- William R Stanek
- Windows Server® 2012 R2 Inside Out: Configuration, Storage, & Essentials
- ixP.html
- p-states, Diagnosing hardware and firmware startup
- PAE (Physical Address Extension), Creating, copying, and deleting BCD
entries, Changing Data Execution Prevention and
physical address extension options
- page file partition/volume, Installing Windows Server 2012 R2
- page file partitions/volumes, Installing Windows Server 2012 R2,
Working with basic
and dynamic disks
- page file-backed virtual memory, Tuning virtual memory
- paged pool, Resolving performance bottlenecks
- paging file, Installing Windows Server 2012 R2,
Understanding the
registry structure, Tuning virtual memory, Tuning virtual memory,
Tuning virtual
memory, Other
important tuning, memory, and data considerations, Other important tuning,
memory, and data considerations, Other important tuning, memory, and data
considerations, Using Performance Monitor, Resolving memory
- address space limits, Tuning virtual memory
- BIOS-based systems and, Installing Windows Server 2012 R2
- managing configuration, Other important tuning, memory, and data
- memory bottlenecks and, Resolving memory bottlenecks
- monitoring performance, Using Performance Monitor
- RAID configuration and, Tuning virtual memory
- registry structure and, Understanding the registry structure
- setting for individual drives, Other important tuning, memory, and data
- troubleshooting, Other important tuning, memory, and data
- tuning virtual memory, Tuning virtual memory
- Paging File performance object, Using Performance Monitor
- Paging File\%Usage counter, Resolving memory bottlenecks
- Paging File\%Usage Peak counter, Resolving memory bottlenecks
- Parallel ATA (PATA), Choosing internal devices
- Parallel SCSI (SPI), Choosing internal devices
- parity volumes, Creating storage spaces, Creating a standard
- partitions, Product licensing, Preinstallation tasks, Preinstallation tasks,
Installing Windows
Server 2012 R2, Installing Windows Server 2012 R2,
Installing Windows
Server 2012 R2, Installing Windows Server 2012 R2,
Installing Windows
Server 2012 R2, Installation on BIOS-based systems,
partitions, Performing a clean installation, Accessing a command prompt
during installation, Creating, deleting, and extending disk
partitions during installation, Creating, deleting, and extending disk
partitions during installation, Creating, deleting, and extending disk
partitions during installation, Postinstallation tasks, Resolving hardware and
firmware startup problems, Resolving hardware and firmware startup
problems, Configuring disks and storage, Using the Disk Management
tools, Using the
MBR and GPT partition styles, Using the MBR and GPT partition styles,
Working with GPT
disks, Working
with GPT disks, Understanding legacy and protective MBRs,
Working with basic
and dynamic disks, Working with basic and dynamic disks,
Working with basic
and dynamic disks, Working with basic and dynamic disks,
Using and converting
basic and dynamic disks, Using and converting basic and dynamic
disks, Working
with removable disks, Creating partitions and simple volumes,
Creating partitions
and simple volumes, Formatting a partition, logical drive, or
volume, Configuring mount points, Configuring mount points,
partitions, Deleting a partition, logical drive, or
volume, ESP,
MSR partitions,
LDM Metadata and LDM
Data partitions, LDM Metadata and LDM Data partitions,
Mirroring boot and
system volumes on GPT disks, Deploying BitLocker Drive Encryption,
- active, Installing Windows Server 2012 R2,
Working with basic
and dynamic disks, Deploying BitLocker Drive Encryption
- BIOS-based systems, Preinstallation tasks, Resolving hardware and
firmware startup problems
- boot., Using the
MBR and GPT partition styles (see boot partitions/volumes)
- choosing format, Creating partitions and simple
- clean installations, Performing a clean installation
- crash dump, Installing Windows Server 2012 R2,
Working with basic
and dynamic disks
- creating, Working with removable disks
- creating additional, Planning partitions
- creating during installation, Creating, deleting, and extending disk
partitions during installation
- defined, Configuring disks and storage
- deleting, Deleting a partition, logical drive, or
- deleting during installation, Creating, deleting, and extending disk
partitions during installation
- EFI-based systems, Installing Windows Server 2012 R2,
Resolving hardware
and firmware startup problems
- extending, Creating, deleting, and extending disk
partitions during installation, Using the MBR and GPT partition styles,
Working with basic
and dynamic disks, Configuring mount points
- forcing removal during installation, Accessing a command prompt during
- formatting, Understanding legacy and protective MBRs,
Creating partitions
and simple volumes
- GPT., Working
with GPT disks (see GPT (GUID partition table))
- LDM Data, Using
and converting basic and dynamic disks, LDM Metadata and LDM Data
- LDM Metadata, Using and converting basic and dynamic
