- William R Stanek
- Windows Server® 2012 R2 Inside Out: Configuration, Storage, & Essentials
- ixB.html
- B+ tree structure, ReFS features, ReFS structures, ReFS integrity streams, data scrubbing,
and salvage
- back slashes (\\), Monitoring performance remotely
- Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS), Using roles, role services,
and features
- background processes, Getting processor and memory usage for
- background services, Tuning processor scheduling
- Backup Operators group, Hiding and controlling share access
- backups, Planning for day-to-day operations,
tasks, Introducing the registry, Working with the registry
from the command line, Software installation essentials,
Using internal and
external storage devices, Understanding legacy and protective MBRs,
Preparing and
initializing a TPM for first use
- as postinstallation task, Postinstallation tasks
- developing plans, Planning for day-to-day operations
- MBR and GPT disks, Understanding legacy and protective
- pre-software installation, Software installation essentials
- registry, Introducing the registry, Working with the registry
from the command line
- TPM passwords, Preparing and initializing a TPM for first
- VSS and, Using
internal and external storage devices
- baselines, performance, Establishing performance baselines,
Tracking per-process
resource usage, Tracking per-process network
- tracking per-process resource usage, Tracking per-process resource usage
- tracking server reliability, Tracking per-process network
- types of, Establishing performance baselines
- basic disks, Understanding legacy and protective MBRs,
Working with basic
and dynamic disks, Working with removable disks, Configuring mount points,
Managing GPT disk
partitions on basic disks
- converting, Working with basic and dynamic disks
- described, Understanding legacy and protective
- extending partitions, Configuring mount points
- GPT partitions on, Managing GPT disk partitions on basic
- MBR partitions on, Working with removable disks
- Basic Input Output System (BIOS)-based systems, Preinstallation tasks,
Diagnosing hardware
and firmware startup problems, Diagnosing hardware and firmware startup
problems, Resolving hardware and firmware startup
problems, Boot
environment essentials, Viewing Advanced, Resources, and other
settings, Troubleshooting hardware, Using the MBR and GPT
partition styles, Working with GPT disks, Hardware-encrypted
drives, Setting
permitted encryption types
- ACPI, Viewing
Advanced, Resources, and other settings, Troubleshooting hardware
- BCD registry, Boot environment essentials
- boot environment, Resolving hardware and firmware startup
- described, Working with GPT disks
- Hyper-V and, Using the MBR and GPT partition
- installing, Preinstallation tasks
- startup problems, Diagnosing hardware and firmware startup
problems, Diagnosing hardware and firmware startup
- TPM validation profile settings, Setting permitted encryption types
- UEFI and, Hardware-encrypted drives
- basic permissions, Configuring access permissions
- basic storage type, Using the MBR and GPT partition
- Basic template (Performance Monitor), Creating and managing data collector
- basic volumes, Working with basic and dynamic disks
- BCD (boot configuration data), HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Setting permitted encryption
- BCD Editor, Boot
environment essentials, Managing System Boot Configuration,
Managing System Boot
Configuration, Working with BCD Editor, Viewing BCD entries,
Creating and
identifying the BCD store, Creating and identifying the BCD store,
Creating, copying,
and deleting BCD entries, Creating, copying, and deleting BCD
entries, Creating, copying, and deleting BCD
entries, Creating, copying, and deleting BCD
entries, Setting
BCD entry values, Setting BCD entry values, Changing Data Execution
Prevention and physical address extension options, Changing the operating system
display order, Changing the default timeout, Changing the default
timeout, Utilities to know, Adding a mirror to an existing
volume, Mirroring boot and system volumes on GPT
- changing boot sequence temporarily, Changing the default timeout
- changing default operating system entry, Changing the operating system display
- changing default timeout, Changing the default timeout
- changing DEP options, Setting BCD entry values
- changing operating system display order, Changing Data Execution Prevention and
physical address extension options
- changing physical address extension options, Setting BCD entry
- commands for, Working with BCD Editor
- copying entries, Creating, copying, and deleting BCD
- creating and identifying, Viewing BCD entries
- creating entries, Creating, copying, and deleting BCD
