

3D axes, in Motion, 373

3D bar chart, presentations, 134

3D text engine, Motion graphics, 369372

48K vs. 44.1K audio compression, 279

180° Rule, 3940


A (Action) in AIDA, 63

active words and phrases, using, 68

actors vs. talent, 150

additive color, 108

Adobe Photoshop. See Photoshop

advertisement, mission of, 64

AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action), 63

Aleck, Vicki, 236237

analog-to-digital converters, audio, 260261

angles, shooting from, 38

animated composite, creating, 354352, 354362

animating text, 352354

animation, adding, 362364

Animations panel, PowerPoint, 141

archiving projects, 341

Aristotle, elements of persuasion, 61

The Art of Getting Your Own Sweet Way, 62

aspect ratio, video, 228

attention, grabbing, 14, 16


addressing stories to, 16

attention span, 65

behavior, 10

benefiting, 63

creating desire in, 11

defining, 11, 1415, 59

focusing on needs of, 56


adding effects, 270

analog-to-digital converters, 260261

bit-depth, 266

bus, 275

cables, 259260

channels, 255, 265

codecs, 255

compression and output, 274, 278280

controlling pan, 272

dialogue, 252

digital recording, 262264

editing, 253, 265269

effects, 273278

enhancements, 335

exporting, 253

fades, 270

final mix, 338

frequencies, 255

frequency response, 254

headphones, 262

human hearing, 254

human speech, 254

levels, 254, 263, 270273, 323

limiter, 336337

measuring peaks, 267

meters, 267

microphones, 255259

mixers, 261262

mixing, 253, 270278, 323

monitor speakers, 262

Motion graphics, 364366

Multiband Compressor, 275276

multichannel recorders, 261262

music, 253

out-point, 266

output and compression, 278280

Parametric EQ filter, 277278

in-point, 266

pop filters, 265

power of, 253

record, 253

sample rate, 265

sound design, 253

sound effects, 253

sound waves, 253

test recording, 263

trimming, 266, 269

volume, 254

waveform, 254

workflow terms, 253



blocking, 37

presentations, 130134

image structure and effectiveness, 32

and readability, 111

backgrounds and fonts, presentations, 130134

backgrounds vs. layers, composite images, 195196, 208

backlight, 151, 153155

backups, video, 233

balance vs. symmetry, 4445

Baltimore Children’s Festival, 286

Bang, Molly, 3133

bar charts, presentations, 136

behaviors, Motion graphics, 362364

Benton, Michelle, 187

bigger, controlling viewer’s eye, 29


audio, 266

color, 108

bitmaps, 106, 171172

Bitstream, 74

black-and-white images, creating, 184

blackletter fonts, 8586

blend modes, Photoshop, 209211

blocking talent, 3740, 158159

blurring backgrounds, Photoshop, 206

Booher, Diana, 67, 1112

Brand Identity Essentials, 103

brands and emotions, 12

brightness, controlling viewer’s eye, 29

Bringhurst, Robert, 75, 78

bus, audio, 275

buying, influencing, 1921


cables, audio, 259260


concepts, 222223

depth of field, 35

as fourth wall, 38

high, low, eye level positions, 3537

holding, 36

walking toward, 40

wide vs. close angles, 3335

camera concepts, video, 222223

camera gear, video production, 288294

camera master, video, 228

camera-left, 154, 296

camera-right, 154, 296

cameras, field of view, 31

cameras and people, placing, 3740

Carnegie, Dale, 1416, 64, 128

Carter, Matthew, 74, 76

cast shadows, composite images, 212213

center of page, image structure and effectiveness, 32

Character panel, Photoshop, 194

charts, presentations, 134137

choices, creating for viewers, 56

chroma, digital color term, 106

cinema cameras, video production, 291292

Clark, Roy Peter, 57, 65

clip, video, 227


color codes, 318

hiding and revealing, 317

reviewing and marking, 318319

Clone tool, 180181

close-ups, talent, 159, 296299

cloud documents, Photoshop, 178

cloud storage, video, 232

Cmd+Delete, 317

CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) color, 107

codecs, 227, 255, 310


additive, 108

adjusting, 184185

bit-depth, 108

black, 103

blindness, 110

blue, 102

CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black), 107

composite images, 207208

vs. contrast, 109113

correction, 338339

digital color term, 106

digital terms, 105108

frequencies of light, 101

grading, 339340

grayscale, 108109

green, 102

history of, 98100

hue, 106

including in presentation charts, 137

K (kelvins), 101102

locating precisely, 106

and look finalization, 338340

meaning of, 102104

measuring, 113116

model, 105

orange, 102

primary and secondary, 107

prism experiments, 100

purple, 103

reactions to, 103

red, 102

RGB (red, green, blue), 107108

role of, 98

saturation, 106

seeing, 99

skin, 112113

subtractive, 108

temperature, 101102

“trueness,” 112

Vectorscope, 114116

vibrancy, 157

warm vs. cool, 101

wheel, 100

white, 103

yellow, 102

color balance, Photoshop, 186

Color Correction Handbook, 112

color pickers, Photoshop, 207208

colors, image structure and effectiveness, 32

column graphs, presentations, 136

composite images. See also images; still images; stock images

adding and formatting text, 192195

background behind layer, 208

blend modes, 209211

cast shadows, 212213

choosing colors, 207208

filters and effects, 205206

Free Transform, 197

layers vs. background, 195196

Place vs. Open, 198

scaling, 196197

selections, 199204

composition. See visual composition basics

compress, video, 228

compression, data vs. audio, 274

compression and output, audio, 278280

connection versus isolation, 14

content, conveying, 59

contrast, digital color term, 102, 106, 109113

cool color, 102


images, 148

video, 223

COVID-19 pandemic, 61

credibility, 12

Crop tool, Photoshop, 177

cropping images, 44

CTA (Call to Action)