disks, ESP,
LDM Metadata and LDM
Data partitions
- listing, Using
the Disk Management tools
- MBR., Working
with GPT disks (see MBR (master boot record))
- mount points, Configuring mount points, Object identifiers
- page file, Installing Windows Server 2012 R2,
Working with basic
and dynamic disks
- planning, Installation on BIOS-based systems
- postinstallation tasks, Postinstallation tasks
- preinstallation tasks, Product licensing, Preinstallation tasks
- primary., MSR
partitions (see primary partitions)
- shrinking, Shrinking partitions
- system., Mirroring boot and system volumes on GPT
disks (see system partitions/volumes)
- unformatted disk space and, Formatting a partition, logical drive, or
- volumes and, Installing Windows Server 2012 R2
- passive cooling mode, Diagnosing hardware and firmware startup
- passive screening, Managing file screening and storage
- passwords., Performing a clean installation, Elevation, prompts, and the
secure desktop, Elevation, prompts, and the secure
desktop, Managing TPM owner authorization
information, Preparing and initializing a TPM for first
use, Clearing
the TPM, BitLocker modes, Enabling BitLocker on fixed data
drives, Managing
and troubleshooting BitLocker, Enabling file sharing
- (see also recovery keys or passwords)
- Administrator account, Performing a clean installation
- BitLocker, Enabling BitLocker on fixed data drives,
Managing and
troubleshooting BitLocker
- password-protected sharing, Enabling file sharing
- TPM, Managing
TPM owner authorization information, Preparing and initializing a TPM for first
use, Clearing
the TPM
- UAC, Elevation,
prompts, and the secure desktop
- unlock, BitLocker modes
- PATA (Parallel ATA), Choosing internal devices
- Path command, Accessing a command prompt during
- Pathping command, Accessing a command prompt during
installation, Utilities to know
- Pause command, Accessing a command prompt during
- payloads, Removing server roles and features
- PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect), Diagnosing hardware and firmware startup
problems, Troubleshooting hardware
- PCIe devices, Installing new devices
- PCRs (Platform Configuration Registers), Preparing BitLocker for startup
authentication and secure boot
- PE (Preinstallation Environment), Getting a quick start, Accessing a command prompt
during installation, Provisioning BitLocker prior to
- Peer Name Resolution Protocol (PNRP), Using roles, role services, and
- performance analysis and logging, Comprehensive performance analysis and
logging, Comprehensive performance analysis and
logging, Tracking the overall reliability of the
server, Resolving performance bottlenecks,
Resolving network
- comprehensive performance monitoring, Tracking the overall reliability of the
- establishing performance baselines, Comprehensive performance analysis and
- performance logging, Resolving network bottlenecks
- resolving performance bottlenecks, Resolving performance bottlenecks
- tools and features, Comprehensive performance analysis and
- performance baselines, Establishing performance baselines,
Tracking per-process
resource usage, Tracking per-process network
- tracking per-process resource usage, Tracking per-process resource usage
- tracking server reliability, Tracking per-process network
- types of, Establishing performance baselines
- performance bottlenecks, Resolving performance bottlenecks,
performance bottlenecks, Resolving memory bottlenecks, Resolving processor
bottlenecks, Resolving disk I/O bottlenecks
- described, Resolving performance bottlenecks
- resolving disk I/O bottlenecks, Resolving processor bottlenecks
- resolving memory bottlenecks, Resolving performance bottlenecks
- resolving network bottlenecks, Resolving disk I/O bottlenecks
- resolving processor bottlenecks, Resolving memory bottlenecks
- Performance Counter data collector set type, Creating and managing data
collector sets, Using data collector templates
- performance counters, Comprehensive performance analysis and
logging, Tracking per-process network utilization,
Using Performance
Monitor, Using
Performance Monitor, Selecting performance objects and counters to
monitor, Choosing views and controlling the
display, Using
data collector templates, Configuring performance counter
- collecting data, Using data collector templates
- configuring alerts, Comprehensive performance analysis and
logging, Configuring performance counter
- deleting, Selecting performance objects and counters to
- described, Tracking per-process network utilization,
Using Performance
- selecting to monitor, Using Performance Monitor
- tracking on additional computers, Choosing views and controlling the
- Performance Log Users group, Monitoring performance remotely
- Performance Monitor, MMC tool availability, Comprehensive performance
analysis and logging, Tracking per-process network utilization,
Tracking the overall
reliability of the server, Using Performance Monitor, Using Performance
Monitor, Using
Performance Monitor, Selecting performance objects and counters to