- deleting entries, Creating, copying, and deleting BCD
- described, Boot
environment essentials, Managing System Boot Configuration,
Utilities to
- exporting, Creating and identifying the BCD
- importing, Creating and identifying the BCD
- modifying boot entries, Adding a mirror to an existing volume,
Mirroring boot and
system volumes on GPT disks
- setting entry values, Creating, copying, and deleting BCD
- viewing BCD entries, Managing System Boot Configuration
- BCD registry, Resolving hardware and firmware startup
- BCD store, Boot
environment essentials, Managing System Boot Configuration,
Managing System Boot
Configuration, Viewing BCD entries, Creating and identifying the BCD
store, Creating
and identifying the BCD store, Creating, copying, and deleting BCD
entries, Creating, copying, and deleting BCD
entries, Creating, copying, and deleting BCD
entries, Creating, copying, and deleting BCD
entries, Setting
BCD entry values, Setting BCD entry values, Changing Data Execution
Prevention and physical address extension options, Changing the operating system
display order, Changing the default timeout, Changing the default
- changing boot sequence temporarily, Changing the default timeout
- changing default operating system entry, Changing the operating system display
- changing default timeout, Changing the default timeout
- changing DEP options, Setting BCD entry values
- changing operating system display order, Changing Data Execution Prevention and
physical address extension options
- changing physical address extension options, Setting BCD entry
- copying entries, Creating, copying, and deleting BCD
- creating and identifying, Viewing BCD entries
- creating entries, Creating, copying, and deleting BCD
- deleting entries, Creating, copying, and deleting BCD
- described, Boot
environment essentials
- exporting, Creating and identifying the BCD
- importing, Creating and identifying the BCD
- managing, Managing System Boot Configuration
- setting entry values, Creating, copying, and deleting BCD
- viewing BCD entries, Managing System Boot Configuration
- Best Practices Analyzer, Getting to know Server Manager
- BIN file extension, Monitoring performance from the command
- binary source files, Using graphical administrative tools,
Adding server roles
and features, Removing server roles and features
- accessing, Adding server roles and features
- managing, Removing server roles and features
- removing, Using
graphical administrative tools
- binding process, Working with trusted platforms
- BIOS (Basic Input Output System)-based systems, Preinstallation tasks,
Diagnosing hardware
and firmware startup problems, Diagnosing hardware and firmware startup
problems, Resolving hardware and firmware startup
problems, Boot
environment essentials, Viewing Advanced, Resources, and other
settings, Troubleshooting hardware, Using the MBR and GPT
partition styles, Working with GPT disks, Hardware-encrypted
drives, Setting
permitted encryption types
- ACPI, Viewing
Advanced, Resources, and other settings, Troubleshooting hardware
- BCD registry, Boot environment essentials
- boot environment, Resolving hardware and firmware startup
- described, Working with GPT disks
- Hyper-V and, Using the MBR and GPT partition
- installing, Preinstallation tasks
- startup problems, Diagnosing hardware and firmware startup
problems, Diagnosing hardware and firmware startup
- TPM validation profile settings, Setting permitted encryption types
- UEFI and, Hardware-encrypted drives
- birth object identifiers, Change journals
- birth volume identifiers, Change journals
- BitLocker Drive Encryption., Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2,
Resolving hardware
and firmware startup problems, Using roles, role services, and features,
components at the prompt, Recovering a failed simple, spanned, or
striped disk, Working with trusted platforms, Changing the TPM owner
password, BitLocker modes, BitLocker modes, BitLocker modes, BitLocker modes, Setting permitted encryption types,
Setting permitted
encryption types, Preparing BitLocker for startup authentication
and secure boot, Provisioning BitLocker prior to
deployment, Provisioning BitLocker prior to
deployment, Deploying BitLocker Drive Encryption,
Deploying BitLocker
Drive Encryption, Deploying BitLocker Drive Encryption,
Setting up and
managing BitLocker Drive Encryption, Configuring and enabling BitLocker Drive
Encryption, Enabling BitLocker on fixed data drives,
Enabling BitLocker
on fixed data drives, Enabling BitLocker on removable data
drives, Enabling
BitLocker on operating-system volumes, Recovering data protected by BitLocker
Drive Encryption, Recovering data protected by BitLocker Drive
- (see also Network Unlock (BitLocker))