and buying, 19

defined, 59

ending messages with, 11

using, 17

cut transition, 327328

cutting as editing, 308


D (Desire) in AIDA, 63

data compression, 274

daylight color temperature, 102

deliverable, video, 227

depth of field, 35, 4647

desire, creating in audience, 11

Detheux, Jean, 117121

diagonal shapes, image structure and effectiveness, 32

dialogue, audio, 252

digital audio recording, 262264

dingbats, 89

dissolve transition, 327328

DPI (dots per inch), digital color term, 106

DR (direct response) advertising, 1920

drones, video production, 292

drop shadows

Photoshop, 194

presentations, 137, 139140

text for Motion graphics, 361

using, 9091, 111

DSLR (digital single lens reflex) cameras, video production, 290291



audio, 253, 265269

best practices, 306307

process of, 320323

editing workflow, video post‑production, 308309

Edwardian Script, 78

effects. See also filters and effects

adding in post-production, 331337

audio, 270

elevator pitch, impact of, 11, 6264

Embedded vs. Linked Place options, 198

Emotional Design, 11

emotional hook, 1112

emotional impact, 162, 164

emotional values, 36, 43


vs. thoughts, 67

and typefaces, 75

ethos, defined, 61


audio, 253

projects, 340341, 368372

exposure, adjusting, 182184

eye level camera position, 3537


emotional impact, 4344, 58, 162

Six Priorities, 2730


fades, audio, 270

Fair Use images, 147

“the fallacy of misplaced concreteness,” 118

feathering, Photoshop, 206

“feel” vs. “think,” 67

field of view, cameras, 31

fill light, 151, 153155

“film” terminology, 8

filters and effects, composite images, 205206. See also effects

Final Cut Pro X

as FCP X, 307

interface, 311

saving files, 310

Flowers, Matt, 4850


controlling viewer’s eye, 28

increasing, 6465

fog, adding in Photoshop, 183

folder naming convention, video, 234235

fonts. See also type

avoiding all caps, 90

blackletter, 8586

choosing, 79, 93

drop shadows, 9091

emotional impact, 78, 81

kerning title text, 9192

line spacing and titles, 9293

monospace, 8688

number of, 78

presentations, 130134

readability, 90

sans serif, 8284

script, 8485

serif, 7982

specialty, 8889

techniques, 8993

vs. typefaces, 76

using, 78

foreground, blocking, 37

fourth wall, 38

frame, framing, frame size, video, 227

frame rate, video, 228

frame size, video, 230231

framing and composition of shots, 160164

framing and Rule of Thirds, 26, 4146

Franklin, Ben, 147

Freberg, Stan, 281283

Free Transform, composite images, 197

funeral slideshow, 187189


gimbals, video production, 294


defined, 76

serif, 79

widths, 87

goals, defined, 59

Goble, Katherine, 130

“good,” perceptions of, 10, 57

graphs, presentations, 136

gravity, impact on image perception, 32


adjusting in Photoshop, 183

digital color term, 106, 108109

Histogram, 114116

“Greek chorus” effect, 163

Grove, Andy, 171

Gutenberg, 76


H.264 video setting, 228

haiku, 9, 67

handwriting fonts, 8485

hard disk, video pre-production, 309

Hausman, Carl, 6566, 124, 129, 140

headphones, audio, 262

headroom, 43

heart and mind, appealing to, 12

hero shot, 36

hero’s journey, 57

Hertz, frequencies in, 254

HEVC (High Efficiency) video setting, 228

Hidden Figures, 130

high camera position, 3537

Histogram, grayscale and video, 114116

Hitchcock, Alfred, 57