monitor, Choosing views and controlling the
display, Choosing views and controlling the
display, Resolving network bottlenecks, Viewing data collector
reports, Configuring performance counter
- choosing views, Using Performance Monitor
- controlling display, Using Performance Monitor
- data collector sets and reports, Resolving network bottlenecks
- described, MMC
tool availability, Comprehensive performance analysis and
logging, Tracking the overall reliability of the
- Histogram Bar view, Choosing views and controlling the
- monitoring performance from command line, Configuring performance counter
- Properties dialog box, Selecting performance objects and counters to
monitor, Viewing
data collector reports
- Report view, Choosing views and controlling the
- selecting objects and counters to monitor, Using Performance Monitor
- tracking server reliability, Tracking per-process network
- performance monitoring and tuning, Planning for support structures and
facilities, Getting to know Server Manager, MMC tool availability,
monitoring and tuning, Tuning processor scheduling, Tuning processor
scheduling, Other important tuning, memory, and data
considerations, Other important tuning, memory, and data
considerations, Getting information on user and remote user
sessions, Tracking the overall reliability of the
server, Monitoring performance remotely, Configuring performance
counter alerts
- command-line, Configuring performance counter
- comprehensive performance monitoring, Tracking the overall reliability of the
- importance of, Planning for support structures and
- MMC and, MMC
tool availability
- monitoring remotely, Monitoring performance remotely
- other considerations, Other important tuning, memory, and data
- processor scheduling, Tuning processor scheduling
- Server Manager and, Getting to know Server Manager
- tracking system health, Other important tuning, memory, and data
- tracking using Event Manager, Getting information on user and remote user
- virtual memory, Tuning processor scheduling
- Windows operating system, Performance monitoring and tuning
- performance objects, Tracking the overall reliability of the
server, Using
Performance Monitor, Monitoring performance remotely
- described, Tracking the overall reliability of the
- monitoring remotely, Monitoring performance remotely
- selecting to monitor, Using Performance Monitor
- Performance Options dialog box, Changing Data Execution Prevention and
physical address extension options, Performance monitoring and tuning,
Other important
tuning, memory, and data considerations
- Performance tool, Computer Management system tools
- Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI), Diagnosing hardware and firmware startup
problems, Troubleshooting hardware
- Permission Entry dialog box, Configuring share permissions, Basic permissions,
- permissions and privileges., Working with the administration tools,
Managing server
binaries, Introducing the registry, Introducing the registry,
values, Applying
permissions to registry keys, Software and User Account Control
administration, Software and User Account Control
administration, Software and User Account Control
administration, Elevation, prompts, and the secure
desktop, Elevation, prompts, and the secure
desktop, Elevation, prompts, and the secure
desktop, Application access tokens, Application access
tokens, Application access tokens, Accessing the event logs and
viewing events, Turning an initialized TPM on or off,
Clearing the
TPM, Hiding and
controlling share access, Configuring share permissions, Configuring share
permissions, Creating sync shares and enabling SMB
access, Creating
sync shares and enabling SMB access, File security, access controls, and
auditing, Permission inheritance for files and
folders, Permission inheritance for files and
folders, Resetting and replacing permissions,
Configuring access
permissions, Basic permissions, Troubleshooting permissions
- (see also share permissions)
- access, Hiding
and controlling share access, File security, access controls, and
- administrator, Software and User Account Control
administration, Elevation, prompts, and the secure
desktop, Application access tokens
- applying to registry keys, Applying permissions to registry keys
- audit failures, Accessing the event logs and viewing
- basic permissions, Configuring access permissions
- clearing TPM, Clearing the TPM
- cumulative, Troubleshooting permissions
- elevated, Managing server binaries, Introducing the registry,
Software and User
Account Control administration, Elevation, prompts, and the secure
desktop, Application access tokens
- inherited, Configuring share permissions, Creating sync shares and
enabling SMB access, Permission inheritance for files and
- managing TPM states, Turning an initialized TPM on or off
- modifying registry values, Modifying values
- resetting and replacing, Resetting and replacing permissions
- security tokens and, Introducing the registry
- Server Manager, Working with the administration tools
