring report locations
- configuring classification, Configuring file-screen auditing
- creating file screens, Managing file-screen templates
- defining exceptions, Managing file-screen templates
- defining policies, Storage-management role services
- described, Managing file screening and storage
- enabling access-denied assistance, Configuring classification
- file-screen groups, Understanding file screening and storage
reporting, Managing the file groups to which screens are
- file-screen templates, Managing file screening and storage
reporting, Managing the file groups to which screens are
- file-screen variables, Managing file-screen templates
- managing file groups to which screen are applied, Managing the file groups to
which screens are applied
- managing global file-resource settings, Managing file screening and storage
- Properties dialog box, Managing the file groups to which screens are
- File Server Resource Manager (FSRM)., Using graphical administrative tools,
Using roles, role
services, and features, Storage-management role services,
with data deduplication, Creating shared folders in Server Manager,
central access policies, Understanding file screening and storage
reporting, Understanding file screening and storage
reporting, Understanding file screening and storage
reporting, Understanding file screening and storage
reporting, Understanding file screening and storage
reporting, Understanding file screening and storage
reporting, Configuring classification
- (see also file screening; storage reports)
- access-denied assistance, Configuring classification
- Classification Management node, Understanding file screening and storage
- described, Using
graphical administrative tools, Storage-management role services
- disk quotas, Interoperability with data deduplication,
Creating shared
folders in Server Manager
- File and Storage Services, Using roles, role services, and features,
central access policies
- File Management Tasks node, Understanding file screening and storage
- File Screening Management node, Understanding file screening and storage
- Quota Management node, Understanding file screening and storage
- Storage Reports Management node, Understanding file screening and storage
- File Server Resource Manager Options dialog box, Managing file screening and
storage reporting, Enabling access-denied assistance
- File Server role service, Understanding central access policies
- File Server VSS Agent Service, Storage-management features and tools,
role services
- File Sharing dialog box, Creating shares by using File
- file systems., Understanding the registry structure,
Using the MBR and
GPT partition styles, Creating partitions and simple volumes,
Formatting a
partition, logical drive, or volume, File system essentials, Understanding the disk and
file-system structure, Understanding how offloaded transfers
work, Specifying
files and folders to audit, Specifying files and folders to audit
- (see also specific file systems)
- allocation unit size, Creating partitions and simple volumes,
Formatting a
partition, logical drive, or volume
- boot sector, Using the MBR and GPT partition
- filter drivers, Understanding how offloaded transfers
- formatting disks, Understanding the disk and file-system
- Properties dialog box, Specifying files and folders to audit
- registry organization, Understanding the registry structure
- structural overview, File system essentials
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Compressed (zipped) folders
- file-mapping views (virtual memory), Tuning virtual memory
- Files By File Group report, Understanding file screening and storage
- Files By Owner report, Understanding file screening and storage
- Files By Property report, Understanding file screening and storage
- FileServerResourceManager module (PowerShell), Storage-management features
and tools
- Filter Current Log dialog box, Filtering the event logs
- filtering event logs, Filtering the event logs
- Find command, Accessing a command prompt during
- Find dialog box (Event Viewer), Viewing event logs on remote systems
- Find dialog box (registry), Searching the registry
- Find Shared Folders dialog box, Using and finding shares
- Findstr command, Accessing a command prompt during
- FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards), Deploying BitLocker Drive
- fire-suppression systems, Planning for support structures and
- FireWire standard, Choosing internal devices, Choosing external
devices, Installing new devices, Working with GPT
- firmware., Postinstallation tasks (see hardware and
- Fix It Portable utility, Maintaining the registry
- fixed-disk provisioning, Storage-management role services
- flash memory, Understanding the disk and file-system
- flexible single-master operations (FSMOs) roles, Adding server roles and
- Fltmc command, Understanding how offloaded transfers
- Folder Action dialog box, Using data collector templates
- Folder Classifier classification method, Configuring file-screen auditing
- Folders By Property report, Understanding file screening and storage
- For command, Accessing a command prompt during
- foreground processes, Getting processor and memory usage for
- forest functional levels, Identifying the domain and forest functional
- forest root, Planning for server usage
- ForestDnsZones application partition, Planning for server usage
- forests, defined, Planning for server usage
- Format command, Preinstallation tasks, Accessing a command prompt
during installation, ReFS integrity streams, data scrubbing, and
- Format dialog box, Formatting a partition, logical drive, or
- forwarded events, Tracking events using Windows
- Forwarded Events log, Understanding the event logs, Using subscriptions and
forwarded events
- FQDN (fully qualified domain name), Getting to know Server Manager
- fragmentation, disk, Repairing volumes and marking bad sectors by
using ChkDsk
- FSMOs (flexible single-master operations) roles, Adding server roles and
- FSRM (File Server Resource Manager)., Using graphical administrative tools,
Using roles, role
services, and features, Storage-management role services,
with data deduplication, Creating shared folders in Server Manager,
central access policies, Understanding file screening and storage
reporting, Understanding file screening and storage
reporting, Understanding file screening and storage
reporting, Understanding file screening and storage
reporting, Understanding file screening and storage
reporting, Understanding file screening and storage
reporting, Configuring classification
- (see also file screening; storage reports)
- access-denied assistance, Configuring classification
- Classification Management node, Understanding file screening and storage
- described, Using
graphical administrative tools, Storage-management role services
- disk quotas, Interoperability with data deduplication,
Creating shared
folders in Server Manager
- File and Storage Services, Using roles, role services, and features,
central access policies
- File Management Tasks node, Understanding file screening and storage
- File Screening Management node, Understanding file screening and storage
- Quota Management node, Understanding file screening and storage
- Storage Reports Management node, Understanding file screening and storage
- Fsutil tool, Choosing internal devices, Storage-management features
and tools, Adding new disks, FAT features, NTFS structure, NTFS features, Hard links, Change journals, Object identifiers, Reparse points, Sparse files, Transactional NTFS,
Managing disk quotas
after configuration, Managing disk quotas after
- Behavior command, NTFS structure, Managing disk quotas after
- described, Storage-management features and tools
- Fsinfo command, Choosing internal devices, Adding new disks,
FAT features,
- Hardlink command, Hard links
- ObjectId command, Object identifiers
- Quota command, Managing disk quotas after
- ReparsePoint command, Reparse points
- Sparse command, Sparse files
- Transaction command, Transactional NTFS
- Usn command, Change journals
- FTP (File Transfer Protocol), Compressed (zipped) folders
- Ftp command, Accessing a command prompt during
installation, Utilities to know
- FTYPE command, Accessing a command prompt during
installation, MMC window and startup
- Full authorization level, Understanding TPM states and tools
- Full Control permission, Applying permissions to registry keys,
Creating shares by
using File Explorer, Creating shares by using Computer
Management, Understanding share permissions, Configuring share
permissions, Basic permissions, Troubleshooting permissions
- described, Applying permissions to registry keys,
Understanding share
permissions, Basic permissions
- Read/Write permission level and, Creating shares by using File
- security considerations, Creating shares by using Computer
Management, Configuring share permissions
- troubleshooting, Troubleshooting permissions
- Full Server installation (Server With a GUI installation),
installation options, Performing a clean installation, Postinstallation tasks,
tasks, Creating
server groups
- choosing, Performing a clean installation
- converting to Minimal Server installation, Postinstallation tasks
- described, Understanding installation options
- remote management and, Creating server groups
- reverting to, Postinstallation tasks
- fully qualified domain name (FQDN), Getting to know Server Manager