Hollyn, Norman, 22, 25, 8585

hook, defined, 11

Horizontal Type tool, Photoshop, 193

How Pictures Work, 31

How to Win Friends and Influence People, 15

How to Write Short, 57, 65

HSN (Home Shopping Network), 1920

hue of color, 106107, 133


I (Interest) in AIDA, 63

IdeaGrams, 5153

images. See also composite images; still images; stock images and footage

black and white, 184

copyright, 148

cropping, 44

dealing with sun, 156158

editing software, 170

emotional values, 36

evoking stories, 5759

Fair Use, 147

horizontal vs. vertical, 146

lighting, 150156

making compelling, 3133

in messages, 13

persuasiveness of, 9

planning, 147

presentations, 138139

structure and effectiveness, 32

variations in pacing, 34

importing media, 311315

in the frame first, controlling viewer’s eye, 2930


need for, 6

taking action, 11

Influencing Human Behavior, 15

infomercials, 1921

in-point, audio, 266

Inspector controls, video post‑production, 328


active listening, 243

being a guest, 246248

conducting, 242243

decoding, 249

planning, 240242

questions, 241243, 245

structure, 244245

video crews, 242


video file sizes, 231

video settings, 228

isolation versus connection, 14

italic fonts, serif, 81


Jarvis Rockwell, 215

Jordan, Larry

“Decoding Interview-Speak,” 249

“A Life-Changing Conversation,” 343

“A Little Knowledge Is a Dangerous Thing,” 302303

“Thoughts on Learning Technology,” 374375

JPEG file format, 179

judgment and emotion, 12


K (kelvins), 101


defined, 77

Photoshop, 195

title text, 9192

Kerr, Cheryl B., 165

Kerr, Lawrence P., 165

key light, 151, 153155

keyboard shortcuts

Color Picker, 207

hiding and revealing clips, 317

Photoshop, 204

reviewing and marking clips, 319

Keynote, keyboard shortcuts, 139

Khan-Panni, Phillip, 61, 128

Kilpatrick, James J., 54

Kim, Yang, 103


Lasso tool, Photoshop, 200

Layers panel, Photoshop, 193194

layers vs. backgrounds, composite images, 195196

Levels sliders, Photoshop, 183

light, frequencies of, 101


angles, 155

images, 150156

line graphs, presentations, 136

line spacing

defined, 77

tightening for titles, 9293

Linked vs. Embedded Place options, 198

Little Red Riding Hood, 31

logos, defined, 61

look and colors, finalizing, 338340

looking room, reducing, 4142

low camera position, 3537

low-cut filter, microphones, 256


Mac retina displays, 176

macOS Colors window, 114

Magic Wand tool, Photoshop, 202

Magnetic Lasso tool, Photoshop, 200

Marquee tools, Photoshop, 199, 202

Mary, Natasha, 187

masks as selections, 199


configuring browser, 315316

favorites and keywords, 317318

as haiku, 9

hiding and revealing clips, 317

importing, 311315

management, 229234

Motion graphics, 364367

“media” terminology, 8

medical collaboration, improving, 165167

Melmon, Ron, 143


power of, 57

word counts for presentations, 69


and audiences, 1415, 5657

credibility, 12

defined, 59

designing, 65

images in, 13

making memorable, 17

persuasiveness of, 11

points relevant to, 6465

power, 12

similarity, 12

#MeToo movement, 49


choosing, 255259

for mobile devices, 261

placement, 264

pop filters, 265

wired or wireless, 261

Miller, Loren, 215

mind and heart, appealing to, 12

mind maps, 51

mixing audio, 253, 261262, 270278, 323

mobile devices, video production, 289

monitor calibration, 186