- shaded, Permission inheritance for files and
- software installation and, Software and User Account Control
administration, Elevation, prompts, and the secure
desktop, Application access tokens
- special permissions, Basic permissions
- sync shares and, Creating sync shares and enabling SMB
- Permissions For dialog box, Applying permissions to registry keys
- Permissions For SAM dialog box, Auditing registry access
- personal identification number (PIN), BitLocker modes, Deploying BitLocker Drive Encryption,
Configuring and
enabling BitLocker Drive Encryption
- Physical Address Extension (PAE), Creating, copying, and deleting BCD
entries, Changing Data Execution Prevention and
physical address extension options
- PhysicalDisk performance object, Using Performance Monitor
- PhysicalDisk!Avg. Disk Sec/Transfer counter, Resolving memory
- PhysicalDisk\%Disk Time counter, Resolving memory bottlenecks, Resolving disk I/O
bottlenecks, Resolving network bottlenecks
- PhysicalDisk\Avg. Disk Queue Length counter, Resolving memory
- PhysicalDisk\Avg. Disk Read Queue Length counter, Resolving disk I/O
- PhysicalDisk\Avg. Disk Write Queue Length counter, Resolving disk I/O
- PhysicalDisk\Current Disk Queue Length counter, Resolving disk I/O
- PhysicalDisk\Disk Reads/Sec counter, Resolving disk I/O bottlenecks
- PhysicalDisk\Disk Writes/Sec counter, Resolving disk I/O bottlenecks
- PID (process ID), Monitoring and troubleshooting
- PIN (personal identification number), BitLocker modes, Deploying BitLocker Drive Encryption,
Configuring and
enabling BitLocker Drive Encryption
- Ping command, Accessing a command prompt during
installation, Utilities to know
- planning process, Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2,
Windows 8.1 and
Windows Server 2012 R2, Your plan: The big picture, Your plan: The big
picture, Your
plan: The big picture, Your plan: The big picture, Your plan: The big
picture, Your
plan: The big picture, Identifying your organizational teams,
Assessing project
goals, Predicting network change, Reviewing network
administration, Reviewing network administration,
Defining objectives
and scope, Defining the new network environment,
Final considerations
for planning and deployment, Final considerations for planning and
deployment, Defining Active Directory server roles,
Planning for
availability, scalability, and manageability, Planning for software
- analyzing existing networks, Your plan: The big picture, Predicting network
- assessing project goals, Your plan: The big picture, Identifying your
organizational teams
- big picture plan, Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012
- compatibility issues, Reviewing network administration
- creating documentation, Assessing project goals
- defining new network environment, Your plan: The big picture, Defining the new network
- defining objectives and scope, Your plan: The big picture, Reviewing network
- final considerations, Your plan: The big picture, Final considerations for
planning and deployment
- for availability, scalability, and manageability, Defining Active Directory
server roles
- for hardware needs, Planning for software needs
- for software needs, Planning for availability, scalability, and
- identifying organizational teams, Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2,
Your plan: The big
- scope creep and, Defining objectives and scope
- server roles and Active Directory, Final considerations for planning and
- Platform Configuration Registers (PCRs), Preparing BitLocker for startup
authentication and secure boot
- platters (hard disk drives), File system essentials
- Plug and Play technology, Setup refuses to install or start,
Installing new
devices, Working
with device drivers, Rolling back drivers, Adding new disks
- described, Installing new devices, Working with device
drivers, Adding
new disks
- removing drivers, Rolling back drivers
- troubleshooting installation, Setup refuses to install or start
- PNRP (Peer Name Resolution Protocol), Using roles, role services, and
- Popd command, Accessing a command prompt during
- postinstallation baselines, Establishing performance baselines
- postinstallation tasks, Continue past lockups and freezes
- power-state management, Hardware and firmware power states,
Diagnosing hardware
and firmware startup problems, Diagnosing hardware and firmware startup
- described, Hardware and firmware power states
- diagnosing startup problems, Diagnosing hardware and firmware startup
- resolving startup problems, Diagnosing hardware and firmware startup
- PowerShell (Windows), Postinstallation tasks, Working with the
administration tools, Utilities to know, Creating server groups, MMC window and startup,
Using roles, role
services, and features, Removing server roles and features,
Removing server
roles and features, Installing components at the prompt,
components at the prompt, Installing components at the prompt,
Working with the
registry from the command line, Monitoring essentials, Tracking events using Windows
PowerShell, Monitoring performance from the command