- boot configuration, Resolving hardware and firmware startup
- configuring and enabling, Setting up and managing BitLocker Drive
- data-recovery agents and, BitLocker modes
- deploying, Provisioning BitLocker prior to
- described, Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2,
Using roles, role
services, and features, Working with trusted platforms, Changing the TPM owner
- determining if computer has encrypted volumes, Configuring and enabling
BitLocker Drive Encryption
- disabling, Recovering data protected by BitLocker Drive
- disk configuration requirements, Deploying BitLocker Drive Encryption
- enabling on fixed data drives, Enabling BitLocker on fixed data
- enabling on removable data drives, Enabling BitLocker on fixed data
- enabling on system volumes, Enabling BitLocker on removable data
- implementation changes, BitLocker modes
- installing, Installing components at the prompt
- managing and troubleshooting, Enabling BitLocker on operating-system
- modes, BitLocker
- moving drives and, Recovering a failed simple, spanned, or
striped disk
- provisioning prior to deployment, Provisioning BitLocker prior to
- secure boot, Setting permitted encryption types
- setting up, Deploying BitLocker Drive Encryption
- startup authentication, Setting permitted encryption types
- turning off, Recovering data protected by BitLocker Drive
- unlock password, BitLocker modes
- versions available, Deploying BitLocker Drive Encryption
- BitLocker To Go, Introducing BitLocker Drive
- BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Service), Using roles, role services,
and features
- BitsTransfer module (PowerShell), Storage-management features and tools
- Block inheritance warning box, Resetting and replacing permissions
- Bluetooth devices, Installing new devices
- BOOT Advanced Options dialog box, Managing System Boot Configuration
- boot configuration, Postinstallation tasks, Resolving hardware and
firmware startup problems, Managing startup and boot configuration,
Managing startup and
recovery options, Working with BCD Editor, Changing the default
- boot environment, Resolving hardware and firmware startup
- changing boot sequence temporarily, Changing the default timeout
- data store and entries, Working with BCD Editor
- from hardware and firmware, Postinstallation tasks
- managing, Managing startup and recovery options
- startup and recovery options, Managing startup and boot
- boot configuration data (BCD), HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Setting permitted encryption
- boot environment, Resolving hardware and firmware startup
- Boot Manager, Managing GPT disk partitions on basic
disks, Adding a
mirror to an existing volume, Mirroring boot and system volumes on GPT
- boot partitions/volumes, Installing Windows Server 2012 R2,
partitions, Working with basic and dynamic disks,
Converting FAT or
FAT32 to NTFS, Formatting a partition, logical drive, or
volume, Adding a
mirror to an existing volume, Preventing fragmentation of disks
- changing drive letter of, Formatting a partition, logical drive, or
- Convert command and, Converting FAT or FAT32 to NTFS
- defragmenting, Preventing fragmentation of disks
- described, Installing Windows Server 2012 R2,
Working with basic
and dynamic disks
- mirroring, Adding a mirror to an existing volume
- RAID technology and, Planning partitions
- boot sector, Using the MBR and GPT partition styles,
- Boot.ini file, Resolving hardware and firmware startup
- bottlenecks, performance, Resolving performance bottlenecks,
performance bottlenecks, Resolving memory bottlenecks, Resolving processor
bottlenecks, Resolving disk I/O bottlenecks
- described, Resolving performance bottlenecks
- resolving disk I/O bottlenecks, Resolving processor bottlenecks
- resolving memory bottlenecks, Resolving performance bottlenecks
- resolving network bottlenecks, Resolving disk I/O bottlenecks
- resolving processor bottlenecks, Resolving memory bottlenecks
- BranchCache feature, Using roles, role services, and features,
role services, Selecting data for deduplication,
Creating shares by
using File Explorer
- BranchCache For Network Files role service, Storage-management role
services, Creating shares by using File Explorer,
Creating shared
folders in Server Manager
- BranchCache module (PowerShell), Storage-management features and tools
- bridgehead servers, Defining Active Directory server
- Browse For Folder dialog box, Installing and updating device drivers,
Using and finding
shares, Creating
shares by using File Explorer, Scheduling and generating storage
- Browse For Virtual Hard Disks dialog box, Configuring the File And Storage Services
- Browse Virtual Disk Files dialog box, Using and converting basic and dynamic
- budgets, shaping, Setting the schedule