monitor speakers, audio, 262

monospace fonts, 8688

Motion graphics

3D axes, 373

3D text engine, 369372

adding animation, 362364

adding media, 364367

adding text, 350

animated composite, 354362

animating text, 352354

creating, 347

frame rates, 348

groups for organization, 356357

overview, 346347

playhead and Mini-Timeline, 350352

regions, 349

Safe Zones, 359

saving and exporting work, 368372

text, 361362

Tools menu, 351

movable type, 75

Move tool, Photoshop, 202

movement, controlling viewer’s eye, 28, 32

Multiband Compressor, audio, 275276

multichannel recorders, audio, 261262

multitasking, 16

Murphy’s Law Rules, video production, 288

music, audio, 253


NCIS-look, 154

Newton, Isaac, 99100

NLE (nonlinear editor), 310

Norman, Donald A., 11, 144


object size, image structure and effectiveness, 32

objectives, defined, 59

ontologizing, 118

organizing with workflow, 5961

Orwell, George, 62, 68

out-point, audio, 266

output and compression, audio, 278280

Overstreet, Harry A., 15


pan, controlling, 272

Parametric EQ filter, audio, 277278

Pastoureau, Michel, 96, 102

Patch tool, 181

pathos, defined, 61

“Pearls before Swine,” 56

people and cameras, placing, 3740

perception, functioning of, 118


as active conversation, 10

Aristotle’s elements of, 61

characteristics, 354352

as choice, 67, 11

and choice, 56

essence of, 6162

four-step process, 63

as necessity, 810

as neutral word, 7

overview, 1012

process of, 67

and simplicity, 63

sincerity of, 62

vs. training, 126

Phenomenology of Perception, 118

photo shoots, planning, 149150


background behind layer, 208

bitmap fundamentals, 171172

blend modes, 209211

blurring backgrounds, 206

Character panel, 194

cloud documents, 178

color pickers, 207208

creating documents, 192

cropping images, 176178

drop shadows, 194

feathering, 206

History command, 175

Horizontal Type tool, 193

image formats, 179

interface, 173174

kerning, 92, 195

keyboard shortcuts, 173, 204

Lasso tool, 200

Layers panel, 193194

Levels sliders, 183

Magic Wand tool, 202

Magnetic Lasso tool, 200

Marquee tools, 199

Move tool, 173, 202

opening files, 173

Polygonal Lasso tool, 200

preferences, 172173

saving images, 178

scaling images, 175176

selection tools, 199204

Smart Objects, 197

straightening images, 174175

Undo command, 175

zooming in, 173

pie charts, presentations, 136

pillars of trust, 61

pitch deck, presentations, 127

pitching, impact of, 11

pixel, digital color term, 105

pixels, 171, 203

Place vs. Open, composite images, 198

plan, importance of, 24

PNG file format, 179

pointed shapes, image structure and effectiveness, 32

Politics and the English Language, 62

Polygonal Lasso tool, Photoshop, 200

posters, word counts, 69

post-production. See video post-production

power and messages, 12

“power words,” 6869


Animations panel, 141

design templates, 132

keyboard shortcuts, 139

word counts for slides, 69

PPI (pixels per inch), digital color term, 106

pre-production. See video pre-production

Present Like a Pro, 129


3D bar chart, 134

apps vs. cloud, 130

backgrounds, 130134

backgrounds and fonts, 130134

charts, 134137

colors, 137

design thoughts, 137

design tip, 140

drop shadows, 137, 139140

fonts, 130134

images, 138139

keyboard shortcuts, 139

