- William R Stanek
- Windows Server® 2012 R2 Inside Out: Configuration, Storage, & Essentials
- ixH.html
- HAL (hardware abstraction layer), Managing System Boot Configuration,
Working with device
- hard links, Advanced NTFS features
- hard page faults, Resolving memory bottlenecks
- hardware abstraction layer (HAL), Managing System Boot Configuration,
Working with device
- hardware and firmware, Assessing systems, Identify security requirements,
Identify security
requirements, Planning for software needs, Planning for software
needs, Planning
for hardware needs, Planning for support structures and
facilities, Planning for support structures and
facilities, Planning for support structures and
facilities, Planning for deploying highly available
servers, Setup
refuses to install or start, Continue past lockups and freezes,
Continue past
lockups and freezes, Boot configuration, Hardware and firmware power states,
Diagnosing hardware
and firmware startup problems, Creating server groups, Managing and troubleshooting
hardware, Managing and troubleshooting hardware,
Choosing internal
devices, Choosing external devices, Working with device
drivers, Uninstalling, reinstalling, and disabling
device drivers, Adding non–Plug and Play, older hardware,
Adding non–Plug and
Play, older hardware, Introducing the registry, Understanding the event
logs, Getting an
overview of resource utilization, Tracking per-process memory utilization,
Using Performance
Monitor, Working
with GPT disks, Managing TPM, Managing TPM, Understanding TPM states and tools,
Managing TPM owner
authorization information, BitLocker changes, Hardware-encrypted drives, Deploying BitLocker Drive
- BitLocker requirements, Deploying BitLocker Drive Encryption
- boot configuration, Boot configuration
- checking for firmware updates, Identify security requirements, Continue past lockups and
- choosing external devices, Choosing internal devices
- choosing internal devices, Managing and troubleshooting hardware
- day-to-day operations, Planning for support structures and
- deploying highly available servers, Planning for deploying highly available
- device drivers, Working with device drivers
- earthquakes protection, Planning for support structures and
- enabling and disabling, Adding non–Plug and Play, older
- event logs, Understanding the event logs
- fire-suppression systems, Planning for support structures and
- firmware as interface, Working with GPT disks
- hardware-encrypted drives, BitLocker changes
- installing devices, Choosing external devices
- inventorying, Assessing systems
- managing, Uninstalling, reinstalling, and disabling
device drivers
- monitoring performance, Using Performance Monitor
- planning for needs, Planning for software needs
- power states, Hardware and firmware power states
- registry settings, Introducing the registry
- remote management, Creating server groups
- standardizing on, Planning for software needs
- startup problems, Diagnosing hardware and firmware startup
- support structures and facilities, Planning for hardware needs
- TCG-compliant firmware, Managing TPM
- tracking resource usage, Getting an overview of resource
utilization, Tracking per-process memory
- troubleshooting firmware, Setup refuses to install or start
- troubleshooting hardware, Adding non–Plug and Play, older
- turning on TPM in firmware, Managing TPM, Understanding TPM states and tools,
Managing TPM owner
authorization information
- understanding changes, Managing and troubleshooting hardware
- updating firmware, Identify security requirements, Continue past lockups and
- verifying digital signatures, Hardware-encrypted drives
- Hardware Compatibility List (HCL), Creating, deleting, and extending disk
partitions during installation
- Hardware Events log, Understanding the event logs
- hardware ID, Configuring multipath I/O, Adding and removing multipath
hardware devices
- hardware-encrypted drives, BitLocker changes, Optimizing encryption, Optimizing
- described, BitLocker changes
- optimizing encryption, Optimizing encryption
- setting permitted encryption types, Optimizing encryption
- hashing, FIPS-compliant algorithms, Deploying BitLocker Drive Encryption
- HCL (Hardware Compatibility List), Creating, deleting, and extending disk
partitions during installation
- Health Registration Authority, MMC tool availability
- Help And Support Center, Accessing the event logs and viewing
- Help Desk Portal, Managing and troubleshooting
- help desk structure, Planning for day-to-day operations
- Hiberfil.sys file, Creating, copying, and deleting BCD
- Hibernate state, Diagnosing hardware and firmware startup
- Hidden attribute, Managing access permissions
- hidden files, Managing access permissions
- hidden shares, Navigating SMB versions, Creating shares by using
Computer Management
- HIDs (human interface devices), Installing new devices
- hierarchical allocators, ReFS structures
- high availability, Defining Active Directory server roles,
Planning for
availability, scalability, and manageability, Planning for software
needs, Planning
for day-to-day operations, Planning for deploying highly available
- defined, Defining Active Directory server
- performance monitoring and, Planning for day-to-day operations
- planning for hardware needs, Planning for software needs, Planning for deploying highly
available servers
- planning for software needs, Planning for availability, scalability, and
- high manageability, Planning for availability, scalability, and
- high scalability, Defining Active Directory server
- Histogram Bar view (Performance Monitor), Choosing views and controlling the
- hive files, Understanding the registry structure,
HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Modifying the registry of a remote
machine, Modifying the registry of a remote
machine, Loading
and unloading hive files, Loading and unloading hive files
- described, Understanding the registry structure,
- loading, Modifying the registry of a remote
machine, Loading
and unloading hive files
- unloading, Modifying the registry of a remote
machine, Loading
and unloading hive files
- HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT subtree, Understanding the registry structure,
Where registry data
comes from
- HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG subtree, 275.282, Where registry data comes from
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER subtree, Registry root keys, HKEY_USERS, Where registry data comes from
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE root key, Understanding the registry structure,
HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Where registry data comes
from, Where
registry data comes from, Searching the registry, Searching the registry,
Loading and
unloading hive files, Securing the registry, Securing the
- BCD00000000 subkey, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
- described, Understanding the registry structure
- loading and unloading hive files, Loading and unloading hive files
- SAM subkey, HKLM\HARDWARE, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Searching the registry, Securing the
- SECURITY subkey, HKLM\HARDWARE, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Searching the registry, Securing the
- SOFTWARE subkey, HKLM\HARDWARE, Where registry data comes from
- SYSTEM subkey, HKLM\SYSTEM, Where registry data comes from
- HKEY_USERS root tree, Understanding the registry structure,
Loading and
unloading hive files
- HMAC-SHA256, Working with SMB 3.0
- hosted cache mode, Storage-management role services
- Hostname command, Accessing a command prompt during
installation, Utilities to know
- hot swapping disks, Adding new disks
- hot-pluggable media, Converting FAT or FAT32 to NTFS
- HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), Storage-management role services,
Compressed (zipped)
folders, Understanding Work Folders and sync
- human interface devices (HIDs), Installing new devices
- hybrid drives, Understanding the disk and file-system
- hybrid network administration, Reviewing network administration
- Hyper-V, Getting
to know Windows Server 2012 R2, Planning for server usage, Understanding installation
options, Using
roles, role services, and features, Meeting performance, capacity, and
availability requirements, Understanding Hyper-V, Installing Hyper-V,
Creating shared
folders in Server Manager
- compatibility issues, Understanding Hyper-V
- described, Planning for server usage, Using roles, role services,
and features, Meeting performance, capacity, and
availability requirements
- installing, Installing Hyper-V
- product editions and, Getting to know Windows Server 2012
- Server Core installation and, Understanding installation options
- SMB shares, Creating shared folders in Server
- Hyper-V Manager, Using graphical administrative tools,
MMC tool
availability, Installing Hyper-V
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Storage-management role services,
Compressed (zipped)
folders, Understanding Work Folders and sync
- Hypervisor, Setting BCD entry values