line, Storage-management features and tools
- accessing registry, Working with the registry from the command
- described, Working with the administration tools,
Utilities to
know, Using
roles, role services, and features
- installing components, Installing components at the prompt
- managing server binaries, Removing server roles and features
- performance monitoring with, Monitoring performance from the command
- postinstallation tasks, Postinstallation tasks
- remote management and, Creating server groups
- removing components, Installing components at the prompt
- Server Manager and, Removing server roles and features
- starting console tools, MMC window and startup
- storage management, Storage-management features and tools
- stored credentials, Installing components at the prompt
- Task Manager and, Monitoring essentials
- tracking events with, Tracking events using Windows
- Preinstallation Environment (PE), Getting a quick start, Accessing a command prompt
during installation, Provisioning BitLocker prior to
- preinstallation tasks, Using Windows Update
- primary partitions, Using the MBR and GPT partition styles,
Working with GPT
disks, Working
with basic and dynamic disks, Formatting a partition, logical drive, or
volume, MSR
partitions, Deploying BitLocker Drive Encryption
- basic disks and, Working with basic and dynamic disks
- BitLocker requirements, Deploying BitLocker Drive Encryption
- creating, MSR
- described, Using
the MBR and GPT partition styles
- formatting, Formatting a partition, logical drive, or
- redundant tables, Working with GPT disks
- primordial pools, Creating storage spaces
- Print And Document Services role, Planning for server usage, Using roles, role services,
and features
- Print command, Accessing a command prompt during
- Print Management, Using graphical administrative tools,
MMC tool
- Print Queue performance object, Using Performance Monitor
- print services, Assessing systems
- PRINT$ share, ADMIN$
- private virtual memory, Tuning virtual memory
- privileges., Configuring share permissions (see
permissions and privileges)
- Problem Reporting balloon, Adding non–Plug and Play, older
- problem-escalation procedures, Planning for day-to-day operations
- process ID (PID), Monitoring and troubleshooting
- Process performance object, Using Performance Monitor
- processes, Getting processor and memory usage for
troubleshooting, Getting processor and memory usage for
troubleshooting, Getting processor and memory usage for
troubleshooting, Monitoring and troubleshooting processes,
Monitoring and
troubleshooting processes, Tracking per-process resource usage,
Using Performance
Monitor, Working
with trusted platforms, Working with trusted platforms, Working with trusted
- background, Getting processor and memory usage for
- binding, Working
with trusted platforms
- foreground, Getting processor and memory usage for
- isolating, Monitoring and troubleshooting
- monitoring and troubleshooting, Monitoring and troubleshooting
- monitoring performance, Using Performance Monitor
- sealing, Working
with trusted platforms
- tracking resource usage, Tracking per-process resource usage
- Windows, Getting
processor and memory usage for troubleshooting
- wrapping, Working with trusted platforms
- processor affinity, Resolving memory bottlenecks
- Processor object, Resolving processor bottlenecks, Monitoring performance from
the command line
- Processor performance object, Using Performance Monitor
- processor throttling, Diagnosing hardware and firmware startup
- processors, Setup reports insufficient system
resources, Diagnosing hardware and firmware startup
problems, Setting BCD entry values, Tuning processor
scheduling, Monitoring essentials, Getting an overview of
resource utilization, Tracking per-process CPU utilization,
Using Performance
Monitor, Resolving memory bottlenecks
- DEP requirement, Setting BCD entry values
- getting usage for troubleshooting, Monitoring essentials
- monitoring performance, Using Performance Monitor
- power states, Diagnosing hardware and firmware startup
- resolving bottlenecks, Resolving memory bottlenecks
- tracking resource usage, Getting an overview of resource
- troubleshooting installation problems, Setup reports insufficient system
- troubleshooting performance, Tracking per-process CPU utilization
- tuning scheduling, Tuning processor scheduling
- Processor\%Privileged Time counter, Resolving processor bottlenecks
- Processor\%Processor Time counter, Resolving processor bottlenecks, Resolving network
- Processor\%User Time counter, Resolving processor bottlenecks
- Processor\Interrupts/Sec counter, Resolving processor bottlenecks
- product activation, Product licensing, Performing a clean installation,
Performing an
upgrade installation, Activation sequence, Activate Windows by telephone,
Activate Windows by
- activating by phone, Activate Windows by telephone
- activating over Internet, Activation sequence
- activation sequence, Performing an upgrade installation
- clean installations, Performing a clean installation