locking hue, 133

media, 141142

numbers in slides, 140

pitch deck, 127

planning, 129130

PowerPoint design templates, 132

readability of slides, 129

recollection based on delivery, 128

resource, 129

simplicity, 130

Six Priorities, 131

success of, 128

textures, 133

transitions, 140141

The Presenter’s Paradox, 65

press release, 9495

primary colors, 107

printing press, introduction of, 76

production, process of, 287


archiving, 341

exporting, 368372

output, 340341

saving, 368

proofreading work, 6970

props, video production, 299300

PSD (Photoshop) file format, 179


radio, explanation, 281283


and background, 111

of fonts, 9093

of slides in presentations, 129

reading, lack of interest in, 14

recording audio, 253

Red Eye tool, 180

rehearsal, video production, 301

repairing images, 179186

reports, stories as, 57

resolution, digital color term, 106

RGB (red, green, blue) color, 107108

right-handedness, 46

rim light, 156

Rockwell, Norman, 215217

Rule of Thirds

displaying on iPhone, 161

and framing, 4146

Rule of Threes, video post‑production, 321


Safe Zones, Motion graphics, 359

sales pitch, impact of, 11

sample rate, audio, 265

sans serif fonts, 8284

saturation of color, 106107


images in Photoshop, 178

projects, 368

scaling, composite images, 196197

scatterplots, presentations, 136

scenes, emphasizing drama of, 153

screen direction, 154

script fonts, 8485

secondary colors, 107

“Seeing without Knowing,” 117121

selection tools, Photoshop, 199204

serif fonts, 7982

set lights, 151, 153155

sex and marketing, 4750

shadows and lighting, 151

shapes, image structure and effectiveness, 32

shooting from angles, 38

shots, framing and composition, 160164

“show, don’t tell,” 13

Six Priorities

combining, 30

controlling viewer’s eye, 2730

presentations, 131

Sjodin, Terri, 62, 64

skin color, 112113, 116

slides. See presentations

Small Message, Big Impact, 62

Smart Objects, Photoshop, 197

smooth shapes, image structure and effectiveness, 32

sound design, 253. See also audio

sound effects, 253

sound waves, 253

Spot Healing brush, 179180

Starkovich, Dennis, 51

still images. See also composite images; images; stock images

adjusting exposure, 182184

Clone tool, 180182

color adjustment, 184185

color balance, 186

cropping, 176178

ethics of editing, 170171

exposure adjustment, 182184

formats, 179

Patch tool, 181182

repairing, 179186

saving, 178179

scaling, 175176

Spot Healing brush, 179180

straightening, 174175

terminology, 8

stock images and footage, 148149

storage, video, 229233


and audiences, 16

defined, 59

evoked by images, 5759

focusing questions, 62

organizing in timeline, 324325

as reports, 57

trimming, 325327

storyboards, video, 224225

Strunk, William, Jr., 66

subject of scene, determining, 38

subtractive color, 108

sun and images, 156158

symmetry vs. balance, 4445



vs. actors, 150

blocking, 158159

close-ups, 296299

crossing the 180° line, 297

posing, 295

props, 163

staging entrances, 299

talking to, 160

talent staging, video production, 295299

technology, learning, 374375

temperature of color, 101102

testimonials, 20

text. See also fonts; type

adding in post-production, 329331

composite images, 192195

drop shadows for Motion graphics, 361

lack of interest in, 14

Motion graphics, 350, 352354, 361362

in moving media, 78

versus visual persuasion, 13

“The Battle Between Thoughts and Emotions in Persuasion,” 67

theme, defined, 59

“think” vs. “feel,” 67

three-point lighting, 151, 157

TIFF file format, 179

timecode, video, 228

timeline, organizing story in, 324325

Title Browser, 329

title text, kerning, 9192

titles, tightening line spacing, 9293

Torina, Joe, 19

tracking, defined, 77

transcode, video, 228

transitions, types, 327


audio, 266

stories, 325327

tripods, video production, 293

trust, pillars of, 61

Tufte, Edward, 136

tungsten color temperature, 102

TV sales promotion, 1920

Twitter, character counts, 66

type. See also fonts

anatomy of, 77

design of, 7679

history of, 7576

movable, 75


design of, 74

and emotions, 75

vs. fonts, 76

typewriter fonts, 8688


avoiding “ransom notes,” 93

defined, 77


Vectorscope, 114116

vertical shapes, image structure and effectiveness, 32

Victor, Rachel, 215


Histogram, 114116

Motion graphics, 366368

shooting, 287

skills for students, 236237

terminology, 8

Waveform Monitor, 114116

word counts, 69

Video Inspector effects, 331332

video post-production

archiving project, 341

audio levels, 323

building story, 318324

codecs, 310

editing workflow, 308309

event, 309

final audio mix, 338

gathering media, 310

“good” editing, 306307

Inspector controls, 328

library, 309

look and colors, 338340

media, 310

NLE (nonlinear editor), 310

organizing media, 311318

organizing story in timeline, 324325

planning project, 310

project output, 340341

projects, 309, 319320

ProRes 422, 310

rhythm, 307308

Rule of Threes, 321

text and effects, 328337

Transcoding, 314315

transitions, 327328

trimming story, 325327

video pre-production

aspect ratio, 228

backups, 233

camera concepts, 222223

camera master, 228

clip, 227

cloud storage, 232

codec, 227

compress, 228

copyright, 223

deliverable, 227

duration, 228

event, 316

file sizes, 231

folder naming convention, 234235

frame, framing, frame size, 227

frame rate, 228

frame size, 230231

hard disk, 309

library, 316

media management, 229234

overview, 222223

planning, 224226

rhythm, 223

storage, 229233

storyboards, 224225

timecode, 228

transcode, 228

workflow, 225226

video production

camera gear, 288294

cinema cameras, 291292

drones, 292

DSLR (digital single lens reflex) cameras, 290291

gimbals, 294

inexperienced talent, 300301

mobile devices, 289

Murphy’s Law Rules, 288

planning, 287288

props, 299300

rehearsal, 301

renting gear, 294295

talent staging, 295299

tripods, 293

visual composition basics, 26, 3337, 160164

visual literacy, 2526

visual persuasion, 89, 1214

visual storytelling, learning and breaking rules, 2425

voice, improving with low-cut filter, 256

volume, audio, 254


walking toward camera, 40

warm color, 101102

waveform, audio, 254

Waveform Monitor, 114116

What More Can I Say? 6

white light, 101102

“Why?” answering, 1516

wide shot, 159

wide vs. close camera angles, 3335

WII-FM (“What’s in it for me?”), 1516, 6465

Williams, Joseph M., 68

wipe transition, 327328

Woodbury’s Facial Soap, 49

word counts for presentations, 69

“words of power,” 6869


organizing with, 5961

video, 225226

Wozniak, Curt, 103

Write Better, Speak Better, 56

writing short, 6569