- described, Product licensing
- managed activation, Activate Windows by telephone
- product ID, Product licensing, Getting to know Server Manager,
Adding and removing
multipath hardware devices
- product keys, Product licensing, Performing a clean installation
- product licensing, Assessing systems, Product licensing, Performing a clean
installation, Performing an upgrade installation,
- cleaning installations, Performing a clean installation
- converting evaluation license to retail license, Activation sequence
- described, Product licensing
- elapsed evaluation period, Performing an upgrade installation
- evaluating, Assessing systems
- product management teams, Identifying your organizational teams
- Program Compatibility Assistant, Software installation essentials
- Program Install And Uninstall Troubleshooter, Using the Microsoft Fix It
- project goals, assessing, Your plan: The big picture, Identifying your
organizational teams
- project management teams, Your plan: The big picture
- project worksheets, Predicting network change
- Prompt command, Accessing a command prompt during
- prompts, UAC, Elevation, prompts, and the secure
- Properties dialog box, Working with the administration tools,
Working with Server
Manager, Creating navigation tasks, Understanding and
troubleshooting driver signing, Restricting device installation by using Group
Policy, Troubleshooting hardware, Securing the registry,
Configuring run
levels, Accessing the event logs and viewing
events, Filtering the event logs, Tracking events using Windows
PowerShell, Using subscriptions and forwarded events,
Tracking the overall
reliability of the server, Selecting performance objects and counters to
monitor, Viewing
data collector reports, Configuring the File And Storage Services
role, Adding and
removing multipath hardware devices, Moving dynamic disks, Hard links, NTFS compression, NTFS compression,
compression, Configuring disk quotas, Managing disk quotas after
configuration, Managing disk quotas after configuration,
disk-integrity problems, Storage Management Essentials, Storage Management
Essentials, Diagnosing and resolving problems with storage
spaces, Diagnosing and resolving problems with storage
spaces, Creating
and publishing shared folders, Creating shared folders in Server Manager,
Configuring share
permissions, Configuring share permissions, Deploying sync shares through
Group Policy, Managing access permissions, Permission inheritance for
files and folders, Permission inheritance for files and
folders, Permission inheritance for files and
folders, Configuring access permissions, Configuring access
permissions, Enabling advanced auditing, Specifying files and folders
to audit, Managing the file groups to which screens are
- auditing policies, Enabling advanced auditing
- devices and device drivers, Understanding and troubleshooting driver
signing, Restricting device installation by using Group
Policy, Troubleshooting hardware
- disks, NTFS
- event logs, Filtering the event logs
- events, Accessing the event logs and viewing
events, Tracking
events using Windows PowerShell
- file groups, Managing the file groups to which screens are
- file systems, Specifying files and folders to audit
- files, Hard
links, NTFS
compression, Permission inheritance for files and
folders, Configuring access permissions
- folders, NTFS
compression, Creating and publishing shared folders,
Deploying sync
shares through Group Policy, Permission inheritance for files and
folders, Configuring access permissions
- Internet, Working with the administration tools
- MPIO, Configuring the File And Storage Services
role, Adding and
removing multipath hardware devices
- Performance Monitor, Selecting performance objects and counters to
monitor, Viewing
data collector reports
- RacTask task, Tracking the overall reliability of the
- Registry Editor, Securing the registry
- Server Manager, Working with Server Manager
- shares, Creating
shared folders in Server Manager, Configuring share permissions, Configuring share
permissions, Managing access permissions, Permission inheritance for
files and folders
- software applications, Configuring run levels
- storage pools, Storage Management Essentials, Diagnosing and resolving
problems with storage spaces
- subscriptions, Using subscriptions and forwarded
- taskpads, Creating navigation tasks
- virtual disks, Storage Management Essentials, Diagnosing and resolving
problems with storage spaces
- volumes, Moving
dynamic disks, Configuring disk quotas, Managing disk quotas after
configuration, Managing disk quotas after configuration,
disk-integrity problems
- protocols, networking, Naming computers
- public folder sharing, File-sharing essentials
- publishing, Publishing and distributing your custom
tools, Using and
finding shares, Publishing shares in Active Directory
- custom tools, Publishing and distributing your custom
- shared folders, Using and finding shares, Publishing shares in Active
- Pushd command, Accessing a command prompt during